Christmas In-law-Mageddon: This time we bring reinforcements


One little spark...
Aug 10, 2010
Mission – plan a Disney trip for 12 with my in-laws during the craziest time of the year. To make it more fun, throw in 2 18 month olds, 2 non-Disney fans, and 8 novice Disney goers.

Backstory – Christmas is a big deal to my in-laws but they reside in the amazingly cold Rocky Mountains so last year the idea was tossed out to find a more temperate location to celebrate the holidays. This idea took off and ran when word came out that my crew would be moving to Japan in early 2015. Somehow, in all this, Disney became the front-runner… I didn’t know whether to be excited or curl up in fear.

Knowing I was in above my head, I touched base with a TA I knew through a friend and worked with her on getting all our ducks in gear to make some magic. We originally booked 4 rooms at POFQ in February ’14 and crossed our fingers for a discount. Finally, a few months later, magic happened and we were able to grab FREE DINING at Coronado Springs for all four rooms for the week of Dec 20-27!!! SCORE! CSR had been my first choice because I thought the toned down ‘Disneyness’ would appeal to the less Mouse-friendly family, the pool looked great, and the food choices at Pepper Market suited our needs well.

Dining – since we were able to grab FD, it became a lot easier to plan out some great experiences for the family on their trip. Having done Disney with some family previously, I learned that time together is best spent in small doses, so we decided on only a few meals together as a group. This helped both in planning and in sanity! Some of the requirements for the meals were: MIL really wanted to eat at Germany, two people wanted a traditional Christmas dinner while 5 people specifically did not, 6 of the group had loved their meal at T-Rex before so wanted to do it again, and I wanted to do one character meal so that everyone could see the kiddos with Mickey. Thus, the meals we decided on as a group were Biergarten for lunch, Chef Mickey’s for Christmas brunch, Raglan Rd for Christmas Dinner, and T-Rex for our final meal of the trip.

Also, deciding to hedge my bets, I booked a CP package for my crew and my MIL, FIL, and aunt which turned out to be a good bet as we all agree it was something worth doing again!

Fastpass + - I had been fortunate enough to already be planning a trip in September of this year that would let us have a taste of FP+ before the booking window for our Christmas trip opened. This proved extremely beneficial as we learned the pros and cons of the system and how to incorporate it with our touring style… that said, I still ended up beating my head against the wall several times before and during our trip with FP+ and really do miss the days of Fastpass runners…. *sigh*

Memory Maker – a no brainer considering the size of the group and the fact it’s a family trip! Still, for anyone on the fence, it’s totally worth doing if for no other reason than it gets your photographer (in this case, me) to put the camera down and enjoy. I am often accused of living life behind the lens and hubby thinks $150 is a cheap price for a family vacation. I still snap some shots with my point and shoot but since we started doing Memory Maker I take ¼ the photos and we always end up with over 300 pics from the trip. Besides, there’s nothing more amazing than that photo of your child’s terror at their first RnR launch or the video of them giggling hysterically on ToT!
Just call me VANELLOPE VON SHWEETZ – despite all my hard work and planning, one thing cannot be factored or accounted for in the process… technology is an evil monster when it wants to be. For some reason, irony took a shining to me and I had numerous ‘freaky’ situations in which my account/room/Magic Band just, well, glitched. The worst of these instances was in regards to FP+. In the days leading up to our date, I finalized park days and ensured all the accounts were linked together so that I could try to get everyone synched up. The night before, I diligently checked MDE and verified the right number of tickets, right days, and all that jazz. Then, 1 am rolled around and I hopped on… to find that for some reason there were no tickets showing for my room?!?!?! PANIC! I have a 7 yo DD – Elsa and Ana are a must! Commence panic attack NOW!

