Canadian Buffoon's Semi-EPIC Vacation - 10/29 - Link to new TR!

Yeah you never know when bringing random teens together if they will hit it off.
I've seen it go both ways.
I wasn't really worried about
Elle, though. She's a sweetheart. :)
Really depends on the day, and their moods and...the phase of the moon or something...glad it worked out so well!
"phase of the moon", huh?

I love this! I love that you (and loads of other people that are not me) can look so relaxed in ride photos and do fun stuff like that. I'm always the one wondering when the drop is and making a really stupid face by accident, not on purpose.
I love planning those shots. :)
I really feel for the characters sometimes. Especially the ones like Ariel without a big furry costume between them and the drunken frat boys. I wonder how Disney politely escorts them outta there in Disney style without any pointing or un-Disney like actions?
And especially Ariel with her
bare skin.
I'm sure she inwardly cringes

fairly regularly.
Wow. That just shows you how much Universal doesn't want you just adding two days at Universal onto your Disney trip by making it such an incredible rip off that you'll go for the AP because it's such a good deal. I guess if you're in Orlando a lot it really does make sense to have both.
I figured it was a good gamble.
I thought I might go back.
Not sure, still, but...
Maybe? Possibly?
If not... it's only $30.

Not $500.
I don't normally post two
updates so close together.
(At least, not anymore.
I got complaints... :rolleyes:)

What?? Just keep 'em coming…we don't mind at all :-)

Universal Studios, here we come!!!

And within just a few minutes,
we found ourselves backstage
at Epcot trying to explain to
a not very happy security guard
that we were trying to go
to Universa

Oh, no! I'm sure I would do something like that, but the Lyft driver? :rotfl:

Now that you say it, I think I vaguely remember that you were going to UO. How fun!

We eventually arrived at our resort,
the Royal Pacific just after 7:00pm.

That's where we stayed in 2015. It's so pretty, it kind of reminds me of The Poly :love:

I dialed the number and
it was promptly answered
by a female voice.

N: "Thankyou for calling National. How may I help you?"
P: "I'm just looking for the phone number
for the Four-Points location.
I'd like to be picked up, if possible."
N: "Of course sir. MCO?"
P: "No. Four-Points."
N: "Certainly, sir. Do you have the reservation number?"
I rattle it off.
N: "Where are you calling from?"
P: "Orlando"
N: "For how many days?"
I tell her.
N: "The rate for renting a mid-size car at MCO for..."
I cut her off.
P: "No. I'm not renting from MCO.
I'm renting from Four-Points.
I just want the phone number."
N: "Certainly, sir. The phone number for MCO is..."
P: "Not MCO! I'm renting from Four-Points!"
N: "Of course, sir. Let me get that number. Do you have a pen?"
Lady, I've been white-knuckling a pen
for the past five minutes.
P: "Yes, I have a pen."
She gives me a toll-free number.
The number that I dialed to reach her.
I start to laugh.
P: "Gee! Thanks a lot! You just
gave me your own number!"
N: "I can..."

I hung up.

Oh, my word :sad2:

I don't blame you for hanging up.

Lucky for you, since the pool
was closed, and getting a phone
number was proving impossible
I decided to spend a few minutes
wandering around taking photos.

I know. I know.
"Yay! I can stop reading!"

The front entrance:


Walkway to the hotel:


Your pictures are amazing! ::yes::
I love the Royal Pacific! While my heart will always belong to Disney, I think the universal hotels are so much nicer and you get more for your money.
I love the Royal Pacific! While my heart will always belong to Disney, I think the universal hotels are so much nicer and you get more for your money.
I really have only the one to go on.
I've never even seen any of the others! :laughing:
What?? Just keep 'em coming…we don't mind at all :-)

But I really did get complaints

for posting updates too quickly. :)
Oh, no! I'm sure I would do something like that, but the Lyft driver?
Maybe it was... his first day??
Now that you say it, I think I vaguely remember that you were going to UO. How fun!
It was kinda an open secret. :)
That's where we stayed in 2015. It's so pretty, it kind of reminds me of The Poly :love:
I really liked it.
I'd stay there again
in a heartbeat!
Oh, my word :sad2:

I don't blame you for hanging up.
It was both funny and sad.
Your pictures are amazing! ::yes::
Thanks! :goodvibes
Unfortunately, after this,
I mostly put the big camera
away and just used my phone.
It was my first time in a loooong
time at Uni and I wanted to
experience it... not photograph it.

