Creative ways to deal with "clutter" in the resort rooms


<font color=blue>Instant Human - <font color=brown
Jan 20, 2001
We are a family of three (myself, DH, and DD (9)) who love to go to WDW. Since we travel from the Pacific Northwest to Florida for our trips - we tend to make our stays fairly lengthy (got to make that long trip worth while!). We don't spend a huge amount of time in our rooms - mostly to sleep, change, and clean up - but boy does it end up a chaotic mess with all our "stuff"! By the end of our typical stay the clutter is starting to get on my nerves!

I found a great tip on the DCL Cruise Line board that I would like to share with others for keeping the room more organized. Purchase one of those inexpensive clear plastic over the door shoe organizers! Hang it on the bathroom door and put all your odds and ends that end up on the bathroom counter and the tables in the clear pockets. Things like your sunblock, chapstick, first aid/medicines, autograph books and pens, small toys the kids get in the parks, condiments for your coffee etc.. It is a small addition to the luggage and provides a great way to keep these small things handy, visible, and out of the way!

What are your tips for making the resort room more efficient or organized?
That is a great tip!

I bought one of those fold up hampers and stick that in the corner for our dirty clothes. It takes up very little space but it keeps the kids clothes from landing eveywhere.
Great tip!

Also, what I do is take a handful of ziploc baggies and I use them for odds n ends, and they are easy to throw away when Im done!
I also use ziplock baggies for a lot of stuff. I used to use them for toiletries, but for Christmas, I received one of those over-the-door hangers that was mentioned. Can't wait to use it! I also use ziplock baggies for clothing - putting socks, undergarments, etc. in these bags saves a lot of space, and can be used on the return trip home as dirty laundry bags.

Thanks for the great tips! :)
We make use of the area under the bed by sliding our suitcases under it. Instead of bringing a collapsible hamper, we leave out the largest suitcase to put our dirty clothes in. When it gets filled, it goes under the bed and a empty one comes out.

I never could get our clothes to fit into zip-lock bags. (You guys must be a lot skinnier than I am.) But, I fold each days outfit, including socks and undies, together. It saves a lot of rummaging through the dresser drawers.

I love the shoe organizer tip. I'm tempted to do that at home.
If you get the gallon size baggies, socks, underclothes, things like that will fit nicely in there. Also, I take a shoe box, and when I wanna save little souvenirs, like park maps, or pins, or soaps, or whatever else little trinket I find, I put in the shoe box to get it out of the way.

I usually use small shoe boxes, like a pair of those white KEDS come in, or a childs shoe box. Doesnt take alot of space, and fits nicely in suitcase.

Another clutter-saving tip I do is I get all travel size toothpaste, hairspray, other toiletries, and when it gets empty, just throw it away...that way you wont have a half of this, or a third of this bottle laying around. And travel size things are so cheap! :)
This keeps getting better! I love the shoebox idea! I always have that stuff everywhere.
I hate clutter in the room ! We unpack the suitcases, and put them in the closet...but leave 1 of them opened on the rack inside the closet. All the dirty clothes go here. I also designate an official "shoe corner" . In the bathroom I have a bag and DH has a shave kit, and we pack all but the wet things back into them prior to leaving in the am. Besides this it is a losing battle, I completly give up on the top of the dresser !
My brother gave me his old army duffle bag years ago (the kind with a draw string). It is huge. Anyway, I use it for the grocerys that we buy on the limo stop - rather than carry in lots of little plastic bags to the resorts, we stick them inside the duffle bag and pull the drawstring.

Once we get to our room and empty out the groceries. I hang the bag by its string and put dirty clothes in it for the trip home.

Have fun!
If you drive down, take a cardboard box with you and put it by the door. At the end of the day all the cameras, refillable mugs, fanny packs, etc go into it so they're ready for the next morning and nothing gets left behind.

I suppose you could do this with anything... empty suitcase, whatever. We've done this the last few years and it sure does save on plowing though everything in the morning to find one item while everyone's standing at the door yelling "C'mon!"

Definitely going to do the shoe holder over the door thing from now on. Great tip!
I always take a small plastic basket for shampoo, soap, lotion, sun screen, toothbrushes etc. We leave it on the bathroom counter that way it keeps everything together, and makes it a lot easier for the maid. When you travel with 2 teens there is a lot of clutter by the sinks!!!
Love the shoe rack idea, will definately have to try that when we go back this year for our wedding/honeymoon!

