Characters vs. Pin Traders: It's Heated War! A Pixie-Dusted Nerdventure (COMPLETE)

LOL we are on the same updating schedule. College life just gets so busy!!! I'm glad to hear things are going well (besides oversleeping today, which I will say happens to literally everyone at some point so don't stress too much!) and that you're enjoying lots of ice cream :goodvibes

If you're dragging me on Dinosaur, I'm dragging you on Rock 'n' Roller Coaster. It is SOOOOOO much fun. Seriously my favorite after Splash Mountain.

YAYAYAY COWBOY SCENE!!!! Even though you didn't like it, it's cool to just say you got it :thumbsup2

That selfie with Dale is literally the cutest!!!

Haha, it's great isn't it? And you were so right about college. It took awhile, but I absolutely love it here even with what happened yesterday (minor bumps in the road, ya know.)

Oh geez... Well I guess I brought that upon myself. *sigh* Watch us both come out loving them even more than our current faves lol

It was the coolest thing ever and it wasn't that I didn't like it, I could barely hear what was going on. I think the hosts and actors on GMR need to learn projection. Also, our cowboy was AWFUL.

Hehe, thanks Courtney! :goodvibes

so glad to hear college things are going well! and yes yes yes go see Newsies OMG I'm trying to go see it when it comes to Orlando in January because it's my FAVORITE SHOW EVER definitely go see it if you can :goodvibes

OMG I'M SO JEALOUS I've NEVER gotten the cowboy! probably because I don't go near the parks when they're busy BUT STILL. someday I'll get it!

love those handprints in front of GMR so much! and omg the Dale selfie is so cute hahaha. those pop up sets are always super hectic because I don't wanna like, butt in front of a little kid waiting...but I want my character pics, dang it haha. glad you still got some good selfies though :thumbsup2

Yeah, I love it here SOOO much! I still miss Disney, but you can't complain too much. And I totally am! I'm hopefully going to talk with the friend who is trying to get a big group together and we can maybe buy tickets by this weekend. *fingers crossed* Oh I want to see it so bad! I hope you get to see it too!

Hehe... I really do hope you get to see it someday! It's just the coolest thing when it happens, but it's also kind of one-and-done, which is unfortunate.

Exactly! That was my issue. And of course Pluto had to literally be walking al the kids over with him. Uggghhhh. Thank goodness for the Chippys or that pop-up set would've been a lost cause. The Dale selfie is my favorite too! His pose was SO on-point. :thumbsup2
Such fun fun selfies...what a great unexpected surprise. Not knowing what time it was I am thinking that was Character Palozza...they do it most days there I guess. Very fun

So happy to hear college is becoming a great thing and that you are enjoying it and making good friends. Very cool on the Newies front.
Such fun fun selfies...what a great unexpected surprise. Not knowing what time it was I am thinking that was Character Palozza...they do it most days there I guess. Very fun

So happy to hear college is becoming a great thing and that you are enjoying it and making good friends. Very cool on the Newies front.

It most definitely was! I don't think it was Palooza though since that's usually on Streets of America and brings out rarer characters for DHS. It might have been done in correlation with that. Either way, it was perf.

I love it here so much! I definitely picked the right school. And yeah, I am super pumped. No tickets have been bought YET, but it's happening. ::yes::
LOVE THE SELFIES!:thumbsup2 so cute, especially the one with Dale, and happy they didn't make the random character sightings a total miss.

Looks like another great day you two had!:worship: You didn't do the Rockin Roller Coaster??? Where's the chicken emoticon when I need one?:rotfl::rotfl:

Love the pictures of ToT in the background, I watched the cheesy ToT made for TV movie the other day, it's silly but fun, especially after going on the ride. Can't wait to see if you made it on that one....

Grauman's, love it, reminds me of L.A. minus the derelicts etc. :lmao: Good thing you got to at least SEE the cowboy scene, what with the rumor that TGMR is closing.....

