Canadian Buffoon's Sweet 16 Celebration - Update 01/28 - The End

It is a lot of fun. Come on down and give it a whirl after your WDW trip - you know - research and all.


I agree with Alison - No and DHS version is better - a bit more to it. I also like the parks to have different rides. One of the things we enjoy is experiencing different rides when we go to WDW.

Okay. So two for keeping
DHS the way it is.
And good point about
the different rides.
First things first...

:welcome: to the TR, Andy!
Hmmm... well, yeah, about that. I read your intro. Must have been one of those read it on the phone, and I'll reply later things. Well, I guess it is finally later. :rolleyes1
I hope I'm not too late to play round 2!

1. What time do we get up in the morning?

I'm gonna say 7 because of time change.

2. We get to the petting zoo!
How many capybaras are there?
0? 3? 6? 12?


3. Does Kay get to touch any animals?

yes she does!

4. Name at least one other animal
that can be found at this zoo.
(Private zoo in their backyard.
Picking capybara gets you zero points.)


5. Kay gets to feed a critter.
What does she feed it?
Hay? Corn? Oats? Fava beans? (with a nice Chianti)


6. How many hours are we there?
1? 2? 3? 4?

Lemme say 4 - cuz petting animals!

Bonus: Did you see it?
Try to be vague.
I'll let you know if you're
too vague.

yes... if it involved squeaky cheese.

I mean......maybe not all

Details, please.

So, every day, the counselors inspected your cabins. And the cleanest cabin got the "Golden Plunger." So, my cabin won 3 days in a row. And on the 3rd day, the boys cabin stole it from us. So the 4th day, their cabin won. Well, I may or may not have been having a little camp romance with a boy named Ethan. Who happened to also be staying in that cabin. So I just...politely asked for it. And he said yes.

Later, I may have been accused of seducing Ethan into giving me the plunger. By one of the counselors no less :littleangel:
Is it still paranoia
when they really are
out to get you?

Why? What have you heard?

When do I not
feel particularly fancy???

There is that

Actually, what's becoming
a major problem
is all the people coming North
seeking asylum.

I can believe it.

You found the battery?

I know where to look. I even know how to check my oil! Not change, though. That's Joe's job.

When does a dog ever
not want food????

Belle is surprisingly un-motivated by food. There have been several times where we put her food down and tell her "Okay" to eat....and she just stares. You say ok again....and she stares. At the lake she's so excited by everything else it's not uncommon for her to skip meals

Wait... I still do that...

Me too! Generally with Joe sitting right next to me

Because it doesn't have mint?

And it's delicious. Tastes just like actual batter, with chunks of brownie in it.
Sister Beatrice.
Grade five.

Yeah, that's the b… ummmm… gal.
Except she was going by Mrs Jackson at the time.

In truth, there always seemed to be a fierce competition between the "teachers" in Language Arts and those in "Phys-Ed" for the coveted title of Grand Sadist Supreme.

Oh, dang!

I have no idea who this person is!
La La La La La La...
I can't hear you!!
Too late...
Members of the NSA (and the rest of the parts of the alphabet soup) have already collected up your specifics.

...afraid you're done for, mate.

Not a fan.
I'll stick to the veal.
Good choice.
The Stroganoff is right tasty as well.

Had to Google.
Never seen or heard of them.
My bad...
NPR is one of the few joys I have access to, and even in "reruns", those guys are a hoot.

But then again, any time you can get someone else to google something there's always a good opportunity for spreading about cultural or regional variations.

Travel rounds us; dealing with folks from farther afield does the same.

Thank you for using a Canadian
with your meme.
It seemed the polite thing to do.

Was just there last Sunday.
Nice! Still too far off the trail for me though.
I'll just have to go back to the Legal Remedy and drown my sorrows.

This is a Trumanism.
Capote? I mean, capiche?
“I don't care what anybody says about me as long as it isn't true.”

It was also somewhat of a Twainism with shades of Mencken...
If you gonn'a mash up a bunch of aphorisms, that's not a bad group to be plagiarizing.

This is a noodlism.
Making you the Ramen of isms...
Errr... I mean, the Shaman of isms


But... ND highways are surprisingly good.
Better than ours at any rate.
I knew that wasn't going to be right when I said it.
But nothing else jumped out, right off

It would'a been a good poser for Tom & Ray, though

But my shoes were in a bin.
Reflex action?
Reflex... Reflux... something like that...

