Countdown to the Clown! A September PTR - Updated 9/13 - TR LINK

Welcome back!!! I loved all of your updates & can't wait to hear all about your trip & see tons of pictures! :goodvibes

Don't feel bad about "mommy meltdowns"...we definitely all have those! Vacations are wonderful but can be stressful especially with little ones! (Trust me, I know & understand!!!) :)

You WON a photo session at the Beach Club???? HOW AMAZING!!! Since we just did a photo session at the BC in June, I was sooooo excited to hear you say this!!! I can't wait to see your pics, I'm sure they turned out amazing! I hope Henry cooperated alot better than Luke did! Did you get pics on the beach or by that car? We didn't get many because that's when Luke started getting hungry & tired, but we definitely will be going back in a few years to do another photo session! It was soooo worth it! I have so many of the pictures up all over my office & made so many reprints after I got my PhotoPass CD back with all the borders! :goodvibes (sorry for all the exclamation marks...I was just soooo excited for you! I love photography & the Beach Club!!!)
Pictures are uploading....TR coming soon. :yay:

I still need to READ all your comments, let alone reply to them too! I really do want to read them and reply, I hope to get that done tonight. This weekend has slipped away on me, between attempting to get caught up here and real's been busy and good.

We've been back 3 days and Henry has said "I miss Mickey's House" at least a dozen times. I think I've said it more though...
Pictures are uploading....TR coming soon. :yay:

I still need to READ all your comments, let alone reply to them too! I really do want to read them and reply, I hope to get that done tonight. This weekend has slipped away on me, between attempting to get caught up here and real's been busy and good.

We've been back 3 days and Henry has said "I miss Mickey's House" at least a dozen times. I think I've said it more though...

You know we'll all be here waiting!

Henry is too cute missing Mickey's House! You know, if you miss Mickey's House there's always May ;)
Deosn't that just break your heart. I want to say, I am so sorry for being such a bad mommy and living in Ohio to Claire when she says stuff liek that. If I could, we would move to Disney! LOL!
Welcome home!!! :lmao: No, I don't really mean that. I miss Mickey's house too. :sad2:

It was great meeting you, Joe and Henry at DHS and again on the boat.
I am glad we got some pictures to send to Jordan.

Trying to catch up and go back to the real world in the morning. :sad2:

I am so lucky I have to endure the real world for only 3 weeks before I get to go back.
I sure hope it cools down some. The last few days were brutally hot.
I bet you will love it! Walking right out the back door at the end of an Epcot evening and being home in just minutes is a dream come true!

I hope you all find your place. It hurts to even hear about you being somewhere you don't feel is right. I traveled as a kid, because my dad was in the Air Force. We moved here my junior year in high school, even though I desparately wanted to go back to St. Pete. It took a while, but Tennessee grew on me, and it is most definitely home. I have lived in my house for nearly 24 years now. Trent had just turned two. That house is run down and needs many repairs, but it is still home. It's the place we all like to gather for family time.

Brook, I am glad you and Joe and Henry feel great about where you are, and I hope those who are seeking that comfortable place, that sanctuary of their own, will soon find it.

As you well know now, I LOVED the Boardwalk. I have really enjoyed other resorts, but I could easily stay there over and over again. I miss it!

Thank you for the words as well! Home truly should be your sanctuary, and it feels wonderful that we are finally forming that. More and more this feels like home.

Just popping wish Henry a VERY HAPPY 3rd BIRTHDAY! (I hope I got that right, it's tomorrow, right?!) I can't believe he's 3!!!!!!! I remember when he was sooo little and now such a big boy that has really made himself a celebrity on your PTR/TRs. I know I'm not the first or the last person to tell you how fond I am of your reports and living your trips with your family, you guys are great people, so fortunate to have you as one of my DIS friends!! I hope that you all have a wonderful birthday celebration with your little man, have a wonderful trip and I can't wait to hear all about it!!! Safe travels and pixie dust that Earl stays clear of your plans!!!!

Just popping in to tell Henry Happy Birthday!!!!! Hope he has an awesome day!!!

Happy 3rd Birthday Henry!

