Christmas Shopping 2010

I found out about the Vera Bradley sale on the DIS boards, and bought 2 of the backpacks on sale, just another way that DIS'ers keep me spending money! I read and read then "go shopping" online after reading their ideas. Heck, I would have never know about split stays if I hadnt read how much people enjoy it and how easy Disney makes it by moving the luggage, so I simply HAD to move to the Poly 1/2 way through my stay:cool1:

To me, thinking and planning for Christmas is a full time job, although its further down on my list of things to do this year because of planning on my Mom's surprise trip to Disney!
YAY! I've been looking for this thread (although I kept looking in the budget board area :confused3). Glad I found it again. It was a big help last year.
So, thankfully, my list is getting smaller and smaller every year, because my brother and I don't exchange anymore. We just do for the kiddos and we lost my granny this year :littleangel:, so Cmas will seem strange without her. But, I love the holidays and can't wait for holiday season to get there. And for me, that means October 1st, when my Halloween decor goes up. I love that my house is decorated for something from October 1 through the New Year :goodvibes

Glad you came back!!! I did struggle at first whether or not to put this on the budget board...but decided Family Board was the place to be!! My dd is 7 also, so maybe it'll help you a bit! As far as a TV, I have thought about putting one in the kids rooms....just so they can watch a movie or if they can't fall asleep--not hooking up to cable. We don't have regular cable anyway, but it would be a small tv/dvd combo type thing...but I really don't want a tv in their I guess I am contradicting myself!!! LOL! Last year she got a cd/jewelry box with the princesses and she loved having her own cd player. But, is messed up and she is really disappointed-she loves to sing,so maybe I will get a new one. Does your dd like dolls? I think I remember us discussing her last year....Does she like VB yet? My dd got a small VB bag for her birthday...she kept asking for it, so I let that be the gift from her brothers. She uses it every Sunday! She keeps her small Bible and her offering in really is's the little Emma with drawstrings on the side!!!
Jumping on Board :santa:

I use to work retail so all year was one big shopping trip, always had an eye out for markdowns and items I thought someone on my list would like. When the boys were younger mega toys and layaway beginning of October to snatch up the "most wanted" toys of the season and be able to spread out the cost of the next couple of months.

As my family grew older my shopping patterns changed I did not start until late October or November.

I am hopeing this thread along with my trip to Disney in November help to get me back on track with the Holidays this year. Years past I always had the big feast at Thanksgiving for the family then the sunday after we would head out to cut down a live tree and start decorating the entire house but sadly last year we skipped the Holidays due to my youngest son's passing in July.

I plan on doing some shopping while at Disney in November, no ideas yet at all but I am sure I might pick up a few from you guys here on this thread

:welcome: Sheila!!! Glad you came to play!!!! LOL!! I know you had a really tough year...I will be praying for you as the season gets closer---it will always be tough, I am sure. But maybe each year will be a little easier!! And yes...we have to be finished pretty much before our Trip!!!! I usually do find a few things at Disney for gifts...but only if I go looking for specific things..I don't want to have to lug it all home. Especially with the kids getting souvies!!! Which, we don't go crazy with that, but it does become an issue when you have to bring it on the plane.
I found out about the Vera Bradley sale on the DIS boards, and bought 2 of the backpacks on sale, just another way that DIS'ers keep me spending money! I read and read then "go shopping" online after reading their ideas. Heck, I would have never know about split stays if I hadnt read how much people enjoy it and how easy Disney makes it by moving the luggage, so I simply HAD to move to the Poly 1/2 way through my stay:cool1:

To me, thinking and planning for Christmas is a full time job, although its further down on my list of things to do this year because of planning on my Mom's surprise trip to Disney!

Ha!!! That's great!! I love the idea of surprising your mom!!! I think it's awesome!! Split stays are great!! We did the CR and the GF one's the only way we could have done the GF, so I am glad we did it...but, yep this is the place to get 'in the know'!!
I am almost done as well :cool1: At Target I got:

My niece the Dora doll that hooks to the computer $12.48 [reg. $50] and 2 outfits $1.98 each [reg $10]

Hot wheels sets for my nephew, $2.18 each. and 5 pk cars for $2

a switchback flying do dad for $12.98 also reg $50

at Kmart:

Baby Alive [the big one] for $13 usually $45

Little mermaid tub doll $10 usually $38

Little Einstiens tub toy $2 usually $15

Barbie horse and carriage $12 usually $30

Other deals:

ALL the Disney barbies for $4.50 each at Walmart with price match.