You should go to the real one if you get the chance. Although I think the El Capitan built around the same time, across the street (and down a ways) which has been owned by Disney for the last couple decades is a better place to watch a movie. Love the old time organ there and of course the Disney movies they show. Throwback Thursdays are always fun.

But for strictly old time movie buffs wanting to see the hand/footprints Grauman's is great. (minus the impersonators and homeless at least when I was last there)
LOVE THE SELFIES!:thumbsup2 so cute, especially the one with Dale, and happy they didn't make the random character sightings a total miss.

Thanks! Dale was just too adorable for words. Those Chippys definitely played a big role in making this day oh-so-unbelievably PERF!

Looks like another great day you two had!:worship: You didn't do the Rockin Roller Coaster??? Where's the chicken emoticon when I need one?:rotfl::rotfl:

It definitely was and we're not even half done yet. And no I didn't. I deserve that chicken smile. So much.

Love the pictures of ToT in the background, I watched the cheesy ToT made for TV movie the other day, it's silly but fun, especially after going on the ride. Can't wait to see if you made it on that one....

I love that movie! I remember I found it at the movie store (I miss those :'( ) once and watched it a ton. I remember the lines all pretty well actually lol

Grauman's, love it, reminds me of L.A. minus the derelicts etc. :lmao: Good thing you got to at least SEE the cowboy scene, what with the rumor that TGMR is closing.....

WHAT?!?! TGMR IS CLOSING?!?! No. No no no no no no no no NO! They can take Backlot Tour, Maelstrom and American Idol, but NOT Great Movie Ride. They will NOT touch my GMR. Never never never EVER.

You should go to the real one if you get the chance. Although I think the El Capitan built around the same time, across the street (and down a ways) which has been owned by Disney for the last couple decades is a better place to watch a movie. Love the old time organ there and of course the Disney movies they show. Throwback Thursdays are always fun.

I really want to. I'm hoping this coming summer I'll be heading to Cali to visit my mom's cousins and see Disneyland for the 60th anniversary and then D23. If not, hopefully I'll be heading down to Florida for my DCP *crossing fingers so tight* But OMG, TBT at a theater, count me in!

But for strictly old time movie buffs wanting to see the hand/footprints Grauman's is great. (minus the impersonators and homeless at least when I was last there)

YES. That I most DEFINITELY need to see, especially if people are still leaving flowers on Robin Williams'. :sad1:
Hello my loyal readers!

I'm sorry again by the extended delay between updates. I get so much work here and I seem to be always doing stuff with friends when I'm not trying to cram in a four page essay at the last minute (true story) so this will actually be the norm. And now that I'm officially no longer "ahead" on updates, it could take longer. I really am so happy right now, everything is so great. Newsies tickets have not been bought yet, but hopefully within the next week or so we'll have them and be on our way. I cannot wait to report back on that!

I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your weekend and here's another long awaited update to make it (hopefully) even better...

When Lumiere and Cogsworth Try To Guess My Soul Brother and FAIL ~ Part I
June 24th, 2014

Thoroughly selfie'd and just floating on my little pixie-dusted cloud again, I headed off to the only place that was all too perfectly nearby at this moment.

Ah, One Man's Dream, you have evaded me for so long!

And the photo frenzy ensued...

But first, lemme take a Walt-fie!

Continued Here
When Lumiere and Cogsworth Try To Guess My Soul Brother and FAIL ~ Part II
June 24th, 2014

The photo frenzy continues. I do not kid around:

I was basically speechless throughout that whole walkthrough. OMG, ONE MAN'S DREAM IS PERFECTION! I could not believe it took me that long to finally go see it. I know a lot of why I never saw it had to do with things like it being my first trip or my friends not wanting to do it, but WHY DID I NOT PUSH FOR THIS? It's so incredible, although I know about most of it (they don't call me a DisNerd for nothing). And the best part? I literally got to the Legacy Continues section right as they announced that the movie was going to start in 5 minutes, which ended up being more like 15, but that was good since Nate called.

