Compensation for Illness??

I called because I heard a rumor they were offering something. I had a good cruise and don't expect, nor will I demand, anything. However, Disney is notorious for going above and beyond. If they are offering anything...I'm not above taking it.

And then we wonder why they cut services and raise their prices :rolleyes:
Well put, Barb.
Honestly people, can we move on from this subject? People got sick, they're better now (I'm assuming, thank goodness), Disney is doing all they can within their ability. Some will be happy, others wont. 'Nuf said?

Speaking for myself, I check these posts to learn more about my future cruise (i.e. shore excursions, shows, meals etc). I love reading trip reports and asking questions about specific questions I may have. Please, lets move on and let these people deal with Disney directly and privately without rehashing every detail here.
Hmmm -- according to the general opinion here -- if a cruiser accepts an offer from DCL they are being greedy? I don't understand that! If they are not 'demanding' compensation but just receiving the same as anyone else who was sick -- why shouldn't they get it?

We were on the cruise in April 2001 that had minor technical difficulties the evening of St.Thomas. We were laid over there which caused us to miss Castaway Cay on Friday. We were 'offered' 50% off our next cruise. I guess maybe I should have said -- no???? Don't get it? Ofcourse we sailed again in April 2002 with the 50% off coupon! Had a terrific time -- and appreciated DCL's hospitality in handling the matter. Had it not been for the deep discount we would not have been blessed with the opportunity to cruise again a year later. One trip every 2 or 3 years is about all we could manage to save for. Had we decided to book with DCL again -- we would have had to wait another 3 years --- BUT this time we decided to give RCCL a try in 2004 as it was much, much cheaper. I know a small part of me will miss the MAGIC in the cruise -- but we are hopeful that we can return to DCL again in the future.
AMEN BARB!! I agree with you 100%

I don't think people should say "no" to what Disney is offering, but I think some people aren't appreciating the amazing customer service they are getting from Disney.

My heart goes out to the people that did get sick, but had they been on any other cruise line, this wouldn't even be a discussion we could all have. Anyone else (ie, Carnival, RCI ect...) would NEVER would offer this type of customer service or compensation. There are very few cruise lines out there with comprable customer service to Disney I just wish everyone could realize how very lucky they are to be on one of Disney's ships in the first place. I actually work for another great cruise line (not a mass market line, but a smaller 5 star line) and I still believe that there is nothing like Disney in the world and a virus sure isn't going to change that!
Love this from Barb's post -

"I'm going on a cruise for my honeymoon."
"Oh God, I hope it's not Disney!"
"No, Carnival."
"Oh, well, that's okay then."

Guess what ... Carnival is dealing with it now as well. When it gets right down to it, not sailing Disney, Holland America, Carnival or any other line that has had these problems in the past ... guess you won't be cruising.

And what is Carnival's response ... they are offering no refunds. Guess they will just wait for the trial lawyers to file a case against them just like Holland America (also owned by Carnival).

Disney is handling this far better than the other two cruise lines. Of course, that isn't such a surprise.
Originally posted by inkkognito

I was at work today and overheard the following conversation:
"I'm going on a cruise for my honeymoon."
"Oh God, I hope it's not Disney!"
"No, Carnival."
"Oh, well, that's okay then."

Disney was the butt of jokes during Jay Leno's monologue each of the last two nights. Sad to say it folks, but it's going to take a while for DCL to recover from the general perception that cruise ships (Disney in particular) are now unhealthy and unsafe.
Originally posted by DisneyDarwin
Since I got sick, I called and asked today. They asked me to write guest services with my personal experience, and told me that they evaluate each case individually. I'll let you know what response I get.
I think the problem with comprehending this situation of Disney compensation lies in the wording of this post......are you curious about any possible compensation because, as you put it ,*since* you got sick, or because it *actually* had a negative impact on your vacation and interrupted or ruined it? What would an insurance company do when they have to review the multitudes of reimbursement requests. I can't imagine the parameters they have to deal with in basing their decisions to reimburse or not to. Let's see...if you were *sick* one day in comparison to someone who was sick would a Company decide the reimbursement awards? I'm not making light of the NWV and those that were hit by it by any means. It happened...nothing will change that fact and you can not change fate.
I'm reluctant to reply, as I'm regretful that I ever got involved in this thread, but a question was addressed to me so I'll try to clarify.

