Craziest table mates you have had.

I don't mean this to sound judgmental (so it probably will :goodvibes), but when we booked our first cruise, I was under the impression that cruising meant being seated at dinner with others. I mean all the TV shows and movies that I had ever seen had everyone seated at big tables with people they didn't know for dinner.

When we started looking at cruises for a vacation we had NO IDEA. Maybe we just never saw a show about cruising, or heard it really talked about, or paid attention. I think there are a lot of people who are quite surprised, because EVERYWHERE else you go (at least in the USA) you get your own table. So it's quite a shocker when it's unexpected. I would actually think that the majority of people who have never cruised don't know that you'll likely sit with others.

Think of it this way.... a lot of people go to Disney and have no idea what a FastPass is. Or that if you don't book dinner reservations in advance, you are going to have a hard time finding a place to eat that isn't quick-service.

People expect things to be similar to what we experience in the normal "non-vacation" part of the world.
the winners for me are the flosser, the fork stabber and the stuffed animal "babies" oh my gosh!!

I have been lucky to have had great table mates our last cruise tho had both good and bad the good the couple was our age and we hit it off right away we never had a moment of lull we were the last to leave at dinner then we would close the bars. The bad, the third couple at our table was Japanese they did not speak a word of English. We tried the first night to talk and include it was just to difficult so we ended up just talking to the other couple. We felt bad but it was our cruise too I wasn't going to have every dinner meal an effort. We also found out there was another table of Japanese people that were also speaking in Japanese.
I have also heard stories about dining staff not being willing to move people around. I honestly would just eat somewhere else with my family if it was that bad and I would go to guest services and complain.
Ok - so, on this one cruise WE were the craziest table mates for someone else (how's that for honest).

It was me with three teenagers, and we were seated with a couple and their two pre-teens. They were a very nice quiet conservative family, and we are from California (bay area) - you know, crazy, liberal and loud.

I mean, it's not that we did or said anything wrong (at least not that I recall). But we didn't see them after the first night (well, not exactly, we saw them at a different table). It certainly made for a less stressful rest for us. And I certainly hope they had a wonderful cruise.

It's just fun for me to remember, every time this topic comes up (as it does periodically), that sometimes crazy is crazy, sometimes it's a culture clash, and sometimes it's just a difference in perspective :-)
So just a tip... if you can afford concierge, you will get your own table, the best servers, the best locations in the dining rooms, and the ability to get booths where available.

This and the virtual guarantee of a cabana at CC are why we'll never cruise anything but Concierge. My wife and I had amazing servers, the best booth, our own table and great seats every time we ate in the MDRs. We also had an incredible time in Palo. My wife got very, very sick the first night because of rough seas and they not only didn't charge me for the half of a meal she ate, but they rescheduled us for a couple of nights later with the same server. Remy was even more amazing. Everything I experienced showed me that having that little gold KTTW card with the crossed keys means your treatment is spectacular. I'm spoiled now.

Zombie edit: Since posting this originally we've cruised both Concierge and non-Concierge several times, and we've had our own table ever time. I'll take it either way. The staff and experience are excellent regardless.
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We have never done DCL but have done multiple cruises in the past. My partner and I are somewhat shy and are not comfortable with socializing with strangers on an extended basis such as this. On our second cruise, we were seated with an older couple and their teenage granddaughter, as well as a set of friends traveling together. The older couple turned out to be from the same neck of the woods where I lived, so we discussed that a bit.

However, when the meal came, we discovered that they were very, very religious and politically different than us based on the long and winding prayers they said aloud before each meal. My partner and I are not religious and both female. This family and our other tablemates talked extensively about their beliefs and we were very uncomfortable and could not talk openly about ourselves for fear of offending them. On the last night of the cruise we ate in the buffet just to relax.

Our first DCL cruise is coming up in a couple of weeks in celebration of my 30th birthday and we are requesting a table to ourselves, but I'm already steeling myself for what might be coming up.
Here's another thought: Why assume that you're going to get saddled with bad tablemates? Why not just let DCL assign you to a table, and, if it's not a match, it's easy to talk to the head server about a change.

It's not set in stone that you must dine with the people you are first assigned to dine with.

I don't necessarily see this specific post as a preconception that tablemates are bad. It's more of a "one time, at band camp" sort of story swapping. Ok, maybe not at band camp, but still story swapping.

I think it's great that you can switch, but if you end up running into them again, especially if you still share the same dining time, wouldn't it seem rude and awkward?

I think there are a lot of people who are quite surprised, because EVERYWHERE else you go (at least in the USA) you get your own table. So it's quite a shocker when it's unexpected. I would actually think that the majority of people who have never cruised don't know that you'll likely sit with others.

Table sharing really isn't that uncommon. It's a common thing at hibachi restaurants and dim sum restaurants. The biggest thing, for me anyway, is that at hibachi and dim sum places, you have ZERO obligation to talk to your tablemates, whereas on a cruise, you are because you dine with the same people over and over again throughout the cruise.
My father in law. He is such a horrible person, I did not even go on the cruise with him. :stir:

There have been a few threads like this over the years, always entertaining. It is too bad you cannot have a special requests section for table mates.
I would want to sit with some kids my girls age, maybe where the mom is a teacher like me and the dad is a cop like my wife, everyone would have a built in friend!

My best story was actually the table next to us. A family of four, boy about ten, girl about 12, along with mom and dad...seated with an older retired age couple. Odd pairing. The first night, the ship was moving a little bit but nothing too bad. I saw something out of the corner of my eye, I glance over and the boy turns to his sister and barfs all over her, the table, and partly on the older lady. It was a good barf volume. The girl was wearing this pretty sun it was a barf dress. She screamed and ran out of Parrot Cay, of course we were way in the back. The head server dashed over and it was all cleaned up in a flash, but the older couple for the next 6 nights did not seem to say a word to the family....they had a 1000 yard stare like they were returning from war. We would take turns watching the table to see if anyone spoke, I swear it was silent the rest of the cruise. My wife had 6 months of morning sickness and I still do not think I ever saw that much barf. We still talk about it.

