Countdown to the Clown! A September PTR - Updated 9/13 - TR LINK

Yippeee for a live update!

Don't ya just love those less then Magical moments?! I've had a few of those myself ;)

Sounds like a fabulously relaxing day! Can't wait hear all about it!

I think Mommy Meltdowns are part of the Epcot experience. :laughing: Glad you are having a great time! Love the picture of Henry with Minnie! Too cute!

Gorgeous pictures. That is an awesome picture of Henry and the fish! So glad you are having a wonderful time!!!!! Enjoy today and MSEP.

Was your meltdown in Epcot? That's where mine always seem to be. :lmao:

Thank goodness for the slushie stand to melt away any mommy meltdowns! :upsidedow

Ah, the infamous 'mommy meltdown'! Yup, definitely had one at Epcot! It had something to do with me dragging my poor family at breakneed speed toward the Japan drummers show. I believe it resembled a basic training drill probably!:laughing: DH told me to slow down and then, well, insert meltdown! Not my finest moment by any means. I'm looking forward to hearing about yours because it will make me feel better about mine!

Love the pic of Henry smooching the fish! So adorable. I hope your MK day is fun and not packed with wall to wall people. Good luck!:goodvibes

I think the mommy meltdowns are a given on every trip. Even in the happiest place on Earth, it's hard to be happy all the time. How nice that there was pizza, a movie and naps to help make the evening better!

Swimming sounds lovely... and MESP tonight? Rockin!

Thanks for the update Brook. I love the pic of Henry and his fish friend. We all get meltdowns at one point, believe me.

I think Mommy Meltdowns are on the "must do" list.

I mean really, it's healthy. You have to get it out and then it's done and everyone can move on!

9 straight hours, impressive! Especially for Henry.

good luck with the crowds

Loving all the updates. Mommy Meltdown-perfectly acceptable-bet I will have one on our trip!

I always have at least one good mommy meltdown each trip! :thumbsup2 The good stuff doesn't usually happen until after that.

Love the live updates- I've been following on Facebook, but I didn't even think to look here!!

I can't believe you forgot the coffee!!! :scared1:

The mommy meltdown- we've all been there! :goodvibes

The Mommy Meltdown happened after we were out of Epcot...but Epcot certainly played a role in it. I think its because Epcot it HUGE and requires a ton of walking, plus the WS has very little shade outside...heat, exhaustion...ya...not a good combo!
Great live updates, I am so jealous. And I'm still waiting to hear if you made it to rope drop at the MK!


Awesome pictures! Thanks for the live reports!

I always forgot to schedule in time for mommy meltdowns. [smacks head] Gotta remember that for next time.

:lmao: Does Judy have those even?!?! You are the planner, so I'm guessing she just goes with the flow -and usually men are WAY more laid back about things...

I just started reading your PTR, and i love it! You seemed so excited to be staying at the Boardwalk. It is a very nice place. Im glad you are having a great time. I can't wait to read your TR when you get home. :thumbsup2

:welcome: We LOVED the BW! It was such a beautiful place to stay - and the walk/boat to Epcot and DHS was awesome. I would stay there again and again.

Joining in! I can't believe I didn't find your PTR till now! I am glad your trip is going well, can't wait to hear all the details!

:welcome: I love the new readers! :yay: The TR should be started tonight! I'll post a link here.

I'm finally here!

Better late than never I guess.

I've been so busy with work.

:laughing: Welcome! You could have just skipped this and been surprised too. ;)

Glad you are having a great time.... :banana::banana: :yay::yay:

So where are the updates from today????? :confused3 ;) popcorn::

:rotfl: I know, I was a slacker those last couple of days!

:lmao: You won't ever live that down!
I'm watching the Today Show right now and Al Roker is at the Cafe Du Monde eating beignets! Yum!!! Can't wait to try some at POR! :woohoo:

Ooooh, Cafe du Monde. :cloud9: Love, love, love beignets! YUMMO! I still gotta get over to POR and try them myself.

YAY for winning the photo session!! I can't wait to see Henry's pictures at the Beach Club!! They are going to be awesome!!

UGGHHH...last days....always a bit sad, but I know you guys will make the most of it!!! Have a great time and enjoy it!!

Can't wait for the TR when you get back!!!

I was in serious SHOCK when I won that. Mrs. DeVy Cee was as well. :rotfl:

It's going to be a great fun filled last day! And do my eyes deceive me or are you planning for the same time next year now? :goodvibes

Well, no - that was my old ticker that just started over. The DIS Tickers do that. BUT, we most likely will go again in late August/early September. We have SCHOOL to plan around next year. :scared1: (plus APs that started on the 2nd!)

