"But WHY did you do it?" Our Annual Disney Christmas trip PTR/TR Completed 10-17-11!!

So what prompted this Disney update? I perhaps may have a Disney trip in the works and in order to make the Disney magic seem more real and last longer, I decided to dust off my old TR binder and see if I could give some respect back to my latest report!

So, quick recap, we had just finished eating the best meal EVER at Brown Derby and were off to finish our night at DHS.

We waited in line for Little Mermaid and finally got on. It was about 15 minutes of a wait, but Blake and I were stuffed and needed to let us food digest anyway before he headed to Rock and Roller Coaster.

Two of my favs from the show.


Blake and I have learned by now not to sit in the middle of the theatre, because you do get wet! I always forgot how much water they send down and at night, it gets me chilly!

After the show, we still had these babies in our hand.

And had waited to ride TSM ALLLL day! This ride is always so much fun!

And the scores were......

Judging by the facial expressions can you guess who won???

Heck yeah! :goodvibes BUT, even though I do kick his butt all the time TSM, he ALWAYS beats me at Buzz Lightyear, ok, I admit it!

Next up...Rock and Roller coaster

It was such a nice night. I always pick a nice spot on the concrete wall and normally have my chocolate covered banana, but I was too full still, so instead I just waited on my wall with my trip report and updated. Blake's "plan" was to ride Rock and Rollercoaster twice. Once with his FP and once with mine. Did the plan keep???

Nope. :rotfl:
He came back with a look and said "whoa..what a rush." Apparently he forgot about how fast it was and opted to only ride it once. We decided to give the other fastpass away. Blake and I are very particular about who we give our fastpass prizes too...we always take so long to decide :rotfl2:

So he finally picked out a young teenager and the look on his face when Blake handed it to him, was like "REALLY? Are you SERIOUS!" So Blake was happy with his decision! And we headed off toward our favorite part of the evening....


I can not tell you how beautiful this event is. We have seen it 5 times now and are blown away every time. I wish there were seats or something so you could leisurely sit and take it all in. The lights start up at 7:30 and go until park close. DEFINITE must see if you go in December.

Here are a few of our favorites.

They have fake snow (bubbles) falling, I love how this one you can see the "snow" against the black sky and the colors

Although they were a little carried away with the snow this year.
Case in point.



When the lights start dancing to the music, it is just the best thing ever! :wizard: My favorite is the Trans-Siberian Orchestra dance.

We were ready to leave and try and beat the Fantasmic crowd, which was a success! But on our way out, this was the cutest window display!

We stopped into Pop on our bus ride back to grab some water and a banana, but realized we were both a little hungrier than that, so we looked at the menu:

And decided upon 1 CS meal. The Turkey Ciabatta sandwich which was excellent with spicy mayo served with chips, another bottle of water, an apple turnover and some grapes to share.

It was fantastic and hit the spot! I am always a sucker for a really great sandwich! We ate happily in our bed until we cleaned up and watched some tv, a little worried that the next day, our Magic Kingdom day!! Was expecting 60% showers all day.

Would the rain hold up or would we get soaked??

Stay tuned!
Hurray! You started your trip report back up! :yay: Looks like a great ending to your day at DHS -- love those Osborne lights! So, are you thinking about another Christmas trip?
I had to go back and read your Brown Derby review and I am so happy that you loved eating there!!! :goodvibes Your review is making me think I'm absolutely crazy for not having an ADR there in January....:rolleyes1

So talk to me about this trip in the works!! When are you going? Where are you staying? Details lady!
Hurray! You started your trip report back up! :yay: Looks like a great ending to your day at DHS -- love those Osborne lights! So, are you thinking about another Christmas trip?
I did I did! The Osbourne lights..there's just no words for them!! :wizard:
I am thinking about another Christmas trip, with a few extra vistors and a switch up resorts this time! :goodvibes

I had to go back and read your Brown Derby review and I am so happy that you loved eating there!!! :goodvibes Your review is making me think I'm absolutely crazy for not having an ADR there in January....:rolleyes1

So talk to me about this trip in the works!! When are you going? Where are you staying? Details lady!
Oh my gosh LL...we LOVED LOVED Brown Derby! It is a must for us now! I don't want to peer pressure you into not having an ADR..what are you thinking!!! :rotfl: But no seriously, it is totally up to you and I understand wanting to try new places too!

The only thing that's holding me back from starting a PTR is making sure we can get the days off. With being new at our company, we haven't fallen into the entire paid vacation yet, so it's going to be close if we can do it! But we are thinking about a moderate since my mom is coming with us this time, to even out the cost a little! But we can't decide on what on, I've only stayed at CBR so I need to research a little :thumbsup2
Oh my gosh LL...we LOVED LOVED Brown Derby! It is a must for us now! I don't want to peer pressure you into not having an ADR..what are you thinking!!! :rotfl: But no seriously, it is totally up to you and I understand wanting to try new places too!

