Craziest table mates you have had.

I wonder why it's so difficult to get seating for just your family on Disney? In 10 cruises on them, you have to almost put it in writing and then still check with the head server and restaurant manager. On the other cruise lines we have taken, their dining room tables are already set for 2 and 4, and if there are larger groups they then put the tables together to accommodate. I wish Disney would start out that way, thereby making some uncomfortable situations less necessary. :confused3
Yes he is.
I know the feeling. I'm in my late 30s and have been in since 2004. I have no qualms telling people what I do since I love my career. I usually just say I work for the government.

It is probably how we talk and have that presence. I have said I work at the studios or I'm self employed. Lie lie lie if you want to hide it. JW
I wonder why it's so difficult to get seating for just your family on Disney? In 10 cruises on them, you have to almost put it in writing and then still check with the head server and restaurant manager. On the other cruise lines we have taken, their dining room tables are already set for 2 and 4, and if there are larger groups they then put the tables together to accommodate. I wish Disney would start out that way, thereby making some uncomfortable situations less necessary. :confused3
I frequently sail solo and would not like the default seating to be by myself.
I wonder why it's so difficult to get seating for just your family on Disney? In 10 cruises on them, you have to almost put it in writing and then still check with the head server and restaurant manager. On the other cruise lines we have taken, their dining room tables are already set for 2 and 4, and if there are larger groups they then put the tables together to accommodate. I wish Disney would start out that way, thereby making some uncomfortable situations less necessary. :confused3
You know, cruising originally was set up with shared tables for everyone. That's just part of cruising history. Only in recent history has there been a call for "I want my own table".

I find it nice to meet new people on trips. That's part of what travel is about (not just cruising), meeting new people, learning new things.
You know, cruising originally was set up with shared tables for everyone. That's just part of cruising history. Only in recent history has there been a call for "I want my own table".

I find it nice to meet new people on trips. That's part of what travel is about (not just cruising), meeting new people, learning new things.

I like family time during dinner. Not stranger time.
You know, cruising originally was set up with shared tables for everyone. That's just part of cruising history. Only in recent history has there been a call for "I want my own table".

I find it nice to meet new people on trips. That's part of what travel is about (not just cruising), meeting new people, learning new things.

We used to think that way when in the early days we had some great tablemates on our first three cruises -- but since then have had too many instances where our tablemates were disruptive/rude/loud and especially discourteous to our servers. Our last cruise in 2014 where we shared a table with "friends" that happened to be on the same cruise was, in a word, awful. Our mistake was not sticking with our rule of dining alone and agreeing to share a table with them. From the first night they were horrible to our servers, making ridiculous demands and food requests and then throwing fits when their demands weren't met.

In the past we have dined with families whose kids were practically dancing on the table, or who acted mad because they had to sit with us or just ignored us and were unsocial, etc. On the Med cruise we dined with a family who thought it was "fashionable" to be 30 minutes late for dinner every single night -- so we finally told the servers to please not wait for them and start feeding us as we wanted to get out of the dining room before 11 p.m.!

So sitting with other tablemates stopped becoming the experience we wanted or had hoped for. The last straw came when we arrived for our first night dining and were being escorted toward our table and as we approached, the people sitting their mouths dropped and they looked at the server and said "we're not expected to share our table, are we" with that horrifed tone in their voice. They were a family of four sitting at a table for eight! We spun around and told the server to find us a single table -- and we have done that ever since. Like a PP said, it's about family time for us and we enjoy sharing the dining experience with just the three of us. Kudos to those who have had great experiences and met great people throughout.
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On our very first cruise ever there were four of us and sat at a massive 12 person table (not DCL). It was polite but not what we wanted to do. From that point on every cruise we have done both DCL and non we have request a private table just for my wife and I or with our travel companions. We have never not once not be granted that request without having to do a thing. If we want to socialize while eating we'll strike up a conversation with families at nearby tables which we have done many times.
I like family time during dinner. Not stranger time.

Yes exactly! For someone with social anxiety, the prospect of having to make small talk with strangers for 2 hours every night is extremely stressful. My husband and I both work full time and this is a good chance for us to unwind and spend time with our kids, not have to try to start conversation with people we don't know. We have usually been lucky enough to get our own table. Twice we've sat with another family with kids around the same ages as ours who did not speak English. Once we sat with a family with teenage kids who took one look at us (our kids were 4 and 2 at the time) and asked for a new table lol. Once the other family's dad was drunk and loud every night. Only one other time has it worked out well when we've been with another family. I am anxious just thinking about if we're going to have to sit with someone else in June.
Yes exactly! For someone with social anxiety, the prospect of having to make small talk with strangers for 2 hours every night is extremely stressful. My husband and I both work full time and this is a good chance for us to unwind and spend time with our kids, not have to try to start conversation with people we don't know. We have usually been lucky enough to get our own table. Twice we've sat with another family with kids around the same ages as ours who did not speak English. Once we sat with a family with teenage kids who took one look at us (our kids were 4 and 2 at the time) and asked for a new table lol. Once the other family's dad was drunk and loud every night. Only one other time has it worked out well when we've been with another family. I am anxious just thinking about if we're going to have to sit with someone else in June.
If it was just the wife and I. We have done that just fine with three other twosome couples. We actually made friends with a couple from Germany and they ended up on the next cruise with us. That was not planned.
Once we sat with a family with teenage kids who took one look at us (our kids were 4 and 2 at the time) and asked for a new table lol.

