CM Celebrity Encounters

So it's pretty much safe to say the Disney Channel stars are there a lot? I'd DIE if I even GLIMPSED the Jonas Brothers :lovestruc I'm not a huge Miley fan but it'd be cool to meet her. I get the impression my man Joey Fatone is there a lot, huh? :D I think he lives in Orlando, right?

Even if I don't get to MEET them, just being able to tell my mom "You'll never guess who I just saw!" will be good enough!! :)

We were so sad this summer, the WEEK after we got home in June, the Osmonds were there. My mom is still in love with Donny Osmond (and I think he's pretty hot too) so boy were she and I disappointed to hear we'd missed them (it was on Entertainment Tonight right after we got back).
At my presentation one of the campus reps said that he was a Monorail Pilot and had to kick Nick Hogan out of the cockpit section because he was drunk. what a classy guy! (that was before he crashed and went to prison)

Definitely a classy guy... It is no wonder why he has his problems though. Just look at the family....
I'm super jealous about lance berkman. I'm a HUGE astros fan and hoping that during spring training i'll either run into one of them at one of the parks or something or be able to go to a game. a girl i know ran into craig biggio at rainforest cafe at animal kingdom a couple of years not fair.

As a castmember I saw my fair share of celebs (gary sinise, john travolta, johnny depp, jim cary, those are the only ones I remember)...but I LOVE the astros!!! I am going to spring training in February, and I hope to see the players and some of the games. I am very sad that Craig Biggio is retired.
Wow! It seems like celebrities are there decently often. Do CM ever get the opportunity to work with them or do you all just happen to see them in the parks? If so, that would be pretty cool.....

I did a professional internship in entertainment and I was a production assistant. I did get to stage manage a few shows, and during candlelight I worked with a few celebrities.
Oooh I'm envy reading your posts here. I hope I also have a celebrity encounter at Disney Park.
As a castmember I saw my fair share of celebs (gary sinise, john travolta, johnny depp, jim cary, those are the only ones I remember)...but I LOVE the astros!!! I am going to spring training in February, and I hope to see the players and some of the games. I am very sad that Craig Biggio is retired.

I think I'll be going to some Spring Training games in March when my family comes out. Hopefully, at least. And I, too, am so sad that Craig is retired. And I'm even more upset that Brad Ausmus doesn't play for us anymore. I love him.
I was hanging out with Handy Manny and met Mandy Moore back in July. Joanna was my attendant :P. It was funny though, because I couldn't really see anything, being in costume and all, and so I had no clue it was anyone of note. All I knew was that these three twentysomethings got to cut the line and there was no Give Kids the World kid in sight, so I was super annoyed at them haha. It wasn't 'til I got offset that some of the Ops people told me what happened

My roomie worked at the Contemporary and she would always talk about all the famous people staying there. I visited her at work at the end of August and the first thing she said to me was, "MICHAEL PHELPS IS CURRENTLY EATING LUNCH DIRECTLY ABOVE US"
As a castmember I saw my fair share of celebs (gary sinise, john travolta, johnny depp, jim cary, those are the only ones I remember)...but I LOVE the astros!!! I am going to spring training in February, and I hope to see the players and some of the games. I am very sad that Craig Biggio is retired.

GARY SINISE?????????????????????????????? OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would DIE!!!! He is one of my very very very VERY favorite people on the face of the earth!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, I see JD in that post too, but I like Gary better (forgive me, please).;)
GARY SINISE?????????????????????????????? OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would DIE!!!! He is one of my very very very VERY favorite people on the face of the earth!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, I see JD in that post too, but I like Gary better (forgive me, please).;)

Gary Sinise is extremely nice in person, I actually worked with him during Candlelight.
Gary Sinise is extremely nice in person, I actually worked with him during Candlelight.

That makes me like him even more then.:goodvibes I read back on another site and saw he did Candlelight for several years and was slightly disappointed to see he wasn't this year.
I was hanging out with Handy Manny and met Mandy Moore back in July. Joanna was my attendant :P. It was funny though, because I couldn't really see anything, being in costume and all, and so I had no clue it was anyone of note. All I knew was that these three twentysomethings got to cut the line and there was no Give Kids the World kid in sight, so I was super annoyed at them haha. It wasn't 'til I got offset that some of the Ops people told me what happened

Yep! That was awsome. :teeth:
I know that CM's who work Attractions have the best chance of seeing celebs, but do CM's who work in other areas get to see them or are they escorted past things like the stores, etc...?
I know that CM's who work Attractions have the best chance of seeing celebs, but do CM's who work in other areas get to see them or are they escorted past things like the stores, etc...?

