Casey Anthony TRIAL THREAD #1

Do you think that Casey Anthony will testify in her defense?

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"Mare", DISing since '99; prefers being tagless
Feb 9, 2001
Will update first post with important links as we go along.

The Jury Selection thread:


Live trial coverage ONLINE:

As posted on this page, will be providing comprehensive live online coverage of the trial. Here is what you can expect each day court is in session:

Trial cam #1 follows the action (9am start)
Trial cam #2 shows Casey in court (9am start)
Daily audio live from inside court (9am start)
Join live-blog every day of trial (8:45am start)


Trial coverage on TV:
InSession on TruTV from 9 AM - 3 PM
Try HLN after 3 PM

Directions on how to watch on smartphones:

The Jurors (link to post on this thread):

Witness list:

Courtroom Layout:

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The ultimate link...deposition transcripts, pictures, video and audio interviews, etc:

The autopsy report:


Great article about Judge Perry:

Interesting (very) article about Jose Baez:

YOUTUBE videos, including interviews and depositions:

Interesting/important links:
Hinkymeter Blog and boards:
Timeline, photos, transcripts, etc:
AMAZING timeline, beginning with George's BIRTH:
You are sooo on the ball!!!;)
LOL My daughter is getting married Friday, and you wouldn't believe what I still need to do for THAT! Ugh!!!!

When my best friend and I get together, it's always for breakfast (and sometimes runs into lunch and dinner!) and she just got back from vacation and wants to do breakfast tomorrow morning. :scared1: Umm...I have wedding plans to deal with. Yeah, that's right, wedding plans. :flower3:
LOL My daughter is getting married Friday, and you wouldn't believe what I still need to do for THAT! Ugh!!!!

When my best friend and I get together, it's always for breakfast (and sometimes runs into lunch and dinner!) and she just got back from vacation and wants to do breakfast tomorrow morning. :scared1: Umm...I have wedding plans to deal with. Yeah, that's right, wedding plans. :flower3:

Okay, I am impressed you can keep up with this trial 'n bein' the mother of a bride! :eek:

You're a master of multitaskin'! :rotfl:
I've been following this case since day one and have been trying to watch as much jury selection as possible (I am a SAHM so I have to wait until nap time to turn it on.) I read the entire Jury Selection thread but didn't pop in over there yet, so here I am.

I am really intrigued about what will be said by JB tomorrow in opening statements. He has made some grand promises of revelations, and I'm ready to see if he will deliver. Although for me, at this point, I doubt anything he will say will make me feel KC shouldn't be found guilty.
From InSession today:

Expect the prosecution opening statement to be very emotional. They've already said (prior hearing??) something like...what was Caylee thinking as that duct tape was placed on her mouth? :( :( :( I think I've focused so much on what BAEZ might say, I hadn't thought much about the prosecution.

Cindy and George will be in the courtroom balcony, out of view of the jurors. However, if there are any expressions of emotion at all, they (and anyone else) will be barred from attending the rest of the trial.

They are expecting public protesters, for her (or maybe against the death penalty?) and against her. There will be two areas taped off outside the yellow, one red...about 300 square feet each. If the public outside cannot be peaceful, they will be split into those sections. As I said on the jury selection thread, I bet there are arrests during this trial.

Defense does not have to present an opening statement. Or, they can do it right before the defense presents their witnesses. Neither will happen in this case...they're expected to present an opening statement tomorrow morning.

Prosecutors will not speak to the press until after the verdict...will hold a press conference.

Baez has TWO Jr Attorneys working for him in his law office. Big case, for such a small law firm. There was a clip of Casey telling her brother Lee about how she chose Jose booking, she was asked if she had a lawyer, and asked for a recommendation...another inmate suggested Baez and 3 other people confirmed him. She told Lee that Baez was trying to get her out of jail so that she could help find Caylee.

Baez interview...doesn't advertise, entire practice built on referrals. He got this case because he's built up a good practice through hard work. (OR...because Casey happen to run into his "other client" in jail. ;) j/k) Says this case is so sensational because Casey is young, pretty, white, middle class, and the "oddity" of this case. (Geez Baez, maybe the 31 days she wasn't reported, the dancing at bars for a month, the "beautiful life" tattoo, etc??) He thinks there's a lot of injustice in that; there are many missing children who don't get their faces on a milk carton. If Caylee was Hispanic or African American, we wouldn't even know about it. Things that have fueled the fire of this case...Cindy Anthony was very outspoken, the media portrayed her in a certain way (people like Leonard Padilla) and gave it a circus atmosphere, and the local media made it a big story. How did he handle the media? Says he's never been in this situation; and that he's aware of certain things that others aren't. He's tried to balance the coverage and explain things, but need to remember that there's a presumption of innocence. And he will not allow his case to be turned into entertainment, but a lot of people see it that way. (Of course, Baez is one of the biggest entertainers of them all...just sayin'.) Says OJ's lawyer did a brilliant job, and there were some terrible injustices in that case (and he didn't mean that OJ was found not guilty!). Jury consultant for Casey was jury consultant for OJ; one of Baez's investigators was the lead investigator for OJ, and other interaction with many other individuals from OJ case...Henry Lee, Michael Baden. Baez has no intention of watching the coverage; he has seen some coverage, and is shocked at the misrepresentations. For example, if she smiles in court...why is she smiling. A law student that Casey knew was sworn in at a sidebar and is working for the case, and Casey smiled.

I really like the commentator Casey Jordan, a professor of justice and law administration at Western Connecticut State University in Danbury, on InSession. (As opposed to "Kacey Jordan" who is a porn star and friend of Charlie Sheen. :eek: ) I think she's very smart, and unbiased as far as her reporting. Here's some info about her:

Geez, this is a long interview with Baez! Have things to do!
I really cannot wait till this whole thing is over...Living in Orlando, and this being ALLL anyone talks about...I have had enough..
I really cannot wait till this whole thing is over...Living in Orlando, and this being ALLL anyone talks about...I have had enough..

I bet! No one really talks about it down here but it must be awful up there. Taken 3 long years but hopefully it will be over soon enough!
Ryan Smith from InSession did that interview with Baez...spent 7 hours with him.

A clip showed Casey in the courtroom (not sure from when...not recent, I don't think), while a prosecutor spoke I said above...what Caylee may have gone through in those last minutes; Casey cried and covered her face in the courtroom.

Baez respects his adversaries (prosecution), but obviously doesn't agree with them or some of the things they've said/done.

Dax, I can only imagine. :sad2:

OK...I HAVE TO shower and head out!!
I hope some on-line source types up the opening statements. I simply don't have the time to watch--but I want to read.

I am curious of if what the defense has promised will be delivered.
tuned in here to see the comments since I am at work during the trial and can't stream it live. thank you for all of the updates!
So how long do you thing this trial really will last? Soon a co-worker, family member, friend, hotel employee, restaurant employee, somehow, somewhere will say a jurors name spill all the beans about them, who they are, where they are staying, where they ate and PUFF the (1st)trail is over! We all know $$ talks! Maybe Perry should have gone with 12 jurors and 50 alternates. Lets hope that it don't come to that. I would sure hate to see this have to go through more jury selections!
9am tomorrow we go!

Interesting JB interview. Has anyone heard if Lee with be with his parents in the balcony tomorrow?
I've followed this case from the beginning, too, and will be very interested to see what happens in the trial. I'll be working so I'm hoping some people can post opening statements or commentary!

It's such a heartbreaking case.

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