Happy Birthday Henry!!!!

Oh wow!

Happy Birthday Henry!

Here are some characters for you:

Happy B-DAY to your little guy!

I wish I was going to be in FL in 38 hours!

Have a great time!!!!

Happy Birthday Henry!

And Earl made it to German radio news this morning

Happy Birthday, Henry!
Hope you have a wonderful day!
Have fun at Mickey's house!

(From:the 'stranger' that is going to keep you and Bella in the gift shop in March while all the crazy people ride Dinosaur and make silly faces. ;))

Happy Birthday Henry!!! Have a wonderful day celebrating!!!

Happy Birthday Henry!

And Happy 24 hours (or so) to go!


I haven't heard the latest on Earl. Hoping he makes a turn that makes it a non-issue for you.

For those of you talking Hurricane Gloria, I remember that too. School was canceled and we didn't have power for several days in Connecticut! As a kid it was an "adventure." Not something I am looking to repeat...

Have a safe trip. "See" you on FB!!

Happy Birthday Henry.

Happy Birthday Henry!!!!

While I am excited that your trip is so so close, I realized today that more PTR!! What will I do?! I will have to find all these fabulous people on other threads. I have enjoyed reading all of your plans so much but also "meeting" all the great people in here.

Any more word on Earl!?

Happy 3rd Birthday Henry!!!

Aww, I have chills reading your birthday post about your little man!! Embrace these moments, they grow so fast!! What an amazing Mommy you are, Brook!!

Happy, Happy Birthday Henry!!

Happy birthday Henry!

Have fun at the zoo!

Happy Birthday Henry!

Aren't the changes from 2 to 3 so big in a child? I can't believe how much my oldest changed between the ages of 2 and 3. I was like "Where did this KID come from?" Experiencing that now with my nearly 2 and half year old. Hope you all have a fun filled day.




Happy Birthday Henry!

I can't beleive how close your trip is. I bet you will have a wonderfu lday today, just relaxing with your little man...and he is a man now! 3 is that magical number that truns a boy into a man! :rotfl2:

We live no too far from Cedar Point, and there is a ride like that one you posted. I think it's called top speed dragster. I would NEVER ride it. Paige has rode it a ton of times and loves it. But it does sometimes not make it up and sometimes almsot gets stuck on top. and teeters back and forth till it goes back way or the other! :scared1:

Have a wonderful day and a wonderful trip!

Again, Happy Birthday to Henry!


Hey Brook, I just wanted to get my 2 cents in...


Happy birthday to Henry!!!

Hope you have a great trip and that Joe is not delayed by Earl!


I hope you and your lovely family have a great time celebrating your special day today! Tomorrow you're off to the happiest place in the world with your Mommy and Daddy will be right behind you guys! Have a great time and tell your Mommy we look forward to her updates!


Happy Birthday, Henry!!!!! I hope you have the BEST day!!!!

You'll see Mickey Mouse so soon!!


Happy Birthday Henry!!!

Happy Birthday Henry!!!!


So I got all caught up with your plans just in time for your trip! They look great!! Now Earl just needs to stay AWAY! We live in Miami and know about hurricanes all too well, unfortunately.
Have a fantastic trip!! I'd love to follow along on fb, so I'm going to PM you.

Happy Birthday Henry!!!

Happy Birthday Henry!!!

Happy 3rd Birthday Henry!!!!

I hope you have a magical day!​

Happy 3rd Birthday to Henry!!!!!
AND... tomorrow you will be in Disney World!!!

A BIG :bday:


Happy Birthday Henry!

And: Have the most wonderful trip to WDW!! I hope no Earl, Fiona, Gaston etc. will have anything to do with your trip! Enjoy the Boardwalk, make plenty of lovely memories!

I will be looking forward to your updates on FB and of course the TR!! Say Hi to Liesa and LL from me!!

Brook, I am all weepy from your birthday post. You are so right -- the people our children become are so much better than anything we imagined!!! Of course, the tears really started when you quoted, "I love you up to the moon and back." I can't tell you how many times I read "Guess How Much I Love You" to the kids when they were little. We still say that line to each other when I am tucking them into bed.

