COMPLETED-Peter Pans Christmas trip to Neverland! 19th- 23rd November

Thank you. yes they are lovely, I am very lucky. Was horrible toay...doing school run, matthew off to work..same old... worrying about money, health etc.... the reality of the world! haha... i want to be in my disney bubble again!

I totally know what you mean, thats why even though im back and holiday is over i still enjoy visiting the DIS boards, so i can share my experience and offer advice and read the exciting trip reports and share the excitment with others... i too need to find a way to fund another trip, would really love to go once ayear but it seems unlikely, with the way finances are at the moment :sad2:
I totally know what you mean, thats why even though im back and holiday is over i still enjoy visiting the DIS boards, so i can share my experience and offer advice and read the exciting trip reports and share the excitment with others... i too need to find a way to fund another trip, would really love to go once ayear but it seems unlikely, with the way finances are at the moment :sad2:

I know.... electric/gas gone crazy. even food shopping is £30 dearer then the same trolley full last year... its all gone nutty. But... I really want to work out a way to do it... as... scrimping and saving is a small price to pay for the experience of being in Disneyland Paris!
what a lovely tr and what amazing photos, your little fella looks fab as Buzz :goodvibes

My dd adores Little Mermaid too, she finally got to meet her last month and it was a moment I'll always treasure when my dd started humming the theme tune to her, it was great.

I'm currently working out the best time to go next year funds permitting, I just love it.


Well I woke up early.... 5.30am :scared1: to get bottles, clothes etc ready for everyone.. then woke everyone else up at 6.30am to get up and ready for breakfest at 7. stocked up again....on the free buffet! flask and all :rotfl:
and headed into park.. but on way.. it was so cold we ran back to room to add a few more layers... I wore my very umm flattering ski suit...:rotfl2: but hay I was snug as a bug, was lovely!!!

We went to Peter Pan first... where we went on it... something crazy like 7 times!!!! Then off to tea cups, followed by two turns on Buzz.... where I continued to get brilliant scores!! hahaha.

When EMH finished... we headed off for our first visit to the studios!



As we walked in... I thought... Il go check quickly what time Sully is around... saw the doors... and asked ben to come over for a pic infront of Boo's door! As we got there... guess who appeared!! :sulley: :sulley: The monster himself!! Well Ben was thrilled.... oh wait... no it was me who literally jumped up and down and ran at him with a huge cuddle!!



We got a number of pics, as he was all alone with us for abut ten mins! was fantastic! Then we headed off to do the Cars ride. Cars ride was made even more fun by the man running it, who was jumping around, dancing and blowing me kisses.. then waving to matthew! hahaha the wait was also 5 mins

we also saw that Crush's coaster was a Ten min wait!! So Matthew and I went off and did this, which was great fun... esp as we went backwards!!



After this, we had a quick mooch around.. then all decided although Studios was quite lovely... we were missing that "magic" feeling, so headed back into park, where we got some christmassy snaps.

We then went Pizza Planet, for a play and stretch for Milo.

to be continued!
. after this

We walked around the park a bit, then walked through the lands...


Did pirates.... which i thought Ben would be really scared of.... but.. amazingly!! he wasn't!! We made up games going throughout it, and i held him tight down all the dips... and when he came out.. he was chuffed!! Milo on the ohter hand LOVED THIS RIDE! he is only just one... haha. When we went down the dips he chuckled with laughter.. and i think the fake fire etc was all really fascinating to him!!!pirate:

We then did caseys while it was raining! This is us waiting! haha



on the way back to Discovery land where Buzz and Star Tours awaited us.... and again... we walked into a whole load of charecters.....(again! haha) we got some great pics. And also met others we didnt manage to get camera out in time for like Genie and Captain Hook.


