Canadian Buffoon's Hi Low Vacation - South Central Musings

1. Well, I may have been awake
a fair bit recently. Do I sleep in?
a bit
2. What time do I wake up?
3. Which park am I first off to today?
4. It's a multi park day!
How many times do I visit the nice folks
at bag check? (Yes, I had a bag to check.)
5. How many times am I asked for directions?
I'll make it easy on you.
0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 times?
6. What time do I get to my room
at the end of the day this time?
7. I use a new method of getting
from one park to another. What is it?
(I've used bus, boat and monorail in the past.)
8. As a matter of fact I do have an ADR.
Two as a matter of fact.
Guess the one that’s not in any park or in Springs.
Beaches and Cream
9. What wild animal do I see today?
(On the way to that ADR.)
Bonus: Did you see it?
Be specifically vague.
Get away with pkondz airlines - departing from Frontierland
(good idea since Frontier Airlines may not have been departing from pkondzland at that time)
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I'm late but I'm loving this report. This will be the the first time I've followed along but so far it looks like it will be extremely entertaining. I absolutely love the Splash picture! I'm so glad you ate at the Skippers Canteen. I have seen a whole lot about it yet, but that drink has me very interested.
Great update!

I love all the Fall decorations at MK, those Mickey pumpkins are too cute.

Nice dinner. I love those bubble things in your drink. They have them at the frozen yogurt place near me in their toppings bar. I have seen those in drinks before but they are usually at the bottom.

Sorry you couldn't get on the Mine Train, I love that ride.

Love all your pics of the MSEP, I'm sad it is gone but even more sad that I missed out on seeing it on our last 2 trips and now it's over. I hope they get a new one soon (hopefully Paint the Night or something else new and great)

I only noticed Goofy's creepy eye after reading about it, but I didn't see Mickey or Minnie until scrolling back up to look for the eye

As Others have said us 'Mericans spell it "Honor"

I love the Hairy Leg guy on POTC! I think he's too funny. I hope you just missed it, I would be heartbroken if they took him out.

1. Well, I may have been awake
a fair bit recently. Do I sleep in?----------not really

2. What time do I wake up?-----------------7am

3. Which park am I first off to today?-------------------Epcot

4. It's a multi park day!
How many times do I visit the nice folks
at bag check? (Yes, I had a bag to check.)---------------3

5. How many times am I asked for directions?
I'll make it easy on you.
0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 times? ----------------------4

6. What time do I get to my room
at the end of the day this time?-----------------12:45 am

7. I use a new method of getting
from one park to another. What is it?
(I've used bus, boat and monorail in the past.)---------------walk

8. As a matter of fact I do have an ADR.
Two as a matter of fact.
Guess the one that’s not in any park or in Springs. -----------The new Trattoria place at the Boardwalk (the one that used to be Kouzzina)

9. What wild animal do I see today?-------------------I'm going to make another try for a Bunny
(On the way to that ADR.)

Bonus: Did you see it?---------------------Yes I did, The Frontier is a great place for a getaway!!
Be specifically vague.
Great Splash shot!

Thanks! :goodvibes

Fun way to entertain yourself while Disney entertained you:thumbsup2

I don't understand.
Don't you dress up
and relax in the parks?


Skipper's looks like a great addition to the park!


I'm glad you enjoyed your dinner.

It was good, if a little rushed.

I believe this was your first Dole Whip? Makes you wonder what took so long huh?

It was my first one of the trip,
but not my first one ever,
if that's what you mean.

I have to admit it has been kind of hit or miss for me. Sometimes I forget to stop and have one.:duck:

What?!?!? :faint:

Love the balloon pics!

Wait... Which one?

Sorry about your wishes view. So the voice on the speaker...:rotfl2: kind of like the response from Steve Martin in "Planes, Trains and Automobiles" while driving the wrong direction in a one way lane on the freeway.
"Thank you! (Waving). How does he know where we're going?"