Hope you had a great time at the zoo and a wonderful party for Henry! Have an absolutely magical time at Disney!!! Can't wait to hear all about it when you get home!


Here's a happy birthday cake from Jack Jack to you!!!

From all my Incredibles family.... we hope you had an INCREDIBLE birthday!!

Tell Mickey hi for us!!!!

:bday: HENRY!

Brook, it doesn't seem that long ago that I was reading your Honeymoon Trip Report and then finding out that you were pregnant.


Happy Birthday Henry!!

I hope you had a fun day at the zoo & have an even better time at Disney!!

Don't you hate clowns?????? Good thing you didn't notice this sooner!

Happy Birthday Henry! I hope you had a great day!

Happy Travels Brooke and family - I hope you have an absolutely wonderful trip!!!!! Take LOTS of pictures. that is an order!

Your birthday thoughts, brought tears to my eyes. All of what you said is so true. And boy it just gets better from here. Of course my son has always been great to be around, but there was just something when he turned 3 and it continued when he turned 4. They really go from being babies to being little boys (big boys as they would say), and sometimes you catch glimpses of the men that they will someday become.

I hope you and Henry had a wonderful day. And have a safe trip and here is some pixie dust for an Earl free trip for both you and Henry and Joe.

Looking forward to your trip report, since this pre-trip report is about over. :goodvibes

Awwwwww.......what an amazing post Brook!!! I so loved hearing you talk about Henry and him growing up!!! You are raising one very wonderful boy!!!!


I can't wait to see about your family adventure to Disney!!

I read these comments on Henry's birthday, right before we left for the trip - and just read them all again. Thank you for the wishes, Henry LOVED all the pictures and smileys. Just a few moments he was looking over my screen and commented once again with a big smile on his face...tonight his favorites were the ones with cake.:rotfl: (I had to erase the pictures so I could post this!)

All your words and comments about seeing your own children grow make me all fuzzy inside. It truly is amazing being a MOM. It's not always fun, and often not glamorous (anyone ever catch puke in your hand?! I know YOU HAVE Poolrat!!! :laughing:), but its a job I am honored to have.

And the comments about going from baby to little boy---SO true. It's so much fun to see his personality shining through. Every age I say this, but I gotta say it again, "I love this age!" :goodvibes
I grew up on LI and we went to six Flag many times. Love it. I went on the one just like at Cedar point. My Dh and DS sat out. My DD and I loved it.

I got he standard through Disney. I did finally read through it to make sure it covered " Acts of nature" and it does. It covers a certain amount if you are delayed or interrupted. I figured if I got it then there would NOT be a hurricane. I have had a couple of trips with extra visitors. I got married right after Hugo. We had to quickly change our honeymoon plans!!

I was in Gloria!!!!! I was in college. Now I am really showing my age here ) We had the eye!!! Of course all the college students were busy yelling at trees to fall and taking care of the keg from the party the night before that got cancelled. We got power on campus back pretty quick since we were a priority and had the hospital etc. The towns people would come to campus to do laundry.

I think Earl finally started turning more north. Even the weather guys right now are on alert. I hope for everyone's sake they are being overly cautious and it won't cause any major problems. Earl is sucking up Fiona now!!!

That's why I got trip insurance!!!

Thank you for getting trip insurance, you made Earl go away! :rotfl:

I love Six Flags too. I hope we can go next summer, as we found out this trip, Henry is a thrill rider. :thumbsup2

Glad I talked to you today!! Now I know that I'll be on the lookout for that perfect little something for that little cutie patootie when I see him! HOpe he doesn't freak out too much when I pinch his cute little cheeks! :littleangel:

He LOVED meeting you! And as you know, also loved that you had Tate with you. ;)

So glad you are enjoying your new home:goodvibes NYC certainly does have a lot to offer. I live so close and don't really take advantage of it as much as I should.