Have a great last day and safe travels home! :goodvibes I'm really looking forward to seeing the photo shoot pics!!!

I can't wait to share them!!!

Have a wonderful last day Brook and safe travels home for all of you.

Thank you!! It was the smoothest flight home we've had yet.

Have a great day!!!


Boooo for the Envelope of Doom.

Safe travels home! Can't wait to hear all about the trip!

No me like that envelope. Someday I will just ignore it and stay in the room until they throw me out. ;)

Enjoy your last day Brook....go shred that envelope!!!


Very, very, very tempting!!!!!

Have a fun last day :laughing:

Thank you! We did!!!

No hints from me!! :rotfl2: :rotfl:

Brook - I hope you guys enjoy your last day and your travels are uneventful! Soak it all in one last time...for now! :wizard:


It was a great last day. We had a teeny bit of rushing in there, which wasn't so nice, but there was good reason!

You won a photo session - that is so cool! Sorry I missed some of your updates! Have a safe trip home!

How awesome that you won the photo session! I can't wait to see the results :thumbsup2

Enjoy your last day!

Yes! I couldn't believe it was what we won! Out of everything they gave away at Welcome Home Wednesday!

Hopefully you are safely home or close to it. I know that you hated leaving Disney World, but I have to admit, I'm a little bit happy, because I can't wait for your trip report. So bad of me, I know.

From FB, it sounds like you guys had a great trip and I'm just looking forward to the whole report.

We truly did have a GREAT trip. The best one yet!

Have a safe trip home... I can't wait to hear about your trip!

TR should be starting tonight! :woohoo:
So cool about the photo session! I bet the pictures are fabulous!

I don't blame you for not wanting to touch IT! It probably oozed evil like Maleficent! :lmao:

Hope you had a wonderful last day!!! :goodvibes

:rotfl2: Oh funny about Maleficent!

Hope you had a fabulous last day! Can't wait to hear all about it!

We did! It was a million degrees that day, but we enjoyed it - and then came back to this COOL weather!

:dance3: Welcome back Brook! :dance3:

Welcome home! I'm looking forward to your TR!

Welcome home, Brook. Loved following your adventures on FB.

Welcome back! Glad to hear that you are home safe and sound! Your FB posts made me smile each and every time. Thank you!

Welcome home! I'm already missing the FB updates - as I'm sure you are too! :lmao: Looking forward to the TR!! :cool1:


Welcome home!!!! Can't wait to read all about it - I loved the FB posts, it was fun to "be there" with you! :)

Welcome Home! It seems like your trip flew by to me so I can only imagine how you feel. I can't wait to read the TR...hint, hint! :rotfl:

Thanks for sharing your trip with us on FB. It was nice to follow along. I can't wait to read the TR!

Welcome back!! Can't wait for ur TR!!

Welcome home Brook, Joe, and Henry. Thanks for sharing your trip on FB. I enjoyed following your live updates.

Welcome home, Brook! I have to say I am glad it is Friday as well. :laughing: Good luck settling back into the real world, and I, for one, can't wait for the TR to start! I really enjoyed all your FB posts -- it was a little bit of Disney magic each day!

welcome back! I am so much looking forward to read about your adventures!! :goodvibes

Welcome Home, I am looking forward to your trip report.

Welcome home Brook! I loved your FB updates, it was like living the trip with you guys! SO much fun! And from the sounds of things, it seemed like it was a great trip, I can't wait to hear every detail!:thumbsup2

Poor Joe having to go back to work today, but TGIF! At least you guys can catch up over the weekend some and get those pics downloaded (hint, hint! ;) ).

Have a nice weekend!!!:goodvibes

Welcome home! Glad to hear you had a great trip.
I can't wait for the TR!

Welcome back! Can't wait to hear more about your trip. Loved the FB updates!!

Welcome Home!

Welcome home. I can't believe you are back but am looking forward to hearing about the trip in detail :)

Welcome Back!!!

Can't wait to read all about your trip!

Welcome home. I am not on facebook, but i enjoyed your little snippets on the Dis here!
Can't wait to hear all about it.


Thank you!! It was fun to do the FB updates! Thank you for following along.

Welcome home! Can't wait to hear all about it.

Was it Joe piling stuffed animals on your head?


Welcome home Brook!

Guess the stuffed animals were Henry's way of telling you it was time to get up :laughing:

Yes, it's either that or he pinches my nose. :headache: I like the "Mommy, do you want Blue?" (dumps Blue the dog on my head). "Mommy, do you want Donald?" (repeat with Donald), "Mommy do you want Goofy?"