He had just gotten out of RnRC when I made it to the theater and was asking where I was. I told him how I waited a bit at the hat, but I had to go in and watch the movie at One Man's Dream. Of course, it was a bit tough trying to talk to him since he was among the many many people who always seem to crowd around the cap. We ended the conversation with reiterating our plan to meet by the hat and soon enough I was walking into the Walt Disney Theater.

The movie was wonderful. But really when you combine Julie Andrews' voice with Walt Disney's story, you're bound to get something beautiful. Unfortunately, I was a bit disappointed. My expectations were kinda set too high based on how many people really enjoyed it. I just was expecting something up to the level of the "Walt: The Man, The Myth, The Legend" documentary, but I don't think a 30 minute film could reach what that documentary manages to do in two hours.

If you're not familiar with "Walt: The Man, The Myth, The Legend", do yourself a favor NOW and look this up. It is hands down my favorite documentary on the life of Walt Disney. It's narrated by who but Julie Andrew's Disney counterpart, Dick Van Dyke, and... it just is everything you would want in a documentary. I recommend to have tissues, multiple boxes of tissues, to watch this one. It's INCREDIBLE! The One Man's Dream does go over most of what this one does, but the commentary from Walt's family (including the late Diane Disney Miller) really is what makes it. So yeah, get on that!

Anyways, after the movie I headed straight for the Hat to meet Nate. Nate is not one stay still so it took me a moment to find him. After a quick phone call that ended up being right at the moment we found each other, we caught up for a bit. I asked Nate what he had done and it turned out that the time it took me to go on The Great Movie Ride, meet the Chippys AND go through One Man's Dream was the time it took Nate to ride RnRC... once. Of course, to combat the long wait Nate met an Australian couple who told him about Scoop Sanderson, a famous pin trader that visits Magic Kingdom on Main Street trading from his massive lanyards or what else. I wasn't too into it, but he sounded cool. Nate was and said we had to meet him one day. More on that later.

We had one more FP+ for today and it was for ToT. For some reason all day, I was a bit nervous about riding ToT even though I LOVED it last time I was there and it's one of my fave attractions, it was scaring me A TON today. This led me to hastily check when our FP was for it and at this time, I thought this was when we had the FP+ when... guess what... it was earlier that day and we missed it.

Oh darn. (;

Well, Nate wasn't giving up at the easily. He checked the wait time and... well, it was crazy so standby wasn't an option. Neither of us was ready to leave for another park just yet so I asked Nate if he wanted to go back to the Magic of Disney Animation to try out the Character quiz. He couldn't think of anything else better so to MoDA we went!

Although Mr. Incredible and Frozone were out again, I decided to bypass them again and Nate and I headed straight for the Character quiz area.

Nate ended up going first. I didn't really get to document his experience, but I think he got Jafar. I ended up getting Jafar later so here is evidence of that, but in terms of Nate's brief experience:

I went next. Nate took a video of the whole thing, well... most of the whole thing:

And what character did I get?

And the obvious reaction: Dead. Maybe that last answer about eating people was a bad idea, but okay. Gaston is my soul brother. Yeah, that doesn't sound right.

Time to try this again! Ready when you are, Lumiere and Cogsworth!

Answering in a more serious manner, I got...

ALADDIN! Heck yeah. That WOULD be my soul brother. I agree 200% with your assessment, Lumiere and Cogsworth. Although, it would be awesome if you understood the spirit animal part of me *coughOlafuncough*

Anyways, after that I went a little crazy. Nate had to go use the loo so I occupied myself by doing the quiz multiple times with various stations. I don't even remember half of the results I got, but I did get Maleficent at one point and Jafar too (picture above above) :

Okay, who besides me HATES the new powder green make-up that she has now? She also no longer has the fake chin. Okay okay, the botoxed cheeks was a bit much, but Maleficent had a VERY prominent chin and all these Maleficents lack some major chin action. Ugh. My need to meet her has dropped dramatically even if she is my favorite villain. Whatevs, moving on.