:lmao: Yeah that's pretty much
what I felt like.
That'll learn me.
That Splash Mountain picture is amazing! I especially love the Winnipeg Public Library barcode!
Also, I totally forgot BTMRR was closed, it's always good to have a throw-away guess! and this
"It did feel a little weird at sucking up Dr. Slush's balls though. But I soon got used to it" :rotfl2:

Overhearing things at Disney is one of my favorite parts of the trips. On my recent trip we were checking in at Sci-Fi Dine-In and someone came by thinking they could try a walk up. He was told it'd be a two hour wait. His response? "Two hours!?! I wouldn't wait two hours to see Jesus!"

1. Nope

2. 7:15

3. Epcot

4. Two bag checks

5. Three asks for instructions

6. 11:30 PM

7. Walk? ( I'm guessing from Epcot to DHS)

8. ADR at Beaches and Cream (this is me just mostly hoping you went, because I really wanted to go in May and it just didn't work out)

9. I still think that's pretty cool that you saw an armadillo. I keep wanting to say Cougar, but that seems rude, and Disney doesn't usually have that many? haha- maybe a pelican- is that wild enough?

Bonus: One of my favorite "lands" is frontierland.
Hi Pkondz
Great update. Way to go on splash mountain I don't think that pose can be topped what a classic it will be discussed for years to come for sure by all.You have probley started a new craze amongst trip posters to outdo it.Even without your tripod your photos turned out great as usual the pumpkins say it all it must be Halloween.
I saw it on the Fronter sign get away with Pkondz air
My transport guess is 127 mins in total.
My answers to the competition

1:- You do sleep in a little but are still up in time to catch a bus to a park.
2:- Get up at 07:30 hrs.
3:- First Park is Studios
4:- 3 Times for bag check
5:- Asked for directions 3 times.
6:- Room time 22: 25 hrs.
7:- Took a Taxi between parks
8:- Ohanas for the restaurant ADR.
9:- Animal was a white tailed deer
Bonus :- I seen a sign for Get away with Pkondz air. On the Fronterland entrance.
Sfof.... Sfefefms fas if the ,littlefsf havef mefsfsfefd fup thef kefy bofarfdf.... sfefef thef cofnsftfanft *f*sf intefrfefrefnce...sfof until I geft tof thef sftofref and refplace thef kefy bofard.... sfincef yofu misfsfefd it ofn yofur ridef tof MK... thef allusivef Disfnefy airpofrt...(will dof cofntefsft quefsftiofnsf ofncef thefy aref morfef cofhefrefnt)

No and go for you for sticking true to yourself.

I just gotta be me.

Now I thought the question was before you scanned your band and entered. I totally read that wrong.

An expression I first heard through my work...
Read The... uh... Full Question! :laughing:

It always does.


Ugh! Not touching this one.


:worship:Totally impressed!

Thanks! I did it all for you guys.

I bet that felt awesome!

It did! It was so unexpected
and pretty funny, too.

One eyed Mickey, Minnie, and Goofy. Did you do that on purpose?

Just a fluke.

I noticed that we spell words differently too with that "or" sound. It's like favorite. You spell it "favourite" right? It shows up as misspelled on my computer. We spell honor, "honor". :rotfl:

I know you spell it "honor" :laughing:
I could just as easily spell things without the 'u',
but I like to do that just to amuse my American readers.

You were so kind. Sometimes when you have kids and they are over it you don't even notice those kind gestures from strangers. I'll be more aware, myself, next time my children are at their limit.

I'm positive they didn't notice.
And I'm okay with that.

1. Ugh, no.
2. 6:50
3. Epcot
4. 3
5. 3
6. 11:41
7. Walk
8. Yachtsman Steakhouse
9. A horse


Bonus: Still not getting away with it! Does that work or do you need something more?

That's perfect.
How dare they! They're slacking!!!:rotfl2:

I think a sternly worded email is in order!

I always get a kick out of that!

Me too!
I always want to point it out
to the other people on the bus.

How very specific.

But not specifically enforced, though.

Ahh... is there a better sight than seeing this at the start of a trip?

Not that I'm aware of!

Well... I got better!

:thumbsup2 The Disney Magic always finds a way in! :wizard:

It definitely does that.

Its bound to catch up with you eventually.

It definitely did.


:cheer2:.... oh wait, I second guessed myself and changed my answer to Tony's :sad:

Go with your gut!

Was it Filtered or Tap?

Straight out of Bay Lake.

