Chicago Cubs fans - Rebuilding Year 2023

Agreed, I'm not wanting to jump on the CJ bandwagon, but I do think most of it fell on him. He walked 2? 3? Put a lot more pressure on Wade coming in because he HAD to pitch to Taylor or risk walking in a run. Taylor knew that and was able to sit and wait for his pitch. CJ is either on fire or cold and last night was cold. I hope Boz or Maddon will talk to him (and for that matter Jake last night too). I realize as a pitcher, you want to paint the corners, but if you're not getting the call, you have to hit a little more of the plate and trust your team to have your back. I'd rather get the ball into play than all the walks. Yes, into play could end up being a HR, could be a single, but could be an out or a DP also. There is ABSOLUTELY NO DEFENSE against a walk. Even a .333 hitter is going to give you an out 2/3 of the time.

Unless you're Lester or Hendo and pick him off, lol
You know what I would like to see? I'd like to see Hendricks in the 8th spot so we can have a kind of a second LO man. Plus, I think it will baffle the Nats.


the way the bats have been, Kyle may BE the offense lol. The above talk on scenarios made me realize the Indian's lost 3 in a row, two years in a row to be eliminated. Remebering the Met's sweeping us in '15, that's rough to take. Actually, DeGrom and Harvey were the Strasburg/Scherzer scenario that series. How fast did Harvey decline? wow.
I hope like heck I am wrong, but I am fully expecting Max to start..being held to about 50 pitches. We homered twice of Gio...Willy and Rizzo. I just don't see the Nat's taking that chance. I'm good if they do , lol.
Agreed, I'm not wanting to jump on the CJ bandwagon, but I do think most of it fell on him. He walked 2? 3? Put a lot more pressure on Wade coming in because he HAD to pitch to Taylor or risk walking in a run. Taylor knew that and was able to sit and wait for his pitch. CJ is either on fire or cold and last night was cold. I hope Boz or Maddon will talk to him (and for that matter Jake last night too). I realize as a pitcher, you want to paint the corners, but if you're not getting the call, you have to hit a little more of the plate and trust your team to have your back. I'd rather get the ball into play than all the walks. Yes, into play could end up being a HR, could be a single, but could be an out or a DP also. There is ABSOLUTELY NO DEFENSE against a walk. Even a .333 hitter is going to give you an out 2/3 of the time.
Watching the pitches on the screen, it showed the ump really was off on a lot of them. My husband was wondering if it was because of Dusty. It would be nice to go to an electronic umpire at home plate to call balls and strikes.
Watching the pitches on the screen, it showed the ump really was off on a lot of them. My husband was wondering if it was because of Dusty. It would be nice to go to an electronic umpire at home plate to call balls and strikes.
yep..I brought up how the Umps have changed several games. CJ did not have a great outing but he had a little help in those walks. Jake was also getting squeezed. Crap shoot on who's behind the plate today. Still no offense the bigger issue but win/lose as a team.
Robin I just went back thru the game too and you know what on Lester? Joe pulled him before Rendon..who hit a homer off of him game 2. He had given up a walk and a hit..I agree it was a bit of a buzz kill to pull him after his pick off but I can get why. If Rendon had connected again, yikes. You just never know in baseball.
Watching the pitches on the screen, it showed the ump really was off on a lot of them. My husband was wondering if it was because of Dusty. It would be nice to go to an electronic umpire at home plate to call balls and strikes.
Agreed...the calling at the plate has been horrendous this series and has many times ended up being a game changer. I realize umpires are human too and thus not perfect either, but I DO expect consistency. If one pitcher gets the call, the other should as well. Been very lopsided IMHO. It's hard enough beating 9 good players, but when you have to beat 9 good players and a bad umpire, it's much more difficult.
Agreed...the calling at the plate has been horrendous this series and has many times ended up being a game changer. I realize umpires are human too and thus not perfect either, but I DO expect consistency. If one pitcher gets the call, the other should as well. Been very lopsided IMHO. It's hard enough beating 9 good players, but when you have to beat 9 good players and a bad umpire, it's much more difficult.
Was the strike zone different? It’s hard to see live from the side.
Was the strike zone different? It’s hard to see live from the side.
Not exceedingly bad in comparison to the "high strikes" night, but yes...balls right on the lines and corners not called for Jake, Jon and CJ while balls outside of the lines called as strikes for Strasburg. The was at least one glare from Lester...maybe more than one, but I honestly can't say I saw every pitch...had several distractions last night which prevented me being able to all of them. I do remember mumbling numerous times "if it's a strike for him, it should be for us" (especially if it's more in the strike zone).
Was it just me or was the ending of the NYY/Indian's game just weird? The catcher looked scared to death to approach Chapman~ the rest looked as stunned as the Indian's did.

Maybe because he was surprised he got the strike call on that last pitch? ;) Considering it was a good couple inches higher than the strike zone. :p Hard enough to hit 101 MPH when it's in the strike zone.
Not exceedingly bad in comparison to the "high strikes" night, but yes...balls right on the lines and corners not called for Jake, Jon and CJ while balls outside of the lines called as strikes for Strasburg. The was at least one glare from Lester...maybe more than one, but I honestly can't say I saw every pitch...had several distractions last night which prevented me being able to all of them. I do remember mumbling numerous times "if it's a strike for him, it should be for us" (especially if it's more in the strike zone).
I wonder if the ump was also sometimes fooled by his change up. It was nasty good last night.
Didn’t get on here last night and show up now to find there are 73 messages waiting for me to be read... chatty bunch but I guess there’s much to talk about!

It was hard watching that loss last night. Thought I was done with baseball but flipped over to the Cleveland/NY game. Regarding our game tonight all I can say is at least I’m not an Indians fan. Another 2 game lead blown.

I’m not ready to put away my W flag yet so I’m holding on to hope that we win it tonight. I believe it’s possible. Let’s go, Cubs!
the pattern...Cubs, Nats,Cubs,Nats..... I am hoping like heck they wear the Cubbie Blue road jerseys tonight.

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Maybe because he was surprised he got the strike call on that last pitch? ;) Considering it was a good couple inches higher than the strike zone. :p Hard enough to hit 101 MPH when it's in the strike zone.
like I say..Ump calls can change the game.
the pattern...Cubs, Nats,Cubs,Nats..... I am hoping like heck they wear the Cubbie Blue road jerseys tonight.


Is there a stat on wins in the Blue Jerseys vs the Gray. Feels like some of the bigger road wins are in blue.
Is there a stat on wins in the Blue Jerseys vs the Gray. Feels like some of the bigger road wins are in blue.
Plus they look so much better than the grey.

Cubs (too bad I can't put the ubs inside the C.)

@Kewz1...I'm with you. Not ready to put the W flag away. Hopefully some faithful fans will find a way to get them past the Nazi Knats. I realize those are strong words and can illicit responses in folks other than intended, but I feel strongly them banning our flags was very Nazi-ish/un-American/un-sportmanlike/and others.


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