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Okay, the only cringe moment I can think of right now......I am sure more will come to mind.

I was at Earl of Sandwich with my family waiting for our order. A family (Mother, young child, and grandmother maybe) sitting at a table across from us were eating their meal. They had a small child with them which looked about 2-3 years old. The mother would hand the child the condiment bottles and the child would suck on them. As the adults ate the child had every condiment bottle and had sucked from them. As they finished eating the mother took the condiment bottles and put them back in their holder before they left. So, remember only to use packet condiments while at Disney! :thumbsup2

By the way, as soon as the family left my wife went and got the condiments off that table and took them to an employee expaining why she was turning them in.
My last trip there was obese rude French guy that was yelling at make a wish kid in wheelchair while changing a baby on top of a water fountain.
So, remember only to use packet condiments while at Disney! :thumbsup2

By the way, as soon as the family left my wife went and got the condiments off that table and took them to an employee expaining why she was turning them in.

Tell your wife thank you. Geez, this thread is incredible! I just CAN'T believe that people are SO nasty! I'm getting more germophobic as we speak. And I already carry Purell and use it obsessively!

My last trip there was obese rude French guy that was yelling at make a wish kid in wheelchair while changing a baby on top of a water fountain.

I am offended that you assume, based on the poster's choice of words that they are an insensitive homophobe!

Don't be an ***. Nobody said anything of the sort. One person said, essentially, that anybody can adopt. The next person respectfully disagreed, saying essentially that gays living in some parts of the country cannot adopt.

edit - not sure why this attributes the quote to barleyjack; the words i quoted were posted by disneynutinnj, and that is who i was advising not to be an ***.
Thank GOD someone actually spoke up. What is with people?? They act like if you are thick/fat/pooh/BBW that you are gross. I don't understand it. Now, I agree that everyone, regardless of size, should be tactful in appearance....but why is the word "fat" (or the likes therof) used to degrade the situation or make it seem worse?

Are people really THAT clueless to the billions of dollars a year that are made on the likeness of BBW and BHM? There is a huge market for this.....and the market eixists for a reason - contrary to popular belief.....there ARE people who like it. Imagine that.

What sense of entitlement do some of you have to tell me that Im gross just because Im fat???? I'm 5ft 6in and 275 lbs of blonde hair, big breasts, and a curvy rear. I am HAPPY. Im not a bombshell to everyone....but to many I am.......and comments about large people just appall would a comment about someone who looks "too skinny and needs a burger".

Does it ever occur to any of you that maybe some of us large people are quite fine with the way we are? It doesn't give us the right to sport around in bikini's tugged up in our cracks any more than it givs you the right to comment on how gross we are bcause we are bigger than you. Again.....TACT.

Its cultural. God forbid you ever see us at a buffet.....I guess you'd vomit.

What if I were laughing at you or calling you gross because you were bony, had no breasts, a flat butt or any other reason related to appearance? How would you feel?

There are folks who find something attractive about the physical apearance of ALL body types. Those of you who don't undrstand that concept display a severe sign of ignorance to reality.

Not being hygenic makes one gross. Being large does not. No one says that you must like large people....and you can certainely think they are gross if you want to.....but it sure must be a sad, sad way to live your life being that we are in a country where 60% of its population is overweight. I can't imagine being grossed out evey day of my life.

I would never donn a white mini-skirt and a in thong in Disney, and the girl should have known does that make her gross? Are average sized people gross when they do that? Then whats the need to point out that she was fat? You won't sit in a ride after her.....but you'd share a pool and facilties with her if she were in a bathing suit? Is there really that much difference??

I have thoroughly enjoyed this thread and its entertaining stories and I hope there are more to come....but lets not be disrespectful ourselves when pointing out the disrespect of others.

If you're going to tell me Im least give me a legitimate reason why.

I'll have a triple layered twinkie covered brownie now.

Well said!!!
These diaper changing stories are really beginning to gross me out. Where do these people come from? If I ever see this happen, I vow to immediately say something to the offending party, and to report them immediately after that.
I might have the diaper story beat. While EATING dinner at the Cape May Cafe one evening, the family right next to us decided to put their child on the floor right next to our table and proceed to change his #2 diaper. We almost barfed from the smell. I couldn't believe the lack of class and consideration. Needless to say, our dinner was ruined.
You know, I often think people are overreacting when they say a loud child at a nearby table "ruined" their meal, but in the case of a diaper change, I agree. That would definitely ruin my dinner! :eek: :sick:

I once worked at Country Bear Jamboree and saw a woman change her child's diaper on the bench next to her during the show. I kept a close eye on her, and sure enough, as the show let out she left the soiled diaper on the bench behind her. I simply walked over to the diaper, smiled, and in my biggest, most booming voice, said, "Excuse me, ma'am! I think you forgot something!" She turned around (along with about 50 other people) to see me looking at the diaper. The look of sheer horror on her face as she realized she was busted was absolutely priceless.
Good for you!! :thumbsup2 :lmao:

Seriously?!?!? Now this PC crap has gone WAY too far. Why must things be read with the intention of being offended? Who says that there is no way to ADOPT said children and this "have" them, eh?

I am offended that you assume, based on the poster's choice of words that they are an insensitive homophobe!

Some people need to get off the high horse, lighten up, and enjoy the stories.
I didn't get that from BarleyJack's post at all. I thought he was just pointing out (politely and calmly, by the way), that in some states, some people are not allowed to adopt due to their sexual orientation. Which is the truth.
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