CDC Notifies States, Large Cities To Prepare For Vaccine Distribution As Soon As Late October

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Even if a trial participant got a private antibodies test and it was negative, they would have no way of knowing if they received the placebo or not. It could be that they got the vaccine and didn't develop sufficient antibodies or the antibodies declined over time. A positive test wouldn't necessarily mean they got the vaccine either. They could have had the placebo and then had a COVID exposure. I'm really not sure that it would hurt the study since different scenarios could explain the results.
Even if a trial participant got a private antibodies test and it was negative, they would have no way of knowing if they received the placebo or not. It could be that they got the vaccine and didn't develop sufficient antibodies or the antibodies declined over time. A positive test wouldn't necessarily mean they got the vaccine either. They could have had the placebo and then had a COVID exposure. I'm really not sure that it would hurt the study since different scenarios could explain the results.
You're right they can't know but that also why someone wouldn't want to think of it that they must not have gotten the vaccine. Unfortunately that is exactly what many will think because they are not medical professionals. The medical professionals who are conducting the study want to be able to control and study a person's immune system response. If they performed an antibody test and they were at the point of unblinding the study they can further investigate. What if the person was given the placebo but still produced positive antibodies? What if the person was given the vaccine and did not produce positive antibodies? And so on.

But if a trial participant gets an antibody test and it comes up positive they may assume they have the vaccine, drop out and live their life. Or stay in it assuming the whole time they got the vaccine. Or if they get an antibody test and it comes up negative they may assume they did not get the vaccine, drop out, live their life or wait it out and hope to get the vaccine elsewhere. Either way it's understandable why clinical studies hope to maintain the control themselves. It's more about the results being able to be reliable and in a controlled study way.

The person, as great as they've been, has already made the connection that they didn't get it and their spouse did. They have no idea but have made that assumption based on antibody tests administered outside of the study control. I can see how many of the thousands of participants might think the same way even though medically we don't know enough data on it.

I was interested in what that other person was saying and found out this from an FAQ from Duke Health:
"The studies use a design known as “randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trials.” This means that some people in the study will get the vaccine, and some will get a placebo (sterile salt water that does not have any vaccine in it).

The vaccine and the placebo will appear identical, so neither the volunteers nor the study doctors will know who receives the vaccine and who receives the placebo. This is what we mean by “blinded.” To ensure the safety of the participants, the research pharmacist, who is not a study volunteer or a study doctor, keeps a “code book” to record who received the vaccine and who received the placebo. The research pharmacist only uses this information in case of an emergency to protect the participant (for instance, symptoms of an allergic reaction).

During the study, the researchers will compare the numbers of participants who have taken the vaccine who test positive or get sick to the number of participants who have taken the placebo who test positive or get sick. If the vaccine is effective, the number of participants who receive the vaccine and who test positive or get sick with COVID-19 will be significantly lower than the number of participants who receive the placebo and who test positive or get sick with COVID-19." "The vaccines and antibodies being tested in these studies aim to prevent a person from getting COVID-19. They must be tested on volunteers who do not have COVID-19 because our goal is to keep people healthy. Other studies of treatments may be offered to people who already have COVID-19."

I looked up a bit more and found LapCorp had the following "While the level of antibodies needed to be considered immune to SARS-CoV-2 is yet to be determined, ongoing vaccine trials and research should help answer this question. The test is also currently being utilized by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence studies to understand the level of antibodies produced through natural exposure and infection with the virus."

I could be wrong but I think the issue is really a person taking a private antibody test outside of the trial and drawling their own conclusions from that.
Seems like vaccines are starting to really get close here. I saw that person mention a state could be getting one really quickly here. Did I miss are there any other people whose state may be close to getting it assuming it was approved?
It is being reported the CDC will announce the new quarantine guidelines tomorrow. it will be 7 days with a test or 10 without.
UK will start vaccinating on Monday.

The FDA will be in big trouble over "time-out corner" In the end though, the western world can be proud of the vaccine race to save lives and get the world back to some semblance of normalcy. Which country was a week or two ahead or behind....will be forgotten.

We have that South Africa trip that we moved out as far as we could...mid August of next year. I actually peeked at flights for the first time this morning. Just peeking, but it's the first time that I even had the hope to even open up google flights to take a look.
The FDA will be in big trouble over "time-out corner" In the end though, the western world can be proud of the vaccine race to save lives and get the world back to some semblance of normalcy. Which country was a week or two ahead or behind....will be forgotten.

We have that South Africa trip that we moved out as far as we could...mid August of next year. I actually peeked at flights for the first time this morning. Just peeking, but it's the first time that I even had the hope to even open up google flights to take a look.
Get that vax and you're on your way!
Get that vax and you're on your way!

Yeah...initially DH and I thought we'd "wait several months" to see how things go with this vaccine. But we're done....we're ready to get back to the life that we had before this whole mess. And that includes international travel. We'd been looking forward to this South Africa trip for a long time. It would have been an amazing and special trip pre-covid. Now, I can't help but think that it will be spectacular. We'll get the vaccine the second it becomes available.
This sounds like the case in children. It seems that children wouldn't need the vaccine since they have robust immune systems already and we are seeing so very few of them sick from this virus. It seems that those who could use the vaccine are the ones whose immune system is weak or those with co morbidities who have a higher risk of dying.
My question re children is this: What about kids who can transmit to high risk individuals? Shouldn’t they be vaccinated?
My question re children is this: What about kids who can transmit to high risk individuals? Shouldn’t they be vaccinated?