:rolleyes2 you just had to go there..... :rotfl2:

::yes:: It was a preemptive strike.
You just
know some of these
degenerates would go there.

I'd say the first sight of Cinderella's Castle on a trip.

Well... okay. But it's a close second.

:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao::thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2 THAT. IS. AWESOME!!!!!!!!!:rotfl2::rotfl::thumbsup2

:laughing: Thanks!

Redunancy is always a good idea! ::yes:: As DH says, You can only trust technology to do one thing always..... And that is Fail.

Your DH is a wise man.

Its probably because you look smart and like you know what you are doing! ::yes::

Or people are desperate
and they'll ask anyone,
including me.

What a shot!


I always TRY to do this, but always end up forgetting where the next door is and end up at the back of the group.

Look for the little red light about eye level.

WIth Little MIss's new(ish) obsession with Big Ben She would really flip out over getting to see this. Shame we don't have a trip planned for a while.

How on Earth did she become
obsessed with Big Ben???

Yes I did and that was pretty much my reaction when I saw it.


I was less than impressed
with myself.

Couldn't you have set up the tripod and then used the Gorilla pod on top of it? :confused3

Wow. I never even thought of that.
But now, having thought about it,
I don't think I would've anyway.
Not a lot of room to wrap
the legs after getting past
the ball-head.

Not sure why a CM would decide to use this particular technique in this situation. :confused3 It's a handy trick teachers use in classroom settings when they need to get the attention of the class without shouting. You lower your voice each time you start over with a number to clap and it pulls kids attention to you so that they will listen.

Well it was effective.
Guess we're all kids at heart.

Generally in the classroom setting I would do more rounds until everybody did it correctly and was showing they were paying attention.

What's the longest you've gone?

Like I said earlier, this method is great in the classroom with elementary age and below but it's a strange use in this situation.

If only I believed him! :laughing:

Nope. Didn't even notice Goofy till you pointed him out.

But when you did see him.
Creepy, right?

What is that? And why is it in her mouth?

Pretty sure it's a feather
from her duster.
I don't know if it was in her mouth
or just in front of it.

:rotfl: Apparently she's thinking the same thing! lol! :rotfl:


:rolleyes2 nope they spelled it the American way! :P

I know. I was just kidding.

you probably got a more pleasant ride for your wait anyways.

Well, I did get to sit...

Drat! I've got some major catching up to do! :sad:

Better get at it!

Any sane person would. But then I would never accuse you of being such. So I'm going with No.










Also noted.
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1. Well, I may have been awake
a fair bit recently. Do I sleep in?
a bit
2. What time do I wake up?
3. Which park am I first off to today?
4. It's a multi park day!
How many times do I visit the nice folks
at bag check? (Yes, I had a bag to check.)
5. How many times am I asked for directions?
I'll make it easy on you.
0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 times?
6. What time do I get to my room
at the end of the day this time?
7. I use a new method of getting
from one park to another. What is it?
(I've used bus, boat and monorail in the past.)
8. As a matter of fact I do have an ADR.
Two as a matter of fact.
Guess the one that’s not in any park or in Springs.
Beaches and Cream
9. What wild animal do I see today?
(On the way to that ADR.)


Get away with pkondz airlines - departing from Frontierland
(good idea since Frontier Airlines may not have been departing from pkondzland at that time)

And... :laughing:
So... How's your day going?
Hopefully a bit better than mine.

I feel terrible.
I scared the heck out of Kay this morning.
We were in the garage,
getting ready to go to school.
The dogs were coming along for the ride.
I bent down to pick up Luna,
picked her up and as I handed her to Kay,
felt my back let go.
I let out a little yell and fell over
onto the concrete floor
like a sack of potatoes.

Poor thing was yelling
"Should I call 911! Should I call 911!"

I told her, no, and to get her sister
to drive her to work.

It was a lot of fun eventually
getting up on my hands and knees
and crawling back to bed.

Anyway, upshot is, I'm pretty much
confined to bed for the next little bit.
And it hurts to stay in one spot too long,
so shout outs are going to happen...
but slowly.
I'm late but I'm loving this report.

Thanks! And there's not such thing
as "late" to my TRs.
They kind of ebb and flow.

And :welcome: to the TR, Vanessa!