6 games, a glow worm, 2 potato heads, Chuck the Talking truck, and some other toy thing. $40 after all the coupons from playsaver and the AWSOME deals at Toys R Us earlier this year. with a $15 mail in rebate, so $25 for all that, plus a $10 g/c from the games :woohoo:

Oh yes, this is a great year for shopping!!!!

On another note, Kohls, Target, and Kmart have had AMAZING deals on clothes. Mackenzie has a complete summer wardrobe for next year. $2-$5 per outfit! Kmart has some cute Disney clothes too:thumbsup2
Glad you came back!!! I did struggle at first whether or not to put this on the budget board...but decided Family Board was the place to be!! My dd is 7 also, so maybe it'll help you a bit! As far as a TV, I have thought about putting one in the kids rooms....just so they can watch a movie or if they can't fall asleep--not hooking up to cable. We don't have regular cable anyway, but it would be a small tv/dvd combo type thing...but I really don't want a tv in their I guess I am contradicting myself!!! LOL! Last year she got a cd/jewelry box with the princesses and she loved having her own cd player. But, is messed up and she is really disappointed-she loves to sing,so maybe I will get a new one. Does your dd like dolls? I think I remember us discussing her last year....Does she like VB yet? My dd got a small VB bag for her birthday...she kept asking for it, so I let that be the gift from her brothers. She uses it every Sunday! She keeps her small Bible and her offering in really is's the little Emma with drawstrings on the side!!!

Maybe we can decide the TV thing together ;)! We did discuss the doll thing and nope, my girl has NEVER been in to dolls, other than polly pockets and Barbie at all. Personally, I'm thankful she's not discovered the American Girl dolls because they are so expensive :scared1:. She's had a CD player in her room for some time and usually falls asleep to music. She ALWAYS has, since she was a baby. Do you guys have a karaoke machine? I got DD a Hannah Montana one for CMas I guess 2 years ago now and she still loves that thing. It's great when friends are over and the one we have it really easy for them to use without my help. Always a plus :thumbsup2. She's not really into VB thing either, although neither am I. No offense to those who really love the VB bags, but I don't get the appeal? :confused3. They are a little to "loud" for me if you know what I mean!

So, my thinking cap it on and I'm always listening for her to mention things. She's really a laid back kid and easy to please. She's happy with ANY gift and always appreciative so that's really good :)
Yay, Shawna!! I was waiting for this to get started! Loved being part of this thread last year.
It seems like every year, my list of people to buy for grows and grows. I usually establish a per-person budget and stick to it (love when I come under!!). DBF's birthday is the day after Christmas, which is tough! He and I usually do lots of little presents for Christmas, so sometimes it's tough to think of something else to buy him. I'll definitely be fielding suggestions from the lovely Dis'ers here!!
I usually have all my xmas shopping done by now. But this year I decided that my family (mother, father, brother, sister, niece and nephews, and step kids) are getting gift cards/certificates. I am taking the easy way out and let them spend the money on something they want. lol
For my kids my son is getting a new nintendo ds, a bunch of games, and all the accessories. As well as a Wii with a couple games.
My DD I have no clue what she is getting.... She will be 5...
It is not going to be a big xmas this year, we are saving for our first family disney vacation.
I usually have all my xmas shopping done by now. But this year I decided that my family (mother, father, brother, sister, niece and nephews, and step kids) are getting gift cards/certificates. I am taking the easy way out and let them spend the money on something they want. lol
For my kids my son is getting a new nintendo ds, a bunch of games, and all the accessories. As well as a Wii with a couple games.
My DD I have no clue what she is getting.... She will be 5...
It is not going to be a big xmas this year, we are saving for our first family disney vacation.

If you are saving for your first Disney vacay and DD is into princesses, may I suggest the Cinderella Castle playset for her. We gave that to DD for Cmas when she was 5, she's now 7 and still plays with it. It's around $75 and you can call the Disney shops and have one shipped to you and shipping is reasonable. It comes with little princesses and all kinds of accessories. Just throwing that out there for you :goodvibes
Ohh so exciting! I love Christmas. I usually do our decorations on Thanksgiving. :lmao: (Yep, tree and all, thank goodness it's fake.)