With nothing else to do until 7 am, I diligently booked FP for the rest of the group, hoping I could add onesies/twosies for my room when it all was sorted out. I literally watched E&A FPs disappear before my eyes and felt a terrible weight settle in my chest. When I called at 7am sharp (because it’s more fun to run on 5 hours of sleep!) I spoke with a less than sympathetic CM who shrugged off the situation – “sometimes things like this happen” (doesn’t make it right)… “It might have happened when you added the tickets” (I didn’t add them, you all did)… “you probably wouldn’t have gotten E&A anyway” (actually, I would’ve, so thanks for the support)… - graded her poorly on the survey (seriously, she was awful and rude and kept insisting it was my fault even though it was a FD package and I can’t touch the ticekts), and hopped back on MDE. I was able to secure two times for DD to meet E&A alone, both late at night but hoping I could eventually match a second FP for me as we got closer. I am beginning to understand the life of a glitch at this point… little did I know how much more lay in store.

DISers are the best! – one of the most amazing part of our trips came even before it started. When I say that my family and I were preparing to move to Japan in early 2015, I truly meant that we were packing up the house and would be living out of suitcases starting with our trip to Disney. While living in Japan is an exciting prospect, the move has been stressful and difficult… especially for DD7 who is leaving friends and familiarity. Hard, too, was the fact that we wouldn’t be able to put up a Christmas tree or decorations. I had decided to decorate our window and was twisting myself into knots trying to figure out how to get a tree to our room. Enter, my angel!
After posting on DIS looking for ideas on how to get a tree into our room without spending a ton, one amazing DISer presented the most magical offer of all – she would be down the week before visiting with family at Disney and would be willing to pass her decorated tree onto us to use at Christmas!!! Even most amazing, after we were done, her daughter would pick up the tree and take it to Give Kids the World Village for their weekly Christmas celebrations. Not only was this offer insanely amazing, but GKTW is one of my favorite organizations and a cause I hold near and dear along with Make a Wish. I was literally in tears that someone would be so generous and willing to help make some magic for us… truly a Disney moment and I only wish I can sprinkle some dust on someone like this in the future.
DAY 1 – Arrival day!
I must say, there is something amazingly enjoyable about leaving freezing cold temperatures and arriving in warmth and sunshine. Sure, you look silly hefting your winter coat around at the pool while you wait for your room, but it just adds to the feeling of power!

After landing at MCO at 11am, we moseyed down to baggage claim to pick up a stroller that had been checked through (gotta love last minute plane changes). Frustrated that they didn’t offer gate check, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise because we noticed DD7’s suitcase on the belt, even though it had an MDE tag… hmmmmmm. We let it roll around a few cycles and then decided we better grab it, grateful that we had to stop at baggage claim and not trying to trace the bag later. Still not sure how it was missed as the yellow tag can be spotted a mile away… so much so two other people said “isn’t that supposed to go straight to Disney?”

We headed downstairs to MDE and boarded a bus almost immediately. Last trip, we were the first stop and once again luck was with us as CSR was the first drop-off. YAY! We were greeted out front by very friendly CMs, one of which escorted me to registration and DDs to the cartoons. Since it was only 1230p, we fully expected our room would not be ready but the CM told us it was in the process of being cleaned and should be ready soon. Even better, all 4 rooms were very close to each other. Even best (?), we were in Cabanas, building 8B – I didn’t put in any requests but had hoped to get Cabanas and we were thrilled with the location!

After grabbing filling our mugs and grabbing a bite in Pepper Market, we headed to the pool where DD7 was eager to splash around (yay for carrying on bathing suits!). The activities had just started and she quickly took up with the kiddos dancing and competing in various things while DH and I splashed with DD1 at the kiddie pool. So far, perfect trip!

Soon, the first group of ILs showed up and got settled in their room… but still no word on our room. As 3pm rolled around, we called the number and were told, again, they were cleaning our room and it should be ready anytime. Three turned into 4… into 5 and still it wasn’t ready. I spoke with a manager and was told they would call over and see what was going on. At this point, I was beginning to chafe – it made no sense and was way beyond time. Compounding my stress at not having a room is that I was meeting the DISer who was so graciously loaning us a beautiful tree and I had no place to put it! Luckily, I was able to commandeer my ILs room as storage while I sorted our room situation out.