The only thing that's holding me back from starting a PTR is making sure we can get the days off. With being new at our company, we haven't fallen into the entire paid vacation yet, so it's going to be close if we can do it! But we are thinking about a moderate since my mom is coming with us this time, to even out the cost a little! But we can't decide on what on, I've only stayed at CBR so I need to research a little :thumbsup2
I really really loved Riverside and French Quarter. They are so great, I love the atmosphere at both of them. I think the next time I stay at a moderate I want it go be French Quarter.
YAYAYAYAYAY I'm so glad you have started back up!!!!!! What great pictures of DHS at Christmastime!! I would so love to do the Osborne Lights someday!!!!!!

YAY for winning!! You rock!!! WOOT WOOT!!!
I really really loved Riverside and French Quarter. They are so great, I love the atmosphere at both of them. I think the next time I stay at a moderate I want it go be French Quarter.
You know all of our dreams are to have a chance to stay in all the resorts at least once! So, I want to stay at a moderate, 1) because my mom and I used to stay there and 2) we've tried all the values except All Star Movies. I really want to stay at CBR again b/c my mom and I used to stay there when I was little and I think it'd be cool for her, but I also have Riverside/French Quarter and Coronado high on the list cause they all just look so darn cool!

YAYAYAYAYAY I'm so glad you have started back up!!!!!! What great pictures of DHS at Christmastime!! I would so love to do the Osborne Lights someday!!!!!!

YAY for winning!! You rock!!! WOOT WOOT!!!
I did start it back up! And I'm so excited too! I didn't want to disrespect the trip report..all reports deserve to be finished :thumbsup2 Oh Jen, you would LOVE LOVE LOVE Osbourne Lights..girls trip for 2012? Who's with me?!
Hi all! I am determined to get this trip report finished because guess what...we have an upcoming trip in December!!

So, bare with me, we shall get through!

Ok, so when we last left off, we had a great meal at Brown Derby, then saw the amazingly wonderful Osbourne Family Lights. If you EVER get the change to visit WDW in December, make sure you check these out!!

My last comment in my trip book from the night before says, "...a little worried about the 60% chance of showers al day tomorrow on our MK day"

So, at least it wasnt a surprise, we knew it would probably rain. Blake and I woke up to the pelting of the rain on the windows and knew we'd need our rations. He rain to the gift shop and got $7 ponchos, because we forgot our walmart ones, but they were nice and said Disney on them, so they will definitely get some use. I put on jeans, tennis shoes, and my hat...knew it would be a bad hair day!! And layered it up.

This was the first glance when heading to breakfast.

It's ok..we knew it would be bad.

So, Blake and I headed inside to the Pop food court and grabbed our favorite meals of the trip.

Pop waffle with strawberry topping for me and the bounty platter for Blake. Mmm..although I did steal some of his potatoes..love those!

After we had our fill, we boarded the bus. I don't have any notes in my trip planner until dinner so bare with me!

This was our sight.

We're here!
Beautiful MK Christmas tree. Little wet ground, but we can manage!

Approaching the castle..I love all the wreaths strung across, especially the mickey shaped ones on the lamp posts!

And there she is! Castle, you look beautiful even in the rain!

So Blake and I decided to make the best of it. The park was pretty empty so we went to start knocking out the rides! We opted to go toward Frontier Land instead of our usual way to Tomorrowland.


And grabbed passes for Splash Mountain.

First up..of the triple mountain whammie...Thundermountain!

It was literally a WALK ON. You know how thundermountain is..you think you're good and then there's all that winding and weaving through the different rooms..but this time..around the corner and BOOM down the ramp. It was awesome.

I have no words for the picture other than you get the point.

We were laughing hysterically through this one because the rain kept pelting us in the face as we wiped around the turns. Great ride!:rotfl:


While we were close, I thought of Jen and headed to the Haunted Mansion! 10 minute wait!

They were redoing the graveyard so it was all blocked off and there was nothing to look at. So, I glanced down and Blake saw this!

Super freaky right?! Especially since in the haunted mansion wait line!
And the illegal taking of the photo in the HM for LL

Next up..more wet rides!
Hurray for an update, Jess, and a double hurray for another trip coming soon!

I agree -- even in the rain the sight of the castle and Main Street is beautiful!

That's one great thing about crummy weather -- people stay away from the parks!