I am really looking forward to staying at the Beach Club, mostly to be within walking distance to Epcot for the Food & Wine Festival, my favorite event at the World! I own DVC at AKV so at 7 months I changed to Boardwalk (I didn't really care if it was Boardwalk or Beach Club, just wanted to be in that area) and then I wait listed for Beach Club just to see what happened. Well in about 3 weeks my wait list had come through. I had some serious pixie dust! I definitely want to stay at the Boardwalk too so I am looking forward to your review of it:thumbsup2 I also have friends staying there later in September.

Also, I wanted to say happy birthday to Henry! He is absolutely adorable and I can't believe how big he has gotten! Hope you have a fun birthday celebration tomorrow and continue to celebrate in Disney. Still hoping Earl doesn't interfere with any of your plans:hug:

I'll send you a PM about Facebook. I'd love to follow along:woohoo:

That is some serious pixie dust for F&W at the BC! We spent a bit of time over there since it was so close to the BW, lovely, lovely, lovely resort - we look forward to staying there sometime too!

BTW, based on what they said on the Today show today it looks like Earl is at least cooperating with your travel plans right? Still sending up some prayers and hoping for the best for you guys!

Thank you for the prayers! They helped! :thumbsup2 I'm glad Earl became a non-issue.

For some reason I just noticed or read your ticker. :rotfl2:

"Only one day...." I'm with ya here.... :banana:

"...until we bask in the glow of the creepy clown." :scared1: :scared: :faint: Lost me there. ;)

Despite the clown, I'm sure it will be a fantastic trip! :goodvibes

:rotfl: The clown only added to the trip. ;)

I just wanted to pop back in.....I was watching Man vs. Food and he was eating a corn dog...reminded me of two things...must tell Brook and family TO HAVE A MAGICAL TRIP!!! and also at the BW near the boat launch there is a little stand that sells corn dogs :goodvibes Just in case you don't get enough at Caseys!! I hope the stand is still there :confused3

Have a most wonderful time and I am looking forward to your FB updates!


The stand IS still there! We went to get one during our stay, but it was closed. :sad2: It's only open during dinner time.

I love that a corn dog reminded you of me! :rotfl: Gee I wonder why!

Just 1 day!! I would be over the top right now. When we get to 1 day my family won't even be able to stand me! Have an amazing trip! Can't wait to hear all about it.

I was SO stinkin' excited. If it hadn't been Henry's birthday I would have been bouncing off the walls I'm sure. It was nice to have something to occupy my day!
Brook, if I don't catch you before you leave tomorrow, I hope that you, Henry and Joe have a most magical vacation. I look forward to reading all about it when you get back. And I hope all hurricanes stay away until after both of our trips. ;)

BROOK......... HAVE A GREAT TIME IN DISNEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't wait to hear all about it!!!!!

Awww! Your post about Henry was so sweet! I hope you had a fabulous time at the zoo and Henry had a great birthday! Being 3 is a big deal when your a little guy!

I hope you have a magical, fabulous trip! I can't wait to follow along on FB! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Joe on Friday! DH is still leaning toward it not being too bad!

Just in case I don't DIS with you before you leave...

Have a WONDERFUL trip!


Have a great trip!!! I can't wait to follow your FB updates.

Couldn't remember what time you were leaving tomorow and wanted to say -


And yet another victim of pre-trip excitement, and no emotional energy (or time) to hit that reply button. I empathize.


Have a magical and pixie dust filled trip!

Have a safe trip and a great time!!!!!!

Have a magical magical trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brook, Henry and Joe, have a wonderful trip!!!

Wishing you a magical trip and pixie dust galore! :goodvibes

Brook, you made it through Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and now it's Disney Day!!! Have a great trip!

A mass reply is totally fine with us. We all understand where you are at right now - we have all been there. Don't even try to catch up on individual replies. Get ready to go, have fun, and come back and tell us all about it. Have a fantastic trip!

Have a SPECTACULAR trip! I will be following along on facebook. It will be a nice escape from my in-laws this weekend!

Since your light is still green, there might be a chance for you to see it! I hope all your family will travel safely and timely to WDW! Have a great trip!

Have a wonderful trip!!! :wizard:

Today is quadruple WOOT worthy today!!

WOOT WOOT WOOT WOOT WOOT WOOT WOOT WOOT (I probably sound like a train)

Have the most amazing time Brook!!! Sending lots of Pixie dust that Earl won't cause much of a wrench in the plans!!!!!

