~*~Cassie LIVE~*~ Day 10 ~ An Oyster, a Flower and & Secret View!


Flat Cat
Jan 2, 2003
Hi everyone and welcome to Day 10 ~ Monday August 25th

You know the expression "The best layed plans"? Well, I think it was refering to Day 10 of our trip when nothing went as planned.

We were supposed to go to Animal Kingdom in the morning and then have the fantasmic dinner package at the Brown Derby at night. After having 2 busy days I needed to slow down. We awoke to a beautiful sunny day and after breakfast headed straight for Storm-along Bay.

You will recall on our arrival day Noel did not like stormalong and thought I was attempting to drown her in the 8 foot deep lazy river so my first stop was the little pool store that sells Noodles and gives out life vests.

With Noel all suited up with multiple floatation devices I took her back in the lazy river and she had a blast. She still would not give up the noodle trusting only the vest, but we are making progress.

We found that swirly whilrly pool part of the pool that whips you around and I could not get Noel out of there.. she loved it. She also went down the slide a few times and enjoyed that too.

At the MGM Indiana Jones gift shop yesterday Noel bought this little compressed sand pyramid that contains an egyptian "Artifact" that she has to dig for... I didn't want her messing up the room with that thing so I took it down to the pool and we sat in the sandy kids area and dug out our little priceless ($5.00) relic :) Noel was all concerned we would be in trouble for mixing foreign theme park sand in with the pool sand, but I convinced her it would be fine. Still when ever a life guard looked our way she stopped what she was doing and waited for me to give her the all-clear signal.

At 2:00pm we were hungry so checked with the hostess at Beaches and Cream - this woman was very pleasant but had a rather noticible moustache... as I spoke with her I noticed Noel staring at it with rapt attention and I was worried she was going to say something lol... luckily there was a table right away and we were seated before she had a chance to. Later she asked me about it - trying to explain hormones is worse than the birds and the bees. ;)

Noel had a chocolate milkshake and the kids hot dog meal that came with fruit or fries and a cookie. I had the cheeseburger and substituted onion rings for fries and a coke. Our meals were good and it was nice to be out of the sun - I started feeling really tired and Noel said she felt hot and sleepy so we decided to come up to the room for a rest.

Noel watched a movie and I checked my email and made some phone calls and then we sat on the balcony and gave crackers to the crows, there were also some cute little birds today that I did not see the other day and they were very brazen for their small size stealing cracker bits from right under the big scary crows.

At 5:00pm we decided we were not hungry enough for Brown Derby so therefore were skipping the Fantasmic show. Noel has been persistantly asking me (translation: begging) me to let her pick an oyster in Japan to get a pearl, tonight I offered to walk over to the WS with her to do just that and she jumped at the chance.

We walked over to the international gateway (I still can't get over how close it is) and headed straight to Japan where we watched a few people have their oysters opened. Noel picked her "special" oyster after examining every single oyster in both tanks and watched as the CM cut it open to reveal a pretty 7mm pearl with a pink hue - she was thrilled and was to carry it around with her all night.

Oh, before I forget - we had Pal Mickey along again tonight and he was full of bits of information - he really enhances a visit to the park and is no trouble to carry around - if you can fit a Pal Mickey in your budget, you should really pick one up.

We slowly walked around the WS and Noel had an encounter with a living statue in Italy - it was so funny the whole crowd was cracking up. Noel was standing beside her and when she looked away the statue would look down at her, Noel would turn and the statue would look away, this happened over and over and Noel had the crown howling.

You can probably tell that Noel is warming up to EPCOT now and we did some drumming at the outpost for a bit. It was a beautiful evening, no rain and mild tempertures... it would have been a perfect night for Fantasmic and I was regretting my decision not to go. We rode Maelstrom and then the boat ride in Mexico - right after I consumed a Margarita from the Cantina - man o man, that ride is a little freaky when you are tipsy and for a few minutes I thought I was in It's a small world" Noel was singing "It's a small world - Por Favor" and we were laughing.

We passed a gift shop on the way over to Canada and I asked Noel if she wanted to go in... we looked around inside and Noel asked for a Beauty & the Beast Set to which I said NO, she had bought a pearl tonight and that was enough for one day. She asked me "Well what is the point of taking me in a gift shop if I can't buy anything?" I really didn't have an answer for that - I tried to explain window shopping was fun but she wasn't buying that line :rolleyes:

We arrived at canada and Mickey told us to go see "O Canada" we headed down to the mine and passed Le cellier which is so pretty all lit up in the evening. The film for O Canada is a bit outdated but still great and being from Canada we couldn't help but feeling good about Mountie's, Beavers, Moose and Mountains.. however Noel thought Canada should be able to afford seats to sit in.