If you wouldn't mind.
There's a recipe I've been looking for.

That is American Chef Line Unlimited, right?
Works for me, we'll go with that.

Wait. Is that a thing?
I just thought you were slowed
down enough that it was its
own penalty?
Depends on the venue…
(and the mood of the Phys-Ed teacher in charge of the adjudicating at the time)

Goes undead.
Unless you land on Free Parking...

(Just remember to buy up the cheap properties and load 'em down with hotels; you'll usually be able to nickel and dime your opponents to death that way.)

How.... dastardly!
"Drat, drat and double drat!"

Hummm... a glancing tie-in to Professor Fate.

You'll draw back a bloody stump.
In the PG rated version, you draw back a nub...
Either way, it's gonn’a cost you an arm and a leg.


I didn't recognize the line.
So... Googled.
"Oh! That movie."

And then watched the youtube clip.

And realized, much to my horror...

That I've never seen it!
How is that possible????
Easily rectified…
You can often find that one in the bargain bin for three bucks or less.
Good slap-stick is often grossly undervalued.

He should disintegrate it.
Time to break out an Illudium Pu-36 Explosive Space Modulator.
No. Haven't abandoned you.
Just work and home
kicking my butt.

Hopefully I can get back here soon.
I am caught up everywhere else, though.

So there's that.
Hmmm... well, yeah, about that. I read your intro. Must have been one of those read it on the phone, and I'll reply later things. Well, I guess it is finally later. :rolleyes1
No time like the present!
Or past.
Or... whatever.
I hope I'm not too late to play round 2!


1. What time do we get up in the morning?

I'm gonna say 7 because of time change.

2. We get to the petting zoo!
How many capybaras are there?
0? 3? 6? 12?


3. Does Kay get to touch any animals?

yes she does!

4. Name at least one other animal
that can be found at this zoo.
(Private zoo in their backyard.
Picking capybara gets you zero points.)


5. Kay gets to feed a critter.
What does she feed it?
Hay? Corn? Oats? Fava beans? (with a nice Chianti)


6. How many hours are we there?
1? 2? 3? 4?

Lemme say 4 - cuz petting animals!


Bonus: Did you see it?
Try to be vague.
I'll let you know if you're
too vague.

yes... if it involved squeaky cheese.

Hmmm... I think I know what you're driving at.
I mean......maybe not all

All or nothing, missy!

So, every day, the counselors inspected your cabins. And the cleanest cabin got the "Golden Plunger." So, my cabin won 3 days in a row. And on the 3rd day, the boys cabin stole it from us. So the 4th day, their cabin won. Well, I may or may not have been having a little camp romance with a boy named Ethan. Who happened to also be staying in that cabin. So I just...politely asked for it. And he said yes.

Later, I may have been accused of seducing Ethan into giving me the plunger. By one of the counselors no less :littleangel:


Please tell me you did seduce him!

Why? What have you heard?

Can't say.
I've been sworn to secrecy.

There is that


I know where to look. I even know how to check my oil! Not change, though. That's Joe's job.

I don't have to check anymore.
Our cars just tell us what the oil is like now.

Belle is surprisingly un-motivated by food. There have been several times where we put her food down and tell her "Okay" to eat....and she just stares. You say ok again....and she stares. At the lake she's so excited by everything else it's not uncommon for her to skip meals

Wow. I've heard of this rare phenomenon...
but never seen it.

Me too! Generally with Joe sitting right next to me


And it's delicious. Tastes just like actual batter, with chunks of brownie in it.

Hmmm... I think I know what you're driving at.

Not all the photos loaded for me (work computer), but I saw a bowl with what looked like that delicious concoction which comes from la Belle Province. So I'm hoping that's what you're alluding to.
I've been tying to reply since last week.

Who thinks that should be "Kay and I"?)

I don't like confrontation so I'm going to agree with what you wrote.

so he was SOL.

Where I come from SOL means something else.

And with that, he waved us through.

I was starting to worry for you here. So glad you made it through.

We were through, start to finish,
in under five minutes.

I've never crossed a boarder, but this does sound like a very short amount of time.

Oh... poop.

I mean!... uh....


Wait! No!


Potty humor, you would fit in very well with my crew. I have to cal "no potty humor November" every year so they don't embarrass me every year at Thanksgiving.

The car started to fishtail...
at about 73MPH.

