Courtenay and Brian's 10-14-12 Wishes Wedding WP and ADH

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I ordered some candy/chocolate molds in the shape of a castle and in the shape of mickey mouse. I think these are the same ones that Impressions has and Disney, at least they look exactly the same, and they cost me $1 on $1! As opposed to $3+ per favor. I can make all the favors myself pretty easily and it will be way less than what we'd pay to have them made. Here they are:

When you do this, please let me know how it goes? :flower3: I'm thinking of doing the exact same thing! Looking forward to more updates!
Hiya! I'm just joining in!

I love your little mermaid touches! I am also glad to see someone who has a larger wedding! and paired with the fact your adamant with your budget!

You're soon to be hubby did a great job on picking out the ring, too bad it was shotty workmanship! :/ The new one is amazing too! and it looks a lot more sparkly! :D :D

I can't wait to see more!

Hi! Thanks for commenting and visiting. I love new visitors! I am happy to saythat thus far it looks like we will actually come in at or below our budget of $30,000. Hallelujah!

Thanks for all of your sweet comments! I look forward to hearing any great ideas and help you have.

When you do this, please let me know how it goes? :flower3: I'm thinking of doing the exact same thing! Looking forward to more updates!

I will absolutely let you know how it goes. I think I will do a trial run here soon so that we know how easy it is and if they come out nice. I have made TONS of chocolate molds before and they always look so cute. Some words of advice (that I didn't follow): buy more than one mold each lol...I am going to need to get some more so we can make 100+ chocolates in a normal amount of time. And as far as making them, just be sure to let them chill long enough and they will come out great. I'll post pics and comments as soon as I do the trial. SO excited that you might be doing it too.
Work and school have stolen me away from the wonderful DISboards, but I am happy to be back and able to catch you all up on everything.

We are now 3 months away and things are starting to pick up. Our invitations went out on Monday and they are adorable! We had Denise, who created them, put The Little Mermaid stamp on them with Ariel and Prince Eric. The return envelopes have Disney Pixar “Send a Hello” stamps on them. Here’s a picture:


They also have “Send a smile” stamps with different characters and images. All very cute!

I cannot tell you what a delight it was to work with Denise at Dogwood Blossoms Stationary. She is incredible, nice, professional, super fast, efficient, and works tirelessly to create you exactly what you want. She is absolutely wonderful. I am so happy to have worked with her.

Now on to the dilemma I have been facing- well may it’s not so much a dilemma as it is a “I can’t make up my mind” issue. I CANNOT, for the life of me, decide on our wedding cake. We keep going back and fourth. As you know, we chose the Mad Hatter style with an under the sea theme. It was going to look like this:


But my parents hated it and I respect them to much, and value their opinion too much not to listen. I know it’s our cake and not theirs, and I know I should just get what we want but I too am not crazy about the color scheme and overall feel of the cake anyway. I want it to be fun AND elegant. Can that happen? I am not too fond of the blue base of the cake but I (and Brian) LOVE the Mad Hatter style. It’s so fun. But, with all of the complaining from mom and dad that we should have a classy cake, we changed it to something similar to these two (a mix of the two with a white chocolate topper and white base):



But every time I look at them I don’t get as excited as I do when I see the mad hatter styles. Don’t get me wrong, I love both of those and think they are just adorable and gorgeous but I want less “beachy, sea shell” and more fun little mermaid party. I think I may be the only person that understands what that means resulting in everyone else thinking I am crazy lol. :hyper:

So, I did some searching on the cake chatter forum of DISbaords (awesome forum) and found a cake style I am crazy about. It’s Cinderella themed, Mad Hatter style, but we would change it to be The Little Mermaid themed and have our colors on it.

