Buzz's Brigade 2009 - Moving to Infinity and Beyond!!!

Here are my May run/bike/swim miles and times totals. (Including double miles for my tri)

Miles: 210.02
Time: 31 hours 58 minutes
Oops, my last login was May 1. Time flies, I guess...

Quick recap -- Ran a 1/2 marathon in Wisconsin on May 2. Got a PR so I was very happy! Ran a 10-miler over Memorial Day weekend. It finished on the 50-yard line at Soldier Field (go Bears!) so that was pretty cool except there were no photos of me on the field. Oh well, saved me $20. Other than those events, lots of spinning and weight training also and I've spent some quality time on my road bike now that the weather is nice. I finally got a Wii Fit so that's been entertaining me at night now that TV is in reruns for the summer.

I don't know my miles and time - that's on my work computer. Now I can login more than once in June.

This weekend I'm running a 10K at the (Lincoln Park) Zoo and I'm running a 1/2 marathon the following weekend in the suburbs.

I really wanted to do the duathlon at Disneyland (or a tri at WDW) but I live too far to travel with a bike...good luck for those participating! I'll be in that area Labor Day for the 1/2 marathon (an annual tradition for me!)

I signed up for the NYC marathon also but I do NOT want to get in this year. I just wanted to get a guaranteed spot in 2012! I'm running the 1/2 in August and the course covers the best part anyway (Central Park, Times Square, Battery Park).
Hey Gang,
Still here. Just kinda running and maintaining. It's getting hot which means getting up early. Y'all are doing some impressive miles and races. (Kirsite~Louise, Pat, MM, Casey, Debbie.....I AM impressed!)

Got a week off at the beach this month so maybe milage will go up a little(did I tell y'all I hate running in hot weather:upsidedow)!

Chris. It is pretty bad that deekaypee (Debra) post more on our board that we do :laughing:. Good to know everybody's OK and moving!

Miles 31.3
Time 8:52
For May...

Miles: 134.27
Time: 15 hours 46 minutes

My May running miles went way down. Most of the miles are from cycling. I've got to ramp back up with my running if I'm going to be ready for the RnR Seattle 1/2 at the end of the month!
I'm sorry I missed seeing your post! I'm glad to hear you are doing it too and excited about going to Disney. I was surprised about the event being a du instead of a tri, too. If I'm not mistaken, I believe the water in CA Adventure that would have been used for the swim, is currently drained and under construction. (unless things have change recently) I was kinda glad to not have to swim, because that is my worst area. :rotfl:

I was looking at the course. Looks like fun, especially how the run starts on Main Street! They finally updated the start time, I'm sure you saw too. 6 am! The only thing I'm bummed about is that packet pick up is over in Pomona. I wish it was just at Disney or near it! I wonder how big the event is going to be?

Yeah, the packet pick up location stinks. I Google Mapped it and it looks like it's 1/2 an hour away from DL. With that and the early start time, I'm a little disappointed about not getting in much park time on Saturday. But hey, it's better than nothing. I'm still deciding between whether to do the traditional DL park, or the new CA Adventure. If I stick with DL, then my first time stepping foot in CA Adventure will be when we run through during the du. :)
Hi All,
looks like everyone is out and about. I just haven't checked in a lot lately. Been busy but that's no excuse.

It is getting hot down here. Makes running after work really tough so I keep it down to 3 - 4 miles. Have started using my bicycle a bit more because it is so much more comfortable than running, because I can go fast enough to create a breeze :)

Totals for May
Miles: 89 (almost 50/50 running and biking)
Minutes: 1215 (includes cross training)

I keep it kind of slow in the summer because of the heat. More weight work, bicycle, etc.

Got up yesterday at 5:00 a.m. to run our Ft Myers Track Club membership run. Unfortunately it was rained out, well actually it was canceled because of the lighting and not really the rain. Since we were there, a bunch of us went out and ran anyway us to get some miles in. Either way the fee paid for my 2009/2010 membership fee.

Good training to all,
:stitch:'Ohana Monday Mixer :stitch:

This one is JenG's very good question to the cousins, excerpted, about the difference between building a base and training for a race. The mixer starts here on the 'Ohana thread.

What is the difference between maintaining or building a base and training for a race? I've only been running for a year and I've either been taking time off running or training for a race. What is just building a base?

How is your approach (mental or otherwise) and exercise routine different when building your base versus training? Do you run less? Do different exercises? Approach the run differently psychologically?
I just got in to the Marine Corps Marathon :cheer2: I was given a late entry. Any other Buzzies going???

