Christmas Shopping '09

Hey Shawna! I'm here! My parents got Madison the Loving Family Doll House last Christmas. It is awesome! She got a few rooms from my sisters for Christmas too. Then, for Easter, my parents got her the rest of the rooms! My mom actually bought her the deluxe doll house, so it came with 4 rooms I think. Madison used her own money to buy the family their van!
Meghan!!!So glad to 'see'you !!! Yes, we are gonna look at that online one more time and make sure she really still wants it!!! Then I will start stashing! Do you feel any better? Can't wait to start reading your TR.
Hi Disney Mommy 3, I want to start my shopping early this year too. Black friday is usually when I get most of my shopping done, but i'd like to start, maybe in september this year. We have a lot of summer bdays in the family, so that's enough to buy for.

I love the tacky gift idea, I think i'm going to suggest that to my family this year, it will be fun and we have 10 kids all together, so that will probably be a welcome idea:thumbsup2
3princesses and a prince...Glad you came too!!!!! Hopefully all our snowbirdies will come over and visit with us too! For my hubbys family, we let each grandkid draw one name of another those who only had one kid only had to buy one gift, those of us with 3 bought accordingly. Really cuts down on the expense....and the adults did a Chinese Christmas exchange. It was fun... I think we did a $25 limit because we didn't do the tacky thing. But, tacky would be a good thing too!!!!
I usually start my shopping early too, I don't charge for presents either and starting early helps me get through everyone. We only have one DS - 11 on Wednesday actually. We are actually toying around with the idea of buying a trip for Christmas, has anyone ever New Years in WDW and the first week of January (adding a 3rd week to the break) - as far as crowds and festivities?
We've done a surprise visit, where we didn't tell DS until we were on the way. This would be different as he would be openning the gift on Christmas, obviously we would need token gift any ideas?

I think that would be an awfully fun thing to get for Christmas!!!!!!:banana:
We are actually toying around with the idea of buying a trip for Christmas, has anyone ever New Years in WDW and the first week of January (adding a 3rd week to the break) - as far as crowds and festivities?

Now this was about 14 years ago, but I was at the Magic Kingdom the week after Christmas and also on New Year's Eve day/night--I was about 19 at the time with a bunch of friends. During the day we waited 2.5 hours to ride Splash Mountain. The evening of New Year's the fireworks were very cool--they did them in a circular pattern around the park so everywhere you looked, there were fireworks going off. It was very neat. The park was SO crowded though, wall to wall people everywhere. When we tried to leave with my friend's parents, just after midnight, we literally sat in traffic just trying to get out of the parking lot for 3 hours---that's 3 hours at a stand still in the car, not even on the road leading out of MK. I think we arrived back at their house--about 30 minutes from disney, around 5 in the morning. Now if you're staying on-site, depending on which hotel you're at, you'd obviously get back to your room sooner that we got home, but I would NEVER do it again--unless we stay at the CR and can walk back.
A couple of years ago we changed up our usual family gatherings. On Christmas Eve we go to my Aunt & Uncles house. (Dad's family) Everyone bought for everyone except for the little kids of course. Within the last few years we've added more babies and new husbands/wives so the spending got a little out of control. Since the switch we now just buy a girl gift and a guy gift, throw them all in the middle of the floor and draw numbers. When it's your turn, you pick a gift from the correct pile. It's a $25 limit and I guess since we all know each other so well, we never end up with something useless. The kids still get presents from whomever wants to buy for them.

On Christmas Day we go to my parents first and last year we started drawing names for the siblings, spouses, and kids. My brothers and myself pitch in to get one big thing for mom & dad. I still have a lot to buy because I have 5 kids that each draw a name and then myself and DH draw but it could be worse! Later on Christmas Day we got to MIL's and it's still a free for all that I'm desperatly trying to change! DH has a huge family with members that EXPECT something and I can't stand it. I don't mind buying for the little ones but some of the adults just trip my wire!

This year I'm making my gifts for the girl exchanges (rag quilts) and the kids exchange will be pretty easy. There are 10 grandkids, 5 are mine so we buy for the other 5. It won't be a surprise as far as finding out which kids I get! My MIL paints unique adorable wood toys and I already have her working on my 2 nephews things. My 18 yr old neice is getting a Jack Skellington rag quilt for her new apartment and that leaves me with 2 nieces. I can figure out everyone except for my own kids who are always changing their minds but I'm thinking our OCT trip will be helpful and I can get some DTD and Outlet shopping done.

I can't wait to see what everyone here does and comes up with!
Love the idea of those rag quilts!! Do you have any pictures of them!! I am sooo envious of talent!!!!!

