Carrier/Sling for 30lb toddler?


American Expat in France for a while
Feb 15, 2002
Has anyone every schlepped a 30lb-er in a carrier and/or sling while waiting in lines? DS still likes to be held (or has to be contained sometimes LOL!). He was a sling baby, but the one I have just doesn't seem like it will work anymore. I really think I might want to have something that I could easily put him in and out of while waiting in lines. Any recommendations?
The Ultra EZ carrier from OneStepAhead might suit your needs. I used it for my second son who has never been a lightweight. I even used it to carry him into NYC using mass transit, so I think it should handle lines at Diseny fine.
I swear by my Maya Wrap. My 3 year old still rides in it all the time. She is about 28 lbs or so.
You people are, pardon me, crazy. "He likes to be held. . ." Of course he likes to be held! He loves it. But at 30 lbs plus I would recommend this really cool device called a carriage stroller. Saves the parents' backs like you wouldn't believe.

Have a great trip.
Hitchhiker - I've got a stroller. Several in fact. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought Disney prohibited me from bringing that into the lines for rides. Assuming DS is with me, he's probably not going to be standing - at least not standing still. The sling/carrier will probably save my back. Whether I bring one or not I'm guessing DH or I will be carrying him most of the time in lines.
Originally posted by HitchhikingGhost
You people are, pardon me, crazy.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Think about it. would you like to stand in a crowded line with your face at butt level?

There is a fanny pack that has a padded seat on top of it for kids to sit on. I've seen it posted here before. Hopefully someone will know what I am talking about.
External frame backpacks are made for children up to about 35 lbs.. They are designed to take children on climbs with parents and are often found at outfitter type stores. Ours is a "Tough Traveler" (company is in Schenectady NY) and we love it. good luck!

While an external frame backpack is a wonderful thing to have (and I have one, a Kelty), it is not really very suitable for carrying onto theme park rides, as once you are seated on the ride, there is no place to put it. For ride lines, something small and soft that you can cram into a diaper bag is a better choice.

I have one specially made for the purpose, (consignment store, $2) but any large fanny pack will do as a kid prop. The thing to do is to cut a block of styrofoam to fill the interior of the pack. The child sits on the pack, taking the weight off the adult's arms, and transferring it to the adult's back or hips. Still not the most comfy thing in the world, but at least that way you can relax your grip and stay a little cooler.

An unpadded fabric sling should work very well as a hip carrier. The child will still have to hold onto the adult, but not as tightly. I'd suggest something like a Maya wrap, made in light-colored cotton. With an older child, you can stuff the sling tail up under the rings to pad your shoulder a bit more.

The KangarooKorner site has a big comparison page that discusses the uses of the various types of slings on the market (including their own):


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