After dropping off our tree and seeing no housekeeping carts, I went back to the front desk and kindly but firmly stated we needed our room. The CM I spoke with grabbed a manager and he began investigating and making phone calls. Realizing this wasn’t just an ‘oops’ issue, I was amazed when two other managers showed up, each making phone calls and messing the with computer. Come to find out, somehow our room got caught in this strange limbo where it wouldn’t ‘drop’ into inventory, despite being clean and ready. The managers were trying to override it but the computer was putting up a good fight… once more, Vanellope strikes again! Compounding the issue was that they couldn’t even just change my room because it’s Christmas week and there aren’t free rooms available. Finally, after talking to some power, the decision was made to take the room out of inventory (like it was broken), do some magic, and put it back in so that it could be released to us. While this process went on, an amazingly apologetic and contrite manager offered us a resort credit for our hassle and free FPs FOR THE GROUP… yes, all 12 of us! I found both offers to be above and beyond since the situation wasn’t anything that could have been helped – seriously, the computer just decided to go nuts! – and truly appreciated the effort to rectify the situation by the management at CSR.

Long story short, we got our room, it was in perfect order, and the manger touched base with us twice to make sure we were good. Magically, while we were all down getting this figured out, our Elf on the Shelf brought the Christmas tree to our room to surprise DD7 (pay no attention to that sweaty, panting Daddy in the corner!), and she was beside herself with the fact ‘Lucy’ brought us a tree! So, we decorated our window, visited with my ILs a bit, and then headed to bed… Day 1 was eventful so here’s hoping Day 2 goes according to plan! (ha, ha!)
DAY 2 - EPCOT and Candlelight Processional Package!

Since 2 of our 4 rooms arrived late, we decided to split up for our first park day – my crew would join my MIL, FIL, and DA at EPCOT while the rest did their own thing. We got to EPCOT 10 minutes before EMH and walked right onto Spaceship Earth (at DD7’s request). After that, we headed to TT and knocked out two rotations in the single rider line (one person sitting out each time with DD1) just as the park opened for the general public at 9. While my ILs enjoyed the fare at Sunshine Seasons, DD7 and I took a whirl on The Land and truly enjoyed the holiday touches – seriously, the fish had ornaments and they made a rosemary tree!

At that time, our FPs came up for Soarin’ and then Mission Space for some, Meet Mickey for others. We took the time to sample to Cokes of the World and take a spin on Figment as we headed to World Showcase and hit Canada around 1130a. I was pleasantly surprised by the crowds as we found Food and Wine to by MUCH busier and the only congested areas to be the typical bottlenecks.

Taking our time around WS, we stopped to listen to some of the holiday music and the holiday presenters, truly enjoying the Daruma salescart in Japan… though we are admittedly biased as we are moving that way soon. Truly, though, I highly recommend taking the time to visit each storyteller if you can – it’s amazing how different they all are! One word of caution, however: if you have a ‘believer’ with you, be ready to explain why ‘Santa’ looks so different in each country… I was caught off guard and had to pull together some amazing Mommy-magic to come up with believable reasons.

I grabbed a bite at Tangerine Café – one of my faves! – and we continued our trip around the world! When we arrived in Norway, we decided to take some time to have a snack and relax as we waited for our CP times. This ended up working out amazingly well for me as I happened to meet Geir Ness who was at the Pavillion promoting his most AMAZING perfume Laila – my fave! He is quite the showman and has a personality as big as his perfume’s popularity!