This sounds very scary!

To say I was worried about catching
that flight while my wife and daughter
tried to drive... this home...
worried me even more.

I'm worried too.

I edged the speed up to 77 and...
Smooth as glass.

Good news!

I kept thinking.
"This isn't the one I want,
it's the next one."
Until the "next" one
became the "last" one.

My DH does this every time I REALLY need him to stop for me.

I was a bit surprised when she said "Yes".

Me too. Brave girl, way to get right back on that horse.


Lovely daughters!

One of the best things about this place
(for those of us who don't drink beer.
Which in my family is... everyone.)
is that this place has amazing root beer.

On tap!

We don't drink beer either but would love the Root Beer.

Everyone enjoyed their food.

This just looks sooooo good.

And I didn't find out until much later,
that they didn't have any issues at all.
I got to be stressed about it
for quite a while, though.

I would be too.

Give me your best guess
and I'll throw some bonus points your way.
You don't have to be right.

Very strange and I know nothing about cars. Was it a rear wheel drive car? Was the struts going out?

Easy enough promise to make,
considering we weren't making
a return trip to Fargo.

This was sneaky.

A little big for just the two of us,
but... I dunno.
It just called to me.

Nice ride.

For bonus points, say "yes".

Yes! Lovely shots that fit in just right.

Guess what we had?
No, really.
I took a picture,
but forgot to note it.
"I'll just remember. No problem!"

I think this looks like the Socialite Cosmo and a flavored tea. I'm going to be different and say Raspberry tea.

I ordered Jambalaya fettuccine
because Jambalaya is a creole
word that translates to:
"Dang! This is some fine food!"

This looks really good. I've been raised on cajun/creole dishes and even I think it looks good. I have to say we have some of the best tasting food down here.

Now this... This!
is how one watches a movie.

Totally agree. I finally got DH to go to our theater that does this and he loved it too.

vamassey1 - 60

I'm thrilled I'm on the board!

1. What time do we get up in the morning?


2. We get to the petting zoo!
How many capybaras are there?
0? 3? 6? 12?


3. Does Kay get to touch any animals?


4. Name at least one other animal
that can be found at this zoo.
(Private zoo in their backyard.
Picking capybara gets you zero points.)


5. Kay gets to feed a critter.
What does she feed it?
Hay? Corn? Oats? Fava beans? (with a nice Chianti)


6. How many hours are we there?
1? 2? 3? 4?


Bonus: Did you see it?
Try to be vague.
I'll let you know if you're
too vague.

I did, hiding a little but always welcome to enter.
Looooooove me some Burrito Supremes. But I also love the old-style Enchiritos, that they will still make you if you ask. The Crunchwrap Supreme is a close 2nd. But if I'm in a big hurry and just need a small pick-me-up, my go-to is a small bean and cheese burrito and, if they have it, with green sauce.

BUT, the clincher is, and you've mentioned this in a previous post, Del Taco is far superior. They have a killer 2 lb. burrito that can easily be split. Love that piece of goodness. :lovestruc My heart grieves for Naugles though. The Macho Combo was pretty much the bomb diggity when I was in high school and could eat my weight in food and not look like a macho combo myself.
Once I discovered Taco Cabana in college, I stopped going to Taco Bell. Taco Cabana's queso is so much better than the fake cheese stuff at Taco Bell. Their tortillas are also far superior (they're actually made in-house).
Mini life update.
Really mini.

Nope. I didn't forget the
biscuits and gravy discussion.

Sausage Gravy ----
1 pound sausage (you can add more, but never less… never…)
**Note: Do not scrimp here; use the best stuff you get a hold of
**Note2: Down here, that means either homemade, from a good butcher or a pound of Neece’s.
**Note3: Only consider using one of the mass produced national brands at your own peril.

1/3 cup all-purpose flour
3 to 4 cups whole milk (more to taste or if needed)
1/2 teaspoon seasoned salt
2 teaspoons freshly ground black pepper (more to taste)
And… Biscuits (obviously); warmed and split for serving

Brown the sausage in a large heavy skillet over medium-high heat till crumbly
Reduce the heat to medium-low
Sprinkle on half the flour and stir so that the sausage soaks it all up
Add rest of the flower little by little, stirring until the roux begins to set up (about another minute or so)
Pour in the milk, stirring constantly
Continue cooking, stirring frequently, until thickened (This may take a good 10 to 12 minutes.)
Sprinkle in the seasoned salt and pepper to taste (and more is usually better when discussing pepper)
Continue cooking until very thick and luscious.

