Childrens Place to give back Disney Stores!!

Today's the day. The last day. My stomach is in knots, I haven't been able to sleep all night, and I feel like crying is only a moment away.

This stinks worse than any of the liquidation days put together.

My store is so empty. I have *maybe* 400 total pieces of merchandise left (that's including pins and junky Power Ranger action figures). The whole place echoes. I honestly don't know if we have enough merchandise to stay open all day today. :(

I'll do an update tonight or tomorrow.

:hug: :hug:

We are all thinking about the closing stores at our store. i am so sorry.
Today's the day. The last day. My stomach is in knots, I haven't been able to sleep all night, and I feel like crying is only a moment away.

This stinks worse than any of the liquidation days put together.

My store is so empty. I have *maybe* 400 total pieces of merchandise left (that's including pins and junky Power Ranger action figures). The whole place echoes. I honestly don't know if we have enough merchandise to stay open all day today. :(

I'll do an update tonight or tomorrow.

Lots of:hug: :hug: I have to work the last day of our store being open, June 19, and our cast has decided to all gather there so we can close the gate together one last time as a cast...
Lots of:hug: :hug: I have to work the last day of our store being open, June 19, and our cast has decided to all gather there so we can close the gate together one last time as a cast...

That is so nice. I'm sure that's what we would have done too. :hug:
For the stores that have already closed, the cast that has been able to transfer to other stores, when are you able to start at your new store?
The people who are transferring should talk to the other store that they are going to. Schedules need to be figured out. For us, we all needed time before we walked into another store. The liquidation process was draining and we felt that we had nothing left to give. I personally could not leave my store and walk into someone else's store the next day or even 2 days from then. I am taking a week and a half to get my act together and start over.
The people who are transferring should talk to the other store that they are going to. Schedules need to be figured out. For us, we all needed time before we walked into another store. The liquidation process was draining and we felt that we had nothing left to give. I personally could not leave my store and walk into someone else's store the next day or even 2 days from then. I am taking a week and a half to get my act together and start over.

Which store are you transferring to? Good luck! I know if you came to my cast, we'd welcome you with open arms. :hug:
Thanks DisneyGirl02!! I am transferring to the Rockvale Outlet in Lancaster, Pa. I am looking forward to it, I know the store manager and have for several years.
My Store closed on the 7th. :( The store that I am transferring to doesn't even have enough hours for the part timers they already had on staff, not to mention the huge influx of cast members being transferred in. I'm thinking that I won't make it on the payroll until July. I'm lucky though, as this is only a part time job for me and I can afford to go a month or so with no hours.
I think that everyone has to have patience. This whole thing has been difficult for the cast whose stores are closing, but we have to remember that this will be a huge change for the stores that are receiving the transferred people. It's going to take time to work this all out. I'm grateful that I am able to stay with the company and that the cast that wanted to transfer could. They all understand that hours will not be available and they are ok with that. ::yes::
As many of you know, I have been outspoken about Disney Stores on this and other threads. I stand behind every thing that I have said which has been critical of the stores. Some people have had a hard time accepting what I have had to say about the stores closing and the one-sided views that many have when it comes to Disney. Some people have been helped and encouraged by my comments, and I have no doubt that others will in the future.

For those whose stores have closed in recent days or will close in the coming weeks, I know that your life post-Disney Store will be rewarding and that you will find continued happiness with your next employer. To those of you who are transferring to other TDS locations, I admire your passion and strength during what has been (and in my opinion will be) an extreme amount of adversity.

I've been thinking about what many people have referred to as the "family" aspect of working for TDS. While I disagree with using that word to describe the people you work with, I believe the word "team" is very appropriate. When I managed TDS I had a cast that included veterans and newbies alike. The veterans had to adapt to my management style. They had to learn to trust me after being burnt by prior managers. For the first time many of them got to see what it was like to work with someone who respected them and treated them with dignity. They were challenged by me to be real people and not the actors that Disney wanted them to be. I brought 4 people on board who worked for me at prior companies and the old cast got to see how a real team functioned when nobody was afraid of the manager.

My store was a total dump (onstage and backstage) when I took it over. Six months later we won a contest called "Operation Sparkle" and were named cleanest store in our district. I worked directly with home base and even WDI to have improvements made to my store and sets rebuilt. My cast was loyal to me, first. Then loyal to Disney. Some of them worked with me until 4am on many nights cleaning and reorganizing the stage and backstage areas. The work paid off as it turned one of the original "13 Colonies" into place that the cast and the Guests could enjoy.

My point in this post is that even though my opinions about today's Disney are critical and my words are sometimes harsh, I understand the amount of work that all of you have done at your stores, and I can appreciate it. And while I cannot say "I'm sorry" and offer you sympathy for what you are going through (it's only a job afterall), I will say that I wish you nothing but success in your future endeavors and that hopefully for you, this has been a stepping stone to bigger and better things.
Oh PRS... you ought to be ashamed. You stole my line as your tag!

"What Would Walt Do?"