Someday he will be old enough to turn on his cartoons, grab some milk and some breakfast and I'll miss these days, right???

Welcome home Brook! I can't believe Joe went to work today!!! Can't wait to hear all about the trip!

I know, poor guy! I think I had it worse though with a cranky 3 year old. We went to the park though - that helped! I still don't think he's really caught up on his sleep yet though!

Welcome Home Brooke! I missed you and I hope you thought about me when you saw the oven on carousel of progress. I just picked out my new oven and stove and they are amazing!

:laughing: New ovens are amazing, aren't they? They can do anything! Is that your first step on the remodel, or have you gotten more done?
Doing live FB updates is fun for all. :thumbsup2

Poor Joe. Going back to work the next day after a trip is SO hard. I hope he has a good weekend.

Did Henry get some new plush friends on this trip?

Yep, he sure did! And a ton of other stuff too. Sure it hard to say no sometimes, especially when I want him to have it. :rolleyes1

So cool that you got to go one day ahead. Yep, I'm only on page 4 lol

I love all your traditions! And I gotta say I love your Wall-E t-shirt in one of these pics. I love him! I can't find adult size t-shirts here though.

I ordered that Wall-E shirt online right after the movie came out. I will fit into it again someday, I will! You can attempt to make your own though too through they used to have some nice Wall-E art, not sure what they have now though.

I know what you mean about not doing the DDP. We never do. We like the flexibility of eating wherever we want, and whatever we want.

Ya, and we always spend LESS than what the DDP would have cost. Plus, the DDP makes you eat at Table meals, so that's even more $$ out of pocket with tips. It just doesn't add up for us. Now, maybe when Henry is eating like he has a hollow leg we will re-visit this...;)

I tried the Kona coffee at their coffee bar last trip and loved it. I regret not buying some.

It is SITNKIN' good, isn't it? The bag though is over $30 I think! :eek:

I hope you were able to catch MK rope drop. It's my absolute fave. It's my "I know I'm in Disney" moment.

I'm saving that for the TR!


He still loves to look at them!

Henry looks delighted to be kissed by Minnie hehe

He was! He knows she's my fave too, so he kept calling me over. :cutie:

Hey Brook! Got that trip report started yet? :rolleyes1 :rotfl:

:lmao: Soon, soon!

LOL!! Can't wait to hear all the details about your trip!!!!!

I really can't wait to share them either!

Welcome back!!! I loved all of your updates & can't wait to hear all about your trip & see tons of pictures! :goodvibes

Don't feel bad about "mommy meltdowns"...we definitely all have those! Vacations are wonderful but can be stressful especially with little ones! (Trust me, I know & understand!!!) :)

You WON a photo session at the Beach Club???? HOW AMAZING!!! Since we just did a photo session at the BC in June, I was sooooo excited to hear you say this!!! I can't wait to see your pics, I'm sure they turned out amazing! I hope Henry cooperated alot better than Luke did! Did you get pics on the beach or by that car? We didn't get many because that's when Luke started getting hungry & tired, but we definitely will be going back in a few years to do another photo session! It was soooo worth it! I have so many of the pictures up all over my office & made so many reprints after I got my PhotoPass CD back with all the borders! :goodvibes (sorry for all the exclamation marks...I was just soooo excited for you! I love photography & the Beach Club!!!)

I forgot about the car! Oh bummer. He would have loved that...but he did have an excellent time on the beach too! We got some WONDERFUL shots, it was a ton of fun - and the price was perfect. :laughing: We had intended to do the Photo Session the last day of our trip, and we won it the day before last! I was in shock!
Whew! Done! NOW GO READ THEM! :rotfl:

Just kidding.



:lmao::laughing:Brook! You must have carpal tunnel syndrome from all those replies!

I'm so very glad you all had a great time, that Joe arrived safely and that you all safely returned back to NYC! Can't wait for the trip report! Thanks for all the live updates too, so fun!:goodvibes:goodvibes
Thank you for getting trip insurance, you made Earl go away! :rotfl:

Best $66 I ever spent.

My mommy meltdown was the first day in MK right in front of Space Mountain.
I think after that EPCOT whining was just being tired or full.

Even with Free Dining ( close to $800 in free food) I managed to fill up a growing boy so much so that we struggled to use our last credits. I think no matter what, DDP is too much food for us. It does take the sting out of the bill since I usually both kids will eat the most expensive thing on the menu every time.
Between today and yesterday....I just finished reading your ptr and your live updates....I can't wait to read the trip report!!


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