Can you go too often?


Longs for the feeling of sandy salt water in her k
Oct 27, 2000
Hi all! We had such a great time at WDW April 2001, I said, "LET'S GO EVERY YEAR!" So we went again April 2002. We had lots of fun ~ but everything was familiar and not as magical as April 2001. We have the opportunity to go again March or April 2003 but should we? Since April 2001 and April 2002 seemed far too close, I was thinking about waiting until March 2004. But we have the opportunity March or April 2003. HHHHMMMMM.

March 2003 ds will be 3 years and 2 months old so we have to pay for him.

March 2004 ds will be 4 years and 2 months old, remember more and have a great trip before he has to start kindergarten.

March 2003 dd will be 9 years and 3 months old, since paying for her as a child.

March 2004 dd will be 10 years and 3 months, she's a adult price!

March 2003 ds will be potty training and we will be driving ~ ENOUGH SAID!

March 2004 ds will be in UNDIES!

March 2003 is sooner.

March 2004 is later.

Please help me decide! THANKS!
Just think of the memories that you will be creating!
I know that sometimes it can seem all the same but DD and I have a running gag now about the Parades. Last time we were there we always seemed to arrive at MK just as the parade was going by! We saw it 6 times in a span of 4 days!LOL Everytime we see the commercials on TV now, it's "Can we just go back one more time!"

The trip in April, which she knows about, it for doing Universal but all she can talk about is Disney!

Don't forget they grow up so fast!

But that's just my $.02 worth.

Sandra there are a lot of pros and cons for whether to go or not and with young kids it IS a lot of work, but as Scratch says, the memories you will be creating will be worth it, in the end. I have never regretted all the trips we took with the kids over the years, even back to the same places. We took the kids to Hawaii four times between 1985 and 1988! Now those were memories, LOL!!! At the time, I admit, there were some tense times, but now when I look back I just laugh at those and love looking through all the pictures or videos we took. There are so many other things that you could also do besides Disney that will be new and exciting for them in Orlando too.
Hi Sandra,
I also think if you can afford to go, do it! Life is precious and sometimes too short. You never know what will be going on in the world (or in your own life) in 2004. In 1999, we bought annual passes. We spent 12 nights onsite on March break. Then, in August, we spent 7 nights offsite. Do you know - we were in the parks almost every day, and we still didn't see it all. LOL! The nice thing about going often, is that you don't HAVE to stand in any line you don't want to. You know you've seen it before and you 'll probably see it again. (Of course that rule doesn't apply to R'n'R, ToT, Splash, BTMR, ....) Anyway, this is just my opinion. Of course, you have to do what feels right for your family!:D :bounce:
No point Sandra, and I didn't mean to offend anyone (I'll delete the post if anyone wishes). I thought I recalled seeing the information/question previously and figured I'd repost the links with the previous responses.

In fact, I have gone back and deleted the post - I can see how it might have been taken the wrong way. sorry.
Hey Sandra,

As you can see below we have been many times. Can you go too often....NEVER!! We often go for two weeks and seem to miss doing something that we wanted to do. Now I make lists of things that we want to do so nothing gets overlooked. We have seen and done many things there but there are still many things we haven't done. We are now trying to make it a point to eat in different restaurants. This is hard though because we still have our favourite must do's. We have taken my son at every age and loved it every time. My daughter is now one (her birthday was last month) and she has already been once. The challenges of going are different at every age but who cares!! You're on vacation. I'm excited that this time I don't have to lug formula and food along with us for her. We took our son when he was potty training and you just plan for the accidents. Once he had to pee in an empty water bottle while we were in line at Goofy's Barnstormer. Just be flexible. And last but not least there are some good codes for March break. We have reservations for then. I say do things while you have the health, the innocent children and the time because far too soon they will be all grown up.
I know I have posted this type of question before, but here goes you drive when you go often? We always fly, but I would like to drive. Thanks, S
I personally don't think you can go too often! As the kids age they see things differently. We wish now we HAD NOT waited until ds was 4, you know the drill, out of diapers blah blah blah. Dd (9) kind of missed the 'magic' that goes with being 5 or 6, she is a 'big girl'. She knows that Buzz Lightyear is a guy in a costume, ds thinks it IS Buzz Lightyear :D
Wish we had gone sooner! We're going in Jan. 2003 and I'm already thinking ahead to October 2003. We were looking at taking the train, takes longer but we might extend the trip to learn a little about the States you pass through on the way to Florida!
You can't go too often IMHO. We went in April and then again the end of September -- wasn't planned but couldn't pass up the great deal of cdn at par.

I went with my son just about every year from the time he was 2 til he was 12 -- he's now 16. He got something different out of the trip each time we went and it was fascinating seeing the changes in him. He was terrified of the characters at first and then a few years later was absolutely thrilled when Tigger shook his hand during one of the parades. After that we had to make sure that we were close enough watching parades so that he could shake hands with characters.

Now that he's a teenager he has no interest in going -- he stayed home both trips this year although his best friend said that we could take him next time so he seems to be coming around although if we take him I think that we'll have to take a friend also which will be fine. We have travelled with them before and they have been great together.

I say don't wait til they are out of diapers etc. b/c you'll miss out the joy of watching their reactions change.

Thanks everyone! Both my kids have been to WDW before. ds is only 2.5 years old and he has been twice, dd is 8 and she has been three times. We know we'll keep on going to WDW, I'm just undecided whether to go annually or every couple of years.

