"Cars, Buzz Lightyear, and the Mommyrail" Caden's first trip to Disney World UPDATE 6-20

Following along! Heading to DW with my 2.5 year old in 3 weeks. So sorry you were sick!

I really like that one ^ lol

It really was a fun age to go! Although the first bit was rough as we all figured out how to do Disney together. But by the end we were so glad we took him at this age. He loved it. :)
wow - that security line is pretty crazy! I mean, how long do they expect you to arrive for a domestic flight and still make it through that line? Some wait is ok, but not an hour!

And then for your flight to be delays ugh! That is just a long time for a toddler to not get restless. Glad he did well on the actual flight though. You just need the pilot to come live with you now. "The pilot said you have to eat all your dinner!" "Pilot says, bed time!" :rotfl:

That is pretty cool getting to watch them unload the luggage and seeing this Disney bound bags get their own magical express :goodvibes

Ooh, excited to hear about your pixie dust!
I'm following along (although you will have to forgive me I'm a terrible commenter!)
Following along!

The waits look terrible all around at the airport - check in, security, flight delays. Never fun especially when all you want to do is get to DISNEY!

Glad Caden cheered up on the plane! Can't wait hear more about your trip!
Ahhhh!!! I've been MIA and just now saw your TR! So glad you started it, even though it was less than you expected. Our second trip was like that. Harper was two (I'm sensing a theme here...) and was an absolute terror. Nobody got sick, but she was so much of a handful that I swore we would never take her again! Then I got home and missed Disney terribly! I had to plan another trip ASAP! Two year olds are hard, especially when they're all thrown out of whack!

I can't wait to see your next posts because I KNOW what's coming up!!! Eeeeeeekkkk!!!!
Following along! I was a lurker on your PTR and I'm looking forward to reading about your trip. We are planning to go to DW in Sept with our kiddo. She will only be 3 a few months...

Loved the paint job on the magic band!
Hi everyone! I'm finally getting this trip report started. It might be slow going at first but it was time to get moving!

We traveled from Jan 4th through the 10th and stayed at Art of Animation and Pop Century.
Here is my PTR if you'd like to see my trip prep...and see just how much we got off the plan! :P

This was a long awaited trip for us! We started planning it 3 years before, after our "babymoon" trip in Jan 2012 while I was pregnant with my now 2.5 yr old Caden. I had a lot of pictures in my mind of how things would go and with 3 years to plan, made a lot of plans! Sadly, a stomach bug really put a damper on my plans and energy and there were a lot of things we just didn't get to do. On our second to last day I had a little meltdown and told DH that I wasn't going to plan a trip ever again. We would pick dates, parks, and a hotel and that's the extent of my planning from here on out. No more custom shirts (that get covered up by jackets cause of cold weather), no more touring plans (that get thrown off by a mommy who took 2+ hrs to get the nausea under control enough to get out of the room in the morning), no more dining ADRs (that can't be canceled when half the dining party can't or won't eat). lol now I may be a bit over dramatic about this...but I certainly will be toning it all down in the future.

So I have a mixed bag of emotions going into this trip report. We had a lot of really great times! But there is a lot of disappointment and I've needed a few weeks to kinda grieve the trip that I dreamed of that didn't happen. But I had a few sob fests and I'm starting to feel better and ready to start re-living the awesome parts!!

So please don't let that pull you down or deter you from reading because I've got a cute kid who had the time of his life and this momma was mostly able to push down her sick feelings and enjoy every minute watching him enjoy himself!