Bear with me as I explain what I want to do with this particular cake (looking at the picture makes it easier to understand what I mean). We could take that same style as the below picture, with the circles at the bottom, lines on the middle, and hearts on top layer, but the base of the cake would be white, with burgundy, navy, and maybe some green where the designs (hearts, lines, circles) are, and have shells and seahorses around the cake instead of flowers. Then it would be topped with a white chocolate castle. Here it is in all it's glory:


The color scheme would probably be more like this (with our colors of course, but the white base):


Of everything we have had to decide this time, this is the hardest for me. I would SOOOOOOO greatly appreciate all of your help. I need opinions, ideas, whatever you have. I am lost as can be with this decision. I like both styles and I go back and fourth. One more important note, if we choose a mad hatter cake we only get three layers based on the number of guests we will have, as the layers are very large, if we choose the other sea shell straight up and down cake we get four layers since they are smaller. Four layers is cool because we’d get to duplicate our top tier and actually eat it before our anniversary.

That is where I am with everything as of now. I’d love your opinions and suggestions. You guys really are a great help.

I hope everyone is doing wonderful and I am happy to be back with some updates. And now I leave you with this, pictures of other awesome Mad Hatter style cakes:




I love love love the cinderella themed cake you posted...I think that would be an excellent still has the fun flair of a mad hatter but is a bit more subtle and classic-y.

The more color you add, the more it will move away from the classic look you think your parents will be ok with a compromise, or will they be unhappy if it's not your basic white or cream?

I love your original idea too, but I can see wanting to go a bit more traditional/wedding to please the parents. I think they will appreciate your efforts to respect their wishes and long as you don't end up sacrificing what you really want.

Good luck and keep us posted with what you decide!

Yay an update!! :cool1:

Did your parents say what it was about your original cake that they didn't like? I think it's really sweet that you're trying to compromise with them. I would honestly be a little reluctant since it's my wedding and my cake, maybe that's a little bridezilla? :blush: :blush: I only ask because if for example it was the mad hatter style they didn't like, then they might still disapprove of the Cinderella style cake :confused:
I will absolutely let you know how it goes. I think I will do a trial run here soon so that we know how easy it is and if they come out nice. I have made TONS of chocolate molds before and they always look so cute. Some words of advice (that I didn't follow): buy more than one mold each lol...I am going to need to get some more so we can make 100+ chocolates in a normal amount of time. And as far as making them, just be sure to let them chill long enough and they will come out great. I'll post pics and comments as soon as I do the trial. SO excited that you might be doing it too.

Forgot to reply to this too! Thanks so much! :goodvibes I hope you don't mind, but I stole your idea for favors :blush: what I really wanted to do was get Mickey head rice krispie treats like I'm sure a lot of other people do. They're delicious and have that Disney touch, but at $5 each before tax for 60 guests (not including kids) if everyone comes... ouch! I bought 1 mold last week for a trial run. If that works well I will buy more nearer the time when I know how many I'll need to make. If we only have 30 guests actually come I think I'd buy 1 more mold and make 3 batches. I bought some sucker sticks too. Are you going to wrap yours in cellophane?
I love love love the cinderella themed cake you posted...I think that would be an excellent still has the fun flair of a mad hatter but is a bit more subtle and classic-y.

The more color you add, the more it will move away from the classic look you think your parents will be ok with a compromise, or will they be unhappy if it's not your basic white or cream?

I love your original idea too, but I can see wanting to go a bit more traditional/wedding to please the parents. I think they will appreciate your efforts to respect their wishes and long as you don't end up sacrificing what you really want.

Good luck and keep us posted with what you decide!


Hi Brooke!

I agree with you on the Cinderella cake....isn't it adorable. I feel warm and fuzzy looking at it lol. I think my parents will be okay with whatever we choose, as they have said so, but it would be nice to get something they like since they are so awesome and are paying for it too. ;)

I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your input it really means a lot.