I ended up waiting forever for Nate. I tried looking for him, but couldn't find the bathroom in MoDA (*spoiler alert* There is no bathroom in MoDA). I then kind of sat around for a bit, probably could've used this time for an M&G, but I'm not smart like that. Eventually, Nate texted me asking to meet him at the bathroom, which he alerted me was not at all in MoDA. Long story short, we found each other, I went to the bathroom, we pin traded in a store right next to the bathrooms and decided to head to EPCOT.

Yup, it was that time and thus we headed out of the park. I found the Hollywood studios sign that's right by the Hat and decided to get a picture with it. It turned into a little bit of a photo shoot... I guess.

After that, we really headed out.

Okay, not really. Nate was getting really hot and he was actually limping quite heavily so we went through Disney & Co. and made our way out. I believe it was about this time I bought my newest phone case: THE LIMITED EDITION HAUNTED MANSION WALLPAPER ONE!

OMG, it is so perfect and durable. I don't have a photo, but it actually is my favorite phone case. Actually.

Anyways, here are some more photos from our walk out:

I think I stopped pin trading for the moment and was being super intense about NOT pin trading at this point, but Nate got in some quick ones (via pestering me). And finally, we were out and off to the Friendship boats!

It was both my first time riding the Friendship Boats and I was super excited about it. I felt so incredibly DISerly this trip. Ahhhh, I loved it!

And the only thing to make this better: DISNEY DUCKS! Yup, there were some famous Disney ducks out and about by the Friendship Boat boat dock. We also saw some weird looking and big fish. Oh and a turtle!

He’s there. I promise.

I guess my excitement translates into some sort of call of the wild. I might have to take note of that for later. Let's worry about that another time though because... THE FRIENDSHIP BOATS WERE COMING! THE FRIENDSHIP BOATS WERE COMING!

Continued Here
If you don't take a million photos in One Man's Dream, were you even there? Nope. Totally necessary photo spree.

The "keep moving forward" quote on the wall is definitely my favorite part. Life motto right there!

I will have to look into that documentary! I LOVE the One Man's Dream movie so I bet the documentary will be even better.

HAHAHAHA yeah…I can't say I see you as a Gaston. Maybe eat some more eggs. Aladdin makes more sense, and they really need to update the quiz with Frozen characters!!

For future reference, if you exit through the art shop and take a right, the restrooms are right there :thumbsup2
omg, LOVE LOVE LOVEEE One Man's Dream! I love all the little models of everything, so cool ^_^

speaking of Disney documentaries, have you ever watched Waking Sleeping Beauty? It's not necessarily about Walt but it's an AWESOME doc about the Disney Renaissance era and really details what went on in the making of those films. if you haven't seen it, definitely check it out! It's one of my favorites :)

hahaha omg Gaston that's hilarious! I did that once and got Ariel.... needless to say I'm ok with that ;)

Omg I had the Haunted Mansion wallpaper phone case for my old phone BUT THEN MY SCREEN SHATTERED and I got a new phone and now it doesn't fit anymore ;( SADDEST THING OF MY LIFE. but seriously, it's the best case ever!!
If you don't take a million photos in One Man's Dream, were you even there? Nope. Totally necessary photo spree.

Exactly. We're both probably going to have separate cards for OMD photos on our DCP lol

The "keep moving forward" quote on the wall is definitely my favorite part. Life motto right there!

I don't know what my favorite part is. I think it might be all the vintage Disney parks stuff like the posters and Figment and Dreamfinder's face, that area. #nostalgiaaddict :goodvibes

I will have to look into that documentary! I LOVE the One Man's Dream movie so I bet the documentary will be even better.