This year is gonna be a little different. Now we'll have two kids and we'll be in WDW in mid-December. I'm hoping to pick something up for everyone at WDW, even if it's an ornament, tshirt, or eat hat for the niece & nephew. I'm hoping our diaper/formula box is going to come back our gift box. :goodvibes

I have *no* clue what to get DD3 this year. Her interests change so much in even 6 months, so I'm clueless as to what she'll want in December. DS (baby) will probably get a few Fisher Price toys.

DH is another tricky one. Maybe I'll get him an "IOU" for the computer part of his choice, lol. Or maybe GameStop.

Ohhh how exciting!!
Hi all,
So excited to find this thread! I am a Holiday and Disney junkie, that's for certain. I, too, love the whole October 1st through Jan. 1st season. Any excuse to celebrate is GREAT for me! I also make a big fuss out of birthdays (my DH calls it a birthday "jubilee" when we get started... ):thumbsup2

I will need your help this year. I am planning a 10 day trip to Disney in February as a SURPRISE 50th birthday present for my DH. This is brutal trying to save and keep the secret, but it will hopefully be a trip of a lifetime. My husband is not into Disney, and has only been once, as a 16 year old with his family, in the brutal heat of July. They went to MK only and he remembers it being terrible. He did NOT enjoy his family or the trip there (car, from Ohio, no a.c....). SO.... I am really hoping i can win him over to the "mouse-side" by the end of our trip in February!! :woohoo:

So here's the hard part for my Christmas planning this year. We have one child. He is a 6 year old and he is "profoundly gifted", as we have been told. He is very interested in Science. His favorite thing is books, and I mean textbooks, basically. He has just about every great science book you can think of. He is HARD to buy for. I would love ideas! He already has a good telescope, microscope and assorted other items.

The other hard part is my DH. I usually try to get him something that he will really love. He's a bit of a techno-geek, so these are some of the things he's gotten in the last several years for birthday and Christmases.. 50" flat screen TV (took some saving!), Kindle, Wii, HD Flip, cell phone.... I'm really looking for the latest "must have" type item. HOWEVER, this year it will be a bit tough because at the same time, I'm frantically saving for this trip in February!:scared1: I don't want Christmas to be "lacking", because they won't know why.. they will just assume that Mommy has lost her touch! :rotfl2: And believe me, I don't want to lose the title of "Queen of Gift Giving" in my family!:worship:

I don't always spend a lot of money, but I DO always try to find the perfect gift. I take real pleasure in that.

I also need to buy for 4 nephews (ages 11-19), although they will be thrilled with money and that's probably the best solution. And also 2 sisters who are very particular. Neither of them is in to VB or Disney or any of the things that would make it a bit easier. My other big gift is for my parents. I adore them and owe them so much, so I'm always looking for great ideas for them. They are in their late 70's but very active people. Any suggestions greatly appreciated!

OK... that's my story. So excited to have found this thread!! I will be an avid reader and poster!

Merry Christmas Season everyone!!:santa:

Dee :)
this is great! i am a newbie to the excited to find this thread!

the only gifts we buy are for my daughter.
adults in our family do not exchange gifts, and we do not buy for each other's kids.

we did do all that shopping a few years ago..but everyone decided it was just too much..(essentially it came down to, we were all exchanging gift cards with each other...kinda silly..)..we have a large we are very happy just spend the day together and a have great meal together..we enjoy seeing each other and the kids playing together. it takes so much of the pressure of the holidays off all of us, not having to buy gifts for each other & all the kids.


my daughter is 7yo. and i am looking for some ideas.
i plan to start my shopping the day school starts back. (Aug. 18)

so far on my list for her:
leapster game
CD rom game
remote control car
polly pocket something (stocking stuffer)
dvd movie
art supplies
bath stuff
board game

we are going to put up our tree after we get back from Disney World on Dec. 11..i thought about putting it up before we leave, might still do that, but thinking too it might just be better to wait. we will be buying ornaments on our trip and it will be fun to "do" the tree after we get home..something to look forward to.
we did do all that shopping a few years ago..but everyone decided it was just too much..(essentially it came down to, we were all exchanging gift cards with each other...kinda silly..)..we have a large we are very happy just spend the day together and a have great meal together..we enjoy seeing each other and the kids playing together. it takes so much of the pressure of the holidays off all of us, not having to buy gifts for each other & all the kids.