Yay an update!! :cool1:

Did your parents say what it was about your original cake that they didn't like? I think it's really sweet that you're trying to compromise with them. I would honestly be a little reluctant since it's my wedding and my cake, maybe that's a little bridezilla? :blush: :blush: I only ask because if for example it was the mad hatter style they didn't like, then they might still disapprove of the Cinderella style cake :confused:

Hiii! They said it was not classy (this makes me laugh, I don't know why) and I can see that. It's more party than elegant. Trust me, I am reluctant and can be a total bridezilla at moments, but I also want something elegant and fun, and not too wild. So I can see their point. I think what they didn't like about the original was that it is blue, like reeeeeally blue. So I think I have decided to do the cinderella design with our colors, castle on top, and a white base. Eveyrone should be happy. And thank you so so so so much for your thoughts, it's such a huge help.
Forgot to reply to this too! Thanks so much! :goodvibes I hope you don't mind, but I stole your idea for favors :blush: what I really wanted to do was get Mickey head rice krispie treats like I'm sure a lot of other people do. They're delicious and have that Disney touch, but at $5 each before tax for 60 guests (not including kids) if everyone comes... ouch! I bought 1 mold last week for a trial run. If that works well I will buy more nearer the time when I know how many I'll need to make. If we only have 30 guests actually come I think I'd buy 1 more mold and make 3 batches. I bought some sucker sticks too. Are you going to wrap yours in cellophane?

Hi again, he he. I don't mind at all. I love the rice krispy treat idea but not for the money, I agree. SO expensive. I think making them will be fine and will turn out nice. Yes, we plan to wrap them up in cellophane and tie with a ribbon and maybe put them in another small clear bag and put on the tables.
Hiii! They said it was not classy (this makes me laugh, I don't know why) and I can see that. It's more party than elegant. Trust me, I am reluctant and can be a total bridezilla at moments, but I also want something elegant and fun, and not too wild. So I can see their point. I think what they didn't like about the original was that it is blue, like reeeeeally blue. So I think I have decided to do the cinderella design with our colors, castle on top, and a white base. Eveyrone should be happy. And thank you so so so so much for your thoughts, it's such a huge help.

I get what you mean about it being more party than elegant... but it is a party right? :rolleyes1 I'm kidding. I think the Cinderella cake is most definitely elegant and fun. Have your parents said what they think about that? I can't wait to see it in your colors!

Hi again, he he. I don't mind at all. I love the rice krispy treat idea but not for the money, I agree. SO expensive. I think making them will be fine and will turn out nice. Yes, we plan to wrap them up in cellophane and tie with a ribbon and maybe put them in another small clear bag and put on the tables.

That sounds like it will work out great and I can't wait to see those too! And by the way, when reading your PJ today I noticed that your ticker says 2 months. 2 MONTHS!! How did your wedding get so close?!
I get what you mean about it being more party than elegant... but it is a party right? :rolleyes1 I'm kidding. I think the Cinderella cake is most definitely elegant and fun. Have your parents said what they think about that? I can't wait to see it in your colors!

That sounds like it will work out great and I can't wait to see those too! And by the way, when reading your PJ today I noticed that your ticker says 2 months. 2 MONTHS!! How did your wedding get so close?!

Hahah it IS a party you are right! :cheer2: It's just a cake and we are going to eat it so I guess it doesn't matter too much. I am over-thinking it. Can you believe it? Two months! I can't believe it. The stress is mounting and the excitment is getting to me!!!!!! hahahahah.
Hi C!

Like you I have been busy with work and haven't been around much but how close are we now?! :)

Hope you're all ok and as excited as me! Last few things to tick off our to do lists now and on Saturday we can say "next month"!

I can't believe how quickly your wedding came around!! So crazy! Can't wait to hear all about it when you're back popcorn::

Hi everyone! The wedding was so amazing and thank you all for the well wishes. I know I kinda dropped off the earth for a while but I could just not balance school and work and wedding and disboards.... :( BUT I am back and out of school til January and plan to write a very extensive TR for all of you. I am so sad that it's over but what an amazing time. :hug:
Just finished reading your PJ and I can't wait to see pictures of the wedding!

Everything sounds great so I can't wait to see how it all came together!

Looking forward to your TR!



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