There'll be plenty of photos....

Just not very good ones.
This should have been my
first hint that maybe he
wasn't the best Lyft driver.

Oh, goodness.

Universal Studios, here we come!!!


Hooray! Hello, Wizarding World of Harry Potter!

(And yes, I suppose all that other stuff at Universal, too.) :rolleyes:

And within just a few minutes,
we found ourselves backstage
at Epcot trying to explain to
a not very happy security guard
that we were trying to go
to Universal.

Oh, no! :rotfl: I figured you were going to tell us how he cut off traffic left and right or drove to the backstage section at Universal (I've seen that on several trip reports when they use online directions!), but how on earth did he end up at EPCOT?!


Well, it's a good story?! ;)

Big bathroom.
You could put a cot in there.

WOW that bathroom is HUGE! The accessible bathrooms are a heck-of-a-lot bigger than the usual bathrooms with the separating door (the sink by itself and the toilet and tub/shower together behind a sliding door). You could definitely put a cot in there!

Our view from our room:

Wow, what a great view! I cared not one iota about our view at the Royal Pacific as I figured we wouldn't be spending much time in the room (I was correct on that one), but it would be neat to see the theme parks from your room!

Eventually she got it sorted out and
I was the proud owner of a
Universal AP.

Wow! TWO annual passes in ONE vacation - you're so fancy!

My Disney AP, upgrading from
a 5-day park hopper was over $500.
My Uni AP, upgrading from
a 2-day, 2-park ticket?

About $30.

It's AMAZING how much cheaper Universal passes are than Disney passes! Even if you don't return to the parks, I think there are other perks with the AP that may make an upgrade worth it on a one-time trip.

I decided to spend a few minutes
wandering around taking photos.

Beautiful photos! I was so tired by the end of the day when I was at Universal that I didn't take many night photos. I can't believe how few people were in the lobby (and how many people were in what I believe was Orchid Lounge!).

I hope getting picked up for your rental car worked out! (One thing you could've tried is calling the front desk of the hotel who could then transfer you to the rental car counter - I'm sure they do it for hotel guests all the time. If you had a hard time finding the actual hotel phone number, my usual trick is to call a restaurant in the hotel who then transfers me to the front desk. Perhaps that's a lot of rigmarole to reach the rental desk, but it sounds like it may have been easier than your phone call!)

Stay tuned!

I can't wait to hear about your experience at Universal! I hope both of you loved it!
Rise and shine!
It's moving day!
NO!!! I just moved from GA to FL. Not going to move again.

We checked out of the hotel
and then checked our bags
at 8:25am.
We then boarded a bus
at... 8:25am.
Okay, that's just insane. So, you checked in your bags as the bus pulled up?

We were heading over to DHS.
Unlike the last time we went,
there was no anniversary
celebration going on.
Ruh roh, George!

So it should be a lot quieter,
Ummm,'s May the 4th and that's where Star Wars is. Bad move.

It's May! Nice, sedate, May.
May the fourth, to be precise.
Not a good day to be near the Star Wars fans!

It's just gotta be dead there, right?
I keep telling you, it's not a good day to be there and dead is quite the opposite.

The standby line for TSMM was
already up to 40 minutes.
We both figured that it wasn't
going to get any lower today, so...
We hopped in line.
Yeah, for SB, that's about as good as it gets.

Always beat your children.
Builds character.
People tend to go to jail for that.

Would it surprise you to
know that at 10am the
wait time for TOT was
110 minutes and RNRC was
already up to 115 minutes?
Not at all.

I find this picture comical. PM me if you'd like to know why.

We'd already done this ride,
so it didn't have quite the
excitement factor that the
first go-around did.

Wake up!!!!
Did you work too hard laying down side tracks?

Contrast our expressions
with the two young ladies
in front of us.
Oh how I hope they got
their PP photo! :laughing:
I sure hope they did too.

And, dude?
If you hadn't been so
engrossed with your
phone, you could've
totally photo-bombed us.
Maybe this is a get off my lawn type thing, but this is probably my biggest pet peeve at Disney. People with their face buried in their phone. YOU'RE ON VACATION PEOPLE!!!! I partly blame Disney because with having to do FPs on the app instead of the old (GOOD) way, people who normally may NOT have had their face buried in their phone now do.