While getting a pic with people a Cm came up to me and whispered.... Run now to Discovery land... Buzz is making a special appearance... if you run now you might catch him! It had been raining all day.. and Ben had already slipped over a million times (how slippery is the ground when wet!!!??) So... me... 5ft 3 thing... picked up Ben... huge 3 stone thing.. and ran from its a small world to Discovery land... where in the distance.. I saw something green... was it?? YES!!!!! I ran and shouted. "BUZZ!!!" I saw him leaving and his cm ushering him away... he then spotted ben wearing Buzz... and hesitated... i thought... please please... he then grabbed ben and ran with him away from all the people trying to get to him, and posed for Matthew to take a pic.... His cm..was really whinging and getting cross with me.. but Buzz signalled NO to him and pointed to Ben! haha, and then pulled ben away again, so we could do pic. Then he ran off with cm. haha. How wonderful is that? I did feel sorry for everyone else... but I think he just made a special exception for ben as he was wearing Buzz! i said a huge thank you to him and he gave me thumbs up!!!


Was so magical! ben was overwhelmed!! :wizard:


We then went off to Star Tours.. which was Bens 3rd fav ride! He loved it!! After this we went and found our magical Once upon a dream parade spot (hopefully by pics, you will see where I mean)






After this boys were sleepy, so watched Candlebration from afar.. then headed off to room for Ben to rest and Milo to sleep!

Day 4 of 5 coming up! (the crazy busy saturday!!)
:) more fab photos and how lucky have you been with all the characters, perfect timing :) I definitely think I'd invest in a ski suit if we make it there next to December, we were there December 05 and I've never been so cold.

Can't wait to see and hear some more xx
I posted a response only to come back and see more :goodvibes what a great experience with Buzz, it's fab when they make such a fuss over your little one and what an amazing photo of you and the balloon in the background, it's stunning
yes ski suit was a godsend.. for me and boys! Esp when on the outside rides, with wet seats etc.. cant beat it!
Thank you. Yes she was wonderful. Ben was so gushing about her... i expected him to go into school today all about Buzz etc... and the first thing he said was "I saw ariel... she was wonderful". haha... ohh.. it's too gorgeous!
Aww your rerport is great - you met so many characters!
I love your TR and your pictures too!!! :thumbsup2 How lucky were you with all those characters. I really like the pic of Ben with Buzz.... and I think you're the only one so far I have come across who has only waited for 10 mins for Crush!:eek:
I love your TR and your pictures too!!! :thumbsup2 How lucky were you with all those characters. I really like the pic of Ben with Buzz.... and I think you're the only one so far I have come across who has only waited for 10 mins for Crush!:eek:

hahaha i know!!! it was like that all day... was betwen 10 mins and 20 mins.. this was on a weekday.... on saturday when we popped in.. was nearly 2 hour wait!!
Fantastic report! Love your photos! We also met lots of characters in April, I think Mia had over 50 signatures in her book...

I really look forward to our trip next month. I know it'll be cold as we went there in Dec 2006 but it'll be magical... Just need to sort out the girls ski-suits
Loving your report & photos so far & looking forward to more. Your boys are just gorgeous & I love the Buzz story.
Thank you, yes the Buzz moment was really special.... I have another simular moment to come in day 4!!!

Yes Ski suits at the ready, haha although it was mostly sunny it was at times freezing, but then in afternoon was quite mild for a few hours... so layering is key!! haha
I love your reports - I can feel your excitement when reading them, it really shines through in your writing. :goodvibes
Loving the report. Awesome Buzz story in all the times I have been I have never met him yet:sad2: Good excuse to go back though:goodvibes

Woke up... and did my daily.. stick arm out the window weather test... and was very cold but lovely and dry, no damp in the air, so got everyones clothes ready, bottles, popcorn buckets... etc.. then we all got up and off to breakfast for 7 again.

Ben thought today was a day to be Peter Pan..... and this paid off later!!

ben played with his friend in the play area.. as they did every morning!!

Then we were off to park... We got some lovely pics in front of castle.... though in ever photo one of us is looking away... so in the end we thought sod it... just have silly photos! haha


We then went on peter pan....... and after a million gos Matthew and I stayed outside with Milo while nanny took Ben on for a few more!!

We then went on teacups and dumbo, then headed over to adventure land entrance to go on Pirates again before it got too busy. Well when the music started to say park was now open... it was mayhem, I nearly got knocked over :scared1: , so i sat Ben in buggy so it was safer and we walked quickly over. We waited maybe 15 mins for ride, so not bad at all. Milo loves it again!


