CP questions.


Viva Latvia!
Feb 18, 2001
We have a PS for the late show (is it at 8:15? I forgot, I don't have my sheet at hand). What time do you suggest lining up to get seating? We will be eating way early, around 4:30 so there won't be a worry about enough time between dinner and show.

Where is the best place to sit? we have a very petite girl, will she have a problem seeing the show, or will she be on one of our laps?

How soon before the show do they start letting people in to get seats? Once you have seats, can someone from your party save them, while the other takes the kids for a walk so they don't get restless just sitting there? Is there a place to walk around? (I remember when we did fantasmic, we could walk around the in back quite a bit). Or, can one person of your party go in, save the seats (meaning one person is sitting there the whole time) and then the rest of your party join you later? I just don't want my kids to be too restless before the show starts.

Where do you go to line up? I don't want to get in the standby line by accident!

Thanks a bunch.
If memory serves me correctly from last year, I think we lined up about 1 hour before the show (but it's not necessary to get there that early) - we weren't in the front of the line, but were close enough to still get very good seats. We think the best place to be is around the middle - maybe 1/3 of the way up - I don't like being too close to the stage. I would think the best place for a petite person to be would be right on the middle aisle.

Not sure about saving seats, but I would definitely all go in together and wait for people to sit all around you, then get up if you need to. I don't remember waiting very long for the show to start after we were seated, though. The impatient part was waiting in line since it was cold and you had no where to sit. Many people around us left for periods of time, then returned to the line.

People with packages line up on the left side of the stage and people without packages line up on the right.

Hope this helps!!


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