Calling all Princess 1/2 Marathoner's! Check in here! *UPDATE* PRE-RACE MEET INFO!

Which hotel are you staying at or thinking of staying at?

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  • Saratoga Springs

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  • Coronado Springs

  • Boardwalk

  • Off property/or other hotel not listed

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Hey Guys
May I be selfish and ask for a pep talk from you guys?

It's not like I'm nervous enough with this being my first Half Marathon, but my husband (he is not DH today) has been giving me a hard time about this "vacation" and saying he can't be away from work, blah, blah, blah.

Initially he pouted b/c the trip was originally JUSt for ME, so I changed it to a family trip and used the 4/3 special. We've told my 4 y.o. twin boys, so it's not like I can exclude them now.... And now he's giving me a problem.

He has a habit of this, when (on the incredibly rare occurrences) that anything might be about me, or I need his support about something important to me, he becomes incredibly needy.

I don't want to turn this into a husband-bashing post, but my heart is broken and I could use a little pep talk. I realize that much of this race is a mental game, and I just want to be in the right place mentally and be able to finish this race.

I can't tell you how much doing this Half means to me, Donna, just Donna, and not someone's wife or mother.:sad1:

Some men get nervous when they see their wives growing and changing because they are afraid they will grow and change away from their husbands. I'm sorry you are having to deal with this. Let him know that you need this for you but that it doesn't change your feelings for him.

You are 100% right about this being mostly mental. I don't think you have to worry about that part of it though. Once you get to the starting line, you will have so many people supporting you, Donna, that at least for the time of the race you'll be able to let it go.
For those of you doubting yourselves...I did the WDW full in 2005 on only 9 miles of training and a full, absolutely no activity 3 week taper. You CAN do it! I walked alot on race day (ankle trouble whenever I tried to run) and sure I was really sore for 3 days but I covered the distance on my own two feet and have the Mickey medal to prove it. Try not to worry ( which is hysterical coming from me, because I am "wired to worry" as my mom says) it expends too much energy and runs your immune system down. Take care of yourselves and trust your training! Race day magic is a wonderful thing!

I inherited the worry gene from my mother. We worry about everything usually. For some reason, this race is one thing I have not worried about. I know I can do it as long as I am in the right place mentally and so far I'm in the right place.
For your sake I hope you are not driving with a teen who sings "Everybody was kung fu fighting" at the top of his lungs at 1AM! I swore I was flying home by myself during the wee small hours of that morning!!

:lmao: :rotfl: That is too funny!
We are off to the Expo now. It will take us a while to get there with all the bus transfers. I have the start of a head cold. My nose is all stuffed up. What a time for that to happen!
The expo was took us 2 hours to move between the 5 different lines that we needed.
Not sure how I'm going to do this weekend as I have been in bed since monday night, I will finish, but I don't think it will be in the time I want.

See everyone at the 5K tomorrow or at the meet.
Warning.... sneak peak at the shirt!! and the bag...



Just got back from the expo! Couldn't go earlier because of work. I barely waited two minutes to get my 5k packet. The shirt looks navy blue, which is totally my favorite color. I was SO disappointed that the pink v-neck shirt with the Princess 1/2 Marathon Weekend logo was sold out! I have small hopes that there will be a size large on e-bay... I hear that happens sometimes.

Instead, I bought the teal shirt that says, "My other running shoe is a glass slipper." Thought it was almost as cute. ;)

Then I got home, and my husband had decorated our apartment! There are lime green and white streamers everywhere and four huge posterboards with signs wishing me good luck. He is the best!

Off to cook spaghetti and score 6th graders essays... :teacher: Can't wait for race day tomorrow!
Tracy- YOU ROCK:cool1: :cool1: :cool1:

I love the sneak peak. Everything looks great. Makes me feel like I am still participating until I get there late tomorrow.

Thanks so much!
Ooop, double post.

(But I can still tell Tracy she rocks)

Tracy- YOU ROCK:cool1: :cool1: :cool1:
Oh, yes! I loved the sneak peek too! I don't leave until tomorrow at 8am and will likely get there about 12noon and get to the expo around 1pm :rolleyes1
I was reminded today why I SWORE I would never do another "new" race with Disney:lmao:

Let's see you have a race with 10,000 WOMEN and you open FOUR or FIVE cash stands, run by men who apparently have NEVER worked retail before????

After standing line for 20 minutes to buy the "cute" T-shirt described by DisneyPiPhi I walked away. I don't need to stand in line for that long to pay $26 for a t-shirt! (I will admit I was tempted to race over there first thing tomorrow but since I now know it's sold out....):rotfl2:

Instead One More Mile got my money for tech shirt that says "The miracle is not that I finshed, the Miracle is that I had the courage to start" Atlanta Athletic also got a LOT of money (three skirts, one top LOL!)

The line for Party ticket pickup was a huge line for the entire two hours I was there too.:confused3 One booth... Did they think to count how many tickets they sold and think about that??? Apparently not!:confused3 (Didn't make me the least bit sad I chose to skip that spending opportunity LOL!)

Expo is not bad. Not huge but pretty nice

I met a couple of DIS folks wandering around too!