The show was cute but
definitely a one and done.
Except this was more of
a two and phew for us,
but she didn't remember it
since it had been ten years.
Funny...I liked it. If it were an air conditioned theater (or theatre if you prefer) it would be better.

t was a walk on, thanks to
a strategically selected FP.
FP walk on? Who would've thunk it?

Sleeping and checking your manicure. Wow, nothing seems to phase you.

The show was fun as always
and Elle enjoyed it.
She said she remembered
bits and pieces of it.
I have mixed emotions about it. I like it because it has some pretty cool effects, but it's definitely dated.

When I first joined the DIS,
(over ten years ago!!!)
I mostly was looking at the
restaurant reviews.
Consistently, Mama Melrose
was rated as the worst
restaurant in all of Disney.
But I'd lately noticed that more
and more positive reports
were popping up, including
glowing praise from @chunkymonkey .
I was noticing I seem to be the only one recently who wasn't impressed. I didn't even think to order a steak, but kinda wishing I had now.

Elle was ready to eat
and so was I!

Is that a ready to eat gaze or really Dad, you're taking my picture again?

The only thing marring the dish
was that tiny piece of green
on the plate at about ten o'clock.
How dare they!?!?!?!
They ruined it!!!
You should have eaten about half and then complained to your waiter/waitress. Gotten another one.

We got to SDD only to see there
was a 120 minute wait.
But with our FPs we pretty much
just walked on.
Another FP walk on? What are the odds?

:eek: Do you think she's right?
Did they design it that way???
I don't know. She might be on to something there, but I think only one of the imagineers could answer that definitively.

We got...
Voyage of the Little Mermaid.
Not get to see interest.

This actually turned out to be
a good attraction to have a FP for.
While the show itself is pretty
forgettable, having a FP allowed
us to enter into the waiting area
ahead of the standby line.
Ummm, okay...this is typical for a FP. What's the big deal?

The waiting area is air conditioned.

And while we waited in comfort,
I snagged two more FPs for
the Frozen Sing Along.
I'd never been, and had
heard good things.
Also air conditioned!
Love this show. Remind me when you're here to show you the video I have.

Elle responded by saying.
"Too bad, so sad."
She didn't care.
She really didn't care.
Not exactly a Star Wars fan.
I am a Star Wars fan, but I could care less about the march. I like the original movies and the march just simply disrupts the crowd and being able to get where you're going. Not a fan of that at all.

1 2 3 4 5 <SPIN!>
5 4 3 2 1 <SPIN!>
Repeat ad infinitum.
If you go to DC, check out the tomb of the unknown soldier. It's uncanny that so many different people can have their footfalls in exactly the same spots.

I don't know what they're
paying these kids...
But it isn't enough.
I think most of them are doing it for the perks and not so much the pay. Other than that station, I think it's a pretty sweet gig actually...they rarely have to DO anything...most of the time it's stand or sit and watch.


Apparently, I take this
photo of Elle on just
about every trip.
:laughing: I hadn't
even realized!
First the roller coaster and now she's trying to sleep here also? You must be waking her up too early.

Okay, this is better.
(Is it?)

We split an order of
grilled cheese and
tomato soup.
Dude, split it???

Why split?
It's not that big...

Because, this:

Okay...understandable. You're forgiven.

Hello my beauties.
Oh! And that's what
half orders look like,
if you've never seen
that before.
(Yes, you can order
a half-order!
Last time I was there I asked for the half order and the guy looked at me like I was insane. I get that look a lot...not sure if it's the white sports jacket with really long sleeves or something else. Anyway, he said I couldn't get a half order. I said I'm pretty sure I can. He said, well yes, but it's the same price. I didn't want to fight the issue, but I was not happy and it showed in his tip.

Did you see it in this chapter?
Yep. Never saw him there before though.
Stooping low. Snoooooooooooooooozer.
Last night we were at AK. I looked for FPs late in the evening. I was SHOCKED there were still FPs available for it's tough to be a bug. Shocked, I say.

I have done that either, and will in a few weeks.
I have but one piece of advice when you attend...

Let it go!

Actually, I really enjoy this and I think it's very well done. Do I want to build a snowman?....only if it's Olaf! Best part of the whole movie.

Remind me to show you video of last time I went (last weekend after SWGE preview)

Sounds like the March of the 1st Order was back on! You didn't miss it afterall!
When I read that, I was thinking NOOOOOO...please tell me it isn't so.