So lets get moving!! Let me introduce the traveling party! First we have me...April!
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I am a musical theater teacher/director and a (mostly) stay at home mom.
My favorite park is Magic Kingdom
Favorite Movie: Beauty and the Beast
Favorite Character: Belle
Favorite Ride: Soarin'

Then we have DH, Andrew
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Andrew works as a project manager for an event decor company (they do custom decor for fancy weddings and corporate events)
His favorite park is Magic Kingdom or Epcot
Favorite Movie: Aladdin
Favorite Character: Genie
Favorite Ride: Toy Story Mania

Finally we have Caden
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He was 2 yrs and 9 months on our trip (will be 3 in April) and is all about planes, trains, and automobiles!!! If it moves, he loves it!
His favorite park was "Disney World" (aka Magic Kingdom)
Favorite Movie: Cars
Favorite Character: Doc (from Cars)
Favorite Ride: Tomorrowland Speedway

Chapter Links:
Day 1
Lets get this show on the road
Welcome to Orlando
Cool...subbing. My Jackson will be just about the exact age when we go in October
I started watching this forever ago and am just finally getting around to actually reading it! for his first time at the airport and on a plane and the ME, I think Caden did an awesome job! that's a lot of new and crazy stuff to get used to, especially when mixed in with the excitement of DISNEY! can't wait to read more!
Yay, you came back to share! Congratulations again! :goodvibes
I'm procrastinating the things I need to do cause to do them I need to go to Walmart and to go to Walmart I need to shower and get dressed and blah!
But I really should get moving lol
CONGRATS!! I love your little announcement with the ears. So sweet! I was just wondering what became of your TR and looked it up. What exciting news to see instead!
Following along!
Congratulations on the new addition to your family!
Love the announcement it is such a cute picture!
Can't wait to read more about your trip! :)
Wow...ok so I pretty much fail at trip reporting... I've done one of these before and I made it thru...so I refuse to give up. Some details may be a little hazy now but i'll do my best!

thanks for the congrats everyone. I'm 19 weeks tomorrow and a week from tomorrow we find out the gender. I'm basically dying while waiting to know...lol My type A personality wants to PLAN!!!!! Clothes and a nursery etc etc etc and I'm stuck. I have ideas for both but until I know for sure I can do NOTHING!! So I guess I'll update my trip report lol

We left off with the Magical Express and some upcoming pixie dust...

When we got to Art of Animation we got off the bus pretty quickly because the woman in front of us told us she was about to surprise her 5 yr old son with the fact that they were at Disney World and Grandma was there waiting for them. So Andrew jumped off and waited for the guy to get our stroller out and I stood and held Caden (who BTW is super heavy lol) and we enjoyed that little boy's magical moment. He was pretty excited and a little overwhelmed. I might have gotten pretty choked up watching. lol

Once that excitement was over I successfully transferred sleeping Caden to the stroller (this is a special skill of mine...I have to say! lol) and we headed in to check in.
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Yay!!!! We made it!!! Better late than never!!
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Once we got there a girl with an ipad came to talk to us and get us checked in. We told her it was Caden's first trip and that he was almost three. Then she asked us to wait there and went to the back to get our folder or something. She was gone a LONG time and I started to suspect something might be up. When she finally got back she said "How would you guys like to stay the night in a Cars suite instead?" *cue mommy tears* I did manage to say yes we would love that, and thank her profusely, and then as soon as she was gone I burst into tears. My sweet cars obsessed little boy was going to get to stay in a Cars room??? Best start ever!! (still get choked up 6 months later lol)

So off we went to find the Cars area!! My thoughts as we walked thru were basically "Omg!!" "Can you beleive this?" "I can't believe he's asleep!" "This is SOO COOL!!!!" lol

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(that door behind Sheriff was our secret entrance lol. Our room was 2 doors from that end of the hall so we enjoyed having a nice shortcut.)