Oh, and how I wish there was a Pop Century waffle for my breakfast this morning!
Okay, I was all set with January 2013 as the time for my trip but then you have to go and remind me of the Osborne Lights and all the pretty Christmas decorations! :confused3:rotfl2:

It's a rainy yucky day here and oh how I wish I was at Disney right now. I would gladly wear a poncho! :laughing:
Hurray for an update, Jess, and a double hurray for another trip coming soon!

I agree -- even in the rain the sight of the castle and Main Street is beautiful!

That's one great thing about crummy weather -- people stay away from the parks!

Oh, and how I wish there was a Pop Century waffle for my breakfast this morning!
Trust me, when I posted these pictures last night, I totally wanted a Pop waffle with hot strawberries...YUM! And double hurray indeed for another trip! :goodvibes

Okay, I was all set with January 2013 as the time for my trip but then you have to go and remind me of the Osborne Lights and all the pretty Christmas decorations! :confused3:rotfl2:

It's a rainy yucky day here and oh how I wish I was at Disney right now. I would gladly wear a poncho! :laughing:
Even if you don't get to do it on your next trip, just plan on being there during Christmas for one of your trips. The good thing is, it's still cheap to go during that timeframe AND we have always received either free dining or 40% off rooms every year. Totally rocks especially when they throw all the decorations in there! :thumbsup2
Oh Jess...my beloved HM is even beautiful in the rain!!!!! I love it!! I cannot wait to see it again in October!!

OOOH a trip in the works...I think you need to be sharing some details missy!!!!!!!!!
Oh Jess...my beloved HM is even beautiful in the rain!!!!! I love it!! I cannot wait to see it again in October!!

OOOH a trip in the works...I think you need to be sharing some details missy!!!!!!!!!
I know!! I think of you every we get on it, as I'm sure most DIS'er do!! I'm really chugging away at this TR, cause I'm so excited to start the PTR! Moderate this year, extra guests, December..that's all you get...for now ;)
When we last left off, it was a rainy Magic Kingdom day! We had tackled a few of the main attractions, but of course were ready for MORE!

As we walked back to Frontierland it started to pour again. Put the ponchos back on and dipped into one of the mining stores. Blake found his name. He was contemplating buying this because we had been Woody and Jesse for Halloween and made our costumes. But, he decided against it and was just happy they had his name.

The real things.

We waited for a few minutes, but of course they had to leave. Don't you hate that!?

Sidetrack...these were the costumes we made last year

Aren't they great?! I sewed piping onto a white collared shirt and pinned fabric to my jeans, painted the hats and strung them, the hardest part was Blake's vest which he did a great job on! :goodvibes

Ok..next up..ARRGGG!



You know you wanna say it.....

We wants the redhead! We wants the redhead!
Love that part!

While we were close..a walkon

Favorite scene from the JC

I always liked this ride until the Safari came along at AK. Lately, we've been having bad luck with our cruise guides..hopefully we'll get someone great this next trip!

As we headed back through Adventureland, we stumbled upon the parade. Is this is Celebration Parade? Or move it shake it?
Whatever it was, it was fun! So many great characters on these floats!




Gotta get the poncho shot!

It was sprinkling, but the sun was started to pop through the clouds

Continued in next post...
Then, it time for our favorite land...

And a very friendly and familiar sight

Ahhh..we love this!

I love zipping along tomorrowland. So many people and rides and sights to look at. Great picture opportunities. Here were some from today's trip around tomorrowland!

Paging Mr. Morrow. Mr. Tom Morrow.



There she is! And in much foggy conditions! Love this view!


Once we were safely back down, it was time for lunch at a favorite...
Your costumes are great!!!

So glad the sun started to peek out.

I would love to take a ride on the Peoplemover today, I much rather do that than go to work! :rotfl2:
More fun times at the Magic Kingdom!!! :thumbsup2 Your costumes from last year are great! You guys did an awesome job on your costumes!
Aw thank you Jackie!! We were really surprised they turned out so well! The funniest thing was when we went out that day, there was a little boy about 4 who was dressed like Woody too and his head followed us the whole time we walked past him. Blake finally came up to him and said "howdy partner!" and the little boy looked at us with this face that was like..I'm the only Woody! How is there another one?! Is he the real Woody? It was adorable. He ended up telling his mom he needed a photo with us, so cute!

Your costumes are great!!!

So glad the sun started to peek out.

I would love to take a ride on the Peoplemover today, I much rather do that than go to work! :rotfl2:
Thanks LL! I LOVE the transit authority. The sounds, zooming past the sights. I can hear it now! I'm with ya on the ride instead of work today! :thumbsup2

just started following along and had to jump over and say congrats!
Hi there! Welcome!! It's obviously taking me a while to finish this TR from last december :rotfl2: but I am determined so I can start my next PTR! :thumbsup2
You are making me all kinds of excited for my December trip.....can't hardly wait!!!!!!!!


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