Characters vs. Pin Traders: It's Heated War! A Pixie-Dusted Nerdventure (COMPLETE)

LEFOU'S BREW = :lovestruc

And... *sheepishly raises hand* I have gotten a brew without a stein before!

Basically, it was early in the morning, and I was running low on cash and I didn't want to lug around a cup I might never use again :x next time I will!!


WHAT?! ;) It's not always necessary, I just couldn't not. You have to pay for it OOP so logically you wouldn't get a stein since the Brew will be amazing either way.

How do you go about carrying the cup for the rest of the day? You just wash it, dry it, and put it in your bag, right? Sorry if that's a dumb question. Never done it before, too afraid of getting stickiness on my bag :rotfl:

I actually didn't really. We were already planning to head out of the park so I kind of just carried it by the handle, washed it in the room and left it on a table to dry. It was very sticky and I didn't plan on keeping it around for the rest of the day. HOWEVER, I have done it (later on this trip) and it is possible without a mess (especially during the summer).

WHAT?! ;) It's not always necessary, I just couldn't not. You have to pay for it OOP so logically you wouldn't get a stein since the Brew will be amazing either way.

I actually didn't really. We were already planning to head out of the park so I kind of just carried it by the handle, washed it in the room and left it on a table to dry. It was very sticky and I didn't plan on keeping it around for the rest of the day. HOWEVER, I have done it (later on this trip) and it is possible without a mess (especially during the summer).

Yeah, it just didn't seem logical at the time since I just used a snack credit on the brew and paying OOP would have meant not being able to buy a pin I like that I saw later on in the day. Call it fate ;) next time I'll get it, though. I love Gaston too much NOT to get a mug with his face on it. I'll just ask for the mug seperately so I can put it in my bag and it won't get messy! (I'm smart like that ;D)

(This is my 800th post on the Dis, by the way. I hereby dedicate it to you and your FoF photos ;) )
Yeah, it just didn't seem logical at the time since I just used a snack credit on the brew and paying OOP would have meant not being able to buy a pin I like that I saw later on in the day. Call it fate ;) next time I'll get it, though. I love Gaston too much NOT to get a mug with his face on it. I'll just ask for the mug seperately so I can put it in my bag and it won't get messy! (I'm smart like that ;D)

(This is my 800th post on the Dis, by the way. I hereby dedicate it to you and your FoF photos ;) )

I probably would've done the same thing if I was in the situation. But yeah, you'll definitely have to get one next time, it makes the Brew love offish. :thumbsup2

Awww, thank you! That means a lot. YAY FOR 800 POSTS! :cool1::cheer2::hyper:
Hi lovelies!

I'm sure a few of you know about this (I know one of you does), but...


Yup, so it happened. Unfortunately, I ended up with this status a few hours after my application had been sent.

Which is the second worst thing to have as a status next to an NLIC (aka you were rejected). It basically means they haven't really looked at my application and have yet to decide if you get a WBI (web based interview) and thus get a PI (phone interview). So I am stuck in limbo waiting to see if this will actually or I get NLIC'd because they manage to get enough people out of those who made it through. And if from that group I will get accepted. I'm being optimistic because the application season has only begun so I have time to get a WBI and get my shot for acceptance. *crossing fingers, toes, etc.*

But yeah, that's what has happened with that. I also got a single (FINALLY) and right now (last night) as I type this I'm ignoring my guests for my "single warming party" so I should get back to that. I'm performing "Hello!" from Book of Mormon with my school's musical theater troupe tomorrow (today) so I shouldn't hold up the party festivities so I may get some sleep. Here's the update:

'Ohana Means Family Part I
June 25th, 2014

We freshened up a bit after getting our Pillow pets and just lounged around for a bit before we had to go for our ADR. Of course, I was messing up remembering the time of our ADR that night and we ended up rushing out.

Well, as far as rushing out goes for me:


Construction was still going on in the main lobby. I think they might've switched sides today... or did I mention that already? I forget. My notes are awful with those details, but I clearly remember one day they were working on one wall then they switched to the other.

Anyways, we went right out to the bus stops through the gift shop and hopped in line for the Magic Kingdom one. We had a bit of a wait so I decided to take a photo for an update on our pin lanyards mid-trip.

Nate and I were doing a pretty good job. I think Nate had a little whine sesh right about now telling me how he wasn't sure he wanted to keep on trading because he liked the pins he had so much. Stay tuned to see if that actually happened.

