"Charlie, Everybody's HOT" - a March 2012 Mother/Daughter mini-trip

:tigger:Nighttime Entertainment Part I:tigger:

Now, since we had arrived that morning, had dinner reservations the next night, and were leaving the day after that, this was our only night to see the nighttime parade and fireworks!

Once I had all my bathroom drama out of the way, i could fully enjoy the rest of the night!

One thing to know is that when we were little, my dad would drive my brother and I into school every morning (about a 40minute drive) and EVERY DAY we would listen to 1 of 6 or 7 classic Disney CDs we had. One of them had the Main Street Electrical Parade track on it! So, engraved in my subconscious for the rest of my life is the intro to the parade. As you can imagine, i get really into it. I did in 2010(my first time seeing the parade) and i did on this day in 2012.

This had been memorized since kindergarten, i kid you not. And because of that it is one of my favorite things of all time in Disney.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, the Magic Kingdom proudly presents our spectacular festival-pageant of nighttime magic and imagination, in thousands of sparkling lights and electro-synthomagnetic musical sounds--The Main Street Electrical Parade!




These are the only part i DESPISE



I don't exactly know what happened here...





this is where i FULL on started to sob



My mom referred to this as "the part that grandmas like"

As someone moving to a different country for college, i have never appreciated this more...

Once the parade finished, I wiped my tears, and we went to get ice cream--another family tradition from 2010!

Next Chapter
LOVE your trip report so far, excited to follow along. I cry and freak out everytime I go to MK too. This time, we are going in 37 days, to celebrate my four year old son surviving brain surgery. His first time at disney. SOOOOOO excited. Your report is great!:dance3:
LOVE, LOVE the parade! I am the same way, have to wipe away my tears..
This past fall we went and my mom came with us.. She has been battling Stage 4 cancer and she was holding my littlest one and he was just smiling at her and my oldest son was on my DH's shoulders and he had the biggest smile on his face as we watched the parade.. Don't think I will forget that moment!
Aww I love your story! I swear, I always TRY to recite the announcement along with computer voice guy, but I always get jumbled up. The fact that you've had it memorized for years is quite impressive. :thumbsup2
LOVE your trip report so far, excited to follow along. I cry and freak out everytime I go to MK too. This time, we are going in 37 days, to celebrate my four year old son surviving brain surgery. His first time at disney. SOOOOOO excited. Your report is great!:dance3:

That's Incredible! Definitely something to celebrate in Disney. He's going to have such a wonderful experience!!! You all will!

Thanks for reading along :) There's nothing like Disney magic!
LOVE, LOVE the parade! I am the same way, have to wipe away my tears..
This past fall we went and my mom came with us.. She has been battling Stage 4 cancer and she was holding my littlest one and he was just smiling at her and my oldest son was on my DH's shoulders and he had the biggest smile on his face as we watched the parade.. Don't think I will forget that moment!

It's moments like that that I live for :')
Everytime my parents consider taking a Disney trip we go on forever about all of our favorite memories. They all stay so vivid in your mind! It's something so special. Everyone should get the chance to experience it!
Aww I love your story! I swear, I always TRY to recite the announcement along with computer voice guy, but I always get jumbled up. The fact that you've had it memorized for years is quite impressive. :thumbsup2

Oh my gosh, my family thinks its so funny. When i did it to my brother in 2010 he was almost in tears he was laughing so hard at me :rotfl2:
Years & years of practice, my friend! XD
Loving this trip report!!! I think you'd make a great princess x - and I'm accidentally on my mother account haha my bad! - xMeganLovesDisneyx


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