Character interaction conversation starters?


Feb 14, 2013
I'm sure there's an existing thread but this app is being rather unhelpful when I search. So-

Has anyone got some fun things to say to the characters to prompt some fun interactions?

Things like sneaking up and saying tick tock to Hook, hugging and kissing your new Mickey plush in front of Donald for some funny photo opportunities, asking Mary Poppins to say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious backwards and asking her exactly what it means, talking to the Princesses about their Prince etc.

What are your favourite conversation starters for shy children (and adults!)?
I always side with the villians like complain to hook what a brat peter pan is etc they usually laugh and go along with it with prince john and robin hood I told PJ to stop acting like a spoiled brat and he had the sherriff arrest me! it was a Hoot!! we did the Im watching you with hands the entire time I was in lline!
another source.

Now that Gaston is making frequent appearances, I want to ask if he is especially good at anything.
For the princesses, tell them they look beautiful
For the villians, tell them they are looking especially friendly today
Funny story about what NOT to do....years ago when there was a huge character breakfast in the then MGM park in the huge location across from Journey of the Little Mermaid, DH, who considered himself a veteran of photo opps, put his arm around Esmerelda (remember the Hunchback?) WELL, he got the full force of this very strong character who not so politely told him to take his arm away and SHE would take care of where to put what!:rotfl2:It was a hysterical of those stories not so funny at the time, but due to become legend:lmao:Lesson learned
Our first trip, when our oldest DS was 7, Pluto snuck up behind him and chomped him on the head (excellent photo!). He still talks about it to this day. We ate at 'Ohana on our 2012 trip, and he reminded Pluto that he was the one who got chomped on the head. Pluto did a little tiptoe up to him (making us think it was going to happen again), but he spun, knocked the baseball cap off my youngest DS's head and chomped him instead! Pluto has turned into their favorite character as a result :).
I love funny character interactions.

When I was in Disney World a few years ago, I was sitting down on a bench next to Pirates of the Caribbean with my mom, waiting for my dad to come back with fast passes.

There was a Captain Hook meet up a few feet away, and Captain Hook and Smee were about to go on a break. The Captain starts to leave, and immediately trips over a stroller parked next to the ride. Of course, I find this to be hysterically funny, and I start to laugh, probably a little too loudly.

Hook comes marching up to me and shoves his hook in my face. My mom leans over and says "I think he wants you to kiss it." I do so, and he waves his arms around like he wants to lecture me, then stomps off. We laughed about for the rest of the day!

As for a conversation starter, called Hook a codfish is a good one.
I love funny character interactions....
As for a conversation starter, called Hook a codfish is a good one.

Me too!

I was just realizing that having a ready at hand prompt for my shy child would be worth compiling and shrinking a whole list of possibles on half a 3x5 to take, would bring both of us repeated ease, simplicity and peace of mind.

But also, the simple lines that aren't meant to get a big reaction.. Like the "I think you're pretty" to a princess, are the right lines for some kids. I have one child that would just die :scared: if a character took the funny-bait that he unsuspectingly repeated ....and it resulted in a big to do.

So bring on some more...some clever ones, and some easy's for the self-concious! All good.
Tell Cinderella that you like her castle; call Dale Chip and Chip Dale; ask Chip and Dale if they are squirrels; tell Donald how nice he is and ask why he has such a bad reputation; ask Phineas and Ferb Where's Perry?; show any character if you are wearing something with their picture; ask Minnie if she is engaged to Mickey yet; at MVMCP, tell Grumpy that Dopey is your favorite;

You get the idea........I am always impressed with how expressive the non-face characters are without saying a word!
I wanted to share with you all my character experiences from today at Epcot. It was truly wonderful!

First- Dasiy Duck. I asked if her and Donald were dating. She giggled, drew little hearts around his signature and shrugged as if to say 'you decide'.