This will be the the first time I've followed along but so far it looks like it will be extremely entertaining.

Glad you're along for the ride.
Feel free to jump in as much as you like.
Hopefully I won't disappoint.

I absolutely love the Splash picture!

Thanks! :laughing:

I'm so glad you ate at the Skippers Canteen. I have seen a whole lot about it yet, but that drink has me very interested.

I haven't seen much either,
but I think it's not getting
rave reviews.

Probably because the food
isn't typical fare.
Great update!

Thanks! :)

I love all the Fall decorations at MK, those Mickey pumpkins are too cute.

I know! Makes me want to do stuff at home.

That'd involve work.
I frown on that.

Nice dinner. I love those bubble things in your drink. They have them at the frozen yogurt place near me in their toppings bar. I have seen those in drinks before but they are usually at the bottom.

I didn't think they'd be found
anywhere else.

I know with Bubble Tea,
they're on the bottom.
Totally different thing though.

Sorry you couldn't get on the Mine Train, I love that ride.

Yeah, that kinda sucked.
Oh, well. I'm in Disney.
It's not all bad.

Love all your pics of the MSEP, I'm sad it is gone but even more sad that I missed out on seeing it on our last 2 trips and now it's over. I hope they get a new one soon (hopefully Paint the Night or something else new and great)

I'm sure they'll have something new soon.
I'm also sure everyone will be polarized
in their opinions of whatever comes.

I only noticed Goofy's creepy eye after reading about it, but I didn't see Mickey or Minnie until scrolling back up to look for the eye

I missed them myself,
first time I looked
at the photo.

As Others have said us 'Mericans spell it "Honor"



Yeah, I know it is.
I'm just having fun with y'all.

I love the Hairy Leg guy on POTC! I think he's too funny. I hope you just missed it, I would be heartbroken if they took him out.

I wish I could ask someone....
Wait... Liesa's there now...

1. Well, I may have been awake
a fair bit recently. Do I sleep in?----------not really

2. What time do I wake up?-----------------7am

3. Which park am I first off to today?-------------------Epcot

4. It's a multi park day!
How many times do I visit the nice folks
at bag check? (Yes, I had a bag to check.)---------------3

5. How many times am I asked for directions?
I'll make it easy on you.
0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 times? ----------------------4

6. What time do I get to my room
at the end of the day this time?-----------------12:45 am

7. I use a new method of getting
from one park to another. What is it?
(I've used bus, boat and monorail in the past.)---------------walk

8. As a matter of fact I do have an ADR.
Two as a matter of fact.
Guess the one that’s not in any park or in Springs. -----------The new Trattoria place at the Boardwalk (the one that used to be Kouzzina)

9. What wild animal do I see today?-------------------I'm going to make another try for a Bunny
(On the way to that ADR.)


Yes I did, The Frontier is a great place for a getaway!!

Isn't it though?
Go with your gut!
I'll remind you that you said that soon...:rolleyes1

Straight out of Bay Lake.

::yes:: It was a preemptive strike.
You just
know some of these
degenerates would go there.
:rotfl2: True!

Your DH is a wise man.

Look for the little red light about eye level.
:thumbsup2 That's such a better tip than trying to remember the correct painting to stand under!

How on Earth did she become
obsessed with Big Ben???
:rotfl: My oddball has been obsessed with all things clocks and watches for about a year or so now. As she gets older she gets more obsessed. DH and I were out shopping a while back and stumbled across a Big Ben Halloween costume. Knowing she would flip out at the idea of getting to be a clock for Halloween we got it for her. Then in a homeschooling moment decided to find some videos about Big Ben for her to watch so she would know what she was dressing up as. Ever since she has been fixated on all things Big Ben. :rotfl:

Wow. I never even thought of that.
But now, having thought about it,
I don't think I would've anyway.
Not a lot of room to wrap
the legs after getting past
the ball-head.

What's the longest you've gone?
Its a pretty effective method. It usually takes no more than 3-5 minutes. I think it might have taken me 7 minutes once when I had no voice at all and the kids were especially loud.

But when you did see him.
Creepy, right?
Nope. :confused3

Pretty sure it's a feather
from her duster.
I don't know if it was in her mouth
or just in front of it.

Better get at it!

