*** "C" sent/received ***.....COMPLETED!!


Being a Nana is my superpower
Mar 31, 2002
Names are out
Mail day is Mar. 4....please get them out on time.

Post here when you send out so I can mark you off the list AND when you receive and tell us all the "C" items

"D" sign-ups start 3-4.
thanks Missy....:rolleyes: I was working on the D start so it was stuck in my head
I should have my package in the mail by Monday, and will let everyone know when I've sent it. It's going to be a crazy few days helping a friend of ours move, so it's a matter of finding the time to get to the post office to put it in the mail. Have a great day!

My package went in the mail despite recovering from a severe allergy attack from one of our friends deceased short hair cat(the dander was every where in his apt, and got me good):sick::sick:. Safe to say it's the end of me helping with his move. DH will be helping him over the weekend. OH WELL! Should arrive at it's intended destination in 7 to 10 days, but is subject to the mercies of the postal services. Have a great day everyone!!
I have 1 more item to buy and I should get that done on Sunday. I should be able to mail it out on Monday!! Will keep you posted!!! :)
Aww...hope you are alright, Trish.

One of mine went out today, the other is set to go out tomorrow.
My box is packed, but the weather was so bad today I didn't get to mail it. But it will be going out on Monday. I'll come back & post when it officially is on it's way!

Now to start thinking about D.......
Mine is ready. Hope to mail today. I'll post when it is definitely in the mail.
You guys are fast, I still need to shop for my package. I'm hoping to get my package ready and sent out on either Monday or Tuesday. I'll report back when it's sent.
I would love to get in more exchanges, but the cost of postage other than within Canada is killer, especially when I tend to buy things that when added up tend to be on the heavy side. And when I mail things to my friends in Aussieland, the price of postage is enough to make anyone faint of heart. So this tends to restrict me to how many exchanges I do in a year. And the fact that finances are tight right now.


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