So glad Henry had a great bday that is fantastic! I will look forward to pictures!!!!!


have a great trip!

Have a magical trip!

Earl stinks! You know I'm thinking of you and keeping my fingers crossed!!! Good luck!

Pixie Dust:wizard: for Brook, Henry, and especially Joe on getting out of NYC!! Have a GREAT trip. Cant wait to hear all about it:dance3:

Have fun! My Mom was saying we were as hot yesterday as they were!! And I know NYC was hotter than we were. Good news is that it apparently isn't that humid right now, she was raving about how nice the weather is right now, hope it holds out for your trip! Good luck to Joe getting out! Tell him to rent a car and drive to Syracuse, we should be far enough inland that Earl won't affect us :)

Have a great time!

Yay, so excited for you!!! Safe travels!!!!!:goodvibes

Have a wonderful trip! I hope Joe gets in safe and sound.

I hope your trip is amazing in every way! I cannot wait to read the little updates from your family as you travel on your magical way.

Have a great trip!!!!!! Can't wait to hear all about it when you get back!!!!

Have a great trip! See ya when you get back! Keeping my fingers crossed that Earl doesn't pose any problems for Joe.

I took MeMom's advice and am doing mostly mass replies. :goodvibes THANK YOU to everyone for the well wishes, prayers and pixie dust! It all made for one awesome you'll soon start to read. ;)
I just read this on Brook's Facebook posting and thought I'd share with all of you regarding her husband, Joe:

"Joe is on a flight on his way here, we decided not to risk playing with Earl."

I was coming over to post the same. I guess great minds do think alike! ;);)

I was gonna post that too!
There is a really cute video of Henry jumping on t he bed on facebook too! :cloud9:

I saw that -- way too cute. :)

Thanks for posting the stuff from FB! It worked so smoothly to change Joe's flights, I'm glad we did it even though it turned out Joe's flight would have left on time with no problem. It was GREAT having him there on the first day.

By all accounts on FB, they are having a great time! What an amazing view from their room!! I'm sure we all wish we were there! :upsidedow

The view was AMAZING! We didn't nearly take advantage of it enough, but sure did enjoy it the times we did.

Awww, found this thread too late ( yesterday) to be FB friends, but thanks to everyone for the updates. Such a cute family!:thumbsup2 looking forward to the trip report!

Thank you!!! :goodvibes

Looks like Joe made it! :thumbsup2 There is a picture of him holding Henry who is giving a thumbs up! Very happy he rode.....well I can't spoil the surprise! :laughing:

:rotfl2: Thankfully that surprise is early in the trip!

Have a great day at the AK. Say hi to the elephants for Mark (we are at the hospital and his angioplasty will begin in about an hour). I'm so glad you guys are having a great time. HOW DID YOU FORGET THE COFFEE???? I'm glad you are surviving without.

Will be watching FB for updates.

I cannot believe I forgot the coffee. It's usually one of the first things I pack! Thankfully the in-room stuff wasn't really all that bad! I don't know what brand it was, but not Nescrape. :thumbsup2
Have a great day!!!!!! pixiedust:

Glad your DH was able to get out in time!!! :yay:

Me tooooooooooo! It was a relief to have him there on time.

It looks like you are having a blast Brook! Oh no about the coffee!

We were having a GREAT time! Despite the coffee ordeal. ;)

That's great news! Except for the coffee... but hey, now you really have to try out all the real coffee stands :)

:rotfl: I like the way you think! (and I did try a new one...!)

It's great to hear that everyone made it there safely and that you're already having a blast! Glad you're digging the Boardwalk.

I was relieved when we were able to change Joe's flights and it was okay with work. Now we have to juggle vacation time for the holidays, but that a whole different issue.

Oh no about the coffee!!!! You might be able to get espresso at the Bakery, I can't recall. Glad you all have arrived safe and sound and are raring to go!

I do believe the Boardwalk Bakery did have some decent coffee....I never actually tried it! :eek: I did see quite a few people with cups from it though, so I'm guessing it was better stuff.

