Calena's quest for healthy living - advice welcome!

The meeting went GREAT! I am such a pessimist! I should have been more optimistic, but I am not. I wonder sometimes how many things in life I will have missed because of fear/negative attitudes. Another lesson learned....
Anyway, lots of enthusiasm and we will keep the swimming program up this summer, do some fundraising and we will see, so I feel good about that! It was also nice to have the support of others.
Went for a swim with the kids on Tuesday afternoon. It was just gorgeous out. 30 minute swim.
Wed I was a little piggie on a sugar fix, but hopefully that is behind me because I had terrible cramps and diarrhea so I think I must have overdosed on the drug that is SUGAR. I got my juicer out at night and juiced some veggies so that was better! I did 20 minute walk yesterday.
Today started the day juicing and it does feel good. Will work on keeping that up. Plan on walking at lunch and jogging tonight. 2 1/2 weeks till my 5K!!!! :rolleyes:
Glad to hear your meeting went well!

Have a great Thursday!
I am dissapointed in myself for going on a sugar frenzy! My jogging was really starting to kick in ;) and I just got hungry and over-confident and started pigging out on sugar. I don't want to even write down what I ate. :guilty:
This is a new week. Repeat after me - I DO NOT NEED SUGAR EVERY DAY. I DO NOT NEED SUGAR TODAY! I remember my mom once saying it would be easier if you actually had a medical reason to avoid sugar and then you would have to give it up!!!!! I haven't arrived there yet! :guilty:
My only saving grace is I have been doing my exercise and drinking my water. I have to find time for myself to exercise and choose wise meals. :sunny:
One day at a time.
Felt great yesterday. I walked 2 minutes and jogged 10, walked 2 and jogged 10 for my 40 minute jog - can I call this a jog now? I thought I would be tired but am not today, so will try this again probably Wed. Today I plan to do T-Tapp.
Still on the sugar problem. Ate half a Caramilk bar :guilty: Otherwise did pretty good. Need to knit as I watch TV instead of eat! :sunny:
Hi Calena!! I'm sorry I haven't checked in with you in a few days!

About the sugar craving, I can totally relate. Stock up your fridge with fruit! They will have the natural sugars in them that will help those you a healthier alternative when snacking. I'm a big fan of melons (particularly watermelon) because not only does it have that natural sugar content, but also it's loaded with it helps fill you up even more. And fruit is so much more refreshing than sweets. :) Also try the 10 minute wait "rule"...if you're craving something, wait 10 minutes before you go to get it. Most often you will find yourself forgetting all about the craving. If it comes back after awhile, wait another 10 minutes. When I do that and occupy my time with something else for that 10 very rare I remember I even had a craving until it's long after it. Anyway, those are just some things I've learned....I hope they can help! :)
A great week of exercise so far and food has been better. I am running 2 minutes/walking 10 which is such a breakthrough for me! WOW. Am not noticing the loose clothes yet, but I'm hoping it is because of building muscle, so I am not getting too hyper! I've been better about my eating, but I could be much better. I really need to committ to the DASH eating plan. I don't want to call it a diet because I want to make lifestyle changes. That is what is keeping me back from WW. Maybe it is a mental problem I am having, but I don't know if going on a diet is what it will take to make a difference in my life or if I should look at lifestyle changes. I do need to lose 30 lbs. Maybe I am just not willing to commit to a diet. I don't know. I really think if I make wiser food choices - more fruits/veggies/lean meats/whole grains, I will lose the weight. I know I need to limit the processed food, fat, sugar and salt. So - why don't I do this???? Still on the pilgrim path! I do feel excited about my exercise improvement. I need to KEEP IT UP though!
AWESOME job on the exercise! Sounds like you're going great!!!

I think it's totally OK that you don't want to go on a "diet". Some people don't respond well to the structure and regimentation and prefer to just limit portions and make sensible food choices--if it's working for you, why mess with it?

The only plus I can see to a ww-type thing is the group support. If you really manage to click with a group it does make a difference, but I've found a lot of that here as we. I think you're doing just fine.

Have a great day!
I am so excited this week. :flower: I ran on Monday for my 2 min walk/10 minutes run for 40 minutes. I did T-Tapp on Tuesday for 50 minutes (That is a real workout. I am just drenched in sweat when it is done.) On Wednesday I ran for the 2min walk/10 minute run for 40 minutes. Tonight I will run again. I made homemade lasgana last night so we have enough left overs so that is great for less supper preparation time.
My path I run on has been extended. I run for 20 minutes then turn around and head back. Great feeling to head back! It is so exciting to be going longer distances because I am running more. I just love it.
My food choices have been ok. I have been juicing some which I want to try for awhile. Mostly veggies. I am limiting my sugar better - MUCH better this week. DD brought chocolate bars from school to sell and I just sold the last ones today at work, so that temptation is out of the house! :rolleyes: Thanks for the advice about fruit Mary. DH loves fruit and has lost about 40 lbs in the last year through healthy food choices.
DD and I went jogging together on Thursday. It was pretty discouraging. She would run/sprint and leave me behind slowly jogging. Then she would stop, stand and wait panting. So, I would pass her with my slow joggin pace. She was ready to go home by 10 minutes because she had been sprinting so much, but I told her we were out for 40 minutes! :sunny: Anyway, she is 10, has a different energy level and body than her 40 year old mom, but I felt great to be able to jog and show her I can keep it up!!!! The next day she said she was sore! :flower:
I jogged again on Friday (felt like I was pulling a lead balloon behind me) and by Saturday I was WIPED. I did 40-50 minutes of either jogging or T-Tapp every day for six days and it was too much. I need to either have a rest day or lower impact days. So, I rested on Saturday and went out on Sunday for my jog and felt good. Went farther faster!
I am thinking SERIOUSLY of what eating program I should follow to lose some weight. I am doing SO SO SO Much better with exercise and feel great about that. The May exercise challenge has been great for me. The weight loss not as great ( I am hoping it is because I am building muscle as I lose fat).
So... what eating plan should I follow. Now I am eating what I want and trying to do it in moderation. Should I go on a stricter eating plan? I am interested in the DASH diet, South Beach and GI Diet just because they make sense. I did WW before and lost weight which I have mostly kept off. I learned good lessons there, but I think I need to look at trigger foods and what is healthy for me to eat. My health concerns are my blood pressure and weight. The GI stuff makes a lot of sense when I read it. So, we will see what I do. I just do enjoy fruit and the Phase I of South Beach sounds like it would be a killer for me!!!!! However, maybe I need to get out of this sugar craving stuff! Any advice is MORE than welcome. ;)
Great job on the exercise!

