Canadian Buffoon's DISmeet vacation - 09/14 - Bowled Over

Yikes! That whole bit just made me nervous. I am not a fan of driving in the rain, I think I would have had to pull off till it stopped.

If I'd done that.... Hmmm...
I wonder what time I would've gotten in?
Sometime the next morning, I guess.

Beautiful pictures.

Thanks! :goodvibes

We've driven up to Nashville a few times but have yet to see that.

Now you know what's there. :)

We did visit the outlets next door where there is an awesome Disney outlet. There is so much to do in Nashville, I'm sure we will be back again sometime.

I'd like to spend a bit
more time there.
This time I'm only
driving through.

Took me a few times through. There's definitely something alien on that bridge.

I thought you had just told me to never ask questions I don't want the answer to.

I did.
I didn't say I couldn't ask them, though.

Oh, that's the worst. No fun at all. Good thing those storms usually only last a few minutes or so.

Yeah! Good thing!


:scared1: Did you ever give any thought to slowing down a bit so you could see?

Nah. Where's the fun in that?

I'm betting when I head your way,
you'll be saying:
"Rain, schmain. Drive faster!
I ain't got all night!"

Four hours...:faint: I'd be a wreck by the end. Maybe even literally.

I was.... a bit tired.

That sounds awful. I can't believe it went on for so long. Your poor back!

Yeah, it took a bit to straighten out.

:sad2: He probably had a bet with another co-worker to see how many people he could get to go in that way.

That's what I thought!

I hear ya. Just go to bed and start over.

Pretty much.
It worked, too.

I'm not big into it, either. It doesn't send me screaming from the room like other people. I just think most of the songs sound the same.

There are a few that I like,
but the vast majority...

Well, I'm not running and screaming,
but I am turning it off.

Hey, I was in Nashville for a business conference and did the same thing!

I know. I waved.
You turned your back.

I expected nothing less.



Dude! I never figured you for a tofu casserole kinda guy. :crazy2:

I eat it all the time.
But the tofu has to be
done juuuuuust right.
(As in, replaced with beef,
shrimp or chicken.)

::yes:: Took me a while. You hid him in the shadows this time.

They can't all be easy. ;)
Can't guess why, that sounds like a miserable afternoon of driving. UGH

Was not the most fun
I'd ever had.


:worship: I've had the opportunity to stay at Opryland Hotel a few times and it is beautiful. I'm thinking this sculpture is new since we last stayed there.

I wouldn't know of course.
But it's right in the lobby
as you walk in.
Hard to miss.

They are gaudy IMO


The bar/lounge in front of this water fall use to revolve around until the flood. Sat drinking many glasses of wine enjoying this view.


And.... flood?
Maybe 40 mph would've been better? :confused3 ;)

Nah. That'd take too long.
Plus, who wants to drive
off a cliff at 40mph?
They never do that
in the movies!

I think I'd have not continued.

I probably shouldn't have.

but I did.
and I didn't die.


Amazing what shaving off a bit of speed can do. :scared:

And lights.
The big thing was the lights.

Because you are listening to the wrong music.

Actually I'm not.

Never ask that question. The universe will surely show you when you do.

Now you tell me!!!!
Where were you when
I needed you?
Huh? Huh????

Yay! I see you're properly prepared for your visit ;) We have a pretty cool one in our admissions lobby and I've cataloged some preparatory drawings of his, too :thumbsup2 (note: I might be able to sneak you in the backdoor if you'd like a peek... :rolleyes1)

Really!!! That's....
Pretty freaking cool!

I wanna see! :laughing:

Wouldn't be right at all.

I mean, who wouldn't want
one sitting in their driveway
or backyard? :confused3

Glass flowers would have been better. But I'm with you, the place is just so darn beautiful, they almost detract from that.

Glass would've been better, by far.
But... yeah. Detract. Good word.

I see the Jungle Cruise got off course...


Do I ever?! :laughing:

I'm betting when I head your way,
you'll be saying:
"Rain, schmain. Drive faster!
I ain't got all night!"

::yes:: Right about when Drew is using the mall fountain as a jungle gym.

