"Cars 2" is a Clunker??

So our local critic (who I always view spot on) said that this one was just not up to snuff. He said, to be fair, if this movie was made by anyone else (and the first Cars) they'd probably be mantle pieces...but since it was made by Pixar, it just wasn't up to where people want the standard to be.

He gave it a low rating. And said that Mater was irritating LOL
Rotten tomatoes is currently at 50% for all critics. We are going in with low expectations this time around. The first one was good (had nostalgia with route 66, love story (I like bonnie hunt), good animation, and was funny. I don't know how well the spy/comedy theme is going to play out though. John Lassetter is very good at what he does though so if his name is attached I will spend the $$$ to see it.

Come Friday all the critic opinions will be posted on rotten tomatoes and we'll see a true representation of how it will be. I really like that website. I have a few favorite critics and I love to read their work.

Oh I think it was Rotten Tomatos my boys were looking at to get other combined critic reviews for past Pixar films.
I just read that Roger Ebert gave it 3 1/2 out of 4, which surprised me. Can't wait to see it so I can find out for myself. :goodvibes
I just read that Roger Ebert gave it 3 1/2 out of 4, which surprised me. Can't wait to see it so I can find out for myself. :goodvibes

I like Roger Ebert. He truly loves movies. In fact, he has a cool Facebook page on which he posts regularly and interacts with the fans himself (no assistant doing the job for him).

See, I am surprised that Roger gave "Cars 2" a really good review when Christy Lemire (a younger critic on Roger's TV show) gave it such a low rating - I would have expected the opposite result!:rotfl2: Crazy! I guess Roger 'got' where John Lasseter was going with the plot and concept.

I'll be curious to see what Richard Roeper says about it - he really, really liked the first "Cars" a lot, as I recall. I tend to like his critiques.
We saw Cars 2 today!!! The first showing at the theatre! :)

I took just my son who is 4 1/2 years old... we chose 3D as I had a coupon that covered all of his ticket. I have to say... I thought it was wonderful! I really liked the story, very action packed, and I love the animation! The London scenes were amazing... knowing the city well, that was so much fun to see!

The story was fun and fast-paced. I would say that any younger than my son (who was still a bit lost in parts) will find it confusing. However the younger crowd will probably like the action, especially the races.
I think an 8yr old will probably understand the story best, a good spy story.

I enjoyed all the characters and new characters as well :)

I would give it a 4 out of 5 honestly. My son loved it, but as mentioned he was lost at certain bits.

My daughter 11yrs and my husband are seeing it with her school class on Monday. I will let you all know what their reviews are :) They will be seeing it in 2D not 3D. Frankly, I am never that impressed with 3D, so I don't think it will make much of a difference ;)

Saw it last night. It was horrible. I mean dreadful. It is far and away the worst Disney film I have ever seen. Am I being to tough on this? Seriously I am not. If you have to go see it then choose the cheapest time to go. John Lassetter should be paying me back money.

Has anyone seen those Mater Toons, Car Toons, I don't know what they call them that are on Disney channel? The movie is worse than those.

I can't believe how much Pixar has let me down.
Saw it last night. It was horrible. I mean dreadful. It is far and away the worst Disney film I have ever seen. Am I being to tough on this? Seriously I am not. If you have to go see it then choose the cheapest time to go. John Lassetter should be paying me back money.

Has anyone seen those Mater Toons, Car Toons, I don't know what they call them that are on Disney channel? The movie is worse than those.

I can't believe how much Pixar has let me down.

Mike - :rotfl2:I am laughing about the John Lasseter comment!:rotfl2:

I have, indeed, seen those things on the Disney Channel, and I flip right past them every time I am surfing the dial! I stopped to watch one time and thought,"This is dumb." They are not interesting to me in the least bit, so if the movie is worse than that, then I don't think I will be a big fan.