Oh look, KACHOW!

Our motor coach arrived...

...And soon, we were passing by this:

We got off the bus and headed straight for the monorail WOOT WOOT

Monorail Red arrived!

Continued Here
'Ohana Means Family Part II
June 25th, 2014

I took a monorail selfie...

Yes, I was VERY excited.

...and we were off on the highway in the sky!

If you look real close, you can see the Wilderness Lodge dock and above the tree line, the top of the resort.

Finally, we arrived at our destination: The Poly!

The Polynesian is so beautiful! This is definitely one place I would splurge on... BIG TIME. I fell in love with it on my last trip and I knew I had to figure out a way to go back and luckily 'Ohana was ready for the taking. I am still sad that at this time they were working on removing the waterfall. I have seen photos since it has been finished and the lobby does look gorgeous, just not as surreal as it was before when you have a legit rainforest in the lobby. Whatever, that's irrelevant. Poly is love forever and always. And we had to get to our ADR so let's go shall we!

We followed the signs all the way to 'Ohana and checked in. We were given our pager and sat down to wait.

They had all the concept art of the whole renovation on display in the 'Ohana waiting area. It was a sad reminder and I had my own little whine sesh to Nate, but it was really cool to look at what's being reno'd because some of the stuff actually seems really cool.

I also was obsessing over the patterns on the cushions and floor of the Poly. This resort just gets me.

Continued Here
'Ohana Means Family Part III
June 25th, 2014

After a short wait and admiring the Poly as much as possible (because what else are you supposed to do?), we were called in to our table. Our waitress' name was Elena. She was pretty good and attentive, not very memorable, but not a bad waitress in the slightest. She did take awhile with our drinks and mentioned that it would probably be awhile for our proteins and the other assorted offerings, but our bread came directly to the table with us:


I think we were both pretty happy with it. It had a nice little sweetness to it and it came right out of the oven. We were both loving it already.

Eventually, after a quick look at the wine menu, of course...


Our drinks arrived along with a lovely salad!

I got a sprite and I think Nate got an iced tea of some sort.

We also received some dipping sauces to use for the rest of the meal.

We tried both and we thought they were both equally good. I do know we did single one out above the others. I think it was the darker one. I forget what they were exactly. I took really REALLY crappy notes about this meal, but I do remember specifics about certain things so just bare with me.

I'm not a big salad person (especially if it's arugula. The texture and taste bother me) so I wasn't entirely into it, but I appreciated the tanginess. It was unique and I enjoyed that and I think I ended up eating more than I usually eat of salad.

Anyways, eventually, our main entrees started rolling in along with some warm moist towels!

I was really obsessed with these. I felt so classy and I love warmth that comes in small packages.

Such Fancy. Much Warm. Very Disney.

With the arrival of the towels, we got dumplings!

Always enjoyable and as you can tell, Nate had to remind me once again to take a photo after which half the dumplings were gone. But yeah, here they are and yeah, we were hungry!

Not long after the dumplings, the food really started rolling in...

In order from top to bottom, we had Lo Mein, Pork and Steak. We also had shrimp, which I think might be with the Lo Mein, but I forget. We really liked a lot of it, but thought the shrimp was too sweet. I like it when my shrimp is cooked that it's savory not sweet, but if you're into sweet, this is the shrimp for you. It was all very good and I fell in love with Lo Mein at 'Ohana. I eat it all the time now. It's SOOOO GOOD!

We also had a little show. A lady with a ukelele was walking around singing 'Happy Birthday' and stuff to kids in family. She never really made it by us, but she was entertaining from afar. She was also handing out some leis. Wish I had gotten up and grabbed one, but you know, you win some, you lose some.

We were pretty stuffed at this point, but I couldn't pass up the must-do of 'Ohana: THE BREAD PUDDING!

And yes, it totally lived up to expectations. It was rich, like most Disney desserts, so we didn't make a crazy dent in it, but OMG was it GOOD! I wish I had saved more room for it. Ugghhh! Well, it was a great way to end our meal. We went through our usual routine with the tip and such then headed out.

Before we bid another lovely Disney meal adieu, I had to get one last photo to commemorate another magical dinner in Disney World!

I was really channeling my inner Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer this day.