Then, when I re-read it, I got a flash back from the Lord of the Rings movies when I read "back on"

Orc: Looks like meat's back on the menu boys!

Kinda funny to me how certain words, phrases, sounds, smells will bring stuff back from the past.
I don't normally post two
updates so close together.
(At least, not anymore.
I got complaints... :rolleyes:)

Then I'm about to get a bunch of complaints cuz I"m going to get a few up today on my own. Making hay while the sun shines and all that....

We agreed that he would drive
us to our destination for a
flat rate of $20.
(Which, based on the title
of this update, I'm sure you've
got a pretty good idea where
that might be.)

Seems like a fair deal and good one at that. Saved you time and money, methinks.
And yes, I did.

By now, I had lost all faith
in our driver and began
giving him directions.
After all, being Canadian,
I of course have a much
better grasp of the
directions in and around

This sounds way too close to an Uber/Lyft ride I had to Discovery Cove one very early morning. Lesson learned: ALWAYS have your destination pulled up on your phone. Always.

My Disney AP, upgrading from
a 5-day park hopper was over $500.
My Uni AP, upgrading from
a 2-day, 2-park ticket?

About $30.

Wheels begin to turn...

If you think there's even a slight
chance you'll go again in a year,
it's so worth upgrading to
their AP.

Turning faster....

. I was SHOCKED there were still FPs available for it's tough to be a bug.

I'm afraid my kids are going to drag me in there in a few weeks. :rolleyes2

Actually, I really enjoy this and I think it's very well done. Do I want to build a snowman?....only if it's Olaf! Best part of the whole movie.

I'm actually pretty excited to see it having never done it. I like most of the stage shows. Except B&tB. Nopity nope.

Then, when I re-read it, I got a flash back from the Lord of the Rings movies when I read "back on"

Orc: Looks like meat's back on the menu boys!

Kinda funny to me how certain words, phrases, sounds, smells will bring stuff back from the past.
I LOVE that line!! Cracks me up every time!
We arrived shortly after at DHS
to scenes of long lines of people
waiting to get in.
However... this isn't Epcot, folks.
We were through bag check
in no time.
We even got to skip
the metal detectors.

Much better than Epcot. I'm interested to see the entrance.

I got "Best in Car" with my score,
but it didn't really matter.
What did matter was that
I beat Elle.

Always beat your children.
Builds character.

Said like a true Dad.

Nice picture! I'm thinking your Harley shirt collection will rival DH's Grumpy shirts.

We'd already done this ride,
so it didn't have quite the
excitement factor that the
first go-around did.

You do look a little limp.

Contrast our expressions
with the two young ladies
in front of us.
Oh how I hope they got
their PP photo! :laughing:

I was thinking the same thing.

I did this for Elle of course.
She loves TOT.
I was just along for the ride.

I totally agree with Elle, this is a favorite for me too and I will never look bored on it.

But I'd lately noticed that more
and more positive reports
were popping up, including
glowing praise from @chunkymonkey .

This is good to hear. We really enjoyed our only visit here in 2012.

...which I thought was really
nicely done.
Like the lights? I did.

This is what stuck out to me too. Loved the lights and grapevines.

It was fantastic.

So glad you enjoyed it.

But with our FPs we pretty much
just walked on.


:eek: Do you think she's right?
Did they design it that way???

I would hope so.

While the show itself is pretty
forgettable, having a FP allowed
us to enter into the waiting area
ahead of the standby line.

No much love for the Princess shows. We like the show and how cool and refreshing it is in there.

I'd never been, and had
heard good things.

I'm so glad you gave this a shot.

The Frozen Sing Along was...
Hilarious! We both enjoyed
it a lot!

We love it too! The first time we did we were pleasantly surprised.

I don't know what they're
paying these kids...
But it isn't enough.

I'm guessing this was someone in the DCP.

Why split?
It's not that big...

Because, this:


I like your game plan. Always better to leave more more for ice cream.

Did you see it in this chapter?

I did! He loved pretty comfortable up there.
So I'll just go ahead and
upset those of you who
want me to wait at least
a week or more in between posts.

Doesn't bother me. But I can't always respond quickly.

For some reason, our driver
couldn't seem to find the lobby.

Why would he want to drive into the lobby? That could be expensive to fix.

We agreed that he would drive
us to our destination for a
flat rate of $20.
(Which, based on the title
of this update, I'm sure you've
got a pretty good idea where
that might be.)