I am surprised to see such drastically varying opinions on this movie (from critics and non-critics combined!)!:rotfl2: But I could just tell I wouldn't like it all that much when I saw the snoozefest of a trailer. I don't know if I will think it's horrible or if I will just think it is not up to usual Disney-Pixar standards, but I don't think I will be a big fan. I will still watch it, though, when it comes to Starz next year! The only problem is, I really, really, really want to see the Toy Story short that precedes "Cars 2," and that won't be on Starz.

Was the Toy Story short at least good? I know the toys are in Hawaii- was that at least worthwhile?
The Toy Story short was good. It made me laugh a few times. There was also the preview for the new Winnie the Pooh movie and a new Muppets movie which both looked better than Cars 2. My wife is a big Winnie fan and we will probably go see that. It is suppose to be drawn/colored in the same scheme as Princess and the Frog which with both thought was really well done.

Still waiting on Mr. Lassetter to give me my refund though.
I watched the movie yesterday morning in 3D and I thought it was okay than horrible. It didn't live up to my expectations when Disney and Pixar was promoting this movie the whole time. I don't want to say that I hate the movie, it didn't blow me away. I love the the first Cars movie and this one was just okay. When I read the article that you posted Sherry, I was kind of surprise to hear that it wasn't that good to those people. I don't like to read movie critics from other people until I see the movie myself. I would still like to get the movie when it comes out since my DB likes the first Cars movie.

The Toy Story short movie "Hawaiian Vacation" was good. It was funny and hilarious. The ending part of the movie was one my favorites. One of my favorite parts that I like is when Ken and Barbie thought they were going to Hawaii with Bonnie. Ken was surprised that they weren't in Hawaii with Bonnie and closes himself back in Bonnie's backpack.
I went to see it today and was a little terrified after reading some posts here and parts of reviews. I was going with a group so I didn't want to cancel my plans. The first Cars wasn't one of my favorite movies, not one I'd really re-watch, so I went in with low expectations. I have to say--I enjoyed it! Not one I would buy but I thought it was cute. Plus the scenes with Italy and England were gorgeous. I thought the detail was awesome in those parts and that kept my interest.
Yes... the Toy Story Cartoon was great! Super funny :) Something funny I saw yesterday regarding that was at ToysRUs, they had a new Buzz Lightyear doll with a grass skirt marketed just for the cartoon. And at 54.99 I just couldn't see how they justified that!!! :rotfl:

Anyway, we didn't see a Muppets preview in our theatre :( But we did see the Winnie the Pooh preview (looks super cute) and one for Disney's BRAVE. Have no idea what that will be able it definitely was a teaser trailer that gives away no info! :confused3 We shall see :goodvibes
I took my two DDs (8 &12), my GS (8) and a friend of my DD's (13). They all liked it. I like anything Pixar and get teary in each of the Pixar movies, even the 1st Cars but not with this one, it was just boring and annoying for me.

It might have been a Larry The Cable Guy thing... Mater was cute as a supporting character in the 1st Cars but he's the main character in this one, it's ALL Mater. I personally think LTCG is okay in smaller doses but borders on the obnoxious for an entire movie.

It was disappointing for me. I was looking forward to it and it fell really flat. Also, the 3D effects were not exactly strong...in fact, I can't think of a single one.

I agree with the PP's, the Toy Story short at the beginning was the best part of the movie :upsidedow
So, I'll wait to see the movie (Cars2) to see if I like it or not. I didn't think I'd like Cars at all, I was not thrilled with the thought of Cars as characters, but it worked far better than I expected.

I am even less enthused with Cars2, I also, can't figure out what the story is supposed to be about?

As far as Carsland, I think that will work fabulously.

I too always thought that Bugs Land is a weak link in DCA -but-

what if it was turned into Pixie Hollow?

Now that would be easy, and I think more fun and wouldn't require changing much, since the bugs are the same size as the fairies. Maybe add more flowers/colors in, and change the rides around ...
I didn't love it, but that is when I compare it to the other Pixar movies. Compared to regular kiddie movies it was very good.


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