I heard more than a few rumors that DCL might be offering compensation for those who were sick on the 11/23 cruise. I did get ill during the cruise, so I surmised that I might be a candidate for consideration for such compensation. I merely contacted DCL to find out what was up. I have never demanded anything, nor will I. But, apparently my nobility and character are such that if they are offering something, I'm not above taking it.

On the last night of the cruise, my DD got a hat from the Oceaneer's Lab with a note that said thanks for participating in our program. We didn't expect that. I don't think we did anything special to deserve it. It was a nice gesture. She IS wearing it.

To me, this is the same thing, just a bigger scale. If DCL is doing a nice thing by offering sick (or healthy) passengers anything, even though they don't have to, then I will sing their praises and accept their offer. If not, I'll continue to sing their praises as I believe I always have. I do not believe I have participated in any DCL bashing, nor in any other bashing, and hope I have been respectful of everyone's feelings.

With that, I am unsubscribing to this thread and moving on.
This reminds me of last year. We booked a 7 day cruise in May 2001 for January 2002 to celebrate our 10th anniversary. We knew what we were expected to pay for this cruise and budgeted. After 9/11 and travel fell off Disney lowered to price of our cruise to entice people to sail. Should we not have accepted to lower cost? They then lowered to price again and threw in a voucher for a 3 day cruise for $99/person. Should we not have accepted the newer low price and have said 'thanks but no thanks' to the voucher since we had booked our cruise prior to 9/11????
I've been watching the Norwalk outbreaks with interest over the past few weeks. I have mainly been interested in what others who were affected by this have to say, but after reading some of the incensed comments by others, I thought I would add my own thoughts.

First of all, I think to compare this to getting montezuma's revenge in Mexico or an illness from a coworker is equally as bad as accusing others of being gold diggers into the Disney name and reputation (i.e. asking for compensation). The reason being that having the runs in Mexico might incapcitate you for a few days, but no one is going to demand you stay in your cabin. It also might not affect the others in your party (i.e. they can still go out and do things). At work if you need to call in sick, your job likely gives you a sick in effect you ARE getting compensated for not being able to do your job for the day. If you work for a place that doesn't give you sick days, well that's the choice you made. People have picked DCL for their high reputation for taking care of their customers, just like a good business will take care of its workers. And if you are sick and can still work, than you aren't as sick as those afflicted with Norwalk would be.

Can you get sick anywhere? Absolutely. Is it even worse to get sick on your vacation? Of course. The problem with comparing getting the flu or other illnesses onboard a cruise ship is that they are likely not going to demand you stay in your room for a certain number of days. What if you only had a slight case of Norwalk and felt better after a day but you still had two days to go of mandated cabin lockdown? I am quite prone to getting ill, but when I went to Paris and came down with a cold I still made the best of it and went out sightseeing, albeit at a slower pace. I didn't have someone demanding that I stay in my hotel while I watch the $1300 I spent on the trip go down the drain.

That being said, I think the people who went on that cruise where the outbreak was already known (but supposedly cleaned), should NOT be entitled to any compensation. (Sorry, I forget the exact dates, but it was the last time the Magic sailed) Why? Because they were given the option to cancel for a full refund, cruise at another time, or spend the days in WDW. People already knew they would be taking a risk in getting sick with Norwalk, but they chose to go anyways knowing full well what the consequences might be. I do think people on that first cruise who got sick are entitled to something though. Yes you take a risk with every cruise. But I believe that the way Norwalk spreads makes it a special exception.

I do think people are expecting more and more for next to nothing, but in this case I think the people have a legitimate case. Also, I think it's wrong of any of us to assume (especially those of you who weren't on that cruise) how dampened the experience of cruising was for those who got sick from this. I haven't seen anyone on here yet who is asking for more than they should IMO. To resort to name calling and stinging words when you weren't even there though is completely uncalled for. My thoughts on the compensation issues are strictly my opinions and ultimately Disney is going to do whatever they do, without regard to what we have to say here.
I feel alot of these outbreaks happen all the time but, this time, the media grabbed on to it. I say this because this past summer, there was an outbreak of the NV on the Ocean Princess while it was doing Alaska. Something like 600 people got the virus!! Alot more then was reported on any of the ships now. But, nowhere did the media discuss this and Princess did not pull the ship from cruising. The only way that I heard about this was on another cruise board.

It must be a slow news time.


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