If it gets too thick too soon, just splash in another 1/2 cup of milk or more if needed.
Taste and adjust the seasoning.

Thanks Rob! (@GoofyIsAsGoofyDoes)

So tonight I made biscuits and gravy.
(With broccoli and cheese sauce
for a side.)


The gravy was... delicious!
I (of course) Canadianized it.
I used maple pork sausages.

The biscuits... well...

I either rolled them too thin
(Recipe said to roll to 1/2"
but I probably did about 1/4")
or over blended it.
They were really thin.

Live and learn.
They tasted good, though.
So there's that.
Yeah, that's the b… ummmm… gal.
Except she was going by Mrs Jackson at the time.

I see you are well acquainted
with the genre.

In truth, there always seemed to be a fierce competition between the "teachers" in Language Arts and those in "Phys-Ed" for the coveted title of Grand Sadist Supreme.

Catholic nuns win this easily.

Did you not see
The Blues Brothers???


Too late...
Members of the NSA (and the rest of the parts of the alphabet soup) have already collected up your specifics.

...afraid you're done for, mate.

Ha! I'm Canadian! You can't touch me!
I'm like... Saddam Hussein!
Or Osama Bin Laden!


Hang on. There's someone at the door.

Uh, oh.

Good choice.
The Stroganoff is right tasty as well.

Not a Stroganoff either.
Although I do like the dirty joke.

My bad...
NPR is one of the few joys I have access to,

NSA, NPR... I'm learning.

But then again, any time you can get someone else to google something there's always a good opportunity for spreading about cultural or regional variations.

Travel rounds us; dealing with folks from farther afield does the same.


It seemed the polite thing to do.

Now look who's learning!

Nice! Still too far off the trail for me though.
I'll just have to go back to the Legal Remedy and drown my sorrows.

Well, that works too.

“I don't care what anybody says about me as long as it isn't true.”

It was also somewhat of a Twainism with shades of Mencken...
If you gonn'a mash up a bunch of aphorisms, that's not a bad group to be plagiarizing.

Had to Google Mencken.
Him I'd never heard of.
Very, very first quote I found?

"On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron."

Put that out there for
no particular reason

Making you the Ramen of isms...
Errr... I mean, the Shaman of isms

:worship: Nice one.

I knew that wasn't going to be right when I said it.
But nothing else jumped out, right off

It would'a been a good poser for Tom & Ray, though

And what I think happened...
Could very well be wrong.

Reflex... Reflux... something like that...


Unless you land on Free Parking...

(Just remember to buy up the cheap properties and load 'em down with hotels; you'll usually be able to nickel and dime your opponents to death that way.)

Unless your opponent manages
to avoid it for a bit...
Drops property on Boardwalk....

And you stumble upon it.
Then.... done.

"Drat, drat and double drat!"

Hummm... a glancing tie-in to Professor Fate.


In the PG rated version, you draw back a nub...
Either way, it's gonn’a cost you an arm and a leg.


Easily rectified…
You can often find that one in the bargain bin for three bucks or less.
Good slap-stick is often grossly undervalued.

Hmmm... must start perusing.

Time to break out an Illudium Pu-36 Explosive Space Modulator.

Don't put it in reverse.
I've been tying to reply since last week.

DIS too slow.

I'm gonna go with...


Geez, lady! What gives??

(You know I'm kidding, right?)

I don't like confrontation so I'm going to agree with what you wrote.

I don't agree with that at all!
You have to take a stance!
That's it! We're gonna fight about this!!!!

Where I come from SOL means something else.

Single Oval Lady?

I was starting to worry for you here. So glad you made it through.

Usually, I brush it off,
but I was a teeny bit worried.
It's pretty odd for a family
to split up like that, I'm thinking.

I've never crossed a boarder, but this does sound like a very short amount of time.

Ridiculously short.
And I was okay with that!

Potty humor, you would fit in very well with my crew. I have to cal "no potty humor November" every year so they don't embarrass me every year at Thanksgiving.


This sounds very scary!

Oh, man.
I think we were lucky not
to roll the car.

I'm worried too.

Yeah... But it turned out fine.

My DH does this every time I REALLY need him to stop for me.

