Crazy Weather!!


<font color=green>Ready for <font color=deeppink>S
Aug 21, 1999
I walked into my office at about 6:45 am - The Sun was rising and not a cloud in the sky... I just glanced out the window 40 minutes later to a DARK sky and Snow! :confused: :confused:
I'm south of Boston, about 15 miles and boy is the snow coming down fast. Another storm is predicted for Sunday, Ggggeze, who made these rules for the weather? :(
We had like a squall line go through last night. It was about 30º during the day, and then, as the sun set, temps dropped, a lot and quickly, winds up to 50 MPH and about an inch of snow. Some thunder. :eek: Not much snow but they had to close one of the main expressways into the city because of icing they could not keep up with. Now it is 4º!!!!! :rolleyes:
now the sun is out!! But very very windy. Thanks Dan for sending the wind and cold our way!!! ;)
Same here:confused: What is it supposed to do today?
My storm door just got whipped around and the hinge let go :( They say the winds are 50 MPH :eek:
I woke up this morning and looked out the window to a "white-out"!! :eek: :eek: I could see absolutely nothing...the sky was all white and snow was coming down fast and furious!!
Right now the sun is out and the sky is bright blue, very windy and cold.
Strange indeed!!
Originally posted by PandyPaws
I woke up this morning and looked out the window to a "white-out"!! :eek: :eek: I could see absolutely nothing...the sky was all white and snow was coming down fast and furious!!
Right now the sun is out and the sky is bright blue, very windy and cold.
Strange indeed!!

55 days, Donna!!!! :sunny:
That squall you saw Tony came straight from Chicago (thanks Dan!). I hurried to work this morning when I heard it was heading our way. DIdn't want to get caught in it.

Now we just have to wait to see what the weekend brings. We were supposed to have a major storm Friday into Saturday. Then Saturday into Sunday. Now it's Sunday into Monday!:eek:
That wind went through here too. Visibility was down to 0 in it. Be careful out there.
Tony and Dan

That was quite a storm we had here in Chicago last night. I got home just as it started. When DH went to take the flag down the wind almost took it right out of his hands.
:sunny: :sunny: Sunny here, very windy last night here also..
Originally posted by browneyes
It's supposed to be 50 in my area today.:teeth:

shannon, if you weren't my friend i'd say something REALLY snotty like bite me! But since i'm your friend i won't! :teeth: :teeth:
I won't tell you all what it is here...Nope...won't tell you....

(mid 70's BRIGHT sunshine......mid 80's by Saturday)

Originally posted by Wagamama
shannon, if you weren't my friend i'd say something REALLY snotty like bite me! But since i'm your friend i won't! :teeth: :teeth:
;) I'll trade you some 50 degree weather for some decent snow, Von.:p The only snow we get (when we get any) is a slushy type snow.:eek:
TVT and Shannon! I'm tellin ya I had to walk to my car a few minutes ago and almost lost an ear! It froze off!!!:eek: :eek: By the way - the sun is out now and the temp is dropping fast!!! your ear thawed out?

you wanna know how windy it is here? i went outside to shovel and got attacked by my shovel! i had stuck it in the snow while i picked something up and it toppled over and bashed me on the head!


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