YES, YOU DO! And bring tissues. LOTS of tissues. Especially since Diane Disney Miller has a lot of interviews throughout. RIP. :'(

HAHAHAHA yeah…I can't say I see you as a Gaston. Maybe eat some more eggs. Aladdin makes more sense, and they really need to update the quiz with Frozen characters!!

Yeeeeaaaahhhh, no. Aladdin is actually totally me. I wish I was better at standing up for people like he is, but you can't have everything. And YES, because Olaf. Just Olaf.

For future reference, if you exit through the art shop and take a right, the restrooms are right there :thumbsup2

Yup, we know that now. Thanks though Courtney!

omg, LOVE LOVE LOVEEE One Man's Dream! I love all the little models of everything, so cool ^_^

It is the PER-FECT homage to Walt. I love it so much! Now it's a must-do on every trip. :thumbsup2

speaking of Disney documentaries, have you ever watched Waking Sleeping Beauty? It's not necessarily about Walt but it's an AWESOME doc about the Disney Renaissance era and really details what went on in the making of those films. if you haven't seen it, definitely check it out! It's one of my favorites :)

Yes, I have! That was my first Disney documentary. I did enjoy it, but I prefer Walt: The Man, The Myth, The Legend. I learned so much from Waking Sleeping Beauty though, such an incredible story. I've been meaning to buy both for my movie collection lol

hahaha omg Gaston that's hilarious! I did that once and got Ariel.... needless to say I'm ok with that ;)

Lol, and actually, I'd totally be okay with Ariel too. :teeth:

Omg I had the Haunted Mansion wallpaper phone case for my old phone BUT THEN MY SCREEN SHATTERED and I got a new phone and now it doesn't fit anymore ;( SADDEST THING OF MY LIFE. but seriously, it's the best case ever!!

Awwww, that's too bad. I'm probably going to have mine for a little while longer since my phone is LONG overdue for an upgrade and I know I have one in December so I'm jumping on that. Still, best phone case! I have a set of cases and I only use the wallpaper one. :lovestruc
Yay you got your Haunted Mansion phone case!

We just received our 45th Disneyland Haunted Mansion shirts, pretty neat although we like the ToT anniversary shirt a bit better.

Two words for us Haunted Mansion fans.......Memento Mori :hmghost:

I was reading a post somewhere and they were talking about the DCP and the fact that the lifeguard positions are the best paying in the DCP....not sure if that's the route you want to take but with your experience it's sure a foot in the door!:thumbsup2
Yay you got your Haunted Mansion phone case!

Yup! Best unnecessary yet necessary yet expensive buy ever.

We just received our 45th Disneyland Haunted Mansion shirts, pretty neat although we like the ToT anniversary shirt a bit better.

YAY! I was debating for the longest time whether to buy one, but decided against it. I might buy one of the attraction poster ones or HM butler ones. :confused3 Oh yeah, the ToT ones are SICK.

Two words for us Haunted Mansion fans.......Memento Mori :hmghost:

:worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship:

I was reading a post somewhere and they were talking about the DCP and the fact that the lifeguard positions are the best paying in the DCP....not sure if that's the route you want to take but with your experience it's sure a foot in the door!:thumbsup2

I would rather not, but I'm still going to put interest because I wouldn't mind getting to work in one of the water parks or a pool because I never seem to find time to visit those places normally. It also is where most of my job experience lies sooo to say 'no interest' might be a DCP death wish, but that's good to know too! Attractions or Character Attendant are still my top choices.
The Romantic Struggles of Timmy and Yacht Club (and Beach Club) ~ Part I
June 24th, 2014

Our Friendship boat arrived as it always does. We were pretty far back in the line, but that didn't matter much to me. I was finally getting to ride a friendship boat. Little did I realize how hot it would be inside the boats, but it was still a lovely little voyage. Although Nate wouldn't hold back from his two cents about not trying harder to sit on the outside, we still managed to enjoy the ride and I took many photos (no surprise there) :

As we passed the beautiful BoardWalk, I told Nate about how we could get off at the next stop at Yacht Club and walk all the way to EPCOT from there (aka the scenic route). At first, he seemed a bit confused, but I managed to explain it to him. My subtle hints at wanting to get off at the Yacht Club translated well and he asked if we could do that. Of course, I was all for it!

