"Critters" are eating my flowers...help!!!

busy mom

Mar 30, 2001
So I go out to weed and find that the buds/flowers have been eaten off of a bunch of my flowers. It could be deer, bunnies, birds, I have no clue.

Any ideas???
With rabbits munching down on flowers I've had success using bloodmeal around the plants. You'll have to reapply after rain however.
Try mixing one egg, one cup milk, 1 Tbl. liquid dish soap, 1 Tbl. vegetable oil. Shake well to mix, strain (because of the egg) and add to one gallon of water. Sprinkle on plants. Has to be redone after heavy rains.
Deer nibbling on our green tomatoes!! dh so mad!
Someone told us today to put human hair around the plants?? Don't know if it actually works?

Deer nibbling on our green tomatoes!! dh so mad!
Someone told us today to put human hair around the plants?? Don't know if it actually works?


I have friends that swear by this method, they do this at there cottage since they aren't there to constantly monitor.
I know the frustration! We have a crazy surge of Japanese beetles here. I can honestly say that Ive never seen them (or atleast not really paid attention to them) until this year. There are so many, almost like when secada season comes every 7 years. I bought huge gorgeous hanging baskets that were upwards of $30 a pop and they ate/destroyed both. :mad:

My mom has been having the same problems with her roses and other flowering plants. I think her intruders are critters too. She has been sprinkling red pepper flakes and peppercorn balls around the base of the plants and they stay away. :confused3

Im sure you will get some better advice though, Im not much of a gardener.
you can also tie some tin pie plates around it so in the wind, they knock against one another and make noise. That's what my grandfather used to use to keep away the deer.
If you're going to set up a free buffet, why are you complaining that it is being used? <evil grin>
Thanks for the replies!

I cleaned my daughters hairbrush (yuck) and placed the hair around the flowers. Fingers crossed this does the trick. If not, I will try the egg/milk/oil/dish soap mix.

My grandmother used to fill 2 liter soda bottles with water (about 3/4 full) and lay them down on their sides about 4 feet apart across the front of her flower bed. She never had a problem with animals eating her flowers after that - and she lived across from a huge wooded area.
Your local ag extension service or community Master Gardeners can offer free help to figure out who's doing the nibbling, and give you some tips on discouraging them. Our Master Gardeners rotate around the local libraries to be available for walk-up questions.
I'd guess you problem is squirrels, rather than deer. Deer will frequently eat ornamentals down to the ground, while squirrels will nip off the flower or buds. Each spring I can tell who's chomping on my tulips: all gone = deer, pitiful stems without flowers = squirrels.
Any tips for groundhogs?

Last fall there was one who burrowed under DH's old shed. We just left it alone.

I'm not sure if it's the same one this year, but we have a new shed, and there's another groundhog hole.

This morning I took my little dog outside, and there were 2 groundhogs sitting side by side eating grass.

I don't mind them, but I'd hate for them to chew a hole in the floor of DH's new expensive shed like they did with his old one. They are so cute though.
I used bloodmeal one year (I think I had squirrels) and it worked. Also planting marigolds around veggies keep some critters away.
If you have pets, you can also brush them and put their fur around your flowers. We do that for my mil when we visit her.
If you have pets, you can also brush them and put their fur around your flowers. We do that for my mil when we visit her.

If you don't have a dog, borrow a neighbors and let it make some "marks" around your yard. I just had a neighbor do this w/her dog. Hopefully it will keep the deer and rabbits away.

I also need to dug up and toss my hostas. I only have two, but evidently they are like deer-nip. This year has been bad; the deer have found them, nibbled them to the mulch and are using my back yard as their restroom - yuck!
I know I'm going to spell this wrong, but particularly if it is rabbits munching on your "posies" get a bag of Malorgonite - it is treated waste actually, and sold in big bags at places like Home Depot. take a cup and pour around the flowers. I know Mr. Fix It has talked about this also as a fertilizer, but I know rabbits don't like the smell. I had used up our bag last year, well this year I forgot and the rabbits wiped out $20 of daisies. Not easily daunted, I replanted and my neighbor gave me a few cups to spread around the daisies - the one drawbag is it is a big 15 - 20 lb bag. Sure enough, no more raids on the daisies.
Liquid Fence or Plantskyd. Both can be found at gardening store. Liquid Fence smells worse at first. Plantskyd does stain blooms for a while. (it is made from blood). I use both and both keep deer and rabbits away. For beetles or other bugs use Eight.

These are all spray on products.


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