COMPLETED-Peter Pans Christmas trip to Neverland! 19th- 23rd November


DIS Veteran
Jul 3, 2008

ME - Mummy and organiser of the trip. Loves all things Disney.

Matthew- My wonderful other half. First trip to a Disney resort

Nanny- Loves all things magical, had been to DLP with me before

Benjamin (4)- Loves peter pan, and all the disney films. Has an amazing imagination, and lives in either costumes or school uniform

Milo (just 1)- Baby of the group.

TRAVEL- Driving from cornwall to Bristol airport, then flying to cdg, then transfer to Sante fe

Well we got up at 4am and got ourselves ready, locked windows, got all milos bottles ready etc. Woke the boys up just before 5 and bundled them into car with duvets. I thought they would be back off to sleep... But ben was far to excited and was singing "we're going to Disneyland" over and over... (I may have joined in too...):lmao:

Picked nanny up, and now of all times... matthew gets a nose bleed?? haha, think it was the excitement.. so we all swap around, now i am driving to Bristol! So we are off.

We get there in good time... In fact 45 mins earlier then our satnav expected... so we now had nearly 3 hours to wait in a small airport :scared1: . The first hour went very slowly.. but after we checked in and went through to departures, it was much easier with the boys. they had arcade and shops to mooch around.

Thenw as time for the plane. We all got bundled into a bus... and it was at that point I realised there were about 16 passengers for the flight..... When we pulled up to our plane.. i burst into laughter... It was this tiny tiny air france plane!! well all 16 of us crammed into our toy plane... Milo was strapped to me.. which he was not impressed with!!

The flight was fast.... but soo bumpy... it was not windy.. just the plane being so small I think, but it made it much more of an adventure.

Milo had huge cry for about 15 mins, then went off to sleep... so was not too bad.

We found transfer straight away and bus was waiting, so that was good. ben fell asleep on way by this time it was 3 oclock.. and had been a long day. Woke ben up as we arrived in Sante fe.. Was so excited. We went off to room, pur on some warmer layers, changed nappies etc... then took one of many beautiful walks into the park.

We were block 14... right near the path to the prak, so made for a speedy exit! We were on 2nd floor.. but had a lift so that didnt matter either. They had not put cott in, but we rang and by time we were back from park there was a nice travel cott in our room, with fleecy blankets and brushed cotton sheets.[/COLOR][/COLOR]

Walking through the village was amazing, and so exciting, but I kept rushing everyone along to get to park! (This was a common feature in holiday.. I had to be a bit pushy... on the saturday... they realised why!!!)

Got to park and was hit my the gorgeous christmas decorations, the music. It was lovely and empty too. It got dark very early on the Wendnesday, so instead of walking around park like planned... we saw on the board that Buzz was a 5 min wait... so we headed over and did buzz... Ben and Milo loved it.
I won... and may i add... i seemed to have a wierd knack with Buzz.... even with milo on my lap... i managed to get levels 3 and 4 every time... haha.. matthew getting levels 2 was not too impressed... haha. It became quite a contest!

After this we went and got some popcorn and hot drinks and found a spot in central plaza area for the Candlebration


which, as you can see was gorgeous. I was really tearful. The the snow fell... we were too far down for the snow, but saw it, it was lovely.
We then went to Peter Pan which was a walk on! Then tea cups... also a walk on!! :cool1: :cool1:

Had something to eat then hear the music start for the fantasllusion parade! so I grabbed ben and ran ahead and stood near its a small world, where the floats come out... At first saw all the Villens floats.. and was a wee bit worried... that it was still maybe a halloween parade.. as ben looked quite scared. But then other floats came out.... and thats when he saw her....


The little mermaid... now may I add.. before this trip, ben showed little interest in her... but on this trip... he fell head over heels!!



We then went off to our very very very comfy beds, and got little sleep in excitment for the next day!!