There is a secound lottery for NYC, but I do not think that I will be in that draw as I have not been wearing the track clubs sirt or doing interviews for them!!!!! (Not that I even have a shirt to waer or I was told that I had too).

I have decided that I am going to qualify for the Boston 2010 so I am planning my races so that every one I do is a qualifer, even if it means missing the Princess 1/2. :scared1:

In training I am 9 mins too slow, I'm hoping that in a race, without having to stop at stop signs I can make up the time. I've got to get in more hill work and weights too.

I'm desperate to get out and start but with DH & DD sick I'm stuck at home, think I might have to get the trainer out.(I hate the trainer).

keep up the miles everyone!!!!!!!!!
Updated to hear.

My miles have been limited to a couple 3 milers and a 5 miler each week. How am I going to be able to do Goofy again? Seems crazy to me now with my mileage being so low.
Hi Buzzies!

I've started a new thread to keep track of the rosters more easily. I expect interest in teams will start to pick up soon as the training to train and full-on training for the fall races start.

The link to this new thread is here, and it will include the rosters on the first post and monthly totals for all the teams on the second. Other posts will be for requests and new information.

Chris, could you please send me an updated roster for your team? TIA! :goodvibes
Hey Buzzies..

Warrior in the House!! I know, I know, you all are just flabergasted right??:lmao:

As prevously stated, Debra and I are trying to put together a more current WISH smaller teams thread. Keeping the teams members names current and getting people on a team that want to be.
Also on that thread is a post which I am doing that will show how all of the teams are doing.
So....... Please start a new thread each month. On the first post please include the teams total Miles and Minutes. This will make it much easier on my part to look up each teams numbers. Please don't post a link to a spreadsheet. Lots of numbers to keep track of, so having it out there in plain sight makes it easier for me (and other teams to stop by and check it out)
And with that said.... I need the Buzzers time and miles for each month starting with February. You can PM me or post it on that new thread that Debra started.

Thanks Buzz's Brigade!!!:thumbsup2

Racey Tracy
You guys are killing me.......

We have a hard enough time keeping one thread going now you want multiple threads? :rotfl2:
Alright Everyone here are the Buzz's Brigade numbers as I have them. I will add them to the beginning of our thread. :thumbsup2

Team Miles for February - 201:40 Hours, 909:54 Miles
Team Miles for March - 237:55 Hours, 1144.06 Miles
Team Miles for April - 176:37 Hours, 904.05 Miles
Team Miles for May - 179:07 Hours, 1001.15 Miles

Below are the most recent posters of Miles and Hours. I do want to say I told my team (Buzz's Brigade) that if they wanted to do the Miles and Hours that's fine and if they just wanted a smaller group to talk to that was fine as well. :cool2: So if you want to remove them from your smaller thread you mentioned that's fine, but I will keep them on our thread because for me it was less about the Miles and Hours and more about a smaller group/team for people to go to. :yay:

Millenium Mickey

I just realized I never posted my May numbers. :headache: With my traveling home for my mom's hip replacement, it has thrown me off completely. :guilty:

Results for the month of MAY:

Miles: 29.01

Hours: 9:57:52

Sorry it is so low, but May was busy, and June has been busier. I am a whopping ZERO for June. I need to get out there for my Buzzies!!! It's just so dang HOT!!!
Sorry, & I'm back. I've been crazy busy so far this year but school is done and I've started a marathon training program so I'll have miles this month. The only thing I've done this year was the muddy buddy in May (fun but tougher than I thought). Hope the team is doing well!:cheer2:

Updated to hear.

My miles have been limited to a couple 3 milers and a 5 miler each week. How am I going to be able to do Goofy again? Seems crazy to me now with my mileage being so low.

I know what you mean. I am only doing a couple of 3- 5 mile runs during the week and a 6 - 8 mile run on the weekend. But, I am playing softball 2 nights a week and doing weight training every other night. Usually throw a bike ride in on Sunday for good measure!

We'll make it. I won't start Dopey training until mid September. Pretty soon we'll be doing 12, 14, 16 ,18 on the weekends! We need to give the legs a rest.

enjoy the time off,
I finally got back outside yesterday and set a new speed record....28.97mph.:cool1:
My chair has a top speed of 30mph.....I wonder what will happen if I go over that???:scared1:
The weight lifting all last week paid off I was so much faster going up the hills, I could beat my DH!!!!! :yay: So much more weights for me.
IMy chair has a top speed of 30mph.....I wonder what will happen if I go over that???:scared1:

Hee hee hee - I wonder if you'll go into another dimension, like a through a worm hole or something?

Congrats on the speed, that is really flying.


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