So... How's your day going?
Hopefully a bit better than mine.
Started day with some Little Miss melt-downs and topped it off with an utter Failure of a Pumpkin bread recipe.

I scared the heck out of Kay this morning.
We were in the garage,
getting ready to go to school.
The dogs were coming along for the ride.
I bent down to pick up Luna,
picked her up and as I handed her to Kay,
felt my back let go.
I let out a little yell and fell over
onto the concrete floor
like a sack of potatoes.
:eek: Oh NO!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, upshot is, I'm pretty much
confined to bed for the next little bit.
And it hurts to stay in one spot too long,
so shout outs are going to happen...
but slowly.
Hope you get better soon! pixiedust:
Jolly good! You are very dedicated!

One must always come prepared
for every contingency.

Actually, I was too busy still thinking about Tinkerbell...

Isn't that sad?
Disney should really
do something about that.

1. No
2. 7:40
3. Epcot
4. 2
5. 2
6. 11:15
7. Uber
8. Ohana
9. Snake


Bonus: I need a getaway.

Everyone does once in a while.

Too bad about the Wishes/tripod issue, but don't worry, I have it on permanent loop in my brain, so I replayed it for myself.

Problem solved!

I will remind you of my transportation guess of 167 minutes. I won't hold it against you - I think you're already working too much again.

Oh! Sorry I missed that.
It's fixed now.

And is your alternate spelling of corral a Manitoba dialect?? :laughing:

Oh, dang it!!
That's what you get for
spell-checking at 3am!

(Although now that I've fixed it,
I should really say
"I don't know what you're talking about.")
That Splash Mountain picture is amazing!

Thanks! :)

I especially love the Winnipeg Public Library barcode!

:laughing: OMG! You saw that??!?!?

Originally, my plan was to be reading a newspaper,
but I found it just too unwieldy to hold
with one hand.
So at the last second, I switched to a book.
My Mom had borrowed that book
and liked it, so she lent it to me.

I considered Photoshopping the barcode out,
but I didn't want to manipulate the photo
in any way.

Edit out the barcode?
Edit in other props?
Slippery slope.

Also, I totally forgot BTMRR was closed, it's always good to have a throw-away guess!

"Throw away"????
You do know there's chocolate involved, right?


and this
"It did feel a little weird at sucking up Dr. Slush's balls though. But I soon got used to it" :rotfl2:


Overhearing things at Disney is one of my favorite parts of the trips. On my recent trip we were checking in at Sci-Fi Dine-In and someone came by thinking they could try a walk up. He was told it'd be a two hour wait. His response? "Two hours!?! I wouldn't wait two hours to see Jesus!"

Okay, now that's funny.

1. Nope

2. 7:15

3. Epcot

4. Two bag checks

5. Three asks for instructions

6. 11:30 PM

7. Walk? ( I'm guessing from Epcot to DHS)

8. ADR at Beaches and Cream (this is me just mostly hoping you went, because I really wanted to go in May and it just didn't work out)

9. I still think that's pretty cool that you saw an armadillo. I keep wanting to say Cougar, but that seems rude, and Disney doesn't usually have that many? haha- maybe a pelican- is that wild enough?

And... Cougar.... :lmao:

Bonus: One of my favorite "lands" is frontierland.

Mine too!
Hi Pkondz

Hey Mac.

Great update.


Way to go on splash mountain I don't think that pose can be topped what a classic it will be discussed for years to come for sure by all.

Oh, I don't know about that.
There are lots better out there.
But I
am pretty proud of it!

You have probley started a new craze amongst trip posters to outdo it.

:laughing: Maybe.
I already know of one TR
that I might have influenced.

Even without your tripod your photos turned out great as usual the pumpkins say it all it must be Halloween


I saw it on the Fronter sign get away with Pkondz air

You never know where
that ad'll turn up.

My transport guess is 127 mins in total.


1:- You do sleep in a little but are still up in time to catch a bus to a park.
2:- Get up at 07:30 hrs.
3:- First Park is Studios
4:- 3 Times for bag check
5:- Asked for directions 3 times.
6:- Room time 22: 25 hrs.
7:- Took a Taxi between parks
8:- Ohanas for the restaurant ADR.
9:- Animal was a white tailed deer



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