Woo-hoo!:woohoo: Live updates from Brook!:goodvibes I'm so glad Joe made it there safely, better to be safe than sorry.:thumbsup2

Ya, my family aren't early risers either. Which makes it all the more ridiculous that I've booked 8:00am breakfasts for our upcoming trip!:laughing: Smart move, huh?

I've heard the BWV are just gorgeous and you can't beat walking to Epcot. I hope your AK day is fabulous. It's such a beautifully themed park!:goodvibes Have a magical day!:wizard:

As far as the coffee goes, why oh why can't they put a couple of Starbucks at Disney!

We had an 8:00 am breakfast once...we were late for it! :rolleyes: This trip was different in that manner...we woke up early almost every day. Very weird for this family.

They used to have iced Caribou Coffees at various shops, the the Main Street Bakery, but now they have switched to something else that isn't NEARLY as good and way more expensive. We were excited to get Caribou (it's a MN chain), and it was gone. :sad2:

So psyched you are ALL there already and ready to go. I hope you are enjoying your day at the AK.

Forgetting the coffee - minor - but it reminds me to make sure I pack mine this weekend! ;)

:laughing: Glad I helped ya out there!
Love the live updates. I never seem to find the time.

OMG - I can't believe you forgot the coffee! :scared1: But glad the in room is not toooooo bad. :rotfl:

I usually don't find the time either, but this trip was so much slower paced and was NICE. I love that September is quiet enough that we can take it easy and still accomplish a ton.

Loving all the updates Brook! :love: But hope you're enjoying your uptime and not worrying about all of us!!;) I seriously feel like I'm on vacation with you right now!!!! So glad everyone is there together and having a nice time so far!!! :hug:

I LOVED doing the live updates on both here and Facebook! It was fun to share in the excitement and fun with you all!!

Yippeee! I'm so glad Joe got there safe and sound! It's been pouring here off and on for about an hour or so. No wind at all, yet ;)

I'm so excited to hear you've been swept away by BW! Your view is amazing!

NO COFFEE?! You could go over to Poly and buy a bag of Kona :rolleyes1 I really, really think you need it! Or you can buy the mickey coffee in the shops, it's not bad!

I would love some of that Kona Coffee....drooooooooool. So, so good. They serve the pot over at 'Ohana for breakfast too, right? I am thinking 'Ohana might be our breakfast spot of choice next trip.

Loving the photos on FB. Thanks for the wishes for Mark, Brook. He is fine and should be leaving hospital in a couple of hours.

I'm so happy to hear it went well...even better than expected! Stinks that he had to go through all that just to find out he's one of the 10, but at least he's healthy. :thumbsup2

I'm lovin' all the FB updates!! :)

I can *NOT* believe after all your coffee talk YOU actually forgot it! :) :rotfl2: If Tim (sssshh...) is still reading, that's as bad as him forgetting their tickets!! LOL :rotfl:

Keep having fun...



I can't believe I forgot it either! I had started using the packet I was going to bring and then completely blanked out to pack it after making my pot that morning!!!

Dancing nanners for live updates!!

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

I love me some dancing nanners! (Or dancing protein as I was saw you call it. :lmao:)

I am going to like these live updates!!!

Oh, no about the coffee!!! Glad you were able to bring yourself to try the in-room coffee. LOL!

Now you have me wanting to stay at the Boardwalk even more than I did before!

Enjoy your day at Animal Kingdom!

The in-room coffee was MUCH better than I remember is being from 2008. The package looked the same, but perhaps I'm just less of a coffee snob? :laughing: I don't know if they had Splenda in the packets back then either, and I'm all about Splenda or Truvia (or the like), not big on real sugar in my coffee or Equal, etc.

I'm now not a coffee snob...but picky! :rotfl:

You guys all crack me up about the coffee!!!! I don't drink it at all...don't even care for the smell of it...but I guess from the sounds of's pretty awful! on property!! :laughing:

Love all of the FB upadates :goodvibes


I'm JEALOUS that you don't drink it! I wish I wasn't addicted. I've almost convinced myself to start weaning off it....but seriously, it's a drug to me. It's bad, bad, bad. I really should attempt to cut down some.