Continued Here
'Ohana Means Family Part IV
June 25th, 2014

We decided that since we still had a lot of night ahead of us and our next FP+ reservation wasn't for awhile that we'd do some exploring around the Poly. We first went by the gift shop on the same floor as 'Ohana. Nate wanted to look for some more pin pics, which he didn't find, but the CM there was super nice and complimented us about our pins. She asked some strange questions about them, but she was sweet enough and it wasn't a long conversation so we were out of there not long after a short browse.

I really wanted to check out the beach so we headed off in that direction passing by some lovely decor and detail along the way...

Nate has stayed at the Polynesian before and was regaling me with some of his stories while he was there. Most of them involved phrases like "It is so beautiful!" "So authentic!" "The pool is incredible and the slide is awesome!" Yeah, he might've been worse than me when it came to the Poly love, but it made just walking around fun.

It was right about now, we found the beach. They were playing Toy Story on the blow-up screen tonight. Super cool!

Everyone was lounging in the area in front of the movie screen, which offered up this whole other area by where they were building the new on-the-water villas for the Poly, which look fantastic, and it had the perfect view of the Seven Seas Lagoon.

I noticed the Electrical Water Parade was just going past. I think we just missed it, which was unfortunate, but it was awesome having the glimpse at least.

We talked and listened to Toy Story for a little bit longer when I said we should probably head to MK so we don't miss our FP+ reservation that night. Off we went again, enjoying the Poly at night. Sorry my night photography isn't so hot.

Oh the Poly. It was wonderful getting to walk through your doors again. Hopefully next time it will be a longer stay. For now, it's off to the Magic Kingdom!

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I haven't eaten a meal ALL DAY. I can't believe I just HAD to check this TR on an empty stomach. :rotfl2:

But seriously, Ohana's looks amazing. I've never stepped foot on Polynesian grounds so Ohana's is a must do for my currently hypothetical next trip.

Great photos as usual!!!
i liked the ohana breakfast (and thats saying something since i don't ever eat breakfast!((though i was starving at that point so.. lol)) need to try later meals there it was honestly really nice!
I haven't eaten a meal ALL DAY. I can't believe I just HAD to check this TR on an empty stomach. :rotfl2:

But seriously, Ohana's looks amazing. I've never stepped foot on Polynesian grounds so Ohana's is a must do for my currently hypothetical next trip.

Great photos as usual!!!

Lol, well I hope you at least got something in you after reading this!

YOU HAVEN'T?! Oh you must in some way, shape or form. It is gorgeous and 'Ohana is DELISH. Definitely make sure it happens.

Thank you! :teeth:

i liked the ohana breakfast (and thats saying something since i don't ever eat breakfast!((though i was starving at that point so.. lol)) need to try later meals there it was honestly really nice!

You should! 'Ohana has a lovely selection at night and it's all straight of the grille. I'll definitely have to do a breakfast for the characters myself one of these days :thumbsup2
Lol, well I hope you at least got something in you after reading this!

YOU HAVEN'T?! Oh you must in some way, shape or form. It is gorgeous and 'Ohana is DELISH. Definitely make sure it happens.

Thank you! :teeth:

I believe I did... maybe? I can't recall anymore :x either way, I'm fine now :rotfl2:

I'm dying to. my mom is talking abot a hypothetical next trip which is really good, and i doubt it will come into fruition, but if we're doing another monorail resort it's most likely going to be the poly. fingers crossed!!!

NP! Can't wait to read the next update :goodvibes
Back at school safe and it's sounding like things are looking up. I have my fingers crossed for you on the DCP, I might send an email to Disney recommending you. As a Disney Parks visitor from the first year they opened Disneyland I definitely know what makes a great CM and following your adventures, from what I've read I think you are JUST what they need/want.
If you don't get in this time you definitely need to try again.
Anyway just thought I'd drop in for a brief chat to let you know that I and, I'm sure, all your other readers and online friends are rooting for you!
Just so you know- This TR inspired me to try Lo Mein for the first time this evening. I was at a Chinese buffet and noticed noodles similar to this TR and figured, eh, why not?

I had, like, 2 plates of it. It was DELICIOUS. Thank you Timmy!!!! :jumping1:
That's awful! Evil cousins lol I would love to see it again. Incredible show, one of my faves :goodvibes

JUST AN UPDATE i used a bit of pixie dust and I'm getting to go with them to see WICKED!! and even getting my ticket so close to opening night apparently Tinkerbell was helping me out a bunch because we figured id have to sit alone, I'm just one row ahead of my family out of over 1400 seats!! just super excited!! i picked my seat without knowing any idea where they were sitting!!
Back at school safe and it's sounding like things are looking up. I have my fingers crossed for you on the DCP, I might send an email to Disney recommending you. As a Disney Parks visitor from the first year they opened Disneyland I definitely know what makes a great CM and following your adventures, from what I've read I think you are JUST what they need/want.
If you don't get in this time you definitely need to try again.
Anyway just thought I'd drop in for a brief chat to let you know that I and, I'm sure, all your other readers and online friends are rooting for you!