Haha, yeah. I wonder if they eat because I'm in QSFB, so.....;)

I'd have to be careful. One glimpse of even Miley Cyrus (whom I don't care for much) and I'd faint.:laughing:
Hey all i was a lifeguard at AK lodge and DVC reosrts so i got to see my fair share of celebs, it is really cool. But Disney has a strick policy with cast members. No pictures or autographs! its unprofessional and they are on vacation too so keep that in mind if/when you see a celeb. Im not sure if you can get introuble or anything, but think about if you were on vacation would you want pictures of u being snapped or people staring? play it cool and dont stare. Its cool to say you saw them, but they are people to!
If I go into the program expecting to see a celebrity, I know I won't haha. So now, I'm going to go into the program expecting not to expect to see a celebrity :upsidedow

Reading this thread is making me excited not just for the off chance that I might see someone famous, but that I know I will develop many stories to tell by the end of the program - celebrities included or not lol.
I ALMOST met Mandy Moore. But she came to visit the character I was attending while I was on my break. So the breaker got to meet her instead. And I was walking back to set too! Two minutes! Missed her by that much.
When I worked for Disney Melissa Joan Hart came to the restaurant I worked at with her family. I didn't recognize her at first but thought she looked familiar, then another CM mentioned it was her. I dont think anyone else realized either as no one bothered her.
Also the kid thats on Cory in the House came in and his mother was not too nice. She didnt want anyone coming up for pictures and autographs. I thought that was really lame. I feel if you're show is on the Disney channel and you come to WDW, you're not totally on vacation there.
Another time during my training I had to seat and I had a guy from the Chicago Cubs come but have no idea who.

One time when I was in the park with my wife we are sitting there and my wife starts going "Theres Kellys husband,theres Kellys husband". I am thinking of all our friends and going Kelly who? I look up and there was Kelly Ripas husband Mark Consuelos with their kids. It was when Regis and Kelly were taping the Christmas parade. They stopped within arms length of us while the guest relations lady went and got them something to drink. The oldest son was about 4 or 5 at the time and just stood there looking at us. We acted like we didnt know them and nodded when they did look in our direction. They seemed nice.
Saw Ace Young checking in the yacht club in Nov 06.

I think thats about it.
On my last visit this past August, my boyfriend and I were waiting on line for the Snow White ride :cutie: and we spotted someone that looked a bit like Dwayne Johnson (aka "The Rock"). My boyfriend then pointed out the multitude of people taking pictures of him and then the man turned and flashed a brilliant smile and it was obvious he was indeed the Rock! :) We only saw him at a distance but about half an hour later we were getting off of the Winnie the Pooh ride and waiting on the fastpass line was once again the Rock! We got off and passed right by him, I actually smiled up at him and he looked my way but he had sunglasses on :cool2: . He was super tall and handsome! He seemed to be with his family and I don't think too many people noticed, he was mostly left alone -which was good. What topped it off was that he actually got on the honey pot we rode! The Rock in a honey pot - really cute! :rotfl:
On my last visit this past August, my boyfriend and I were waiting on line for the Snow White ride :cutie: and we spotted someone that looked a bit like Dwayne Johnson (aka "The Rock"). My boyfriend then pointed out the multitude of people taking pictures of him and then the man turned and flashed a brilliant smile and it was obvious he was indeed the Rock! :) We only saw him at a distance but about half an hour later we were getting off of the Winnie the Pooh ride and waiting on the fastpass line was once again the Rock! We got off and passed right by him, I actually smiled up at him and he looked my way but he had sunglasses on :cool2: . He was super tall and handsome! He seemed to be with his family and I don't think too many people noticed, he was mostly left alone -which was good. What topped it off was that he actually got on the honey pot we rode! The Rock in a honey pot - really cute! :rotfl:

That's awesome!!! He's a cool dude.:cool1:
The only celebrity I can ever recall seeing is Ana Gasteyer (from SNL) at Disneyland one summer. She was pushing her daughter in a carriage and walked past my friends and I. I recognized her, but couldn't think from how I knew her from, until one of my friends told me she was Cady's mom in Mean Girls haha


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