Just wanted to say CONGRATS to everyone who ran this morning!!! Maura and I were cheering from the bus stop area right before you went into Epcot for the final mile. I cheered until the last lady came through with about 6 bikes right behind her and then walked over to the 13 mile sign and cheered again until I saw the same lady with the same 6 bikes come through. Putting the Princess 1/2 on my list for next year!!
Thanks Suzanne, Maura, Chester and other WISHer's who were out there cheering this morning. I really appreciate it. I was lucky enough to hook up with Carrie just before MK and we were with each other pretty much the whole way - I really appreciated running with her -as I know I would have walked a lot more then I did - she basically helped me run the rest of the 1/2 from the MK to the end with just brief fast walking toward the end. So THANK YOU Carrie - I hope I didn't hold you back I really appreciate your support.

Syko - was that you? the only handcrank chair? I saw you fly by as I was going past the speedway. Congrats to you - that is awesome time. Glad you got the hang of the chair before the race.

I had fun at this race and finished with a pretty decent time 2:32 - I am happy with it and would love to do this race again next year. The course could be a little more interesting but all in all it was good - especially for an inagural. The only downfall is the "pay to play" after race party - oh well I am already home so I didn't plan on going anyway.

Congrats to all WISHers who did this race or the 5k.
Well, I made it home after a wonderful week at WDW.
My DD's and I finished chip time 2:28:12. We got so many great pictures with many characters. MY DD got so excited when she saw Meeko! She gave out by mile 10, but older sister and I helped here to the end. Yes, that was us laying on the horn on the ramp and shouting at everyone.
I could go on and on, but I'm tired, my quads are tight and I need to unpack and get ready for tomorrow.
Hope everyone finished!
Hi everyone! Congrats to all the runners! I thought about all you half-marathoners this morning!

We had a great time at the 5k. It was our first and I think we are hooked! For the first time in all my training, I was able to run the entire time. Must have been the adrenaline. I made it in 37:40 and DH 36:20 (he was pushing DD too!).

I saw some WISH'rs from afar but got to meet daisylove. Hey Wendy! How was the race for you? Are you as sore as we are? :rotfl:
Congratulations to all our Princesses! :cool1:

:stitch: 'Ohana Monday Mixer :stitch:

Mental Health Day

We all know that our mental-health days are just as important as our workouts, recovery days, and proper fueling. So, Monday's question for the 'Ohana mixer, which starts here on the team thread, is....

If you had an unexpected free day--no work or other obligations--and $20 to spend just on you, what would you do?

So please share those small indulgences that are essential to your mental well-being. Hopefully, we'll get new ideas and find kindred souls.

There are three little rules. Just because.

  1. You have to spend at least part of the $20 on you. No giving it away, no saving it for a rainy day, and no spending the $20 entirely on your beloved partner, cute kidlets, or BFF. You can spend time with these folks, of course, and some of the money. But the focus is on YOU and what you want to do.
  2. You can choose to work out, if you wish, or your mental health day can coincide with a recovery day.
  3. What you do on your mental health day has to reflect your everyday, local life. No "I just happened to be in Paris..." :rotfl2: You can imagine, however, that you have perfect weather.

As usual, full stories that are related to your mental-health day are welcome. Not to mention the odd digression! And you're always welcome to bring drinks, goodies, and profound thoughts on the meaning of life.
Hi everyone! Congrats to all the runners! I thought about all you half-marathoners this morning!

We had a great time at the 5k. It was our first and I think we are hooked! For the first time in all my training, I was able to run the entire time. Must have been the adrenaline. I made it in 37:40 and DH 36:20 (he was pushing DD too!).

I saw some WISH'rs from afar but got to meet daisylove. Hey Wendy! How was the race for you? Are you as sore as we are? :rotfl:

:wave2: Hi there
YES, I am sore. I did not run the entre course( congrats that was awesome!!) but I did run more than I thought I would. Lots of fun! Ended up in Epcot all day after what about you guys?
I ran the 5k on Saturday and it was AWESOME! I didn't see too many WISH shirts, but I saw some of the name tags! I didn't say hi to anyone because I was so nervous and focused on the race, since it was my first one. I thought it was a great race to start with - energized group, no-pressure setting, fun course. I liked seeing all the Epcot employees and characters cheering us on!

I wanted to come in under 38:00, and the clock was a little over 39:00 when I crossed the finish line. As DH pointed out, since it took me a couple minutes to get to the start line from the 11-13 minute corral and another couple minutes to actually start running once the crowd thinned out, I probably did it in under 38:00.

We had a fun day afterwards, going to AK and Epcot. My legs were hurting because I pushed myself during the race, but I didn't care. I wore my medal and shirt all day and was generally very smiley. :)

I have definitely been bitten by the race bug and hope to run some more Disney races. I feel pretty inspired by all the half marathoners this weekend and would love to be one of you next year!
:wave2: Hi there
YES, I am sore. I did not run the entre course( congrats that was awesome!!) but I did run more than I thought I would. Lots of fun! Ended up in Epcot all day after what about you guys?

I couldn't have walked and pushed DD :rotfl: so kudos to you!

We went to Epcot, too. Didn't spend the whole day though, we went to lunch on the Boardwalk and a long nap/swim at the pool. Got to see Illuminations which was my goal! :)

As DH pointed out, since it took me a couple minutes to get to the start line from the 11-13 minute corral

I agree, DisneyPiPhi. It was over a minute before we got up to the front, so our times have to be better than what we actually got. But I'm happy to have been under 45 minutes! :banana:


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