I know. I waved.
You turned your back.

I expected nothing less.

Whew. I was worried that you might have seen the other gesture.

I eat it all the time.
But the tofu has to be
done juuuuuust right.
(As in, replaced with beef,
shrimp or chicken.)

Well said! :thumbsup2
But... What else could possibly happen?

Dun, dun, dun........

Visibility dropped to next to nothing...
and then it got really bad.

Soon I could no longer see the road
that I was driving on.

I would have stopped somewhere.

This continued for...
About the next four hours.
Four hours of driving about
sixty-five... and not knowing
what was more than ten feet
in front of me, while not
being able to see where
I was going.

Definitely would have stopped.

I pulled up in front of the door...

And couldn't let go of the steering wheel.

It felt like my hands were glued in place.
With a conscious effort,
I released the steering wheel.

I'm not surprised, I've had times like that with far less harrowing situations.

It turns out that being able
to see when you're driving
is a very good thing.
This may surprise some of you.

Geez. I never would have thought of that, especially coming from a place where we don't have rain.

I am not a country music fan.
At. All.

Me neither. In fact I believe "country music" is an oxymoron.

Yes, there is the odd country tune
that I like...

I couldn't even say that.

But I have heard of the Grand Ole Opry
for as long as I can remember.
And when in Nashville...

I'd heard of it but I thought it was a concert hall. It appears to be a hotel, yes?

There was some kind of festival
going on so there were these
plastic lit flowers all over the place.

I think they take away from the actual beauty of the gardens.

And... total fail...
I have no photos,
and no clue what I ate!

So... imagine something
and pretend it was that.

Chopped Liver and onions?

Did you see it in this chapter?

Yes I did, but rather difficult from my phone.
I know this is from a while ago, but THANK YOU for this recipe! I have bought butter mochi before but never made it (lived for a few years on Oahu & go back at least every two years).
I couldn't find the Rice flour the day I made it, so I tried coconut flour. DON'T TRY THAT! :bitelip:
I was happy you made it off the road in one piece. Being told to use the back door must be a thing. We stayed at an Extended Stay America on our move. Big mistake but worked at the time. Anyway, I had to go outside to the moving truck to get the license plate number .I was told to use the back door too. We were parked in the back forty but I couldn't have a key until she had that number. Jim was waiting with the dog. Guess what you need to get back in the back door? This was after two 16 hr days. Then she wanted me to go get Jim because I made the ressie in his name for military rate. Not happening chick. What is it with these desk clerks?
Dun, dun, dun........

Pretty much.

I would have stopped somewhere.

Nah. Then I’d never get there!

Then again... continuing
may have resulted in me
never getting there.

Definitely would have stopped.

Definitely should have stopped.

I'm not surprised, I've had times like that with far less harrowing situations.

Not much fun, is it?

Geez. I never would have thought of that, especially coming from a place where we don't have rain.


Me neither. In fact I believe "country music" is an oxymoron.


I couldn't even say that.

Wow. Not even one?

I'd heard of it but I thought it was a concert hall. It appears to be a hotel, yes?

It's originally (and still is)
a concert hall.
But it's so popular
that they built this
extravagant hotel around it.

I think they take away from the actual beauty of the gardens.


Chopped Liver and onions?

With some fava beans.

Yes I did, but rather difficult from my phone.

I couldn't find the Rice flour the day I made it, so I tried coconut flour. DON'T TRY THAT! :bitelip:

Not to worry.
That will never happen here.

I was happy you made it off the road in one piece.

Me too!

Being told to use the back door must be a thing. We stayed at an Extended Stay America on our move. Big mistake but worked at the time. Anyway, I had to go outside to the moving truck to get the license plate number .I was told to use the back door too. We were parked in the back forty but I couldn't have a key until she had that number. Jim was waiting with the dog. Guess what you need to get back in the back door? This was after two 16 hr days. Then she wanted me to go get Jim because I made the ressie in his name for military rate. Not happening chick. What is it with these desk clerks?


Hmm... let's just say
that while there is certainly
nothing wrong with making
an honest buck...
You don't need an advanced
degree to be a hotel clerk.


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