Since I've recently become addicted to scrapbooking, we always pack a couple of big manilla envelopes to save flat things in. Bags, postcards, menus, maps, receipts, etc. When we get home, I have all my scrapbook "stuff" together in one place.
The fold-up hampers sound great! I saw one in the laundry room at the Swan. It collapsed like one of those car window screens or Playhut structures. You just twisted it and it laid flat, but when it was open it stood on it's own. I'd love to find a couple of those for my next trip!
robinb, I have one of those fold-up hampers. I found it at Walmart in housewares. Planning to use it on our next trip. I posted to this thread a few days ago but apparently my post was lost when the boards went down. What I'm thinking about trying this trip are some of those hanging toiletries bags - I first saw them in LLBean but Walmart has a much less expensive version. (So if they don't work out very well I won't feel bad about getting rid of them.) If you're not familiar with these, they are zippered canvas bags with a flap that has a hook like a clothes hanger. There are several pockets, compartments, and loops inside to hold stuff like your shampoo, toothbrush, etc. We will probably stay at the All Stars or one of the moderates so I thought it would work well to hang these on the clothes rod next to the bathroom sink. That way all our stuff will be handy without taking up counterspace. I also like the ideas some of you posted about taking small boxes or baskets for stuff. I'm thinking a couple of small plastic boxes or baskets would be great in the nite stand drawer for my dh to empty his pockets into at the end of the day - his change and stuff usually winds up scattered all over. I could also use one to hold my jewelry at nite or while we're at the pool - no lost earrings. :) Would love to hear some more ideas.:)
To deal with the laundry issue, I bring large drawstring garbage we change, clothes get sorted into the appropriate bag---whites, light colors, dark colors, etc. When its time to pack, I just smush on the bags, and into the suitcase they go! (No sorting when we get home!!) Also, DH will immediately claim a glass for spare change, and uses the ice bucket tray to hold watch, wallet, etc. on the dresser. DD is always assigned an area to place her small toys, coloring things, etc.

Each of us has our own toiletry bag that has a flat bottom. Its placed near the sink when needed, and is then closed up and on the shelf in the closet if there isn't enough room to hold all of them. We all use the Disney shampoo, so that goes immediately into the tub area, along with plastic spring-type hanging clothespins on the hanging bar/shower curtain rod for hanging washcloths to drip dry, etc.

Shoes go into the designated area. Smaller suitcases live inside larger ones, and are then closed up and placed in the closet area or against a wall. I always take various sizes of Ziploc bags and I always wish I had a few more. The backpack to take in the park has certain things assigned to each pocket, and any drinks that we are taking with us into the park automatically go into a ziploc in case they leak.

Each nite as we wind down, and each moring before we leave, we have a 5 minute "Straighten up" rule--each person is responsible for his own things. After the evening check, I double check the backpack for the next day, and we're all set! If things get lost or misplaced, my dd has learned its her own fault!
AUGH my hubby is a nightmare to travel with we dont often stay in hotels but staying at my mother in laws is just as nice as far as service goes LOL! She has a separate room for my 5 yr which she keeps up and my daughter is still in a pack n play in our room there. Anyways she gives us in our room 2 full dressers fresh towels everything. Well I unpack myself and DD he just throws his stuff all over the room!

Sadly he is even worse when we vacation! I mean he leaves piles EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!! Little piles of reciepts and change on the tv on the vanity etc etc......


I at least TRY to keep my stuff off the floor and organized!

I am deffinitly printing your tips to use to try to keep our stay pleasant! Theres nothing like an hour before check out realizing you have crap from one end of the room to the other!
...This is a tip for people driving or with rental cars - Take a few medium size Rubbermaid storage boxes and use them to pack stuff on the way down. After you empty them out in the room, keep them in your car (especially good for vans!), and store all of your Disney purchases in them. This keeps would-be thiefs from seeing bags in your car, and from worrying about leaving your purchases in your room while you are gone. Since they are usually colored boxes, most people don't even think about what could be in them!

Last time we went to Disney we took quarters and pennies for the penny press machines. We used the tubes from the mini m&m's to store the quarters in and it worked wonderful. On a smaller scale you could also use the film canisters you get when you buy film however this would never have held enough quarters for us.:rolleyes:


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