Some background on the Yacht Club and I's current relationship status, this would actually be my first time seeing her in person. We met online through the DIS and I instantly fell in love. It looked so pristine, sunny and beautiful. I was so in love there are so few words left for why and how much I love Yacht Club. Now through some "subliminal messaging", I was finally going to see it for myself along with the Beach Club, which I'd always wanted to see to.

Now, without further ado, it was time to end the Yacht Club and I's long distance relationship:

OMG, it is in the certain of everything! Reason #972967294719749165915 why the Yacht Club and I are to be married soon.

Such love. Much love. So love.

At just the right angle (to make me look armless)...

Back to only Yacht Club because Yacht + Club = L.O.V.E.

Continued Here
The Romantic Struggles of Timmy and Yacht Club (and Beach Club) ~ Part II
June 24th, 2014

Although I would've loved to have stuck around a bit longer, EPCOT was calling to us. Along the way, we passed by Stormalong Bay and the almost-as-perfect-and-gorgeous-as-Yacht-Club Beach Club. Nate and I both agreed our choice to get off early was the right one. Yay for resort hopping!

I think I decided to pop a squat on the beach swing right about now.

Yup, seems plausible.

Almost at International Gateway!

We made it! Of course, we were no short of Magic Band issues. I got through with no issues, but Nate had another issue with the fingerprint aspect. It was resolved quickly thanks to another awesome of CMs so it was no issue. In the meantime, I took more photos:

I also acquired some fabulous Epcot map swag that was more for souvenir than for actual usage, but that's normal... right?

Nate eventually caught up and we headed off into WORLD SHOWCASE!

Left or right?

What do you think?

Continued Here
Sighhhh the Yacht Club is so beautiful!!! I must stay there one day. I love that the headboards look like ship steering wheels. Plus, STORMALONG BAY!

I'm glad the MagicBand woes were resolved quickly and you made it to World Showcase!!
omg, Yacht/Beach Club are like my DREAM resorts. I was able to go swimming in Stormalong Bay a while back and it was like heaven on earth, I can't waiiiit to stay there someday! that sandy bottom pool is what dreams are made of :lovestruc
Sighhhh the Yacht Club is so beautiful!!! I must stay there one day. I love that the headboards look like ship steering wheels. Plus, STORMALONG BAY!

I'm glad the MagicBand woes were resolved quickly and you made it to World Showcase!!

YEESSSS, I have seen too many photos and loved every single one that it would be a crime to NOT stay there one day. And yeah, Stormalong Bay is SICK.

We kinda were already used to that happening at this point lol

omg, Yacht/Beach Club are like my DREAM resorts. I was able to go swimming in Stormalong Bay a while back and it was like heaven on earth, I can't waiiiit to stay there someday! that sandy bottom pool is what dreams are made of :lovestruc

If I do the DCP and my family comes visit, I am FORCING them to stay there or the Poly (even though I'm not looking forward to a Poly sans waterfall :'( ). So jealous of your Stormalong Bay swim, that's a must-do! Oh if only that one day was today!
Such fun times at HS ad now off to Epcot.

My family loved One Man's Dream as well. We did not get to see the movie do to a FastPass for TOy Story Mani but we did snag these...

We got a card at the start with a few questions on it about Walt and at the end we turned it in and signed a little book and got these buttons. Very cool
You do know how to pick em, you and the Yacht Club make the cutest couple:lovestruc :rotfl2:

Seriously this update has some of your best photos to date...
Oh, and please tell me you didn't trade away the Pluto in the Teacup pin!

As for your DCP, I definitely can see you as a bellhop in the ToT or a Butler in the HM.


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