From anything I have read/heard kids especially under 12 haven’t been tied to spreading it to adults, partially because they aren’t as likely to be infected because they don’t have as many ACE2 receptors yet. And if the high risk adults get the vaccine they should be fine anyway.
Dr Fauci said recently that the vaccines may not be able to stop the spread of covid19. Does anyone know anything else about this?
My question re children is this: What about kids who can transmit to high risk individuals? Shouldn’t they be vaccinated?

Why kids? There is no proof that the vaccines will be able to stop the spread of covid19, as Fauci states. This is why they now say masks will not be going away or the social separating. The people who want to lessen their symptoms can possibly do so by taking the vaccine, but they may be going out and spreading covid to other people. Kids should be the last on the list to get this vaccine because:

1. Has not been tested on kids.
2. Almost 0 covid deaths in kids.
Dr Fauci said recently that the vaccines may not be able to stop the spread of covid19. Does anyone know anything else about this?

Why kids? There is no proof that the vaccines will be able to stop the spread of covid19, as Fauci states. This is why they now say masks will not be going away or the social separating. The people who want to lessen their symptoms can possibly do so by taking the vaccine, but they may be going out and spreading covid to other people. Kids should be the last on the list to get this vaccine because:

1. Has not been tested on kids.
2. Almost 0 covid deaths in kids.
I personally am not believing it. It might not eradicate the disease, but then Measles isn't eradicated either. I think when enough people have been vaccinated, it will become a very small concern in our day to day lives.

I think they're taking his approach to make sure people keep wearing their masks through the roll out and don't stop too soon. I hope it doesn't stop people from being vaccinated. If you have to keep wearing masks and distancing, then why take a chance on the vaccination? Not to worry though, I'll be first in line. I'm backing the science.
My question re children is this: What about kids who can transmit to high risk individuals? Shouldn’t they be vaccinated?

Again, this vaccine is meant to prevent Covid-19, the disease, and the corresponding hospitalizations and deaths that result from it. It *might* prevent transmission of the virus, but that is still up in the air.

Kids, by virtue of their robust immune systems, won't benefit much from this vaccine. Their bodies do a good job fighting off this virus and clearing it out before their viral load gets so large it can infect other people. Kids under 14 have largely been asymptomatic and only a handful have developed severe Covid-19 or passed away (most have had significant underlying medical conditions).

This is why they are starting with the elderly in long term care homes. This is the population who can benefit most from the vaccine because they are the ones most likely to develop severe, life threatening Covid 19. To directly answer your question, we would vaccinate the high risk individuals that the kids may be in contact with, before vaccinating the kids. You go highest risk down to lowest risk.

There have not been many confirmed cases of kids transmitting to adults as primary viral sources. More often, adults in a home are transmitting to their kids. This is why there have not been any massive out breaks in elementary schools, preschools, or daycares, and why these age groups have been able to resume school when older children and teens have not.
Yesterday, I signed up to see if I qualify for the Phase 3 trial of the Johnson and Johnson (Janssen Pharmaceuticals) vaccine since they were enrolling in my area. Not sure they will want me since I am a stay at home mom, but my kids are in school in person and I do all the shopping/errand running for the house, so I go out several times a week. Plus, community spread is high here. I'm interested in this vaccine because it's only one dose and seems similar to older vaccine technology which I know I tolerate well.

My only concern is the timing of another vaccine being available to me and whether or not I'd be able to get that one while participating in this other study. I guess I will ask about that during my initial meeting.
I personally am not believing it. It might not eradicate the disease, but then Measles isn't eradicated either. I think when enough people have been vaccinated, it will become a very small concern in our day to day lives.

I think they're taking his approach to make sure people keep wearing their masks through the roll out and don't stop too soon. I hope it doesn't stop people from being vaccinated. If you have to keep wearing masks and distancing, then why take a chance on the vaccination? Not to worry though, I'll be first in line. I'm backing the science.

Can you show me the science that shows the covid19 vaccine will prevent the spread of covid19? Fauci himself says there is none. You can't say you are following the science then NOT follow the science. It's not about belief. Science is not a religion that requires faith. It's about looking at studies and data and acknowledging what they PROVE.

People need to be aware of the facts and we shouldn't have people walking around thinking they are immune to covid19 after they have the vaccine, meanwhile spreading it to others by not wearing a mask and not social distancing. Not until we have proof it cannot be spread by those who have been vaccinated.
Can you show me the science that shows the covid19 vaccine will prevent the spread of covid19? Fauci himself says there is none. You can't say you are following the science then NOT follow the science. It's not about belief. Science is not a religion that requires faith. It's about looking at studies and data and acknowledging what they PROVE.

People need to be aware of the facts and we shouldn't have people walking around thinking they are immune to covid19 after they have the vaccine, meanwhile spreading it to others by not wearing a mask and not social distancing. Not until we have proof it cannot be spread by those who have been vaccinated.

When vaccine is available for all to get and others just choose not to (not because of medical/religious reasons), then it is not on those of us who are vaccinated to protect those that aren't anymore. Restrictions will be lifted eventually and if you aren't vaccinated, you will have to take your own precautions again.

You can't expect everyone to keep wearing masks when everyone has the choice to protect themselves or not. And I believe in order to be able to stop wearing masks, etc., more people will be choosing to get vaccinated (even though people are complaining about it loudly right now).

Before you even say it, no one is saying to stop with masks and such until vaccine is widely available.
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