Can't Get Through to MS...


Sep 2, 1999
this is the 4th day I have been calling MS and I am on eternal hold. I have tried all different times of the day with no luck. I emailed them on monday and they responded on wed. I replied and am still waiting.
Anyone else having problems getting through to MS?
I can think of two things that might be causing back-ups...people booking summer vacations (July) for next year and folks who were contacted about their 2002 Disney Collection reservation having heart attacks. ;)
ROFL Pam! Icalled yesterday to verify the point increase at around 5:10 EDT. Waited about 20 minutes for the bad news!
I called today at 9:05 and it took about 20 minutes to get through. The recorded message said it was a high volume day. Maybe alot of people are calling MS with regards to the Disney Collection Point increase. Good Luck!
I was on hold for 30 minutes this morning. I wonder if there have been cast member cutbacks.
There probably have not been CM cutbacks, but the always increasing number of DVC members surely has to take a toll on getting through on the phone lines, maybe hiring hasn't kept up with increased demand...remember, it is hard to find employees in the WDW area. That combined with booking for next summer AND the point increase for Disney Collection has probably put a bottleneck in the system.
I called Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday this week. On hold for 20+ minutes each time. The first two days I had appointments to get to and had to disconect. The last time I was about 30 minutes before I got a live person.
I've had the same problem. According to the CM they have been very very busy for the past 6 weeks or so. She didn't know why. If you just stay on hold eventually someone does come to the phone...
quote: "If you just stay on hold eventually someone does come to the phone..."

...not so good for those of us outside of the US who don't have the toll free number to call! ;)

I have (so far!) been pleased with the e-mail responses I've had when I've contacted MS that way, but it isn't instant - sometimes you just need an answer straight away.
Yes, we have been trying to get through to MS for several days and have been waiting for approx. 20-25 minutes. We get the recording of an "unusually high call volume" -- It is really unacceptable to have to wait that long to get through. They should be thinking about adding more vacation advisers to handle the higher volume of call.
They should be thinking about adding more vacation advisers to handle the higher volume of call.

Just remember it comes out of your dues. ;)
Now that BWV is sold out and Wilderness Lodge is on the way, perhaps the extra dues collected could cover a few more vacation advisers. It just seems unacceptable to wait for 20-30 minutes. What will happen when BCV comes on line..
A Call Center can't hire for spikes. The cost to us wouldn't be worth it to have people sitting when there were no calls. Staffing is usually done based on historical data. Also it may be that people are out sick on top if people having scheduled vacations. Twenty minutes while I agree is unacceptable is no worse than call your healthcare insurer or AOL at times.
I had about a 15 minute wait earlier in the week (it was sort of my own fault, I had been putting off calling for a reservation at HH and wound up calling on a Monday, the busiest day of the week). I just sat at my desk and continued to work on the computer in the office until an advisor assisted me. It was actually kind of fun listening to the Disney tunes. It was the first time that I had ever had a wait except for the first day that VWL reservations opened for point reservations. In the overall scheme of life it is a very small inconvenience IMHO.
I haven't had it too bad! I waited about 4 minutes on Monday to book my BWV 7/7-7/12, and about 10 minutes yesterday (at 2:30 in the afternoon) to book my 7/12-7/16 VWL.
I don't care about the wait, I'm spending 9 nights at Disney World and no bill for the room! I love DVC!
Robin M.
BWV/VWL 7/2002
They have sold a lot of packages over the last 18 months and probably haven't hired enough people to answer the phones. It was mentiond a couple of posts ago that they probably go by historical data to determine hiring and I believe this is true. They probably just haven't accounted for all of the new members yet. More new members=more dues=More cm's. It just takes time to realize you need more people, hire them and train them. If everyong who reads this sent an e-mail to let them know this is happening I bet something will get done about it. I'm going to send mine right now!!!
One problem is so many people book one day a t a time.
(I've done it too for a popular time) but 5 or 6 phone calls for one reservation by lots of members really ties up the phone system!

The last few times I have called the CMs have been friendly and chatty and that adds to the length of the call as well.



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