my daughter is 7yo. and i am looking for some ideas.
i plan to start my shopping the day school starts back. (Aug. 18)

so far on my list for her:
leapster game
CD rom game
remote control car
polly pocket something (stocking stuffer)
dvd movie
art supplies
bath stuff
board game

we are going to put up our tree after we get back from Disney World on Dec. 11..i thought about putting it up before we leave, might still do that, but thinking too it might just be better to wait. we will be buying ornaments on our trip and it will be fun to "do" the tree after we get home..something to look forward to.

I SOOOOOO wish my family (well, more like DH's family) would get on board with this! My brother and I came to that agreement.....after we literally swapped $50 gift cards to Outback (couples gifts). I told him that's it, this is ridiculous, so we just buy for the kids now. I love to buy for the kids. It's way too much fun :)

I have a 7 year old DD too. She just had a birthday and she got a bunch of new Fancy Nancy puzzles and LOVES them. She also got the game Operation. It's annoying & loud, but she and her friends enjoy playing it.
we are going to put up our tree after we get back from Disney World on Dec. 11..i thought about putting it up before we leave, might still do that, but thinking too it might just be better to wait. we will be buying ornaments on our trip and it will be fun to "do" the tree after we get home..something to look forward to.
You could put it up and get the lights on before you go, then you would only have the FUN part left to do when you get home. :goodvibes
You could put it up and get the lights on before you go, then you would only have the FUN part left to do when you get home. :goodvibes

ooo, that's a great idea! then the part that feels like work would be over and the "fun" part would be waiting for us when we get home!! love that!

I SOOOOOO wish my family (well, more like DH's family) would get on board with this! My brother and I came to that agreement.....after we literally swapped $50 gift cards to Outback (couples gifts). I told him that's it, this is ridiculous, so we just buy for the kids now. I love to buy for the kids. It's way too much fun :)

I have a 7 year old DD too. She just had a birthday and she got a bunch of new Fancy Nancy puzzles and LOVES them. She also got the game Operation. It's annoying & loud, but she and her friends enjoy playing it.

lol..sounds like the same thing that brought us to the "gifts for YOUR kid only" plan.:rotfl:

Fancy Nancy is one of my DD's faves..where did you find the puzzles?? i have been thinking Spongebob operation might be fun! thanks for the suggestions!
ooo, that's a great idea! then the part that feels like work would be over and the "fun" part would be waiting for us when we get home!! love that!

We always do ours that way - since DH and I can't put the lights on without fighting. ;) :lmao: And the ribbon almost causes a divorce every year!!!! :rotfl: The WORST year was when I was pregnant with DS8. He was due on Christmas Eve, so we wanted to get an early start. That was the first year we put the tree up the day after Halloween. Anyway - I couldn't climb the ladder to put the ribbon on (I think our tree is 12 ft.), and DH just couldn't get it right. I got so mad at him that I went into pre-term labor! :scared1: :guilty: We spent the night at the hospital with me getting drugs to stop it. DS ended up coming early anyway (12/1). Smart kid didn't want his birthday on Christmas. ;)
Maybe we can decide the TV thing together ;)! We did discuss the doll thing and nope, my girl has NEVER been in to dolls, other than polly pockets and Barbie at all. Personally, I'm thankful she's not discovered the American Girl dolls because they are so expensive :scared1:. She's had a CD player in her room for some time and usually falls asleep to music. She ALWAYS has, since she was a baby. Do you guys have a karaoke machine? I got DD a Hannah Montana one for CMas I guess 2 years ago now and she still loves that thing. It's great when friends are over and the one we have it really easy for them to use without my help. Always a plus :thumbsup2. She's not really into VB thing either, although neither am I. No offense to those who really love the VB bags, but I don't get the appeal? :confused3. They are a little to "loud" for me if you know what I mean!