But I love it.


Not sure if they still do, but they used to serve Nescafe brand.

I've heard more than a few DISers call it Nescrap. :rotfl:

I call it Nescrape! They do serve Joffery's in some of the locations in Epcot and a few other places. It's MUCH better. Not sure what's in the room, but it seemed to taste better than the typical Nescrape.

LOVE live updates!!!

Oh dear to the coffee. I was also going to suggest checking in the Boardwalk Bakery? Or you're just a hop, skip and a jump from Epcot! :)

Epcot has Joffery's all over the place. :thumbsup2 We found ourselves there much more often than at the Boardwalk Bakery!
I've thought about you guys a few times today, & wondered what you were doing on your 1st full day. :) have a GREAT weekend!!

Thank you!!! We had a great 1st full day! It was a bazillion degrees in AK, but we had fun, as you'll soon be reading about. :goodvibes

Yay! :yay: I knew you'd fall in love with BWV!

So glad Joe arrived safely... Have fun!


It is AWESOME! Love, love, love that resort!!! I miss the music!


Loving your "live" report!! Glad Joe was able to get there earlier than planned! :thumbsup2

I don't do FB very often, but I would love to follow your trip on it.

(p.s. - when hunger calls, nothing wrong with going off and getting a snack by yourself! ;))

It was kinda fun to explore a bit on my own - and being stroller free and child-free was a bit of a treat! Joe ended up doing the same later in the week while Henry and I napped.

Glad you had a great day! Swimming sounds like a great choice for the evening! Glad the weather is good. Let's just keep it that way, shall we? :rolleyes1

Yes, for several weeks, please. ;)

I concur!!!

I hope it stays that way for you guys! I haven't been up to date with the hurricanes now that I'm back here. Just checked my iPhone app, looks like Igor is still out there, huh? I hope he stays out there and swims with the fishes!

Glad you all made it safe and sound.

I have my coffee packed.:thumbsup2 First time I am actually bringing it. Usually I suffer.:sad2:

When I use the room stuff I double bag it. I stuff 2 filters in there and it is not too bad. The stuff in the rooms is better than the Nescafe at the food courts.

I only have 1 more sleep.:banana:

That is a good idea about double bagging it! I didn't think about that. Tip noted! And yes, the in-room stuff was much better than the food court stuff. I can barely drink a cup of that.

It was REALLY fun to meet you! :hyper: Are you going to do a TR too? You have to at least post your China Bowl pictures. :rotfl:

Woo hooo for swimming! I'm glad Henry enjoyed it! Ryan just started liking the beach this summer! I can't wait to get him in the pool at WDW!

Keeping my fingers crossed that you'll make it to RD!

Henry LOVED swimming! He was a little fish! I was happy because before he'd either not enjoy it, or just sorta tolerate it but be done after a short while. He requested pool time this trip!

I'm so glad you made it there!! I hated the idea weather could keep you from the happiest place on earth. :goodvibes

Have a wonderful and magical time!! :cloud9:

Thank you! I'm so glad Earl became a non-issue for us.

YAY for live updates! SO glad Joe was able to make it down early and avoid all the Earl stuff!!!

Loving your FB updates!!! So much fun is being had!

It was such a relief to just know he was on his way and we weren't going to be guessing about it.

Thanks. I'm tempted but I'm also really looking forward to your trip report and don't want to spoil the surprises. Your son is super cute and 3 is the best age. It was such magic taking my DS to Disney at 3. He really got it and was curious about everything. His favorite ride at 3 was ToT. Not so much now. I think logic has sunk in.;) Impatiently waiting to experience that magic again for the first time with my daughter.

I hope you enjoy every moment of your trip. :)

I understand! I'm the same way about things. And there were a few pixie dust moments that I couldn't hold back my excitement, so those will be all new for you! :goodvibes

Three was a wonderful age - you are right! It was complete magic.
Thats exactly how I am. I can't understand how people taste it and go MMMM! LOL! I think ...BARF! But I guess we're in the minority!

:rotfl: Be glad you are...

