Can I scream?


DIS Veteran
Jun 29, 2002
I need to let out one long scream, but it would probably scare the mutts half to death. DH was hit from behind on Friday afternoon (he wasn't injured). The person that hit him had his head turned looking for a store and the lady in front of my husband suddenly stopped and then the guy behind my husband didn't realize traffic had stopped until it was to late. Hit my poor husband's truck at almost 30 mph. Well, the repair shop called today and they totaled his truck. Thankfully, we have the gap insurance on the truck. But, he uses his truck everyday for work. The worst part is that I think I jinxed him. The daughter was in another accident last Sunday (she wasn't injured either). But, this is her second accident in 18 months and her husband has had three accidents in less than 2 years. I was asking my husband after she called and told us how in the world they have managed to have so many accidents? When DH and I have over 50 years of driving experience between the two of us and we haven't had an accident in over 20 years. So, hear comes my long scream. ARRGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, scream over. Thanks for letting me scream.
Scream a little louder.:) Hey, I'll scream with you.:teeth:

I'm glad your dh wasn't hurt (and that your dd wasn't hurt in her latest wreck).
I think this should be the official scream thread..
Glad noone was hurt also(hope the guy was insured:mad: )
I'm so glad no one was hurt!!! I understand your frustration - scream away
So glad to hear DH and DD are fine...but go ahead and scream

I could use a good scream too!!

I'll scream with you. WAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

OK, that was a cry. I was in an accident on Friday also, but not my fault. I was coming up to a corner and a young kid was whizzing around the corner and slid into my driver's door and sliding side door (I have a minivan). It was really icy out and I felt bad for the kid. But, he hasn't even called into his insurance company yet, and they haven't been able to get in touch with him either. I'm getting a bit upset because I've been told not to drive the car since those doors don't open. So, I need to get a rental and I want to do it through his insurance, not mine.

OK, now I can say Aaargghhhh!!!


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