I have late dining for my upcoming Alaska cruise, I have heard that makes it easier to move tables if you have a bad match.
I don't necessarily see this specific post as a preconception that tablemates are bad. It's more of a "one time, at band camp" sort of story swapping. Ok, maybe not at band camp, but still story swapping.

I think it's great that you can switch, but if you end up running into them again, especially if you still share the same dining time, wouldn't it seem rude and awkward?

Probably less ackward that putting up with it. As snobby as it sounds, at least those who just walk away when they see others at "their" table have the guts to do so.

I would never do that, unless they were a Montreal Canadiens fans. Then I would have to move.
If you want to be seated alone with your party put in a request, it is just a request but THRY do try, if you do not say anything then they will assume you are OK to share.

I would say you will find it hard to switch when on the ship, in particular on Main dinner, you may loose your preferred rotation or switch servers, it's best go make a request first rather than have hassle on the cruise.

Finally if you do not mind sharing then post on the cruise meets thread get to know people and if you seem to get along online or sharing tours in ports ask to link reservations so you get them.

Not mentioning who/what but from some peoples posts you know who you may wish to avoid!

A vacation costs $$$$$$ table mates is a lottery it can work but reduce the odds pre cruise.
I've probably been someone's worst table mate because I enjoy coloring and doing the quizzes in the kids menu... At 28. :)

We have had two weird table mates. The first as on a three night Dream. We were seated at a 6 top. Us and two British girls were there nights one and two. We got on really well. The third night, another couple joined us. We said hello and tried to get them to join in the conversation but nothing! They wouldn't respond. They just talked between themselves for the whole night.

The second was when I cruise with a friend and we were seated at an 8 top with two great couples and one non English speaking couple. They moved after night one.
I am very shy and I have a hard time meeting new people. It's difficult for me to open up to complete strangers beyond just "the weather is great today" small talk. I like to meet new people on my terms, not someone else's (like Disney's). I really wish they would explain upfront to guests that you may be seated with others. I didn't know DCL seated with other guests until I read it on DISBoards just a few months ago after we had booked. Luckily I booked a concierge room and contacted our concierge to make sure we (meaning our family of four) were seated by ourselves for dinner. Here is what they said: So just a tip... if you can afford concierge, you will get your own table, the best servers, the best locations in the dining rooms, and the ability to get booths where available.

Did you email with this request or call someone?
We had an older gentleman sailing w his mother just the two of them. They did not speak to anyone at our table and we realized he was taking pictures of our kids (only them) at dinner. My husband finally said something when we realized what was going on and the guy never dined with us again.

I would have been really upset by this. Mess with me I'll deal, but mess with my kids and a whole different person shows up.
omg that's a new level of crazy.

There's a subset of people who do this. I've blundered across a few trip reports over the years where people took their stuffed "babies" (and we're talking realistic looking babies) with them on cruises. They walked around with a stroller, had the staff make up the kids' beds in the room, brought changes of clothes for them every day (including swimwear), sat them in high chairs, etc. Strange, but I just shrugged my shoulders and thought, "Whatever gets them through the day without hurting others."
I love meeting new people at dinner on cruises!! Our last DCL cruise, DH and I were traveling without our kids, celebrating our anniversary, etc. We were seated with another couple that was probably about five years younger than we are, also traveling without kids, used to live where we live, etc. Had a great time together.

My last cruise (not DCL and my first solo) turned up the only truly crazy table mate I've ever encountered. Table for eight. Two never showed up. First night I ate with a woman, her adult daughter and a man they worked with. We got along great and we all randomly showed up again during the 7 night cruise if we weren't eating other places.

However, the second night they didn't come to dinner and another woman did. About my age (mis 40s), also traveling solo so I thought we should be fine. She told me she was traveling alone because she had lost her husband. I expressed condolences only to discover it was 17 years ago. Not that that diminishes losing a spouse, but it wasn't recent so I was surprised that was the first thing out of her mouth. Then, she went on to tell me about a few guys hitting on her on the cruise. And then about a woman hitting on her on the cruise. Heck, she was getting so many offers, I was surprised she was still solo after 17 years! Seemed like everyone on the ship wanted some action.

Then she started crying. There was a long, rambling story that went with the crying but I don't remember what it was except that it had something to do with how famous she was...or something. I kept trying to change the subject but that didn't work. The poor servers didn't know what to do and I could see them kind of keeping their distance since it LOOKED like we were having a serious/personal discussion about something. Yikes!

I polished off the rest of a bottle of wine and bolted for the exit as quickly as possible.
We've only done one cruise (DCL 2001) and didn't know ahead of time we'd be seated with people. We didn't even know we'd have assigned tables. We had our 12 month old son and they paired us with a family from California with a 3 year old DD. We got along great and genuinely enjoyed the experience. We loved the idea of them finding us table mates tho. We are very social and loved that it was a pre-set way to meet people.

And I should have known... As Shmoo points out - Love Boat should have shown me! I think I watched every episode. LOL.

We are actually disappointed we won't be meeting people this time around. As a party of 10 I don't expect we'll get to have table mates...
Remembered seeing a link to a video of such activities on DCL on an old post. Here is a sample of a day in the life...

How Bizarre. We like to sometimes bring a stuffed animal and we will prop it up in different places to take pics...but seriously...real life looking babies with all those clothes and blankets...that's just really odd.


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