Awww, thanks so much Tink! You always know what to say and thank you, I appreciate it. I'm not down and out yet (or truly feeling that way), but it kinda stinks some days knowing you're still teetering on that seesaw between an NLIC because they already hired enough people or a WBI. Still crossing my fingers and hopefully sometime before the end of the recruiting season I'll get my shot. I promise to keep y'all updated if anything happens. :)

Just so you know- This TR inspired me to try Lo Mein for the first time this evening. I was at a Chinese buffet and noticed noodles similar to this TR and figured, eh, why not?

I had, like, 2 plates of it. It was DELICIOUS. Thank you Timmy!!!! :jumping1:

Haha YASSS Everyone should try Lo Mein at least once in their life. SOOO GOOD. I'm glad my TR got you to try it for the first time :thumbsup2

JUST AN UPDATE i used a bit of pixie dust and I'm getting to go with them to see WICKED!! and even getting my ticket so close to opening night apparently Tinkerbell was helping me out a bunch because we figured id have to sit alone, I'm just one row ahead of my family out of over 1400 seats!! just super excited!! i picked my seat without knowing any idea where they were sitting!!

OMG that's awesome! I wish I had seen the show from the Orchestra, so jealous you get to do that. Have a lovely time! It is seriously an incredible show.
Hello my lovely readers!

Still no news about my DCP and if/when I'll get out of submission, but I do have a lot of good news. I just got cast for both my musical theater troupe's semester musical along with their sole cabaret this semester! The musical we're doing is Urinetown for anyone who is familiar with it and then we're doing a Topsy Turvy Cast-Against-Type Cabaret. I am playing multiple roles in Urinetown, which will definitely be an interesting experience since it's been quite awhile from when I first did that and in the Topsy Turvy Cabaret I am singing... TOPSY TURVY FROM HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME!! I am probably more psyched about that then being in a musical again because Clopin has the best solos in songs and I really hope they let me have fun with it again. Still have yet to have rehearsal for the Cabaret, but I know this will be quite the fun, busy, stressful and exciting semester! Enough of alluding to the craziness my semester will probably become, let's get to the update shall we...

"So Elsa, I hear you have a problem with Balloons?" The Cutest Meet and Greet Ever! Part I
June 25th, 2014

On the monorail, Nate and I ended up having a compartment to ourselves so of course I took advantage of that to lounge around...

After passing through the Grand, we arrived back at the Kingdom. See ya real soon Monorail Gold!

Oh and Monorail Coral too!

And off into the throng we went!

After an irrelevant bag check and MB swipe scenario that probably involved Nate being stuck back, we came upon a packed Main Street as Celebrate the Magic was in full swing. We weren't in the mood to brave that throng nor was our mission along that route so we snuck around by way of the Confectionery.

We were pretty bent on making it to our FP+ reservation before people started stopping in their tracks when Wishes started so we were zooming and whatever photo I took along the way was awful so eventually we ended up in Fantasyland. Our destination was Princess Fairytale Hall which is much harder to get to around Wishes began.

If you are not aware, when Wishes begins, they close off a large portion of Fantasyland because of the fireworks and that blocked off most of the PFH area. We didn't exactly get to PFH in time to avoid this Wishes inevitability so it was a bit odd finding this, luckily, they made some convoluted queue to let people like us with FP+s in to visit some princesses. So after double checking with a CM, we hustled right on in.

I'm not sure if y'all know already but PFH is BEAUTIFUL! The detail is perf and I'm obsessed with #chandycandy so...


We were held up in that corridor for a bit. Not many people considering Wishes was going on, still quite a bit in the standby queue, but not in FP+. I don't think I revealed to you YET who we were waiting for though you probably could guess and to not leave you in suspense much longer, we were going to meet...




Yup, we were still meeting them. That morning, after I had to cancel our M&G because of our change of plans to not go to Universal, I checked to see if there were any open FP+ times for Anna and Elsa today since how could we not meet them? And lo and behold, there was one FP+ time left open so I snatched it up and voila, here we were!