So, my thinking cap it on and I'm always listening for her to mention things. She's really a laid back kid and easy to please. She's happy with ANY gift and always appreciative so that's really good :)

I remember her not liking dolls from last year!!! My little girl goes back and forth...she is definitely not into it like I was!!! I know people who dont like VB...I don't use it all the time, but the travel bags are great and I like the purses that I do have because I pick patterns that blend into my wardrobe! Also, they are so lightweight and can be handwashed!!! They are great for travel because of the amount of stuff I stick in it off & on all day and they are not so heavy my back/neck hurts!!
I also love to shop. Last time when i visited Orlando did my shopping 1 week ago. I was not prepared for other things when i headed for Disney. My partner was my Girlfriend :happytv: but we were in tension!!! But I found finally in Orlando who did a very good job for us:) They processed almost all our orders starting from food to wine!! I recommend everyone who is visiting Orlando to take their service. Hope this Christmas will be a memorable one for all of us!!!:cool1:

:welcome: to the Disney boards and this thread!
Yay, Shawna!! I was waiting for this to get started! Loved being part of this thread last year.
It seems like every year, my list of people to buy for grows and grows. I usually establish a per-person budget and stick to it (love when I come under!!). DBF's birthday is the day after Christmas, which is tough! He and I usually do lots of little presents for Christmas, so sometimes it's tough to think of something else to buy him. I'll definitely be fielding suggestions from the lovely Dis'ers here!!
Hey!!! Glad you came is fun, isn't it?!!!! Hopefully we will all help you think of something you gotta buy!!!
I usually have all my xmas shopping done by now. But this year I decided that my family (mother, father, brother, sister, niece and nephews, and step kids) are getting gift cards/certificates. I am taking the easy way out and let them spend the money on something they want. lol
For my kids my son is getting a new nintendo ds, a bunch of games, and all the accessories. As well as a Wii with a couple games.
My DD I have no clue what she is getting.... She will be 5...
It is not going to be a big xmas this year, we are saving for our first family disney vacation.
I love gc's for extended family members. Nobody gets their feelings hurt and you dont spend $$$ on things they already have or just really hate!!! LOL
Ohh so exciting! I love Christmas. I usually do our decorations on Thanksgiving. :lmao: (Yep, tree and all, thank goodness it's fake.)

This year is gonna be a little different. Now we'll have two kids and we'll be in WDW in mid-December. I'm hoping to pick something up for everyone at WDW, even if it's an ornament, tshirt, or eat hat for the niece & nephew. I'm hoping our diaper/formula box is going to come back our gift box. :goodvibes

I have *no* clue what to get DD3 this year. Her interests change so much in even 6 months, so I'm clueless as to what she'll want in December. DS (baby) will probably get a few Fisher Price toys.

DH is another tricky one. Maybe I'll get him an "IOU" for the computer part of his choice, lol. Or maybe GameStop.

Ohhh how exciting!!
The year dd was 3 for Christmas is when I bought the Leapster...she looooved it for about 3 1/2 years!! It might be something to think about!
Zoobles are like Littlest Pet Shop meets Bakugan.
I am almost done as well :cool1: At Target I got:

My niece the Dora doll that hooks to the computer $12.48 [reg. $50] and 2 outfits $1.98 each [reg $10]

Hot wheels sets for my nephew, $2.18 each. and 5 pk cars for $2

a switchback flying do dad for $12.98 also reg $50

at Kmart:

Baby Alive [the big one] for $13 usually $45

Little mermaid tub doll $10 usually $38

Little Einstiens tub toy $2 usually $15

Barbie horse and carriage $12 usually $30

Other deals:

ALL the Disney barbies for $4.50 each at Walmart with price match.

6 games, a glow worm, 2 potato heads, Chuck the Talking truck, and some other toy thing. $40 after all the coupons from playsaver and the AWSOME deals at Toys R Us earlier this year. with a $15 mail in rebate, so $25 for all that, plus a $10 g/c from the games :woohoo:

Oh yes, this is a great year for shopping!!!!