"OMG!! Andrew look it's Mater!! I can't believe he's sleeping thru this!" lol
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This was the main entrance to our building. LOVED IT!!
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Check it out, inside hallways!! So snazzy!
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Caden's bed (the Murphy bed)
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The living room (and a still sleeping Caden)
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Our room
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Coolest bathroom EVER!
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Caden was still out, Andrew decided to lay down for a rest, and I sat for a min and quickly updated my PTR to tell everyone of our pixie dust. With some encouragement from @Dugette I decided to head back to check in to see what it would cost us to stay here the whole stay instead (haha Disney knows what they're doing)

Oh hey Sheriff!!
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The cost to upgrade was WAY higher than anything we were willing to shell out so we threw out that idea and decided to just enjoy our 1 special night. Caden was still sleeping and I was WAY to antsy to nap like Andrew so I decided to leave them there and run over to HS to see if we could get our park tickets put on our magic bands a day early (since our package didn't start til the next morning when we moved to POP).
I made Andrew promise to video Caden's reaction when he woke up if I wasn't back in time.

At HS I didn't have any issues getting our park tickets put on the bands (although I was super nervous about it!) Then I hopped back on a bus to AoA and headed back. I was texting my good friend Emily a lot as I traveled. She was going to Disneyland a few weeks later so we texted a lot during both of our trips.

On the way back I got a good AoA sign pic! :-)
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And I apparently got another pic of our secret door lol
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When I got back Caden had just woken up (Darn it!) and was VERY overwhelmed by the whole thing. No excitement...just a bit of awe and some confusion...like where did my mommy go?? lol Andrew videoed his reaction but I can't find the video anywhere...it was mostly Caden going "where mommy? where mommy?" Little stinker

So when I got there I took him on a tour of the room and acted really excited about everything and he started to warm up to it. Then we decided to head out, grab some food at AoA food court, and head to MK

Got some pics of the cars on our way out
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Caden was pretty crabby and wasn't interested in pics so we gave up, decided to get more in the morning and headed to get food.
At food he didn't want any of it and only wanted to sit in my lap...blah. We learned on this trip that Caden wakes up from naps SUPER CRABBY!!! At home it didn't matter, he would wake up and we would snuggle on the couch while watching some TV almost every day. Took me halfway thru the trip to figure out what he needed post nap.

This is how dinner went :P
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Although the food was DELICIOUS!!! I got some chicken alfredo pasta dish (I think it was create your own) and I was in love! We actually came back another day and got it again! lol After we ate we ran back to the room real quick to put my leftovers in the fridge and head to the parks.

Caden DID however like the buses!! He called them the "mickey school bus" lol
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He also liked that he got to sit in the bus seat like a big kid.

We made it!!!!!
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Bright flash! lol

Caden's first look at the castle [Video]. We made him close his eyes as we turned the corner. I don't think he knew what to make of it!
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There we go! That's my happy boy!
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Up next: Off to ride some rides, see a parade, and watch some Wishes!

First up were were off to Buzz Lightyear!! (And I'm about 98% sure we had FP+ for this...I must have booked them online via the app once I had the tickets on my band. Neither of us remember stopping at a kiosk that evening)

As we entered we got the Red Card of Specialness....Caden was NOT impresssed...but we will let that go...he IS a newbie
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He WAS, however, impressed with the GIANT BUZZ LIGHTYEAR!!!
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THAT'S the face I was hoping to see on my boy!
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We all rode together and let Caden do the spinning
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I'm terrible at this ride! Lol
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Caden LOVED it!! Buzz was one of his 2 favorites of the whole trip!!

Next we headed to go get in place for the parade. I was able to snag some FP+ for the parade when we got there so we got to go into the special FP area with the plan to just stick it out there until Wishes.

But first a selfie with the castle!
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Pulled out his spinning light up Mickey toy that I had brought from home (Thanks whoever suggested that...maybe Jackie?)
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Then he saw a kid sitting near us with a Buzz toy...the same one Caden had at home. So he wanted to go see the kid (aka take the Buzz). We did manage to convince him to just sit near the kid with buzz between them lol
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But it was nice, Caden and that little boy and another little girl entertained each other then sat together for the parade. It was great for him to have another kid showing him the ropes. He would mimic everything that little boy would do (sit nicely, wave at the floats, etc). Really made the parade a very enjoyable experience!!