And I will write up next day, when milo has his nap later!
Its lovely writting this... you can relive it!
great first day , i so love reading the reports , it makes me want to go back so muchhhhh

i am planning it for next nov/dec so i can see the christmas decorations again

cant wait to read about day 2

i know what you mean about small planes , with living on the isle of man we call them puddle hoppers lol

wow what a perfect first day. i will be so much more pushy on my next trip. we were there for five days and didnt do half of what i wanted lol.
WOW what a lovely 1st day, im sooooo excited about reading your trip report, :yay:
Cant wait to read the next bit!!
DAY TWO! Part 1

Well we woke up, and as there were no EMH on Thursday, we were not too rushed.. so got up and dressed ready for Breakfest at 8. Go there and was so shocked at the amount of food!! haha... we grabbed 2 or 3 trays full (although I didnt eat much during this trip... just couldnt fancy it.. dont know why.. think excitment!)

We filled up bens bottle with orange juice, and flask with hot choc! haha, made some ham sandwiches etc, and we were off!!

Walked through village slowly and took it all in! I decided to allow Ben a costume and he bought the BUZZ one. (a note for people. In village this costume was 45 euros, in park it was 60... this was simular with many items, even christmas decs... so keep an eye out)

after we got him changed behind a random shelf!! ahaha, we went off!!


We went on Buzz then Orbitron then matthew and i quickly jumped on space mountain... (and my gosh did we get our heads bashed about??!!) After this we went to Peter pan, Dumbo.

Then we took a walk into Frontier Land and Nanny, Ben and I went on Thunder mountain... now this was the only mistake we made during trip!!! Ben was terrified... he got chucked about.. i had to hold him very tight... it was too dark and once ride stopped he burst into tears, but quickly recovered... but i would say... he was over height restriction.. but In my own personal opinion he was too small for it.:scared1:

But it was quickly forgotten when we got outside and we was bought a big pile of popcorn!! We then went to see how long que was for Father Christmas
:santa: and as we approached Woody walked past!! He saw Ben was Buzz so came up to him and ruffled his hair! Then Jessy walked out and we got a Pic with her straight away... (out timing on this trip was something to be admired! hahaha) Ben was so pleased.. and was not nervous at all.. just thrilled! Then we got in que for Father christmas... but Ben got restless.. and wanted to go on autopia... so we left.


We then walked back through fantasy land where we saw loads of charecters coming out of the gates near its a small world.. and got some great pics! benw as a little nervous at first because a villen came up and grabbed a girl by the scruff of her neck in front of ben, the girl was in tears.. so this shook ben up, so he stayed near nanny and we took milo around, when we saw pooh bear, ben joined us for the rest.

We got pics with kenei, Koda, Poohpooh: , Tigger:tigger: , monkeys, Penguin... the penguin was the funniest as he tapped bens popcorn then rubbed his tummy... ben knew what he meant and laughed.. then the penguin got cross and did it again... but ben still wouldnt give him any... so penguin pretended to have a tantrum... have not got pics of this, as was too funny to take pics at time!! haha.. when we walked away ben goes "mummy... i was too shy to give him popcorn...." bless... i reassured him that penguins dont really like popcorn and he was only joking!! haha





Then we did autopia, which was great and Ben laughed hysterically all the way around which was beautifull!

Now it was lunchtime!!!.... phew what a start to the day... to be continued!!
FANTASTIC Holly, im loving your Trip Report :thumbsup2

I love Ben's Buzz outfit ;)

p.s We did the same as u, got in the queue for Father Christmas and Hannah got restless so we left the queue...
Thank you... just added a few more pics... i think meeting father chrismas is a littler nerve wracking too isnt it... plus... so many rides to do!! And exciting things to do!
I'm loving your report! What a great picture of the 4 of you, with Ben as Buzz - he looks like the real deal to me! Were you tempted to dress Milo up? I've got Emilia (age 1) a Snow White dress! Purely for my own amusement...
Thank you... just added a few more pics... i think meeting father chrismas is a littler nerve wracking too isnt it... plus... so many rides to do!! And exciting things to do!

Hannah would have been fine meeting him, but i didnt want to stand in the queue and waste precious park time and Hannah wasnt fussed, she asked to leave and said she didnt want to meet him :rotfl:

P.s .... your photos are lovely, lots of memories to treasure :goodvibes
Day 2 part 2!