On another note, Kohls, Target, and Kmart have had AMAZING deals on clothes. Mackenzie has a complete summer wardrobe for next year. $2-$5 per outfit! Kmart has some cute Disney clothes too:thumbsup2

You rock!!! Doesn't if feel awesome to have it all done and know you really did well with the $$$?!!!
Hi all,
So excited to find this thread! I am a Holiday and Disney junkie, that's for certain. I, too, love the whole October 1st through Jan. 1st season. Any excuse to celebrate is GREAT for me! I also make a big fuss out of birthdays (my DH calls it a birthday "jubilee" when we get started... ):thumbsup2

I will need your help this year. I am planning a 10 day trip to Disney in February as a SURPRISE 50th birthday present for my DH. This is brutal trying to save and keep the secret, but it will hopefully be a trip of a lifetime. My husband is not into Disney, and has only been once, as a 16 year old with his family, in the brutal heat of July. They went to MK only and he remembers it being terrible. He did NOT enjoy his family or the trip there (car, from Ohio, no a.c....). SO.... I am really hoping i can win him over to the "mouse-side" by the end of our trip in February!! :woohoo:

So here's the hard part for my Christmas planning this year. We have one child. He is a 6 year old and he is "profoundly gifted", as we have been told. He is very interested in Science. His favorite thing is books, and I mean textbooks, basically. He has just about every great science book you can think of. He is HARD to buy for. I would love ideas! He already has a good telescope, microscope and assorted other items.

The other hard part is my DH. I usually try to get him something that he will really love. He's a bit of a techno-geek, so these are some of the things he's gotten in the last several years for birthday and Christmases.. 50" flat screen TV (took some saving!), Kindle, Wii, HD Flip, cell phone.... I'm really looking for the latest "must have" type item. HOWEVER, this year it will be a bit tough because at the same time, I'm frantically saving for this trip in February!:scared1: I don't want Christmas to be "lacking", because they won't know why.. they will just assume that Mommy has lost her touch! :rotfl2: And believe me, I don't want to lose the title of "Queen of Gift Giving" in my family!:worship:

I don't always spend a lot of money, but I DO always try to find the perfect gift. I take real pleasure in that.

I also need to buy for 4 nephews (ages 11-19), although they will be thrilled with money and that's probably the best solution. And also 2 sisters who are very particular. Neither of them is in to VB or Disney or any of the things that would make it a bit easier. My other big gift is for my parents. I adore them and owe them so much, so I'm always looking for great ideas for them. They are in their late 70's but very active people. Any suggestions greatly appreciated!

OK... that's my story. So excited to have found this thread!! I will be an avid reader and poster!

Merry Christmas Season everyone!!:santa:

Dee :)
My middle one loves Science too--we homeschool and we use Apologia for our Science Curriculm...have you looked at those for your son? They are great and have good pictures too--he looooves the animal Science books, and my oldest son liked the Astronomy one the best. We would love to help you out and help you keep it a secret!! I think it is just wonderful you are doing it as a surprise!!! I loooove Disney Surprise trips!!! They really are the best!!
this is great! i am a newbie to the excited to find this thread!

the only gifts we buy are for my daughter.
adults in our family do not exchange gifts, and we do not buy for each other's kids.

we did do all that shopping a few years ago..but everyone decided it was just too much..(essentially it came down to, we were all exchanging gift cards with each other...kinda silly..)..we have a large we are very happy just spend the day together and a have great meal together..we enjoy seeing each other and the kids playing together. it takes so much of the pressure of the holidays off all of us, not having to buy gifts for each other & all the kids.


my daughter is 7yo. and i am looking for some ideas.
i plan to start my shopping the day school starts back. (Aug. 18)

so far on my list for her:
leapster game
CD rom game
remote control car
polly pocket something (stocking stuffer)
dvd movie
art supplies
bath stuff
board game

we are going to put up our tree after we get back from Disney World on Dec. 11..i thought about putting it up before we leave, might still do that, but thinking too it might just be better to wait. we will be buying ornaments on our trip and it will be fun to "do" the tree after we get home..something to look forward to.

:welcome: to the boards and this thread!! You will love it here!!! I know Tru blu already said to put the tree up and lights on before you go--that's what I was gonna say!! Just bought, Tree up and lights hung,...and you are at Disney with all your work done and can enjoy the holiday magic!!!!!!
I love this idea! Hope you don't mind if I steal it. :)

Not at all. Thats why I love these threads, for the new ideas. SIL said today that generic gift cards for her 3 are best. So I am going to hit up my bank this week and get 3 visa gift cards. :goodvibes 3 down!


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