We've had this happen to us on another cruise line LOL yeah that was a fun dinner...
So the takeaway here:

If everyone would just remember their table manners, be gracious to those that serve you, and set boundaries and limits for your children (ie, teach them items 1 & 2), then there wouldn't be so many people requesting their own table.
So the takeaway here:

If everyone would just remember their table manners, be gracious to those that serve you, and set boundaries and limits for your children (ie, teach them items 1 & 2), then there wouldn't be so many people requesting their own table.
Because I don't want to share my day at a family table with strangers. Rules still apply at my table as they do at home. I don't let strangers sit at that table either.

I just got back from my first cruise on the Magic last week. It was great! The ship was awesome.

The part of the cruise I felt a little nervous about before we went was being assigned to a table with other people. I like to talk and make new friends, however, my DH is very shy and I was afraid he would not like it. But after reading so many posts here on the DIS about how Disney was great at matching people and many lasting friendships result I thought, why not? It could be fun.

Our first night everything seemed great. We were seated with another couple about our age with a son the same age as my DS, 6. As the boys got to know each other they became friends and even wanted to play in the clubs together.

On the second night, I was feeling pretty great about my choice to have table mates when the Mom of the other boy started letting her crazy show...:banana: She was laughing loudly then obsessing about little details not being right on the table setting, just weird stuff like the napkin off center. Our boys were becoming great friends so we just ignored this at first. The kids then were telling stupid jokes and playing guessing games sort of loudly (as boys that age often do). It seemed like normal child behavior to me. Then, out of nowhere the lady reached over and stabbed her son with her fork! :eek: We weren't quite sure how to react, but I did discreetly tell the server later what had happened. It wasn't hard enough to puncture the skin, but it was still pretty hard. The little boy started screaming and crying. We had to leave right after that. How would you react to this sort of situation? Needless to say I don't believe DH will want to sit with others on future cruises.

What is the craziest table mates you have had?
Probably my own family, just kidding. We like to take family with us on cruises so we don't have to deal with other people. Seven only had two cruise where we have sat with other families, they were fine! Do we share on the Magic and Wonder, going on Alaskan in about a year?
So the takeaway here:

If everyone would just remember their table manners, be gracious to those that serve you, and set boundaries and limits for your children (ie, teach them items 1 & 2), then there wouldn't be so many people requesting their own table.
  • I blame the Internet - people have become more rude (anonymous posting of my very important opinion and ridicule of anyone that disagrees with me)
  • I blame the "smart" phones - we don't talk any more - we text each other
  • I blame the businesses that expect us to work obscene hours (at minimal pay) so that I don't have family time at home any more
  • I blame the "It's All About ME!" culture that has popped up around us over the last 20 years
  • I blame DCL for being overly scared of their customers ... Must.. Have.. Only.. Excellent.. Scores.. On.. Survey! We don't "have" nice and appropriate things anymore: Formal Night includes Jeans and Tee Shirts, Kids Clubs go from age 3 - 12 because "my kids couldn't possibly be separated and learn to play with new friends", Palo - Jeans and Flipflops - really :eek: etc
  • I blame the Internet - people have become more rude (anonymous posting of my very important opinion and ridicule of anyone that disagrees with me)
  • I blame the "smart" phones - we don't talk any more - we text each other
  • I blame the businesses that expect us to work obscene hours (at minimal pay) so that I don't have family time at home any more
  • I blame the "It's All About ME!" culture that has popped up around us over the last 20 years
  • I blame DCL for being overly scared of their customers ... Must.. Have.. Only.. Excellent.. Scores.. On.. Survey! We don't "have" nice and appropriate things anymore: Formal Night includes Jeans and Tee Shirts, Kids Clubs go from age 3 - 12 because "my kids couldn't possibly be separated and learn to play with new friends", Palo - Jeans and Flipflops - really :eek: etc

All of this. I also blame "Stranger danger". I get it I have anxiety but at the same time we can't live in a bubble. I think raising now two generations of kids with Stranger danger post the early 80s has created a bunch of adults that have no clue how to talk to strangers and be polite in conversations. We are always so worried about the "other" that we work ourselves up over nothing. The older I have gotten the more I realize we have created our own problems as a society all birthed form an effort to protect ourselves from a perceived danger that was of course there but really no more or less worse then it had been.

(I'm sure I'll get flamed for saying the above so I'll just say go right ahead. I stand by what I said)
All of this. I also blame "Stranger danger". I get it I have anxiety but at the same time we can't live in a bubble. I think raising now two generations of kids with Stranger danger post the early 80s has created a bunch of adults that have no clue how to talk to strangers and be polite in conversations. We are always so worried about the "other" that we work ourselves up over nothing. The older I have gotten the more I realize we have created our own problems as a society all birthed form an effort to protect ourselves from a perceived danger that was of course there but really no more or less worse then it had been.

(I'm sure I'll get flamed for saying the above so I'll just say go right ahead. I stand by what I said)
Parents can't even spank the child now because someone will call the police and child protective services. I see it all the time.

You have safe zones now because people are hurt by what was said. You have groups that call everything you do hate. Even if it truly isn't. You have fake and reality. Who do you trust though? That's the problem. Dinner time is dinner time and it's meant to be spent with family. Its not about stranger danger. It's about I don't need a stranger to be in my conversations.

Believe it or not. I agree with what you said.



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