Glad you survived a swim with the clown! He's probably just lulling you into a false sense of security.

:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:Oh too funny!!!!

I really hope you made rope drop or else I'm going to be very disappointed. LOL.

:laughing: I'm not gonna tell! You gotta wait for the TR!

I just found your reports about a week ago and have read them all in the last few days. It's so exciting that you are there now! I hope ya'll are having a fantastic time! I can't wait to read this trip report too!


:welcome: Thank you for reading!!! I hope to start the TR TONIGHT! I'll post a link here.

I'm loving the live updates! since I'm not on FB, this will have to do

So glad Joe made it out safely and that you guys survived swimming with the creepy clown

Can't wait to hear if you made rope drop!

The Creepy Clown truly is a nice guy once you get to know him. ;)

Updates on FB AND here?! You're awesome!! It's like being right there with you!

:laughing: Thanks! It was fun to have a relaxing enough trip to get on the DIS a few times and post. I loved doing the Facebook stuff, made waiting in line a breeze too while I read everyone's comments.

Wow, you accomplished quite a bit this morning (did you make rope drop?). I love the pic of Henry with Minnie -- too cute. So glad you are having a great trip.

Not sharing about RD until the TR....:rolleyes1

Aww, love the picture of Henry with Minnie!

I just opened up iPhoto and clicked on a couple pictures - that one was one of them! It made me grin. I still haven't even looked at all of them!

Loving the live updates!! Glad Joe made it safely & you are having a good time.

Thank you!!!

what a great morning! Good luck on the nap, that's not something I could do (vacation or not, just can't do it, which really sucks!)

have a great meet!!!!!!!!!!

I don't nap too often, but it sure feels gooooooood when I can and do. In college and my early 20's I could nap ANYWHERE. I'd even fall asleep for just a few minutes, while standing or sitting, and wake up ready for whatever I was waiting for. :laughing:

Holy cannoli's Brook!

It looks like you're all having a fabulous time! You certainly knocked out quite a bit of MK! You must have made rope drop then! Did you hit Space Mountain yet??? I'm loving the updates and since I'm not on Facebook, it's been really fun reading them here! It's almost like being there, thanks for posting! Enjoy the rest of your time, I hope the Wishes dessert party is awesome! I've been wanting to do that too. Henry must be loving it all and you must be loving watching him enjoy the magic so much! Have a great night.

We truly did have a great MK day! It was a blast with Henry - I can't wait to write about that day and his reactions to everything!

Oh my gosh, that picture of Henry with Minnie is so stinkin' cute!

Did ya make rope drop????

Enjoy your corn dog nuggets!

Not sharing about RD until the TR! :laughing:

Henry + Minnie = :lovestruc

Glad you're having such a great time. Thanks for sharing your trip with us!

So fun reading along. Thanks for the updates!

Oh my gosh! That is too stinking cute! Henry and Minnie!!!! Awww! Sounds like you are having an awesome time! Enjoy!

I love the picture of Henry with Minnie. So precious.

Loving all the updates, Brook! I feel like I'm there with you!! What a great time it seems like you're having already! Love, love, love that pic of Henry with Minnie! SO cute!!!!!!!!

I am so glad that Henry loved the pool. It looks like he is really getting into the groove of touring the parks. Cute picture with Minnie. Thanks for updating here. Love your updates!

Love the adorable picture of Henry and Minnie...too cute!!

OOOH that view....I can't wait to be there and see that view!

Loving the updates, Brook!!! Glad to hear you are having a great time!! The picture of Henry with Minnie is precious!!!!! :)

This is so much fun reading your live post! I'm glad you're having a great trip! I'm even happier to hear that it doesn't seem as hot to you!!! I hope it stays that way!

Hope you all are having a great time.

I so enjoy your live updates Brook and of course I'm following you on FB too (I'm starting to feel like a stalker LOL)!! Hope you guys have a great day today!!! ENJOY!!!!!

Thanks everyone for your comments! And you are very welcome on posting the live updates! It was fun to have a relaxing enough trip to have the time to do that, often I mean to but am too wiped out. Thank you for reading and enjoying it along with us!


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