After Norway, we split up to head to our ADRs – my ILs to Marrakesh and my group to Tutto Italia (we love Marrakesh but wanted to try something new). Words cannot express how AMAZING Tutto Italia was.. seriously delicious! I was a bit bummed that since we booked our package so late options were limited but DH and I both agreed we had never had such wonderful pasta and antipasta! Belissimo!
While we were eating, we were visited by one of those lovely Florida pop-up storms, so we met up with our Moroccan counterparts at the American Pavillion to escape the rain and kill some time until the line opened for our 815 CP time slot. While there, we managed to sneak in to meet Mr. and Mrs. Clause (who were amazing and have convinced DD7 that THIS is where they hang out during the season).

Now, for anyone on the fence about doing the CP, let me tell you DO IT!!! Seriously, it is AMAZING! Our guest narrator was Marlee Matlin (who signed while her assistant did the oration), but the BEST part of the show was the WONDERFUL interpreter, Angela, who signed the musical parts for the ASL crowd and was so lyrical and enchanting that we felt she added so much to the show. I was so overcome by the beauty of the orchestra and choirs and her movements that I was brought to tears and only wish I had gone to the show years ago when we had the chance. Simply amazing.

After CP, we found the off-and-on rain had cleared the crowds and we walked right up to view Illuminations. As always, it was a great show, and I really do enjoy the special ending they put on for the holidays. We headed toward the busses and hopped right on a CSR bus back to the resort and were in our rooms by 1015p! A long but fulfilling first day at the parks!

The other members of our group had slept in and headed to MK or AK to tour some before their dinner ADRs and found the parks busy but not bad and the crowds manageable. My SIL and BIL dined at Jiko and raved about it – they still maintain it was the best meal of the week! And my BIL, SIL, and nephew enjoyed LTT at MK before watching the MSEP.
DAY 5 - EPCOT redux or how we met the princesses, wrangled 2 toddlers, and almost beat the rain *again*
DAY 7 - Relaxing CSR-style and testing the post-Christmas crowds at PM EMH
THINGS TO NOTE... Best Dining, Best tips for touring at Christmas, What I learned

BEST DINING - per our group consensus
Jiko - the two who dined here said it was hands down best of the week and maybe that they had ever had... loved the atmosphere, food, and beer!
Chef Mickey's - easily handled our group and great character interaction! The skeptics in the group admitted the breakfast buffet was delicious and had plenty of options
Tutto Italia - the sleeper option that caught DH and I off-guard. Amazing food, great service, wonderful experience.
Raglan Rd - offering a traditional meal option for Christmas as well as their standard menu, it was a great option for our group. As always, delicious food and fantastic entertainment... great choice for any trip but also great to consider for the holidays!

Touring at Christmas tips
*EMH are your friends... seriously, it stinks to wake up early but it's so worth it. Plan for a midday break and enjoy the empty morning and how the parks just empty out at night!!! You can literally watch the crowd levels swell in hours 3-5 and then plummet from 9pm on -- use that to your advantage. We never waited more than 20 minutes for anything and rode just about everything!
*Be ready for ANY weather! We had upper 80s one day, 40s one night, rain, and blinding sunshine. Be ready and go with the flow! Nothing empties a park like rain so use that as your time to grab a snack and regroup!
*Pick the hard to get FPs early and change them to the easier to get when you get there. If you even think you MIGHT want to do something that is a hot commodity, book it. We had a few in the group who were iffy about thrill rides and said not to book 7DMT but then regretted it when they saw it in person -- better to book it and swap it out later than wish you had done after.
*Don't rule our water rides in picking FP! I picked Splash for one of the FPs and everyone laughed at me... until the time came and the wait was over an hour and the temps were over 80!
*Crowded times are great times to visit rides you always skip. Tiki Room, Carousel of Progress, and the America Pavillon are often overlooked but you might as well sit and relax v. standing in line!
following along! I need tips on how to schedule a family trip! (Since we're going with my parents this June)
I know what you mean about weather. Last January our trip was like that. ALL over the board!!!

How fun to have a Christmas tree?

Sounds like a good time for you all:cloud9:


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