We were held up in the corridor pictured above for a little bit, most likely because they had to create a nice flow so that our FPs actually allowed us a short wait, but the standby line also moved efficiently. We ended up talking to a woman who told us about her debacle with the FP+ system and Anna & Elsa. Apparently, she was supposed to meet them with her daughter, but they had to switch around their FPs and because she hadn't seen the fireworks, her daughter was out seeing the fireworks while she went to go meet Anna & Elsa for her. She had her daughter's autograph book so I think that's all she really wanted.

Eventually, all three of us were led into the main entry way, probably the most beautiful section of the Hall and yet this was the only picture I got:

We were then put into another smaller queue to meet Anna then Elsa would come right after. Still was upset we couldn't meet them together and then meet Aurora, my childhood crush, but this still would be a lovely greet I'm sure.

We were probably in that little queue for a little over five minutes (Anna and Elsa really do take their time with their guests), when we saw a most peculiar guest walk in from the exit direction. He had a service dog with him, for reasons I couldn't deduct from where I was. After the family that was with Elsa left, he went right up and the most adorable little M&G I have ever witnessed occurred. Picture, if you will...

Yes, you are seeing that right!


Everyone was completely in awe of this. All the character attendant CMs and Photopass CMs just bolted over to see what was going on. It was so beyond cute and not something you see everyday. Oh, ALL THE MAGIC! I was so happy I managed to catch it on camera, even if it came out semi-bad because Nate was pushing me to get the photo. That was definitely a good sign of things to come.

After the puppy had now left (the owner only wanted to meet Elsa apparently), we were greeted by the jubilant Princess Anna!

Anna was super adorable! She came right up to us when we got to the front and immediately asked if we were ice harvesters to which we answered yes. She then went on and on and on and on and on and on as Anna does about Kristoff, Sven and the works. I don't even remember the conversation she was rambling, but I know she told us that she would let us know if we were ever needed in Arendelle. Then, she asked for our arms and we took our photo:

BAM! Prince Pose nailed!

I guess Nate wasn't all about that lending-a-princess-your-arm type deal.

I'm sure you can tell which photos are Photopass and which ones are mine. It was definitely not the best lighting for a point-and-shoot.

Anyways, we went right up to Queen Elsa next. We were held up for a bit since she was taking her time with the group in front of us so it gave me time to organize myself to hand off things to the right people. Then, it was time to meet the one and only Elsa!

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"So Elsa, I hear you have a problem with Balloons?" The Cutest Meet and Greet Ever! Part II
June 25th, 2014

As soon as we walked up, Nate immediately said, "So Elsa, we heard you have a little issue with balloons." He definitely could not let that balloon joke go. I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh as the Photopass photographer let out a great guffaw. Elsa was very stoic and cordial about the whole thing and answered in a very queenly manner. We had a lovely conversation with her.

She mentioned Olaf in the midst of this conversation and had a little fangirl moment, which is likened to that of a child needing to take a number one break. Luckily, this was NOT caught on camera.

And we took our photo together!

Yeah, a little awks. Kinda hard to take a photo with two people when you can only stand to one side of the Queen. I meant to suggest we take photos separately, but the cat caught my tongue and I didn't say anything.

At least Elsa's dress still looked FANTASTIC!

We thanked Elsa, said our goodbyes and headed out. I would definitely say it was totally worth it meeting those two. They are a precious pair. It was also really cool because the friend of Anna we met was exactly the same one we saw in the parade and also, these friends of Anna and Elsa actually looked like sisters, which is a very random coincidence but they seriously looked related. I just wish they would let them meet together again and bring Aurora back where she belongs so that they maybe could rotate the other princesses next to Anna & Elsa like was originally planned. *sigh* Maybe when the Frozen hype FINALLY dies down, they'll be able to do so and stop turning everything into Frozen uggghhhhh SO MANY CONFLICTING FROZEN FEELINGS

As Nate and I made our way through the PFH exit, we decided that we'd head to Frontierland and see what we could ride over there. Then, right as we walked into Sir Mickey's, we were bombarded with the sight of...


I was too in shock to take any photos. It was as if the moment we walked out of PFH, they just restocked all the Svens, miraculously in some ways. We knew we had to get one for Rishi, but Nate was afraid to spend any more money. I grabbed one for my sister and was gonna grab one for Rishi, but I was afraid to spend more money too since I had already spent over $100. In the end, after walking around with the adorable, cuddly Sven, I decided to pass it and find something a bit more useful or wait until later since they probably restocked elsewhere too. I put Sven back and off we went to Frontierland.

