"But...I can't go to sleep until I write my trip notes!" COMPLETED!


This morning we had an ADR at 1900 Park Fare bright and early (8 am to be exact)! That must be the time PF opens as we got there at about 755 and the doors weren’t even open yet. I was relieved because the monorail was down and we had to take a bus from MK to the GF (they had a special bus running b/c of the problems). Our bus driver that morning was really friendly, energetic and helpful. He had a “No Yawning” rule allowed! *Laughing*

As soon as we got to PF they took our picture and down we sat. Can I just say DELICIOUS?! It BLOWS Chef Mickey’s out of the water! (IMO) It was not busy at all, there were countless open tables throughout our time there and the buffet was easy to access. I stuffed myself to the brim before we headed out and took the now running monorail to MK to catch a few rides before heading back to our resort for a nap and some packing.



We were at MK from about 930-1200 and we rode Space Mountain, Buzz Lightyear, Snow White, saw Phillhar Magic and The Hall of Presidents, and went on Haunted Mansion. I would call that a success!



This was the day that it rained and we snapped our poncho bag onto the fanny pack and we were all set for our afternoon and evening! We ended up wearing them on and off the entire night. When we got to MK, it was drizzling and we walked right over to Splash Mountain and walked right on because of the rain. (At least we didn’t get soaked this time, especially since the rocket of water that hits you was turned off.) We then went over to BTMRR and rode that with the shortest wait I had ever experienced! After that, I decided I wanted to ride the train (for the very first time). I loved it!
We took it to Main Street and then walked through the stores looking for any last minute goodies to take home before going to get our wristband for MVMCP and stopping for dinner at Cosmic Rays. I was NOT impressed by CR. I ordered the Chicken Dinner and DH ordered the Rib Dinner. We will NOT be ordering these menu items again.

After dinner we rode Peter Pan’s Flight and It’s a Small World. We then decided to get a spot for the parade, only to find that it was already crowded. We took our spots standing behind a family in front of us and waited. Shortly after we claimed our spots another family came over and little by little kept trying to get us to move over (we had no room to do so)! What is it with our luck with finding people that think we don’t need to watch the parade. At one point the lady was purposely hitting me with her backpack and saying, LOUDLY and RUDELY, that “some people just don’t want to move over!” I bit my tongue and ignored her because I had every right to be there! I wasn’t blocking anyone’s view, there were no children that couldn’t see standing behind us. It was so crowded! They came by and checked for our wristbands 3 times before the parade began.

The parade was great. The characters stopped frequently (is this what we paid for?) and the CMs in the parade were so energetic! It brought a big smile to my face!





After the parade, we walked closer to the Castle to get a better view for Holiday Wishes. At this point, I ran into a girl I went to high school with that was a CM. This was her last time at MK before she was heading home. Holiday Wishes was nice but I definitely regret not seeing Wishes earlier in the week, it’s Jiminy Crickets voice and the children singing that gets me every time!



After the parade we went over to ride Pirates and then decided it was time to head back. We fastened our pace once we realized the 1030 parade was beginning and got all the way through to the front before we got stopped. Luckily, there was a large break in the parade where they let us through. We got back to the room and I went to bed right away, I was EXHAUSTED and we had a long and early day the next day, our departure day. *Sad Face*
The parade looked awesome. I loved Eeyore pulling his little wagon with the sad looking Christmas tree in it. That was cute. And the Gingerbread Men are adorable. The Castle all lit up in the cool colors was awesome.
The parade looked awesome. I loved Eeyore pulling his little wagon with the sad looking Christmas tree in it. That was cute. And the Gingerbread Men are adorable. The Castle all lit up in the cool colors was awesome.

I HAD to put the Eeyore picture on here because it was too cute! :lovestruc I also loved the Gingerbread Men. That parade was the best I have seen at WDW. :cloud9: I see you are leaving for WDW soon! Have a great trip and be sure to eat lots of delicious food!
Just found your trip report and enjoyed it very much. We were there at the same time and were at some of the same parks as you at the same time. We were at DHS on Sunday, MK on Monday and at MVMCP on Thursday. I haven't done a trip report yet, because I took over 2000 photos and haven't been able to tackle putting them on photobucket:scared1: I hope you had as great of a time as we did. :yay:
Day 6

My last post isn't going to be all that exciting...sorry! :sad2: I didn't take the greatest pictures at AKL and that is the only place we went on this day of our departure! I was feeling very ill :sick: but still managed to stuff my face full of the delciousness that is Boma food! :lmao: We woke up too early this morning and I layed back down for a bit before we decided to head out and see if we could be seated early for breakfast. We took a cab this morning, as our ADR was for 820am, and I couldn't rely on the bus service to get us there on time. The cab ride was short from AS-Sports, as AK is the closest park to the AS Resorts. We were seated at 745am and were on our way out about 820am! I would have liked to walk around more and look out onto the savannah but I just felt so sick! (I really felt as though I had the flu!) We went back to the resort and decided to go back to our room so I could sleep before the ME came to get us. After waking up I felt MUCH better! One thing I know for next time is to plan for more down time...and choose better meals! I have a very sensitive stomach and it doesn't react well when I eat too much fat, when food is cooked in certain oils and overly processed foods.

We arrived, checked in, and our plane left about 30 minutes late but we still managed to land back home as scheduled! The ride was VERY rocky as we were flying over several storms. I do not do well flying and that ride left me not feeling much better about flying. It was COLD at home! My MIL picked us up and off we went...the trip was over. :sad2:
Final Thoughts:

The trip is over and now, so is the report! I am sad. :sad2: I want to go back as soon as we can afford, I just don't know when that will be. Our next vacation will be a beach vacation, we are thinking Cancun, Jamaica or Myrtle Beach. If we do not visit WDW this year we will definitely visit next year, again, if we can afford it. The only way we are able to afford a vacation this year is because we get to take advantage of the new homebuyer's tax credit. :cool1: My cousin applied for the CP through WDW and is waiting to hear and it would be nice to visit her while she is there. (Fall '10) We were thinking over Thanksgiving as DH would only need to use 3 vacation days but I am worried about crowds, peak rates, and insane air fare! Thoughts??? Maybe September...(We can do Food & Wine Festival!)

To earn gift cards for Disney, I have joined Sunshine Rewards, it was mentioned in a report I read and I decided to check it out. I joined last week and I have almost $7.00 in my account. It has become my "part-time job". It would be nice to have those gift cards for souvenairs/added drinks & appetizers.


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