I don't know, it was pretty tricky...

Either way, there was
an "oyed" involved.

That does narrow it down quite a bit.

While he was trying to
set up his GPS for our next
stop, he managed to pick
a spot that blocked a
delivery truck from leaving.

Let's hear it for awareness of your surroundings! Typically a critical skill for drivers.

Universal Studios, here we come!!!

And within just a few minutes,
we found ourselves backstage
at Epcot trying to explain to
a not very happy security guard
that we were trying to go
to Universal.

:lmao: :rotfl: :rotfl2:

After all, being Canadian,
I of course have a much
better grasp of the
directions in and around

I imagine your knowledge surpasses the typical Canadian.

We eventually arrived at our resort,
the Royal Pacific just after 7:00pm.

Ooh, swanky!

Big bathroom.
You could put a cot in there.

Heh. Hopefully you didn't have to.

My Disney AP, upgrading from
a 5-day park hopper was over $500.
My Uni AP, upgrading from
a 2-day, 2-park ticket?

About $30.

Wow. I had no idea. That seems like a steal.

When I returned to the room,
we quickly changed into
bathing suits and headed
down to the pool...
Only to arrive just as they
shut it down for an
approaching thunderstorm.

Well, poop.

Please don't do that in the pool.

She gives me a toll-free number.
The number that I dialed to reach her.
I start to laugh.

:lmao::rotfl::rotfl2: Oh my gosh. That was hilarious. Like something out of a movie.

I decided to spend a few minutes
wandering around taking photos.

Nice shots! I love the theme at this resort (from photos, I've never actually been there). If money were no object (and they could easily handle a family of 6), this is probably the resort I would choose at Universal.

I know. I know.
"Yay! I can stop reading!"


They were all great shots, but that one was my favorite.

Will it come close to being
as good as Disney?
Will it fall horribly short?
Will it surpass it???

Can't wait to find out! I'm tentatively planning a visit in February.

Did you see it in this chapter?

Not until I enlarged the photos. It was kinda dark.
Oh, goodness.
Yep. That's about it all right.

Hooray! Hello, Wizarding World of Harry Potter!

(And yes, I suppose all that other stuff at Universal, too.) :rolleyes:
There's other stuff???

Oh, no! :rotfl: I figured you were going to tell us how he cut off traffic left and right or drove to the backstage section at Universal (I've seen that on several trip reports when they use online directions!), but how on earth did he end up at EPCOT?!
I have no idea!

Even I knew he was going
the wrong way.
I think I made a comment

"Isn't that the exit?"
Well, it's a good story?! ;)
That's what makes TRs go round. ;)
WOW that bathroom is HUGE! The accessible bathrooms are a heck-of-a-lot bigger than the usual bathrooms with the separating door (the sink by itself and the toilet and tub/shower together behind a sliding door). You could definitely put a cot in there!
Wow, what a great view! I cared not one iota about our view at the Royal Pacific as I figured we wouldn't be spending much time in the room (I was correct on that one), but it would be neat to see the theme parks from your room!
It was pretty awesome! :)
Wow! TWO annual passes in ONE vacation - you're so fancy!

I'm fancy.
It's AMAZING how much cheaper Universal passes are than Disney passes! Even if you don't return to the parks, I think there are other perks with the AP that may make an upgrade worth it on a one-time trip.
I was shocked at the price

difference. I was sure there
must be some mistake.
Beautiful photos! I was so tired by the end of the day when I was at Universal that I didn't take many night photos. I can't believe how few people were in the lobby (and how many people were in what I believe was Orchid Lounge!).
The place was empty.

I did have to wait a couple
of times for people to go by,
but... pretty much it was the

way it looks in the photos.
I hope getting picked up for your rental car worked out! (One thing you could've tried is calling the front desk of the hotel who could then transfer you to the rental car counter - I'm sure they do it for hotel guests all the time. If you had a hard time finding the actual hotel phone number, my usual trick is to call a restaurant in the hotel who then transfers me to the front desk. Perhaps that's a lot of rigmarole to reach the rental desk, but it sounds like it may have been easier than your phone call!)
Oh! That's a great tip!

If it happens again, I'll use that! :)
I can't wait to hear about your experience at Universal! I hope both of you loved it!
Coming soon!
Last edited:
NO!!! I just moved from GA to FL. Not going to move again.
Okay, everyone except Doc, rise and shine!
(You're gonna miss out on the waffles, though.)