After this we went and watched Mickeys Winter wonderland which was lovely, and not busy at all... i think morning rush for rides was goin on! Also its the perfect amount fo time for a show for a young child like milo.. who started to get a little restless towards the end... ben loved it, esp when he got up to dance!


Then as we headed back to central plaza area we heard that Charecter Express... which so far we had managed to miss, we I ran ahead with Ben, and Peter Pan was on it!! Which was great as Ben hadnt been able to Get a good view of Peter on the floats.

Then the train stopped and Peter ran to right where we were standing, but didnt notice Ben (may I add.... he was only charecter... that didnt put any effort into anything.. this same one on parade... just didnt look "into" it, i saw a different Peter on parade a different day and he was good... but this one was.. well... bit rubbish really.. only one I had any issue with, the rest were all wonderful!)

Anyway as it was saturday before we knew it there were hundreds of local children pushing their way in front.. and as Ben is shy this scared him and he said mummy lets go please...I knew he would be gutted that he had not met Peter when we got home, so i picked Ben up and tried to talk him around... but all the children were pushing and Ben got a little weepy, so we started to walk away, then Peters CM saw Ben and said... PETER!!! got bens hand and said "come with me" and He did.... haha... i think he was too polite to say no, like he did to me. haha. Then she walked him right to the front of the que and said Peter Wendy, look its Peter! And they were really lovely, esp wendy and took a photo for him. he was really pleased after... but still shell shocked by the amount fo people.


After this... it was just mayhem! Too busy... and Milo was stupidly cold even thought he was in layers, snow suit and fleece... so Nanny very kindly took them back to hotel for 2 hours to warm up and have a rest away from all the people. So matthew and I went to studios.. we wanted to do fast pass for TOT but it was 1 o clock and fast pass tickets were for nearly 5!! And wait was over 2 hours!!!! :scared1: :scared1:

So we went around park then got a fast pass for rock and roller coaster which was fun. We had a chat and held hands, just soaked in the atmosphere, then went to pick up boys.

Put them in more layers then returned to park for star tours... but wait was 80 mins! Buzz 95 mins..... so we just walked around really until it was 3.30, then ben fell asleep in buggy.... so we let them both sleep and found an emptier spot for parade nearer its a small world.


Parade was lovely as always, and our plan was to run to star tours while parade was still going.... so we did this.. got there and wait was still 60 mins! so we gave in ... we wanted to watch candlebrations and fantillusion but park went into madness... I went to baby room in central plaza to change milo quickly... and there were 8 mothers in there... crying hysterically who had lost their children! :scared1: :scared1:
It then took us 45 mins to get from baby room to exit! snails pace... the funniest part was an english man stood up on a bin and shouted to his mates he couldnt get to "EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF".. made me laugh. So we wondered around the village, went to mc donalds and around shops, and it was much nicer and emptier in village!! haha

Although i can safetly say that saturday was.... radiculous crowed wise... I think if it had been just matthew and I with no children.. and we didnt want to do rides it would have been fine, but with a buggy.. it really was hellish...the locals were being so rough and pushy that milo nearly got badly hurt in buggy by people falling and being pushed over towards buggy.. there was no order.

Ben got so upset he put his arms over Milo to protect him and shouted... "Dont you push my brother... he is a baby"... at that point the warmth came back for me... really melted my heart! :wizard: :wizard:

ANd i still wouldnt say this was a bad experience.. we just laughed about it... we had wed afternoon, thursday and friday where park was wonderful and empty and never waited more then 15 mins for a ride.. so it was just different.. but we saw the funny side of it, nothing was going to ruin our amazing holiday together.

coming up sunday... thankfully not so busy!! And amazingly snowy last day!!
wow, more gorgeous photos and another fab day ... your trip sounds truly amazing :goodvibes We met the same Peter Pan and Wendy at the MNSSHP, I'm pleased your gorgeous little fella got his photo with them ... you could make a lovely photo book full of fab memories from this trip, you were so lucky with all the characters.

I can't wait for the snowy day report :banana:


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