Well after lunch, we thought we would have a proper look around castle, go upstairs etc, as we approach... with yet againa mazing timing, look who arrived!!

He was so chuffed. She didnt speak english, but was lovely to him and gave him a kiss on the cheak.

Then the obvious photo shots of trying to pull out the sword, this was Matthews fav Disney film when he was younger.


After this boys were feeling a bit tired... and we knew we had parade coming up, so took boys to Pizza Planet for a play... ben was VERY popular walking in as Buzz...and made many friends, who spoke many languages! But hay.. Buzz sounds the same in any language!
Milo, got to have a Bum shuffle and cruise around.. which was lovely after being either stuck in buggy or on laps! This was a real life saver to us, and we came here every day at least once... when raining or very cold, just to warm up and let milo move around. I just took my boots off and went and sat on carpet with him, so he was safe from other children running about.

Then came the ONCE UPON A DREAM PARADE, I loved this... Bena nd Milo loved it more then the Candlebration or Fantillusion... and SO I did.. as their faces were so charming. I have got so many pics of this parade!! So il just pop a few up smaller.. as you all porb seen hundreds by now!!






Of corse... this parade was magical to ben... as it had the Little Mermaid in it... who he has got stopped gushing about since we came home!!

This spot was on the Benches near the Princesses stage bit... But we tried out a number of different spots and I found a very good one was to sit... facing those seats and stage... near central plaza... if you sit on curb.. so your on the bend facing the stage.. you get a view of the floats coming towards you, then turning, then going away from you... so you see them for longer and at all angles... it was a great spot.. and on day 3 or 4 when we found that spot, you will see my pics. It was also good, as it was where the Christmas show stop was.. so you see all the soldiers do i dance and the elves run around being naughty and playing with the children in the audience.

It was great fun, because Ben and I seemed to be a magnet for attention! Every float that would come past.... the charector or dancer would go to Ben or I. It was funny... though the parents of the children near me.. didnt seem too impressed!! hahaha.... I dont know why it was!! haha. The pirates and russian dancers were also very flirty and would run up to me, winking and winding Matthew up, which was also very funny... thought when the pirate ran up to me the first time Ben looked a little worried!! hahaha pirate:

so after this, Ben was too exhausted to stay out any longer.. and we knew we had long day tomorrow with EMH so we headed back to our from Via Mc Donalds!

Day Three of five coming up next.
I'm loving your report! What a great picture of the 4 of you, with Ben as Buzz - he looks like the real deal to me! Were you tempted to dress Milo up? I've got Emilia (age 1) a Snow White dress! Purely for my own amusement...

Thank you!

YES!haha He was dressed up as winnie the pooh on one day.. aslo had disney themed clothes... but it was soo soo cold for him. On saturday, the day before it snowed... he was so cold, i was worried for his health... it was crazy! he ended up wearing, vest, sleepsuit, trousers, top, socks, snowsuit, rainsuit, 2 hats and gloves... and in a fleece footmuff!!! then he was ok!! haha!
Hannah would have been fine meeting him, but i didnt want to stand in the queue and waste precious park time and Hannah wasnt fussed, she asked to leave and said she didnt want to meet him :rotfl:

P.s .... your photos are lovely, lots of memories to treasure :goodvibes

hahahahaah.... poor old Father Christmas... comes all the way to Paris... and the kids are turning him down In favour of Buzz and Mickey! :rotfl:
A great first 2 days, lovely photos. You all look like you are enjoying yourselves:goodvibes
lovely report!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
do enjoy seein all the pics, even of the parade, as everyone has diff pics from diff spots :)
more more more lol its keepin me going for another few days - am all excited here lol
Fantastic trip report and your little boys are so cute, love the Buzz Lightyear outfit.
Looking forward to seeing and reading more later.
Thank you. yes they are lovely, I am very lucky. Was horrible toay...doing school run, matthew off to work..same old... worrying about money, health etc.... the reality of the world! haha... i want to be in my disney bubble again!
Gorgeous pics - you were really lucky with the characters.

I love the photo of all 4 of you with the castle in the background :goodvibes


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