My little sweetie has totally changed her Christmas list!! Instead of the Loving Family dollhouse thing, she now wants the Am. Girl Bitty Twins!!! With a couple of outfits of course!! Then, we saw the new Rebecca Rubin doll at Barnes and Noble yesterday....then she wanted her!! By bedtime she was back on the twins again...think I am gonna wait and do her LAST!!! It doesn't ever take me long to get my orders from them. Both dolls I ordered last time were here within a week or so...I got plenty of time!!!!!!
Shawna- doesn't sound like you should shop for her this far in advance!
DS goes back and forth between wanting a Storm Trooper costume and a Jedi costume so I think I'll wait on him too.

I remember my first makeup set :love: I felt so grown up. Although I remember it had lots of blue eyeshadow but then again I was a product of the 80's and the blue went well with my jams. :rotfl: C'mon don't act like you don't remember jams. :laughing:

On the topic of Wii- that's really what DH would love for Christmas and the kids would adore a Toy Story Mania game. I didn't know they had one for it! Perhaps we'll see what the budget looks like closer to Christmas. :teacher:
Weird quoting myself but... DH came home yesterday with a Wii!!! I didn't know whether to be excited or livid. Sometimes I swear he's my third kid. My only response to him was that if he's getting a Wii then our Jan trip is a definite whether Disney releases deals or not. This could work to my advantage if he keeps buying stuff without talking to me about it first.
By the end of the night I ended up playing it and it is "way cool" as my DS says. So I guess a Wii is off my Christmas list and Santa can bring some games for it instead.
Mike keeps wanting a Wii. but, I keep saying No sir!!! We have all that PSP stuff and it just keeps growing!! It will take over the house if I let it!!! If they got rid of the PS2 and the PS3, I would do the wii. But not now....too much $$$ and too many games and all that to keep up with. YIKES!!!!
Yes!!! come in Dec with me and Sheree!!!!!!! How fun!!!!
I am definitely gonna wait on ordering my little sweet pea anything for right now. Of course, I heard about the twins all day yesterday!!!!
I've got to join in on this action! I always need ideas. Of course, this year it's going to be slim for the girls since we have our Dec. trip.
I'd love to see a TSMM Wii game! We already have carnival games - it's fun! DD8 is really good at those.
Shawna & Sheree- Could I stowaway in one of your suitcases? I promise I won't take up too much space in anyone's room. I'll babysit for all the kiddos!!! I know we just took 2 trips, but I'm just DYING to go back!!!!
Awww Meghan you can stow away with them in Dec and me in Jan :goodvibes

I've officially added the Toy Story Mania Wii game to my Christmas list...I have a feeling it's going to be a hot item this year though so hopefully it won't be too hard to find.
I've officially added the Toy Story Mania Wii game to my Christmas list...I have a feeling it's going to be a hot item this year though so hopefully it won't be too hard to find.

Add me to list for this game as well...I will be on top of this one. :thumbsup2
Awww Meghan you can stow away with them in Dec and me in Jan :goodvibes

Aww,thanks! I've been messing around with all the different discounts that are out right now. I know there is NO way we'll go again this year, but a girl can dream right?
hello kiddos!!! Meghan you can surely go with us!!!! But, you gotta bring your little Madison.:hug:She's so sweet.

Well, I am wondering if I should talk Mike into losing the PS3 and PS2 and getting the Wii??? HHmmmm something to think about. That Toy Story game sounds amazing!!!!!

Well, little miss priss has talked about those twin AG dolls all weekend and I guess that what she wants. But I am not fallin' for it!!!! I am gonna wait and see if she changes her little mind again.

I am so excited that we are already on page 3!!! Hee Hee!!!!! How fun is this?
Well, little miss priss has talked about those twin AG dolls all weekend and I guess that what she wants. But I am not fallin' for it!!!! I am gonna wait and see if she changes her little mind again.

Just a tip for you... I think QVC will have the Bitty Baby Twins for sale on 7/26. I got my twins there last year, and the bundled price was much cheaper than had I gotten them through American You might want to check it out. I'm going to buy my DD5 a big-girl AG doll that day! :)
Just a tip for you... I think QVC will have the Bitty Baby Twins for sale on 7/26. I got my twins there last year, and the bundled price was much cheaper than had I gotten them through American You might want to check it out. I'm going to buy my DD5 a big-girl AG doll that day! :)

  • OOOOHHHH!!!! Thank you soooo much!!! I will check that out!!!! She wants the stroller too, but I was just gonna wait and order that separately. Have to see what kinda deal they offer!!! I forgot that they had those!!! :flower3:
I laughed when I saw this thread. I am actually almost done. This is the first year that I will be done so early. I usually start in July but have never been done in July. I start early because DD birthday is Dec. 24th and DS(8) birthday is Dec. 30th. We just finished DS(10) birthday this week.

