"Cool Straight People"

Viki said:
(always vodka, darlin')
Viki - how did I not know that?? What's your vodka of choice? We had a few Tecates on Friday night, then a nice smooth Patron Silver margarita ... yum ;)
How about a belle Acadienne to join the French Club?? :teeth: :teeth:

...and joining the Boozin' and Grubbin' Club, the Madonna Tour Club...the Canadian CSP's are here to *represent*!!

:wave: Hi everyone!

Like I posted on another thread about this subject...wow! I didn't even know that I had an acronym to use...CSP...all of the GLBT friends I've had have always just called me friend, but, I'm happy to use CSP... :goodvibes

Okay, since we've been telling the stories about our family friends, I'll share some of my story. The first boy I was ever allowed to go to the movie with back in 6th grade is gay. I knew it then and I am pretty sure that he did, but he didn't come out to me until we were in our second year of college...he handed me a rum and coke, sat me down on the sofa and said, "I've gotta tell you something really important...." We were both so happy he was finally out that we drank to his happiness. Unfortunately, our lives have gone separate ways and I often wonder how he is doing now...

When I became a single mom after divorcing whatshisname I went back to school and my last year I had to interpret a speech by one of the first year students in my program whose topic was "Deaf Gay Community" and outing herself to her classmates at the same time. It was an awesome speech and a great learning experience for all! With the last move we both made, I'd lost touch with her and her partner, but was thrilled when I get an email a couple of months ago from them to find out they are settled into life as an old married couple...I miss them and think about a road trip north from time to time.

I don't know how cool I am... :rolleyes: especially in the eyes of my DS who's almost 14...he thought I was over doing it on our trip last June during GayDays. I had made my own tshirt to show support...a grey shirt with red lettering that said, "Where's the Family Reunion?" I just wanted to show my support in a subtle way since red is my favorite color any ol' day.

Okay...now that I've gabbed too long it's time to go...just wanna add....happy to be part of the big DIS family. :grouphug:
Well, I hope I'm a CSP, otherwise I'd have some 'splaining to do to my sister, my brother, and their respective partners. I always knew I was the weird one in my family. It's nice to know that it means I get an acronym, too! (My sister says she's a "bad lesbian" because she can never remember LGBT!)

I'm still trying to figure out the "chicken and egg" relationship between my gay family and my gay friends. I don't know if I gravitate toward gay friends because I have gay siblings, but I sure seem to have a lot of both! And I'm glad that I have them because my life would be less than it is without their friendship and love.
I've posted in this thread a couple of times. Just wanted to say that I'm not gay, but I completly support the lifestyle. I have a couple of gay friends, & for me, it's not whether you're gay or not, but what kind of person you are. I only hope that everyone sees that someday.

Anyway, with that said, I'm proud to be a CSP. :)
momsgoofy said:
:wave: Hi everyone!

I don't know how cool I am... :rolleyes: especially in the eyes of my DS who's almost 14...he thought I was over doing it on our trip last June during GayDays. I had made my own tshirt to show support...a grey shirt with red lettering that said, "Where's the Family Reunion?" I just wanted to show my support in a subtle way since red is my favorite color any ol' day.

Okay...now that I've gabbed too long it's time to go...just wanna add....happy to be part of the big DIS family. :grouphug:

haha. You are silly. :thumbsup2 . I know how you feel, I have two teens and I am the biggest "dork" to walk the face of the earth. lol. Love the T-Shirt idea. I would wear one with pride.

BTW, love the fact that we have a "term" now CSP. That in itself makes us cool man. :thumbsup2
swtnikki said:
I've posted in this thread a couple of times. Just wanted to say that I'm not gay, but I completly support the lifestyle. I have a couple of gay friends, & for me, it's not whether you're gay or not, but what kind of person you are. I only hope that everyone sees that someday.

Anyway, with that said, I'm proud to be a CSP. :)

HEY!!! (sorry loud)

We should have T-shirts made!! Our little inside Dis secret!!!
I'm a CSP- family and friends in the community! you all go! I too try and teach my ds7 they are no different than us....I must also say that some of my G&L friends/family treat my family better than others...I find most to be more helpful and respectful than stright people! :cool1: :grouphug:
I have been involved in theatre for 33 years, and most of my close friends are gay. I teach high school, and write plays about all kinds of things, including homophobia and the aids quilt. I have become somewhat of a champion of human rights at our school.
I am saddened that my family won"t be able to go to gay days. My son and wife have been in pride parades, and my son loves everyone. We will be doing our first wdw trip later in June.
I guess I am writing to thank you for writing your thread. When I think of the amount of joy I have by the diversity in my life, I really feel like I should be thanking you.
Do people really write bad stuff on these board?
I am longing for the day where we no longer have to be CSP or CGP but just be CP :cheer2: :woohoo: :firefight pixiedust: :charac2: :dancer:
You have such a beautiful baby!

CSP is such a better term then the rest I have been called.

This is a nice thread. I have only bit off both ends so far.

I'm going to assume that quite a few 'CSP's' are parents. Our kids are tact impaired (blame us, I guess), and at the age where sex is the funniest idea ever invented. An extension of that is that GAY is absolutey hilarious. Should we redouble our efforts at behavioral modification or just hope the acquaintences will understand?
I hope I am viewed as a CSP! :) I work with, and am very close to, 4 gay men, and also have met MANY wonderful beautiful and just down right caring lesbians. If anyone viewed my myspace page they would know how much I support gay rights.
I love that this board here has such a wonderful community where the support seems to flow freely. I read here as often as I can, mostly to get AWAY from negative threads on the main boards and to jump into peace and openess.
So thanks to the GLTB community for also letting us straight (but not in my dreams uh-oh lol) people into your lives ;)
Im a CSP and like I said on another thread here on this board, being gay is just a life style not a disease or something as many people would look at it that way. I got upset when I read about someone being afraid to take her children to Gay Day's at Disney and it upsetted me, you cannot hide your children from the world. I have a Gay uncle who lives with his BF and I have a very good friend thats Gay and he is so cool to be around and he loves my DD's to death. I was raised not to hate and my DD's will be raised the same.
hey hey hey,

finally a nice thread im soo fed up of telin peepz that gays are people as well. i wunda if i count as a csp i dnt hav any gays or lesbians in my family a few of my frnds r tho n theyre all mega nice n fun 2 b with.

:Pinkbounc CRAZIEST CHIK IN THE WORLD :Pinkbounc :bounce: :yay: :cheer2: :banana:


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