Calena's quest for healthy living - advice welcome!

The class sounds great- so cool that you can already feel the difference.

I loved, loved, loved camp as a kid!!! And, yes, this sounds typical ;). Anyway, at least you don't have to worry that they're not having fun. And, think about how excited they'll be to tell you stories once you pick them up. :)

Good luck with phase two!
That swim class sounds great. What a way to stay active. I would love to do something like that but its been so long since I've swum laps that I probably wouldn't be able to keep up. You must feel so proud that your son thinks of you as active. What a great role model! :flower:
My dd is gone to camp this week and I miss her too - so HUGS from another camp mom (although mine is over 7 hours away).

Sounds like that swim class is going to be great!!! Good luck.

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Your swimming class sounds awesome! Good for you... I love when my muscles have that "worked" feel. Yeah, then you know you did something! ;)

Keep up the great work! Staying on track is hard. That's why I think maintenance is harder. Everyone know what to do to loose, but how to we maintain? Help?

Have a great Sunday! :sunny:
Down one more lb!!!! :cool1: 16 total so far! LOOKS GOOD AND FEELS GOOD!
The kids are back from camp and were wiped! Some fun stories, but really I think they are still adjusting to being home. DD,10, had a fight with her pal at camp - I think it was mostly exhaustion - so we will need to get them together in a week or so on neutral ground. DS8 can't wait to go back next year. DD - not sure, but I'm sure when July comes around she will be wanting to go.
Still loving my swimming. I was practicing my new moves yesterday and it feels good.
I need to get back to my daily exercise plan. No more excuses. On Friday I did two workouts and that was great. I've also been feeling restless and I know exercise helps me. OFF for a walk! ;)
Glad to hear the kids are home and appear to have had a good time. Sorry to hear about your dd and her pal. I'm sure it will work itself out. Probably just had too much time together.

Way to go on the pound!!!!! Keep up the good work.

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Way to go Calena!!!! One more pound down is wonderful!!! Keep up the good work! :jumping1:

Have a great evening! :goodvibes
I was OP all day yesterday and feel great today. I peeked at the scale too and things are looking good... but will wait for a couple more days for the "official" numbers! :goodvibes
Great work! It sounds like you're right on track.

Are you swimming in an indoor or outdoor pool? If it's outdoor, you might want to find a nearby indoor facility for the fall and winter- it sounds like you're happy with the swimming and likely to see great results. I think a lot of my progress is from my swimming- I've heard it tends to make muscles lean and, as a result, make things fit better.

Glad to hear camp was a success. I'm sure the fight will blow over I remember, it's hard to say mad long when you're that age.

Have a great day!!! :)
Had a great swimming lesson yesterday. It is a real workout. I can see the improvement in my breast stroke. Now we are working on front crawl. My teacher gave me a hint about "setting my core" which really is making a difference all day long. The idea is to think there is a string from your belly button to your spine and then up to your head. It makes you pull your tummy in and up. This sets your core and you are more stable when doing any activity - such as swimming, running, walking, sitting watching tv, cooking supper etc -. It makes sense and after three kids, I need this help to encourage me to keep my tummy in!
I did splurge when I went out with the kids yesterday, but not too bad. It is still a huge difference from what I would have had two months ago! I'm just going to have to take life in stride and eat right 90 percent of the time - at least!!!! I am buying Phase II stuff for home and that is a big help.
Tonight I am going on a dinner cruise with a friend, so we will see what that brings. For breakfast and lunch it is South Beach all the way!
Ooh! A dinner cruise sounds like so much fun!

Have a great time and keep up the good work!
The dinner cruise was fun. The dinner part was so-so and NOT South Beach! Chicken (good) rice (no) carrots as the veggies (no) and salad (good) and apple crisp for dessert (no good way too sweet). I did not finish most of the stuff and that was dissapointing since I had been looking forward to a "great" meal as was advertised! The cruise part was fun. The guide was great. The weather was glorious, so in all, a fun evening out! I had a low carb ice cream bar when I came home!
Swimming lessons this morning. The other student didn't show up - it is a bit cool today - but I really enjoyed the lesson. Still working on my strokes. It makes me feel good for the rest of the day to go swimming in the a.m. I need to keep this up and try to do exercise in the a.m. - even if only for 30 minutes to get me going and feeling good the rest of the day.
Sorry the food wasn't that great but glad the cruise was fun and you got to spend some time with your friend. Good job on staying OP!!!!!

Keep on :banana: :banana:
I'm glad August is here so I can make a fresh start with my exercise! :cool1: July was a bust with the ear infection etc so now I am feeling good. 100 minutes in already. Just got back from swimming lessons and it was great. :sunny: My left shoulder is bugging me a bit so I will stretch it out some. T-Tapp always makes my shoulders/body feel good and have not done that again. GOAL FOR AUGUST - T-Tapp once a week at least!
Eating was not the best yesterday, but I was in a rush and did not make supper so I just snacked and made bad choices. Today is a new day!
Still up in the air about our vacation plans for late August. Dnephew has postponed the wedding until May so we don't "have" to go to Tennessee, but we may go anyway. DH and I are still talking about it. I know we both need a break, so it just is a matter of figuring out what would be the best kind of break. No - WDW is not in the cards! :goodvibes
Goals for August -
STICK TO THE BEACH!!!! It works and I feel better when I eat the good carb way.
STICK TO EXERCISE PROGRAM !!!!! I need to train for the Terry Fox Run in September. Goal - Wog 4 times a week. Swim the other days and feel great!
SCRIPTURE MEMORY !!!! I need to work on my total body - not just my outer being. Memorize one new verse each week. (Look for verse today).
Immediate goal - do my laundry and get this place straightened up!
I love reading about your swimming sounds so motivating. Once school starts again in Sept., I'm going to check our rec sports program to see if a swimming class is offered. I'm really starting to feel great in the pool swimming my I'm starting to build up endurance and lung power. I'm also starting to see the way it is lenghtening my muscles...I think that's why I've dropped another size even though I've been slow to drop the pounds.

Good luck with your August goals!
Went for a wog this morning and it feels good. I feel so much better when I start the day with exercise. That is one thing I have enjoyed about swimming. I just need to have the discipline to get up and exercise on days that I work.
I would like to
wog- Saturday
wog - Sunday
weights - Monday
wog - Tuesday
swim - Wednesday
wog - Thursday
swim - Friday

This allows for an off day if needed and I get at least three or four wogs in a week. NEED to start training for 5k for Terry Fox on September 18! Or could I do the 10k? :rotfl2: We will see.

My eating has been off but my weight is staying down. I think this is my exercise. My swimming lessons are TOUGH so I really feel it in my legs and arms so it is a workout! On MONDAY I am doing a serious modified Phase 1/2. I want to see the scale moving down again! I am sneaking in too much white flour/sugar products here and there. I know that is a problem, and I don't need that stuff.
Went for wog this morning 25 minutes. Feels good. In my schedule I need to incorporate T-Tapp too. I always feel better doing T-Tapp once a week at least.
So - wog - Sat, Sun, Tues, Thurs
weights and T-Tapp - Monday
swim - Wed and Thurs

I thinking do 30 minutes in the morning is doable and then if I have more time I can do more at night.

Busy afternoon.
Great exercise schedule! I've been slipping on the sugar/white flour too, and need to get back on track if I'm going to keep losing.

Have a good Sunday!
Good job on the exercise schedule - on top of swimming and doing the other exercising I'm sure your body is happy!!!!! And is rewarding you for it too.

Keep on :banana: :banana:


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