It is hard to pick an eating plan--South Beach is generally a good, sensible plan. If you don't think Phase I will work for you, why not skip directly to Phase II? Fruits are a very important thing to keep in your diet.

GI is also a very helpful took. You might want to look into something called the Glycemic Load as well--some nutritionists have take the GI and kind of given it a "reality check" that corrects for the amount of carbs actually delivered. It's a helpful tool.

Good luck to you! Keep trying--something will work!
The Glycemic Load is very interesting. Thanks for the info on it. :flower: I had never heard of it before. I like the idea of the modified South Beach. I do love fruit and just can't see giving it up - even for two weeks - as summer approaches!
I am also looking at the DASH eating plan more and trying to focus on it. I read an interesting newspaper article on it on Tuesday about the benefits for bloodpressure and that is an issue for me. The same newspaper had an article about running and why people run. This is a series. The woman that day was running to raise funds for Parkinsons. On Wednesday it was a woman who ran for weight loss and health issues (bloodpressure and cholesterol levels) and today is an ultramarathoner!
So, today I had nonfat plain yogurt and fresh strawberries with Splenda for breakfast. I used to live on nonfat plain yogurt and blueberries when I was in college, so that is a good trend! I also bought a watermelon yesterday and for supper we had watermelon, salad and sandwiches. Too hot/tired to cook after my jog! The watermelon was really tasty. I notice that is high GI but low GL. MAKES SENSE!!!!
I will be jogging my first 5K on Sunday. The weather forecast is 40 % chance of rain so we will see. I am going to do this. I am raising funds for the Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada which is dear to my heart since my sis died from a malignant brain tumour two years ago. So, I have been preparing and raising pledges. It is amazing when people ask me why I would do this and why wouldn't I just give them a donation instead. Well, I will be giving a donation on my pledge form but I also want to do this for my health. It makes me feel good to realize I can do this. I am now jogging/walking/running 40 minutes 4 times a week and doing other exercise other days. This is so amazing for me because I never did longer than 30 minute walks before.
What scares me is DH reminded me I have a habit of going into spurts of exercise for a month or so and then quitting. I can't do that. I need to be consistent. I need to remind myself I have to keep up my exercise program for my health!!!! This is not a temporary fix but a life plan. So - this race will be done this week, May 29. Next goal is the Terry Fox Run which I intend to RUN RUN RUN. No walk/jog. I have until September to train. Feels good to have a goal. And, of course, a half marathon - can anyone say Disney? - is a good training goal too. Living in Canada running in the winter will be daunting, but if I am still running by December that will be my present - a treadmill. What is the secret of people who are consistent runners/exercisers. A friend told me it is addictive. She goes every day (winter too) and sometimes twice a day. She also looks great! :flower:
So - I can do this too. :bounce:
Hi Calena,

I hope your run goes wonderfully. What a great cause. It must be very emotional for you having lost your sister. I am so sorry.

I have just discovered frozen berries and nonfat yogurt. Yum! I mix them in the morning and by the time lunch rolls around the berries are still a tiny bit frozen and the flavors have fused. Its delightful!

Thanks for the encouragement. It will be emotional, but I also have many happy memories of Kathryn and know she would be so proud of me. I will post how it went! The weather is not suppossed to be the best - showers - but we will see! I went for my wog (that is what i will call it now since I walk and jog at this point) and it started to thunder, so I cut it shorter to 35 minutes instead of my usually 40.
I was terrible foodwise today! :guilty: It is TOM and I was just starving and I ate junk. I think I am going to have to sign Oprah's commitment sheet and post it to my fridge as a reminder that I am accountable. I checked out South Beach from the library and want to start a modified south beach/DASH eating plan... and really stick to it. Sugar seems to be an issue for me. I know before I have given up sugar for lent and it really worked for weight loss with no other changes.... DISCIPLINE.
So... off to the kid's piano recital tonight. ;)
Sugar is an issue for me as well. Talk about addictive!

Best of luck on your run! We'll be cheering you on!
Sounds like you have been doing great on the exercise and I know that soon you will find the right program for the food intake. Sometimes it just takes time to figure out what will work best for you.

Hope you do well in your marathon! Keep up the great work! ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Have a great wog tomorrow! You can do it :cool1: even if it rains it will be worth it! What a wonderful way to remember your sis :)
I don't know what the DASH is? is there a book in the library? I'm just sticking to lc for now, it works as long as I don't cheat :rolleyes:
No more junk food! STay focused - be strong. I looked at Oprah's site last week and loved what she had to say but I can't commit to all that for 12 weeks. Are you commiting to it for 12 weeks? I was just thinking I need to post something on my fridge.

You can do it :cheer2:
Good luck today! We're thinking about you! You can do it! :cheer2:

Can't wait to hear how it went...


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