Bring a sharp stick with you.

Me too. Brave girl, way to get right back on that horse.

I was really proud of her. :)

Lovely daughters!

Thank you! :goodvibes

We don't drink beer either but would love the Root Beer.

It's so good!
I've had a lot of different brands...
But this stuff is the best I've had.

This just looks sooooo good.

::yes:: It really was!

Very strange and I know nothing about cars. Was it a rear wheel drive car? Was the struts going out?

Front wheel... But your guess still counts!

This was sneaky.

That's me.

Yes! Lovely shots that fit in just right.


I think this looks like the Socialite Cosmo and a flavored tea. I'm going to be different and say Raspberry tea.

Cosmo seems to be the consensus.
I don't think she had tea, though.
But she might have.

This looks really good. I've been raised on cajun/creole dishes and even I think it looks good. I have to say we have some of the best tasting food down here.

I believe you.
Some day... I'd like to get down there
and see for myself!!

Totally agree. I finally got DH to go to our theater that does this and he loved it too.

You had to prod him?
I'd be like:
"Reclining seats? I'm there!"
"Don't you want to know what's playing?"

I'm thrilled I'm on the board!

You are! Let's see if you
can work your way to the top!








I did, hiding a little but always welcome to enter.

He was playing shy.
I'm back from Vegas! I survived! And yes, there were moments when I wasn't sure. With being sick before the trip I had no stamina to do much. My back was killing me! We did get to see Love. I thought it was meh, DH loved it. But he's a big Beatles fan. Ate a lot! No, really a lot!!! The only thing that stood out to me though was our meal at Oscar's at the Plaza. So good! I had a Filet Mignon butterflied to med well, baked potato, onion bread and creme brulee with berries. So so good. Probably one of the best steaks I've ever had! Also the most expensive meal I've ever had. $163 for two of us. Didn't get to zipline. Our room was not great, outdated. No I didn't do the $20 trick-probably should have. Liked staying downtown but it's a pain to get to the strip. The flight out was awful, the seats are really inhumanly close together. I had a middle seat. On the way back I paid to have a window seat. So I really want a do over. But now I have to start paying off the Disney trip for next year.
Hope everyone is good.
DIS too slow.

I'm gonna go with...


Geez, lady! What gives??

(You know I'm kidding, right?)

All of the above excluding lazy.

Of course you jest.

I don't agree with that at all!
You have to take a stance!
That's it! We're gonna fight about this!!!!

But I don't want to! (In my best whiny voice)

Single Oval Lady?

Keep guessing.

It's pretty odd for a family
to split up like that, I'm thinking.

Very suspicious.

Yeah... But it turned out fine.

Luckily it did.

Bring a sharp stick with you.

Haven't tried that yet.

I believe you.
Some day... I'd like to get down there
and see for myself!!

Come taste for yourself. People come in and out of the state for work. They complain about the heat, humidity, politics and traffic but they love the food. Just remember you have to come to the Southern part, south of Alexandria where the Cajun area starts. Louisiana is really two different areas. There is also a difference in the Creole food you find in New Orleans and the Cajun food around the rest of the southern part of the state.

You had to prod him?

Danielle gave him a $50 gift card for Christmas 2015 and he just used it when we went for the first time and saw the Pirates movie in early June. He loved it but we haven't been back yet.
All of the above excluding lazy.

The DIS slow part especially.
It got better... for a while...

Of course you jest.

That's jest what I do.

But I don't want to! (In my best whiny voice)

I could hear that.

Keep guessing.

Spit Out Lettuce?

Very suspicious.


Haven't tried that yet.

It may not work,
but it would be fun.

Come taste for yourself. People come in and out of the state for work. They complain about the heat, humidity, politics and traffic but they love the food. Just remember you have to come to the Southern part, south of Alexandria where the Cajun area starts. Louisiana is really two different areas. There is also a difference in the Creole food you find in New Orleans and the Cajun food around the rest of the southern part of the state.

Had to Google map Alexandria.
Okay... got it.
Since N'awlins is on the bucket list,
I think I'll get the "southern" part
down pretty easily.

But... had no idea that there'd
be a difference even there.

Thanks for that tip!

If I ever do get down there,
I may bug you for tips!

Danielle gave him a $50 gift card for Christmas 2015 and he just used it when we went for the first time and saw the Pirates movie in early June. He loved it but we haven't been back yet.


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