Okay, that's just insane. So, you checked in your bags as the bus pulled up?
Pretty much.
Checked the bags, turned around
and the bus was just pulling up.

I don't think we even broke stride.
Ummm,'s May the 4th and that's where Star Wars is. Bad move.

Not a good day to be near the Star Wars fans!

I keep telling you, it's not a good day to be there and dead is quite the opposite.
Yeah, for SB, that's about as good as it gets.
Yup. Why we went on.
It wasn't gonna get shorter.
People tend to go to jail for that.
Party pooper.
I find this picture comical. PM me if you'd like to know why.
PM sent. :)
Wake up!!!!
Did you work too hard laying down side tracks?
It's a lot of work!
They really don't know what
they're doing.

Gotta hold their hands through it.
Maybe this is a get off my lawn type thing, but this is probably my biggest pet peeve at Disney. People with their face buried in their phone. YOU'RE ON VACATION PEOPLE!!!! I partly blame Disney because with having to do FPs on the app instead of the old (GOOD) way, people who normally may NOT have had their face buried in their phone now do.
No, I'm not thrilled about it either.
I was so happy that I didn't have to
bring anything to the park except the MB.
Now I have to bring my phone too.

And I don't really want to.
Funny...I liked it. If it were an air conditioned theater (or theatre if you prefer) it would be better.
That would've been better.
Sleeping and checking your manicure. Wow, nothing seems to phase you.
I'm a chill dude.

And... ever figure out what

"Netflix and chill" means? ;)
I have mixed emotions about it. I like it because it has some pretty cool effects, but it's definitely dated.
Oh, it's dated all right.
It hasn't changed in decades.
I was noticing I seem to be the only one recently who wasn't impressed. I didn't even think to order a steak, but kinda wishing I had now.
Yeah, I'm wanting to try that now.
Is that a ready to eat gaze or really Dad, you're taking my picture again?
It's a "I'm happy my Dad
took me to Disney" look. :)

They ruined it!!!
You should have eaten about half and then complained to your waiter/waitress. Gotten another one.
Dang! I never thought of that!!!
I don't know. She might be on to something there, but I think only one of the imagineers could answer that definitively.
Not get to see interest.
But of course.
Ummm, okay...this is typical for a FP. What's the big deal?

Asked and answered...
by the same person!

Love this show. Remind me when you're here to show you the video I have.
You expect me to remember something?

I am a Star Wars fan, but I could care less about the march. I like the original movies and the march just simply disrupts the crowd and being able to get where you're going. Not a fan of that at all.
Yeah, it wasn't easy getting from
Point A to B... and that's without
it even happening!
If you go to DC, check out the tomb of the unknown soldier. It's uncanny that so many different people can have their footfalls in exactly the same spots.
I'll keep that in mind. :)
I think most of them are doing it for the perks and not so much the pay. Other than that station, I think it's a pretty sweet gig actually...they rarely have to DO anything...most of the time it's stand or sit and watch.
Really? Hmm... Yeah, I can see that.
First the roller coaster and now she's trying to sleep here also? You must be waking her up too early.
It had been a long day...
Dude, split it???
I just pigged out on risotto
a few hours earlier.

Last time I was there I asked for the half order and the guy looked at me like I was insane. I get that look a lot...not sure if it's the white sports jacket with really long sleeves or something else. Anyway, he said I couldn't get a half order. I said I'm pretty sure I can. He said, well yes, but it's the same price. I didn't want to fight the issue, but I was not happy and it showed in his tip.
What the heck?
That's really weird.
Yeah... I'd make up the difference

with the tip too.
Yep. Never saw him there before though.
Then I'm about to get a bunch of complaints cuz I"m going to get a few up today on my own. Making hay while the sun shines and all that....
Hay, you do what you gotta do.
Seems like a fair deal and good one at that. Saved you time and money, methinks.
This sounds way too close to an Uber/Lyft ride I had to Discovery Cove one very early morning. Lesson learned: ALWAYS have your destination pulled up on your phone. Always.
Lesson learned.
And really... it's a lesson
that shouldn't have to be learned.
Wheels begin to turn...

