Burn Remedies?


<font color=red>On Thread Killer Patrol<br><font c
Aug 19, 1999
Dummy Me picked up a lid tonight right after I took it off the grill and burned my thumb and index finger on my left hand. I was outside, so I immediately (after dropping the lid :rolleyes: ) picked up a handful of snow. I have been keeping these fingers in a cup filled with snow (see - I guess it comes on handy for SOMETHING ;) ) for the last 2 hours. And when the fingers are in the glass with the snow they feel fine - but when I take them out - WOW-WEE - Does it hurt!!!
There are blistered - but the blisters are not bad at all. But it sure does hurt!
So does anyone have any good remedies for burns? I don't have an aloe plant here - so I can't so that. Are there any other things that I might true to help to heal these burns and get rid of the pain?

Thanks! Ow Ow Ow!!! ...putting my fingers back in the snow now...Ow Ow Ow!!!
it around your finger for a while......cause it does take the burn out...do you have any aqua stuff....it is for burns and works almost as good as silvadine.......which is a perscription sauve
Hope yu feel better......do not do any of those old wives things we did when we were young.....like butter......geesh.....lets just fry the finger with fat..........
ouchie! :(

I was going to suggest Aloe but if you don't have any there goes that remedy.

My mom always told me to put butter on a burn but I thought it would just make me want to eat my hand so I never tried it. :teeth:
Beth, the only thing I know of is to keep it in cool water.

:( :( :( :( :( :(
I know that pain. I burned my thumb and index finger picking up a fork from the stove. It was so hot the fork actually stuck to my skin. It's been thirty years, and I can still remember the pain. I kept my hand in a cup of ice water for hours. Like you, it felt fine until I took my hand out. I had to go to bed with the cup of water. When I fell asleep my hand raised up out of the water, and the pain would wake me up. That happened most of the night. Sometime near dawn I woke up with my hand out of the water, and it didn't hurt anymore.

I hope your pain goes away sooner than mine did.
I am not positive of this, but I think I was told you could put menthol shaving cream on a burn to cool it. I always have aloe so I have never had to resort to anything else.
I know with a sunburn you can put red vinegar on the sunburn and it takes out some of the sting. I'm not sure if that would help with any other kind of burn.

I hope the burn isn't too bad.
I don't know if you are still looking for help, but here's what helped me in a similar situation. Mine was on my hand as well. I had it in ice water for several hours and knew I wouldn't be able to sleep like that. I called my dad (retired Dr.) and he told me it is air touching the burn that causes the pain and since it was a small burn my best bet was to just cover it really well. He said cover it with gauze etc., put a sock on it, and wrap it more - to the point of looking really silly - you don't want any air getting in. That's what I did - it took a while for the pain to subside, but then I was fine all night. By the next day I was able to unwrap it and pretty much ignore it.

Hopefully yours is better already!
This won't help you this time, but, ask your doctor to give you a prescription for Silvadin. This stuff is GREAT! Take it from me...I work in a school cafeteria and get burned a lot!
NO SNOW!!!! Too cold actually extends the burn. Put some ice in some water and keep it there...cool, not freezing, until the pain wears off. Then keep it clean.
A coworker of mine gave me the best remedy for burns and I've used it for years now, BAKING SODA! It actually stops the burn from blistering and soothes it very quickly.

Hope you get some relief soon.
My Mum used to use butter too, but I use Aloe Vera:D
Ok please do NOT put BUTTER on a burn! It is the absolute WRONG THING TO USE.

Silvadene is a common and effective treatment for burns. You need an Rx from the doc to get it.

Cool water is the best home remedy.. no ice.

If after several hours the pain of the burn is still intense I suggest you head over to the ER.

You can use Tylenol to help manage the pain also.
DO NOT break the blisters. You can cover the burned area with non-stick telfa and a loose wrap gauze.
Hope you heal up quick!


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