(Note: I bought my sister a baby Sven for Christmas. More on Rishi's Sven later.)

In Frontierland, we hopped in line for this mellow train ride...

The wait was 30 minutes, probably the longest I've had to wait for it, so I got to see all the new additions to the queue and just enjoy the detail in the queue itself!

This queue is actually awesome now and they also had various water bubblers throughout. Although Disney water isn't exactly preferable for drinking, it was nice during the longer wait.

When we finally got to the front, we ended up with the back cart on our train. I said we should sit in the back seat of the back cart, but Nate didn't hear me at first so two other guys ended up taking it instead. It was however my first time riding it from that far back and I totally agree that the back is better than front. It honestly felt like the fastest ride that trip and at night... EVEN BETTER! Definitely worth the longer wait.

When we got off BTMRR, we headed for Briar Patch to look around and pin trade a bit. I don't have any notes about any pin trades, but I remember they had a really cool set of DVDs and CDs, which I may or may not have mentioned before. Also, the detail in the Briar Patch is awesome! Look at this!



I just watched Song of the South for the first time ever so I'm super obsessed with all of Splash Mountain now that I know all about the context and its origins.

Naturally, I would post more photos of the area outside of the Briar Patch themed to Song of the South because I CAN SAY I'VE SEEN SONG OF THE SOUTH NOW!!!

And Chickapin Hill too, of course!

It was time to scout out a spot for the Main Street Electrical Parade since I've yet to see it the whole way through (although Spectro will forever be my favorite). We found a spot out near the Country Bear Jamboree. There were already some people sitting, but they had some spots open on the ledge they were sitting on.

I sat down when the lady sitting next to the girl I sat down next to said they were saving those spots for some people. Oops. I apologized when the girl said that it was fine. I said it was fine, but she let me know it was okay that we sat there so it was all good in the end.

Here was our view from where we were sitting:

While we waited, I looked through my photos since I never got a chance to really look at them prior to today. Nate and I discussed what our next move would be after MSEP when the lights went off, the Baroque Hoedown came on, camera was back out... it was time for some Main Street Electrical Parade!

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SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! I was in Urinetown this past June and it's such a fun show!! Are you a poor person or a UGC executive??? I'm literally so excited, it's one of my favorite shows and you're going to have a blast!!!!

Now onto the TR ;)

You literally had a perf night at the MK. Your Elsa was BEAUTIFUL- she looks like Megan Hilty omg

Wait, so did Rishi just not get his Sven?

YAY for riding my favorite mountain!!!

Can't wait to see your parade photos :)
wow, what a great trip report. took me a while to catch up but i have thoroughly enjoyed reading through it all. your pics of the festival of fantasy parade were really great!
ps, best of luck with your DCP application!

SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! I was in Urinetown this past June and it's such a fun show!! Are you a poor person or a UGC executive??? I'm literally so excited, it's one of my favorite shows and you're going to have a blast!!!!

Really? That's so cool! I'm so excited for it. First off because the singing in the musical theater troupe at my school is REALLY good (not so hot at my high school) and second, because I'm with a ton of my friends. I'm actually both a poor person and a UGC executive. I play Tiny Tom, Dr. Billeaux and a Cop (for "The Cop Song") so lots of quick changes. Just got back from my first rehearsal tonight actually lol

Now onto the TR ;)

You literally had a perf night at the MK. Your Elsa was BEAUTIFUL- she looks like Megan Hilty omg

It really was. Elsa is always beautiful and sometimes her friends do like Megan Hilty (OMG, just realizing this!)

Wait, so did Rishi just not get his Sven?

You'll have to wait and see... ;)

YAY for riding my favorite mountain!!!

Can't wait to see your parade photos :)

Best at night, always.

Well, won't you be pleasantly surprised. :teeth:

wow, what a great trip report. took me a while to catch up but i have thoroughly enjoyed reading through it all. your pics of the festival of fantasy parade were really great!
ps, best of luck with your DCP application!

Thank you! I'm glad you're all caught up! And :welcome:

Thanks! Literally my most favorite part of Disney to take photos of from this trip. So much to take pictures of and so much to play around with. :goodvibes

Thank you! Still crossing my fingers that submission ends soon!


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