Turning faster....
Much better than Epcot. I'm interested to see the entrance.
Just... don't make it as long as Epcots. Please!
Said like a true Dad.
Well... I am one, you know. :)
Nice picture! I'm thinking your Harley shirt collection will rival DH's Grumpy shirts.
:laughing: That could very well be!
You do look a little limp.
I beg your pardon??? :scared1:
I totally agree with Elle, this is a favorite for me too and I will never look bored on it.
I love it too.
But it's fun to do something
different for the camera. :)
This is good to hear. We really enjoyed our only visit here in 2012.
I'm sure glad we went!
This is what stuck out to me too. Loved the lights and grapevines.
So glad you enjoyed it.
It was sooooo good!
No much love for the Princess shows. We like the show and how cool and refreshing it is in there.
I will give it that.
It was cool and refreshing.
A welcome respite from the heat.

So too would an enclosed bus stop.
I'm so glad you gave this a shot.
Me too!
We love it too! The first time we did we were pleasantly surprised.
That's exactly it!
I was pleasantly surprised. :)

I'm guessing this was someone in the DCP.
You could very well be right.
Certainly the right age bracket.

I like your game plan. Always better to leave more more for ice cream.
I did! He loved pretty comfortable up there.

And... guess what movie I saw
a couple of days ago? :)
Doesn't bother me. But I can't always respond quickly.
I get that.
Part of the problem was I was
running contests too.
And people didn't have
a chance to reply before

the next update was up.
Why would he want to drive into the lobby? That could be expensive to fix.
Not my problem.
I don't know, it was pretty tricky...
I'm sneaky that way.
That does narrow it down quite a bit.
Let's hear it for awareness of your surroundings! Typically a critical skill for drivers.
This too should've been
a clue.

I imagine your knowledge surpasses the typical Canadian.
Hmm... you could be right.
Except it's been a while since
I've driven down.
Ooh, swanky!
It became cost effective
for a reason I haven't
mentioned yet.
Heh. Hopefully you didn't have to.
That only happens after
a fight with DW.

Wow. I had no idea. That seems like a steal.
I was shocked!
I thought maybe she made
a mistake so kept quiet.
Please don't do that in the pool.
:lmao::rotfl::rotfl2: Oh my gosh. That was hilarious. Like something out of a movie.
I couldn't believe it!
I mean... really????

Nice shots! I love the theme at this resort (from photos, I've never actually been there). If money were no object (and they could easily handle a family of 6), this is probably the resort I would choose at Universal.
I really liked it.
The theming was great,
but the proximity to the
park was the biggest perk

Well... one of them.
They were all great shots, but that one was my favorite.
Thanks! :goodvibes
Can't wait to find out! I'm tentatively planning a visit in February.
I'll have more coming up soon.
Not until I enlarged the photos. It was kinda dark.
Fewer photos = harder challenge.
Good luck with the exams!
And... yesss. Break!

It has been a busy but good break, just got home from road tripping to mount robson, then grand prairie for a wedding, then to edmonton, and banff, then revelstoke.

3 months?
That'll go by in a flasth. :)

I do not know what a flasth is but it will go by in a flash!

And boy I was tired after
building it!!


I can only imagine!

I LOVE this picture, I need it in my house.
What did matter was that
I beat Elle.

Always beat your children.
Builds character.

Oh, thats why I had so many bruises when I was a kid, I jest I jest, I do agree though, can't just let your kids always win at everything!

Would it surprise you to
know that at 10am the
wait time for TOT was
110 minutes and RNRC was
already up to 115 minutes?

I knew they would be high but wow that's crazy.

I went and grabbed us some
frozen lemonades over at

Mmmm...I'm drooling on my keyboard.

it was a walk on, thanks to
a strategically selected FP.

You seem to have mastered the art of FP's

The show was fun as always
and Elle enjoyed it.
She said she remembered
bits and pieces of it.

I have always wanted to check this show out!

The ribs were fall-off-the-bone
delicious and that risotto!
It was fantastic.
I have dreams now of that
We meet again and are

It looked delicious but now I want to also marry it.

But with our FPs we pretty much
just walked on.

Saved by the FP again!

:eek: Do you think she's right?
Did they design it that way???

I never thought about this before but it would make sense, Disney's attention to detail is fantastic.

The Frozen Sing Along was...
Hilarious! We both enjoyed
it a lot!

You know, for all the hate I see Frozen get, I love it.

We arrived at
Beaches & Cream
at five after five.
We were a touch early,
were asked to wait, and
were handed a buzzer.

mmmmm Ice Cream mmmmm


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