Controversial Topics Board

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I don't know, I think that Corey seems game to let us really debate. My one hope is that we can all try to keep the snark in check...that's when it can get nasty.
I don't think anyone wants a return to the nastiness of the Debates Forum... if we can have polite discourse, all the better!
I don't know, I think that Corey seems game to let us really debate. My one hope is that we can all try to keep the snark in check...that's when it can get nasty.
One thing I can guarantee is that it’s going to get nasty. That caused the demise of the debate board. Plus on glance through some of the posts on the CB, that are moderated, will also show how people get nasty behind a keyboard!!!
Anybody else got suggestions for the official uniform of the new "controversial topics" sub-forum? :laughing:

From Good Will Hunting:

"Yeah, I read that too. Were you gonna plagiarize the whole thing for us? Do you have any thoughts of your own on this matter."
One thing I can guarantee is that it’s going to get nasty. That caused the demise of the debate board. Plus on glance through some of the posts on the CB, that are moderated, will also show how people get nasty behind a keyboard!!!
Doesn't need to be nasty, if people can let their own thoughts stand up on their own all will be fine, most people are very respectful. Ideas are ideas, the fact another person lives different experiences and has a different perspective shouldn't be a threat to anyone ever, except in the case of illegal stuff, of course.

Certain people becoming hysterical because the world is not how they want it to be is not a valid reason to silence conversation, they need therapy not codeling. These hysterics also should not be permitted to derail conversations as a tactic, our whole country has endured this long enough.
Doesn't need to be nasty, if people can let their own thoughts stand up on their own all will be fine, most people are very respectful. Ideas are ideas, the fact another person lives different experiences and has a different perspective shouldn't be a threat to anyone ever, except in the case of illegal stuff, of course.

Certain people becoming hysterical because the world is not how they want it to be is not a valid reason to silence conversation, they need therapy not codeling. These hysterics also should not be permitted to derail conversations as a tactic, our whole country has endured this long enough.
Agreed! Too many throw around the term racist, homophobe and other similar terms just because someone doesn't agree with them.
Doesn't need to be nasty, if people can let their own thoughts stand up on their own all will be fine, most people are very respectful. Ideas are ideas, the fact another person lives different experiences and has a different perspective shouldn't be a threat to anyone ever, except in the case of illegal stuff, of course.

Certain people becoming hysterical because the world is not how they want it to be is not a valid reason to silence conversation, they need therapy not codeling. These hysterics also should not be permitted to derail conversations as a tactic, our whole country has endured this long enough.

Honestly, just perusing another thread that has gotten into a debate of sorts, and I'm not sure the debate board will actually really get all that far in many respects. Or they'll be short threads where both sides want to walk away and smash their heads against the wall. For nine years we haven't been able to say the names Trump, Biden or Clinton, but we all essentially know which "sides" we're on, or least which way we lean. We've had those proxy fights for years on the battlefields of Covid, mass shootings, transgender bathrooms....etc.

It's exhausting....and while I am certainly open to discussing how we would all be better off moving on to a new set of leaders....we're not getting that for 2024. We're possibly in for four terrible years from 2024-28 (in my opinion). Others seem to feel we're living in a communist state right now, and are positively miserable. I think that's ludicrous, but....I'll never convince them otherwise. Without just a basic and fundamental willingness to agree on facts, there's really very little point. At least to the political side of things.
Honestly, just perusing another thread that has gotten into a debate of sorts, and I'm not sure the debate board will actually really get all that far in many respects. Or they'll be short threads where both sides want to walk away and smash their heads against the wall. For nine years we haven't been able to say the names Trump, Biden or Clinton, but we all essentially know which "sides" we're on, or least which way we lean. We've had those proxy fights for years on the battlefields of Covid, mass shootings, transgender bathrooms....etc.

It's exhausting....and while I am certainly open to discussing how we would all be better off moving on to a new set of leaders....we're not getting that for 2024. We're possibly in for four terrible years from 2024-28 (in my opinion). Others seem to feel we're living in a communist state right now, and are positively miserable. I think that's ludicrous, but....I'll never convince them otherwise. Without just a basic and fundamental willingness to agree on facts, there's really very little point. At least to the political side of things.
Oh my, I am not on either side and tend to dip out when that sort of thing starts to rear its head. This is the derailing I am talking about. There is a very old way of thinking that demonizing one or the other indicates some kind of win - yeah no, I'm not into it & won't jump onto any bandwagons over it. I hate who I hate because of their own selves, not the brand, and I like who I like because of them, not the brand.

Not a fan of how "sides" seem to have commandeered points of view, what is up with that? The whole mask thing was the final straw for me. I don't think I'm the only one sick of it since Independants now far outnumber the people on either side, swelling to 49% so there are more people in the middle than anywhere else. There are many who refuse to acknowledge how very alienating the old ways have become in everyday life. It is fine for leaders but not fine everywhere else and it seems 49% are on the same page.

I don't want to debate people to prove I am right, that is also old fashioned. What I would like is a place to explore the best solutions for problems that accommodate the most variations possible and do the least possible damage to individual rights for self determination.
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