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Blurry but you can see how both boys have a hand on buzz *rolls eyes*

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I will spare you my bad cell phone pics of the parade and only post the ones that have my kid in them lol
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Totally mesmerized! Parade was a great idea!
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We're such theater techies...noticing the backstage guys running things from the rooftop! lol
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Ok maybe 1 parade shot...how cool was this with the floats right in front of the castle??? Great viewing place!
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Sadly the parade was over too soon and Caden's little buddy left. After chatting with that kid's mom and the kid we decided that 5 was the perfect age for a Disney trip. That kid was having an absolute blast, knew the names of all the rides he had done that day, and was very calm and collected. LOL Andrew and I were already wondering why we had thought 3 was a good time to bring our crazy child to the park. Things got better after that evening but it was still a very different experience than we really expected. Caden is so chill and go with the flow at home (or had been...he's a threenager now so go with the flow is not exactly how i'd describe him anymore) but we were pretty surprised with how crabby and ridged he was at disney. After he got into the routine of "doing Disney" (after 3ish days) things were much better...I think he just had no idea what to expect and I had no way to prepare him any more than I did. Hes just a routine driven kid (exactly like his momma) and changing him up so much was hard for him.

Next up we waited for a while til the Magic Memories and You castle show came on. Caden pretty much hated sitting around and wasn't a fan of the show. We ended up handing him one of our phones and letting him watch the Disney Jr App while we waited/during the show cause he just wasn't interested. Same with the fireworks. And OMG!!! That area down there gets CRAZY busy as soon as the parade ends!! It was butt to butt people and tensions were high. Someone was taking pics (I think she stood up to take some) and some people started yelling at her and then a CM ended up yelling at them because she was allowed to take pics and really we weren't supposed to be sitting or something. it was very dramatic and I kinda was wishing we had given up on fireworks but by then we were pretty stuck. Glad now that we stayed cause we didn't get to see them any other evening.

Wreck it Ralph...his favorite!
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I really do love Wishes! Even with a crabby toddler!
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After that we high tailed it out of that MASS of people and decided to go explore New Fantasyland. We had 1 more FP for Under the Sea so off we went to use it! When we got there we totally could have just walked thru the normal line...no one was there! But we wanted to use our bands again lol So we bumped them and then headed in. Later I realized it would have made more sense to change it to a different experience but whatever lol

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Mermaid was pretty cool! Then we hopped in "line" for Dumbo...aka we walked in and got on Dumbo lol
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Caden loved it! Can't tell from this but he was a huge fan of all Dumbo-like rides!!

Then off to Pirates!! We were moving right along this evening. I was really glad to be able to get so many rides in!
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Pirates was a little terrifying. I had never ridden it with my mind seeing things the way a 2 yr old might see them. OMG!! I can't believe we took him on that ride! We're lucky he didn't have nightmares or refuse to ride anything else! He didn't cry but he did kind of cling to me and hide his eyes! I think I pulled out my phone for him halfway thru when i processed how scary that ride was! He wasn't a big fan of the drop either (although I was prepared for that and told him about it and got him ready...so at least it wasn't a surprise). So note to self...don't take a 2 yr old on Pirates in the middle of the night! lol

After that we decided to go drive some cars!!! I had been talking these up to Caden so he was pretty excited!

Quick stop for a castle pic!
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Waiting to drive
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HE LOVED IT!!! Actually, I kinda did too! lol We hadn't ever ridden those before. I was screaming and laughing the whole time. I had absolutely no control over my car and it was hilariously fun. "Drive Cars" was Caden's top ride choice any time we'd ask what he wanted to do!

After that we decided to end on a high note and head back to our room. Things were going well and we'd rather leave with a happy toddler than drag a screaming one out. So off we went to explore our hotel a little more then head to bed.

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One of my very favorite photos of the whole trip!
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NOW someone loves the Car room!!
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He thought it was the COOLEST thing that he got to sleep in a Mater bed!!
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