CDoobee's "it's about time!" journal!! (comments welcome)


<font color=teal>I'll never grow up!!<br><font col
Jun 25, 2000
I'm not quite sure yet what I'm going to do here. I'm just hoping this will help hold me accountable.

I was REALLY AWFUL with my eating last weekend. Luckily, I've been OP since Tuesday, so didn't gain anything.

I usually don't count points on the weekends. There have been occasions when I have for a week or 2 at a time, with no cheating on weekends. I've lost those weeks, so why keep sabotaging myself by going back to not counting on weekends? I start every week fresh on Monday, and am good Mon-Fri. I go to WW on Saturday mornings, then don't count points Saturday and Sunday. I'm not usually really all that bad (compared to the old me, anyway!), but I could definitely be better!

I've decided if I want to EVER get the rest of this weight off, I have to get more serious. I have to be faithful with counting my points EVERY DAY. I have to exercise more. I am only 14.5 pounds away from my WW goal and 24.5 from my personal goal. I KNOW I can do it, so what's holding me up?

I lost 52 pounds from June, 2001-June, 2002. Then slowly added back about 20 pounds until March, 2003 when I FINALLY came to my senses and told myself, "HEY, FAT GIRL! WAKE UP!! I thought you said you weren't going to gain it back this time!" So, since then I've lost between 10-13 pounds of that added 20 or so. Why so slooowwww this time? I know...I HAVE TO COUNT POINTS EVERDAY NOT JUST WHEN I FEEL LIKE IT!!

So, here's to starting FRESH!!
Points target-22
Drink lots of water
Get in at least 2 milk servings-REALLY have to work on this since finding out I have osteoporosis (after breaking a rib simply while bending over to pick up something off the ground while seated)
Exercise more-I haven't done the WATP tapes in several months. I also have the Pilates for Dummies tape that I've never done yet. I do have a "sort-of" excuse for that, though. We have no air-conditioning, and NO WAY am I exercising in a house that is 95 degrees! Too hot to walk outside, also. Have been to Curves 2-3x/week. Need to increase that to 3-4x. Start doing WATP on non-Curves days (at least) and eventually add the Pilates now that it's cooler. Maybe walk outside? Never much liked that, unless I have a destination, it's soooo boring!
Drink less soda-I am VERY MUCH ADDICTED to Diet Coke. It used to be ALL I ever drank. Now, I do drink water also, but still need less soda. Since finding out about the Osteoporosis, I've read that soda has a phosphoric acid that leeches calcium from your bones and causes Osteoporosis. DUH! Now, I know why my 79 year old mother's bone density test was so much better than mine!! (I'm <gulp > 49.)

Tuesday, Sept 2
milk-2(both cheese, don't like milk)
soda-Didn't really start thinking about the soda thing until Saturday, 9-6, so still too much until that day.

Wednesday, Sept 3
milk-2(both cheese again)
soda-too much

Thursday, Sept 4
points-30 Hungry day, used 8 flex points. Ate too much "junk", and not enough "good" food.
soda-too much

Friday, Sept. 5
milk-2 Real milk and a Yoohoo Lite!
soda-too much

Saturday, Sept. 6
water-very good!
milk-1 Yoohoo Lite
exercise-Curves, then walked home! It's about a mile, that's
very good for me!
soda-NONE! I didn't realize until dinner time that I hadn't had anything to drink but water all day! I really wanted a Diet Coke by then, but decided to try to make it ONE WHOLE DAY without soda, and I did it!! I won't be giving it up entirely, but will TRY to limit it to no more than 2/day. Need to drink a Yoohoo Lite every day also, for the Calcium.

Another good thing happened today, (besides the walk and the no soda). Katelyn (my 12 year old) has decided she wants to count points! She's been going to Curves with me for a few months, but still eating pretty haphazardly. She doesn't really need to lose weight, just not gain more than 10-15 pounds or so as she (hopefully) grows another 3 inches or so. She's probably at about the upper limits of normal weight for her height and age.
She counted points all day yesterday and said she really liked being able to eat and not feel guilty because she stayed on target. I never knew she ever felt guilty about what she ate! She, I, and Jared (my 18 year old) picked out WW menus for the week, then Jared and I went shopping. Jared is a WW too. He had lost about 22 pounds, but gained back about 8-10. He yo-yos very much with his weight from week to week. He hasn't counted points since about the 3rd week of WW. Some days he's very good and some days he's very bad! He actually recorded his points yesterday, also! What a picture. Jared, Katelyn and I all sitting at the kitchen table going through WW recipes, making out a grocery list and recording out points! We are going to take turns making the dinners. Katelyn even asked if this means we will all be eating together at the table "like a normal family"! I guess we had better try. Even Jared likes when we do that. :)

WOW! I guess I had a lot to say! Future posts should be much shorter! heehee

So far, so good!

Sunday, Sept. 7
points-17 Should have done better. I've been counting my points from 12noon-12noon. I don't usually eat breakfast. Just never have really. Am trying, but since starting WW 2 years ago, I think I'm just afraid of running out of points before bedtime (I'm an insomniac and am up really late most nights), so don't start eating until afternoon. By counting points from noon-noon, I have been finishing my 22 points with breakfast instead of just starting then. It's been working most days.
exercise-good! Took Katelyn to the mall, deposited her in the book store, then walked twice around upper level and twice around lower level (about one mile).

Monday, Sept. 8
points-12 so far (9:30 p.m.) Planning on a bedtime snack of blueberries, strawberries, ff cool whip for a total of 2 points. And maybe a WW 2-points bar. That will leave 6 points for breakfast, which will be plenty.
fruit/veggies-5 already and still plan on strawberries and blueberries.
milk-2 (both cheese)
exercise-great! Walked to Curves (about one mile), worked out, then walked home (another mile, duh!). This is great, considering the farthest I usually walk is from the far end of a parking lot!
soda-still NONE!!!! since Friday!!!! I haven't gone this long without soda since I was a teenager! And that includes being NPO before and after surgeries! I'm SO impressed with myself!! heehee :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc

I sure hope I show a loss on Saturday!
:wave: I finally found your journal, Mom ... it seemed the search function was never working when I wanted to use it! :rolleyes:

I expected to see a full journal, but there were only two posts! I hope you're still doing well! :earsgirl:

Folks, I moved out and across the country a little over two years ago, and don't get to see my mom but maybe once a year. I barely recognized her the last time I saw her. I left a round mama with long, red hair, and last July, here comes this skinny lady with short brown hair, claiming to be my mother. I would have still thought she was an imposter, but her reaction when she saw the castle when we arrived at MK convinced me it really was her! :earseek: :hyper: :jumping3:

Keep up the good work, Mom!


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