Minnie and Mickey- Both pointed at my mickey pants, Minnie was blowing kisses at one of my pins (Minnie & mickey kissing) and laughing under her hands. Mickey spent some amazing time with my niece, and she told him about how she came straight from Hollywood Studios to Epcot and she said she was amazed he got there so fast. He giggled, and mimed flying and pointed at Tink on my shirt. She loved it.

Chip and Dale- Chip gave me a huge hug and kept kissing me, Dale was a true gentlemen- bowing, kissing my hand etc. I happened to receive a FaceTime call in the middle of my meet and greet- dale answered it and started waving at my brother back home in England! It was great. He then pointed at the apple on my iPad and mimed he was hungry. Chip giggled and pointed at my ziplock bag of pretzels. I gave them both one and the cast member took them for 'safe keeping'- very amusing!

Snow White- saw the apple symbol on my ipad and was very concerned that a poor, unsuspecting soul had taken a bite out of my apple and was now asleep and I needed to leave the world showcase and find them, ASAP!

Tigger- bounced with me, gestured that he wanted a kiss, then went all shy when I kissed his nose and he held my hand and spun me around whilst Pooh was cuddling my niece and giving her kisses. Pooh then saw one of my pins and gave me big hug and acted all excited.

Pluto- nothing special apart from being exceptionally happy and bouncy! He acted more like a Tigger than a Pluto ;)

I had such an amazing time, I enjoyed seeing the characters more than riding Test Track and Mission Space! These are probably very normal experiences, but it felt a lot nicer than just Hug-Autograph-Picture-Goodbye !
Many, many, many years ago when my family first visited Disney, (I think I was 12). Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum bum rushed my little brother and tickled him until he almost wet his pants. We have a great picture of that. My brother didn't like it much and I think he would probably avoid them if he saw them in the park now. :rotfl2:
When my 3 boys were about 3, 5, and 7, they had just perfected the art of "armpit toots.". While eating at Chef Mickey's, they started demonstrating for Chip and Dale, who bent double laughing and started doing them with my boys. Totally unplanned, and completely hysterical! We have the cutest picture of my youngest laughing his head off at Chip and Dale!:)
kenny the pirate has an app in the google play store as well. I d/l'd this for easy access to this kind of stuff while we're in the parks!
Last year at the France Pavillion in Epcot, I went to take a picture with Marie -Aristocats- Now.. I love cats, so I couldn't resist petting her under the cheek as she signed my autograph book. She slapped my hand. As she's finishing and we get ready to pose for our photo I sneak my hand behind her and start scratching the top of her head. She grabbed my arm and tied it around hers tightly as everybody was chuckling.

No regrets.
On our first trip to Disney, my son had on a shirt with a crocodile on it. Captain Hook was quite frightened of it :)
On our first trip to Disney, my son had on a shirt with a crocodile on it. Captain Hook was quite frightened of it :)

Some years ago we went to a character breakfast at MGM (pre-HS) and I wore a t-shirt with Jafar on it (I like Disney Villains). As luck would have it, the characters that day were from Aladdin. Genie, Aladdin, etc, "avoided" me but soon Jafar came up, obviously having been told of a "fan" in the room. He pointed to my shirt, pointed to himself and so on. Every so often he'd return with someone in tow and point at me and himself again. People began to take pictures of us and he gave me his staff to hold, put his arm around me, etc. My kids thought it was very cool that Dad was friends with Jafar. When I left we shook hands and hugged. It was a really fun start to the day.
Some years ago we went to a character breakfast at MGM (pre-HS) and I wore a t-shirt with Jafar on it (I like Disney Villains). As luck would have it, the characters that day were from Aladdin. Genie, Aladdin, etc, "avoided" me but soon Jafar came up, obviously having been told of a "fan" in the room. He pointed to my shirt, pointed to himself and so on. Every so often he'd return with someone in tow and point at me and himself again. People began to take pictures of us and he gave me his staff to hold, put his arm around me, etc. My kids thought it was very cool that Dad was friends with Jafar. When I left we shook hands and hugged. It was a really fun start to the day.

That's awesome! I love it.


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