The boys are getting DS Lites, 3 games, accesory pack, football jersey, some movies, legos, matchbox cars, and books.

DD is getting Leapster 2, 3 games, movies, pucci puppy, puzzle, farm play house, binoculars.

Our Target started marking toys down so some of the stuff I got was 50 - 75% off. My mom won one of the DS lites in a raffel at a school carnival and the other I got a bundle deal. I found movies on sale for $4.98 at Target as well. It seems this year the sales/deals are falling into my lap. :banana:

I love to shop on BF so I think I am going to save the birthday gifts until then unless I find a great deal.

Now if I could find stuff for DH as easy. I can't wait until the BF ads are posted. I know it is a sickness. :laughing:
Thanks to the tip on the Budget Board, I just did a lot of XMas/B-Day shopping today for DD & DS. KMart has a lot of toys marked down right now, with an additional 50% off. Here's what I got...

Imaginext Gorilla Mountain $16
Dora/Diego Megabloks Set $5 x 2
Smaller Diego Megabloks $2
Disney Princess Card Games $2
Dora/Diego Stamp PlayDough $1 x 2

Once I get my American Girl for DD and a larger toy for DS, I'm done for them! Yay!
Good going girls!! I am super proud of you!! I started the thread...but no actual shoppin' yet!!!! But....we have had drought and heat wave here, so it's a little hard to get into the groove. Besides, dh is busy and I have been under the weather...he watches them for me usually on a Sat and I go get it all at once. It's just toooo hot to get out for extra stuff right now.We did get a little relief with some much needed rain...Praise the Lord:worship: We were really getting too dry. One of our local creeks you can pretty much walk all the way across it:eek: Kinda weird...especially since summer only has been official for a few weeks. So... when things line out, I may feel like getting out and shopping. I am gonna be watching for Lego sales, for if any of you hear of any pass them along!!!
Glad you're getting rain.

I'm on the Lego hunt this year too so I'll keep my eyes peeled :magnify::sail:for sales too.
Ahh this is so much fun! I love shopping/planning far in advance haha.
Last year I spent an OBSCENE amount of money! It doesn't help that my brother's birthday is Christmas day, DBF's is the day after, and DBF's brother's is the 27th! I get hit hard.
I did almost all of my shopping online on Amazon and Ebay, which helped me save money. ($235 on Ranger's tix for DBF was the biggest budget buster haha, but this year we did agree birthday presents were not to exceed $50, so that should help!) I spent around $120 on DBF and got 12 different, really nice presents (Ben Sherman tie, a Ben sherman polo, WWII memorbilia, cufflinks, etc.), so clearly I can be a good bargain hunter :-)
I'm lucky that he and I don't have kids yet, so that's a help. However, I have my mom, brother/birthday, and cousins to worry about.
I think the biggest issue last year was feeling like I needed to buy everyone and their mother a gift-- my mom's sig other, all of DBF's siblings/his parents, friends. This year I'm going to streamline it-- one friend gift ($30 limit Secret Santa), DBF, brother, my mom, and two of my cousins whom we spend Christmas ever with. I feel SLIGHTLY bad about my DBF's siblings, but an aunt of theirs recently came into a large retirement package, so they were more than taken care of last year and I know they will be this year. (Last year was laptops and X-boxs!)
I have a rough idea this year of what to get people-- my cousins are getting to the point (12 and 10) where clothes or gift cards are the best thing. The younger one LOVES animals, so I'm going to see if I can get something cheap at AK this August.
DBF is super easy-- he loves clothes and WWII. That's pretty much it haha. Last year I asked him what X-box game he wanted, and his response was that he prefers me to be creative and it's easier to tell his parents or aunt to get him something easy like a game. I guess it's a compliment, but sometimes I wish there was something DEFINITE I knew he would like haha.
My mom will tell me something definite and I'll get it for her. Last year it was a down blanket haha. She's pretty easy and I won't worry about her until December.
My brother will also give me something definite-- video game, whatever. He gives me a list of 6-7 things and I pick two (one for birthday, one for Christmas).
As much as spending money isn't fun, I love picking out gifts for people:santa:
Even though I say I'm streamlining now, when December rolls around, I'm sure 10 people will be added to my list!
I love everyone else's ideas-- a make up kit is so fun! I'm sure she'll appreciate it and feel very grown up. If you're looking for ideas, Clinique has not too expensive, natural looking make up. Perfect for someone just starting to wear!
I saw the loving family sets when DBF and I went to Toys r Us to buy Taboo (the board game)-- made me want to get on this whole making babies band wagon! Little girls must be so fun to shop for:lovestruc


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