I have another question for you all ~ when you go often, how many days do you go to the parks? What type of tickets to you buy? Do you stay on-site? Do you visit other Florida attractions? THX S
Hi Sandra,
Just wanted to answer a couple of your questions. Yes, we always drive - but we are kind of a weird family in that we LIKE the drive. The first time we drove to Disney, my kids were 3 and 5 and they were so good. We did stop at McD's and let them run in the playground for about an hour. You just have to schedule yourself around them when they are little - if they're happy, you're happy!
This summer we decided to go to Florida for a somewhat "cheaper" trip. We did Disney 3 days, Blizzard Beach one morning, and Universal (love those passes at par) for 2 days. We really enjoyed our time at Universal and IOA. My 16 year old son said he liked IOA better than Disney. (That's almost blasphemy in my mind LOL)
We stayed onsite at ASMu with the Cdn at par deal. We managed to see quite a bit in the Disney parks so 3 days was adequate for us this time. Next time, though, I would like to go for 2 weeks and have an annual pass.
We have been several times since the kids were small, but we have never made it back to Seaworld (last time we were there was in 1989). My husband wants to make that a priority next trip. The only tantrum my 3 year-old threw in 1989 was when he realized we were LEAVING Seaworld. He just loved it. We have also enjoyed renting water mice and playing mini-golf (yup - we even played mini-golf in 1989 when our little one was 3). Happy planning!
My dd cries on our last night on vacation all the time. It's sad. But it starts us planning the next trip! S
Hi Sandra. We always drive ... even in yucky February! Touch wood, we have not run into incredibly bad weather yet. In the winter months, it makes the drive a little tougher on the kids since we can't stop to run around at all of our favourite rest areas since it's a little chilly. But that just means lunch is at McD's with a play place! We have become addicted to AP's ... got 3 trips out of first one, and we are just back from a 2 week trip with an AP. Already have our moneys worth out of it, but of course we need to go again. So we've decided on Feb since our ds will be 3 at the end of March (want to take advantage of character meals where we don't have to pay for him ;)
We LOVE the All Stars, and we did AKL for 2 nights last year, but this time we want to do something different so we're trying out CBR -- quite excited about it! This will be trip #5 for our ds and trip #7 for our dd(5 1/2 years old). I've seen too many things happen in people's lives all too quickly so I figure if I can swing another WDW trip I will continue to do so. I'm hoping ds will be completely trained by Feb but I'm not going to stress about it if he's not -- pull ups are a wonderful invention ! Go this coming March ... you won't regret it. :)

Mary Liz
Like you've heard before, Sandra, you never know what might happen. If you can swing if financially, take the time now to enjoy the magic. Go with our blessings~and envy!!! ;)
Like you've heard before, Sandra, you never know what might happen. With 5 young 'uns, we always drive (even now that the older three have "outgrown" WDW :( ) We like the drive, and we take time to do some of the cheap/free off I75 things-eating at the original KFC, visiting the craft towns etc. If you can swing it financially, take the time now to enjoy the magic. Go with our blessings~and envy!!! ;)
Good Wednesday Morning Everyone,

When we go we always drive. I have no desire to get back on a plane any time soon. I have really bad ear problems. We have gone to Florida at least twice a year for many years now. Our son is very good on the drive and when we went in May our baby was also good. Gravol, GRavol, Gravol. need I say more.

We have had Annual Passes since 1998 and I wish I had known about them before that. I love the freedom to be able to go over to the parks for as short a time as I want and not feel guilty. I can't wait for December when we are staying at the Poly. I intend to hop on that monorail and go to Magic Kingdom by myself while the rest of my family sleeps in.

We always stay on site. That's because I love the thrill of the hunt when it comes to getting the cheapest room on property.

We have been to Sea World before. Someday when my son is willing to go on bigger rides we'll try Universal. We tend to do all of the "off the beaten path" things there are to do at Disney. Gotta love the mini-golf and water mice.

Just writing this post is getting me excited for our trip which we will be leaving about this time in just three weeks.

Have a super day!
But, Susan, where's your trip counter?? You could have at least 2 on yours!:smooth:
We go 2-3 times a year...whether we should or not!!
We were there last Christmas/New Years and in June and are going again on the 23rd December. For myself and 1 daughter the magic is always there....for my husband and 'other' daughter...not quite so much!
We try to always do at least one thing different each visit such as a tour liven things up a bit!
I say...if you are able to..GO! Just vary it a bit!:D
Hi all, I really appreciate all your replies.

We have decided to to March or April 2004. Everything tells me this is right. When I listen to my heart, I know it's the best trip for my family. I love anticipating WDW trips. Going in April 2001 and April 2002, really was too soon for me. The 2002 trip was lovely, but not magic like 2001. We have the time and the money to go anytime. We could manage a trip a year. But we also desire to visit other places in the world. I am really enjoying looking at all the wonderful destinations the world as to offer. My 9 year old daughter has terrific ideas for trips too. She is really into dinosaurs ~ we have thought about a Drumheller, Alberta trip. Anne of Green Gables house in PEI is on the list too. dh would love the Polar Bear Express. I love the beach, so anywhere on the ocean makes me happy. So many places to see!

I love WDW, but once every couple of years is perfect for us right now. The memories we have already created for our family are priceless. I adore watching my kids faces when they see new things and try new adventures.

We still might travel to Florida in March 2003, but not a grand WDW trips like the last few. Instead we look forward to seeing all the Florida sites, not just Disney World.

Thanks again! S


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