As we came out of Canada Noel found a flower on the pavement, a carnation - and she was all worried that it needed water, and shelter and a home... :rolleyes: she wanted to get it back to the hotel right away to get it in a glass of water. Just then the announcement came that it was 15 minutes to Illuminations, we were standing just by the rose and crown and I asked Noel if she wanted to stay for the show... "No, No, No I MUST get my flower back to the room" Do I have the weirdest kid or what?? During the illuminations cruise she was watching a lizard, and now with the show about to start she wanted to leave... :eek:

We walked back to the beach club and stopped by the lounge to pick up some drinks for the room... Noel got a glass of water for her flower and we were just about to leave when the CM told us to go out on the balcony and we could see a bit of the illuminations show form the "Secret View".

He was right, from the Lounge balcony if you look right, you can see the high fireworks, it was actually better than seeing them in the pouring rain the other night :) There was no one there but us and Pal Mickey and it was a nice moment... I am so glad he told us about it - we will be there again tomorrow night :)

Now we are back in the room and Noel is nursing her little flower back to health, we are up early tomorrow morning for MK & breakfast with Cinderella... until then thanks for reading and goodnight from the Beach Club.
Thanks Cassie for another entertaining/great read. :) Sounds like you're having a fabulous time. I can't wait to read tomorrow's report. :)
Originally posted by >>^..^<<

We rode Maelstrom and then the boat ride in Mexico - right after I consumed a Margarita from the Cantina - man o man, that ride is a little freaky when you are tipsy and for a few minutes I thought I was in It's a small world" Noel was singing "It's a small world - Por Favor" and we were laughing.

That is too funny!
Until Tomorrow!
Cassie ~

Thanx again for another fab trip report.
I hope the little flower survived for your sake, Cassie, lol! ;)

Looking forward to tomorrow's adventure! :)
Cassie -

Great reports. Love it being live! Don't know if I didn't catch it in a previous post but I remember you seemed so worried about the scapholding at the BC. Well, how is it?

Also just wondering how much the Pal Mickey was to purchase. Since I have 2 little boys, would they both be able to hear Mickey okay?

We're looking forward to our Yacht Club vacation in November so hearing your vacation just makes me more excited!

Anxiously awaiting Day #11...
Love the live reports!!!!
My DD Kayla will be 9 in a couple months and probably would have reacted to the flower the same way as Noel.
Originally posted by >>^..^<<

At 2:00pm we were hungry so checked with the hostess at Beaches and Cream - this woman was very pleasant but had a rather noticible moustache... as I spoke with her I noticed Noel staring at it with rapt attention and I was worried she was going to say something lol... luckily there was a table right away and we were seated before she had a chance to. Later she asked me about it - trying to explain hormones is worse than the birds and the bees. ;)

LOL:D ! When I read this I couldn't help but laugh. It brought back memories from our trip last Dec. This same lady checked us in at Beaches and Cream and my DD, who was only 5 at the time, pointed and asked why the lady had a moustache :eek: ! I quickly shoosed her & hoped the lady didn't hear.


Sounds like you're having a great trip!

This might sound like a silly question but do you miss the cabanas at the Universal hotels?
hey Cassie!! I have been catching up on your reports since I have been back on the boards. (My grandmother passed away last week and I had to go out of town for a week). You are starting to get me excited about our trip to the BC again!!! Keep the reports coming!!!

I am glad to hear you are both having a great time! I guess the scaffolding at the BC isn't so bad as to put a damper on your vacation!!!
I am really loving your reports this week. I am back at school getting my classroom all set up for next week. It is good to know that somewhere, someone is on vacation!:)
I also recall the lady at B&C, gosh, enough little ones must have said something by now that you think she'd consider wax!

Also, I think that there is one of those peal places right outside the BC, on the sidewalk going over to the slide. I can't remember if it is the same as in Japan...choosing and finding your pearl. Either way I guess you already have your pearl, but if you feel the need for another, check it out.

Can't wait for tonight's report, even if I have to read it in the morning!

Enjoy! Congrats on Mission:Space. Your next challenge is the Kitchen Sink at B&C!!!;)
Tammydel :) I keep distracting Noel when we are near the pearl factory so she doesn't notice it!

I love Ice cream - but I saw the kitchen sink the othe day and it really put me off... it is very messy looking!


Graywife - sorry to hear about your grandmother :(

Glad you are getting excited.. it is beautiful here, and the scaffolding is no bother at all, it is near the exit close to the slide, I have no heard any noise at all and not really even noticed it.


floridafam - yup I miss my cabana, Disney is really missing the boat in this area I would rent on every day here given the option. We quite often talk about it - the cabanas rule.


Disneyolic - quite often Pal Mickey starts talking just out of the blue and you miss what he says - all you have tp do is squeeze his hand and he will repeat, squeeze again and he will repeat, and again.. .. if you are somewhere loud you just have to put him to your ear. I think your boys will love him - but will probably fight over carrying him :)


TimNdansMom - LOL - that little flower will be the death of me! Noel took it out on the balcony today to "give it sunlight" and promply dropped the glass shattering it everywhere. I picked up the big pieces but there were little shards everywhere. I mentioned to the concierge and when I came back tonight it was all cleaned up. You will be happy to know the little flower has opened and looks pretty good :)

I am enjoying your reports Cassie. But where are the reports for the first several days? I can't locate them!


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