Canadians and postcards?


<font color=red>DIS Veteran<br><font color=blue>I
Oct 31, 2001
I've seen some great deals talked about on the boards from postcards. I was wondering if any Canadians have seen postcards.
I have received postcards twice in the past. Not sure why I received them over the next person or how Disney determines who to send to though.
My mom received one shortly after her CBR vacation in November of 2001. It was for $49 at any of the All-Stars between January and Feb 13th. Needless to say we took advantage of it. It was the first postcard we ever got.
We have received a couple of post cards recently. We have been going to Disney and always stayed on site since '94. Never received anything. Bought DVC in 2000 and have received postcardswith discounts for rooms which we do not need. The other thing is that the postcard came in my husband's name and he has never booked anything with Disney!!

Go figure- a mystery to me how these card are sent out.

I received postcards last year both for All-Stars at 49$ and Moderates at 89$.

It was the first time and I got them because my travel agent gave them to me. She was the one who received them for me.


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