Tsk, tsk... ;)
Seems like lots of stores closed yesterday.

Now, it's time to start smilin' you's guys.
Be thankful Disney came to your town and you were a part of it.
Be thankful you brought Disney Magic to your guests. Be thankful you had the time of your life.

Soooo, let's dry those eyes. Let's get some smiles goin' here. You've got the best memories anyone could ever have. You were Disney. How good was that ??

Now get 'er goin', let's start tellin' your favorite Disney memories. Cept, NO TEARS .... only laughin'

Who's first ??
Ok, I'll go first

I always encouraged parents to take pictures of their babies surrounded by plush in the mountain.

As the children grew older, they came back on prom night for new plush pictures.

One night a wedding party rushed in on their way to the reception for ....
plush picture.

My best memory is having the honor of being God Father to my little Katie. I meet her parents while working in TDS.

Thanks Disney for coming to my town and letting me be part of it.
On to bigger things, a new store in a new town, then WDW. !!!!

Ok who's next, raise your hand
I'll Go Next...

Celebrities were the norm at Post St. and Pier 39. George Lucas was a bit of a regular at Post St. One time while I was the "stage manager", Lucas came in and the store was packed. I casually greeted him in the Gallery and walked with him up the steps into the Ballroom section, before going backstage to let the other managers on duty know he was in the store.

The backstage of this store was huge, but the manager's office was tiny, and it had one of those doors top/bottom-style doors that you could open only the top half if you weren't letting people in. Four managers were crammed inside the office having a conversation. When I knocked on the door, one of them opened the top half and I jokingly said. "Sorry to disturb you guys while there are 200 people on stage, but I thought you might want to know that George Lucas is in the Ballroom".

These managers all tried to exit the office at once and they couldn't get the bottom half of the door to open. I backed up, laughing hysterically as they all fumbled to get out of that office. When they finally got the door opened, they each adjusted their costumes (remember the sweater vests?) and then exited to the stage in a single file line. I think the attention that they were giving him made him feel a little uncomfortable and he and the woman he was with left the store shortly after. But it was a memorable moment.
I'll Go Next...

Celebrities were the norm at Post St. and Pier 39. George Lucas was a bit of a regular at Post St. One time while I was the "stage manager", Lucas came in and the store was packed. I casually greeted him in the Gallery and walked with him up the steps into the Ballroom section, before going backstage to let the other managers on duty know he was in the store.

The backstage of this store was huge, but the manager's office was tiny, and it had one of those doors top/bottom-style doors that you could open only the top half if you weren't letting people in. Four managers were crammed inside the office having a conversation. When I knocked on the door, one of them opened the top half and I jokingly said. "Sorry to disturb you guys while there are 200 people on stage, but I thought you might want to know that George Lucas is in the Ballroom".

These managers all tried to exit the office at once and they couldn't get the bottom half of the door to open. I backed up, laughing hysterically as they all fumbled to get out of that office. When they finally got the door opened, they each adjusted their costumes (remember the sweater vests?) and then exited to the stage in a single file line. I think the attention that they were giving him made him feel a little uncomfortable and he and the woman he was with left the store shortly after. But it was a memorable moment.

That is a great story! I can just see the managers all trying to get out of the same door at the same time! Thank you for sharing that story! :rotfl:
Ok...I'll go next.

Let me see...some of my favorite TDS memories...

One night, I was closing with a manager and I was at the Cast Wrap ringing up transactions. I finished with the first guest and another guest walked up to the registers and said to me, "Can I have a paper towel to clean up the poop on my shoe?"

I think I just stood there for a second. I asked her (as I was gettinmg her the paper towel) if she told anybody else (mostly my manager) and she said yes and continued to clean off her shoe. Turned out that somebody had an 'accident' in the back of the store and never told us and a poor guest stepped in it! I'll never forget that one!

Although I can't put my finger on one moment, I love to see the looks on the faces of guests when they come into the store. I always get excited when a newborn baby visits for the first time. So many wonderful memories have been made for me to hold and cherish everyday.

I must say that it's my honor to create magic for the guests everytime I work. We have so many repeat guests and I always enjoy seeing them.

OK...who's up next?
Favorite memory:

We have a young boy, Ben, whom I'm guessing is 10-12. He has severe autism. Well his dad brings him in almost everyday to let him play. About 2 months ago, he was jamming away (his favorite is the electric keyboard from the Playhouse Disney collection) in the aisle as I was talking to his dad. His dad told me he was having a "bad day." I watched Ben as an elderly woman approached, and I could only assume was trying to pass through the aisle. Ben was currently occupying that space. I waited a moment as I watched the woman (85-90?) watch Ben. When he finally looked up at her a few minutes later, she stepped out from behing her walker and started dancing(!), so Ben kept playing. Round and round they went. She danced until he stoppped playing. I looked at his dad who was crying. I said "Bad day? That's Disney Magic." Dave ( that's the dad) shook my hand and I had to walk away because I started crying, too. So now when I'm having a "Bad Day" I think of that.


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