Cruise and Theme Park Operational Updates due to Coronavirus

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This is all good to hear. Were rules being enforced for people breaking them? This is my biggest concern as I consider whether to cancel what I already have planned for February (a hotel and flights). Also I am sorry if I'm coming off as trying to cause drama. I was beginning to plan a trip for the first time in my adult life earlier this year, so you can imagine that I'm trying to be cautious and may not know as much as frequet people on this board... I came here to try to get information about Disney.
It was one day. You will still have 6 plus mos of data to make your decision.
you are 100% correct it did happen - if it was for 10 min or 1 second it did happen. I will say though that yesterday was CMs and their guests (up to 3 guests per CM, I believe) so good chance the majority of people in that photo don't work for Disney and everyone appears to have a mask on

And even if they were CMs they are also human and emotions, slips ups are going to happen. If the benchmark is that 100% of the rules are followed 100% of the time then it just won't be met and Disney shouldn't reopen (nor should anything else).

But from what I saw from watching many, many sources yesterday the rules were being followed and enforce like 95% of the time - is that perfect? No, but pretty darn good and with the low capacity if an individual wants to follow the rules 100% of the time they will be able to. If you aren't comfortable with that, then you shouldn't go - which especially given the numbers for Florida is more than a reasoable take. If one does go I truly hope they follow the rules, are kind to the CMs and other guests, and do their best to self quarantine when they return home.
If 95% of the US could follow the mask and social distancing rules that Disney put in place yesterday, we’d be in a much better place as a country 😂
If someone decides not to go on their trip because they are not comfortable with what they are seeing, why are people trying to convince them to still go? These things WILL happen. Human nature and unavoidable. If it happened during the CM preview, it will surely happen when the general public is there.

I do think this was an isolated incident yesterday after a storm. But things like this could happen (it storms a lot ...) and if someone is uncomfortable with that, they should not go.

What happened to “if you’re not comfortable, don’t go?” Now people are trying to convince someone who says they’re not comfortable going because of something they saw that they should be.
I don’t think ppl are trying to convince anyone to go but rather say saying don’t judge anyone else going based on one pic. I think the biggest point is we get it, some ppl think wdw shouldn’t open &/or they won’t go. That’s great, but leave the rest of us alone & stop searching for the “I told ya so” pics.
But the picture happened. Disney didnt plan for that (which is ok), but the people who are supposed to be enforcing those rules when they return to work dont seem to care enough to follow themselves. Thats the bigger problem.

Now imagine the general population where many people still believe this isnt a do you think theybwill react, especially knowing theyve paid $100 plus a day to attend.

One bad apple isnt gonna ruin it, but common sense would tell us this is going to be an issue if the cast members cant even do it.
I agree, but when you comment on the picture, you will get backlash for being negative. How is Disney going to enforce anything if they can't even get there own employees to abide.
This is all good to hear. Were rules being enforced for people breaking them? This is my biggest concern as I consider whether to cancel what I already have planned for February (a hotel and flights). Also I am sorry if I'm coming off as trying to cause drama. I was beginning to plan a trip for the first time in my adult life earlier this year, so you can imagine that I'm trying to be cautious and may not know as much as frequet people on this board... I came here to try to get information about Disney.
If I were you, I would closely watch any Disney World videos on YouTube to help you make an informed opinion. Only you know the level of exposure you are willing to risk. Just keep an eye on it until your trip gets closer.
Unfortunately the virus, which is indeed serious to certain members of society, has turned into a political football and the only information we can count on is misinformation, even from the same people or groups.

That being said, if someone is concerned about the safety of their trip then that concern is valid as no one can really question another’s thoughts or concerns.

I would caution the idea of looking forward to a perfect trip however. The best made plans for a Disney trip can blow up through no ones fault. Sick kids, missed buses, down rides are unavoidable. Remember, nothing will be perfect but a day in the Magic Kingdom is almost always better than a day at work.
This is all good to hear. Were rules being enforced for people breaking them? This is my biggest concern as I consider whether to cancel what I already have planned for February (a hotel and flights). Also I am sorry if I'm coming off as trying to cause drama. I was beginning to plan a trip for the first time in my adult life earlier this year, so you can imagine that I'm trying to be cautious and may not know as much as frequet people on this board... I came here to try to get information about Disney.

I would not base your decision regarding a February trip on what you saw in pictures and videos yesterday. February is seven months away and so many things can change in that period of time. Seven months prior to now was January 2020. I don't know about you, but never in my wildest dreams did I think we would be dealing with all of this back in January of this year! Personally, I would not book anything now that isn't refundable. Give yourself enough flexibility to keep an eye on the situation and be able to cancel or reschedule with as little financial penalty as possible.
If I were you, I would closely watch any Disney World videos on YouTube to help you make an informed opinion. Only you know the level of exposure you are willing to risk. Just keep an eye on it until your trip gets closer.
yes, we have a great example with our own DisUnplugged team. They went to AP previews for Universal and felt it was way to crowded and even said so, then they went after and praised how low capacity was and how well everything was being run
For myself I have been to openings now at Universal, Sea World and now Disney and SW was a mess first day, then a week or so later was much better run. Disney yesterday was amazing and I'm going tomorrow for AP preview and then Monday on a regular operational day and I will be streaming so you, for yourself, can watch and make a decision
What bugs me the most about this article is the numbers on park capacity within no mention of how reduced that capacity will be right now. So, to the uninformed reader, it looks like wdw might be welcoming back 93 million on Saturday. 🙄
of course. But that's not as fun of a story, and generate clicks
Near the beginning of the article

businesses, and reopening its signature tourist attraction — with restricted capacity

Disney hasn't released any specific data regarding numbers. The story seems fair to me.
As a Floridian I am extremely concerned about the virus whether it spikes or not. It’s invisible and it’s everywhere. I do feel that the theme parks are pretty safe compared to other businesses. It’s all about personal responsibility. Follow the CDC guidelines and make YOUR decision on what you feel comfortable doing. As others have stated it’s pretty easy to avoid a bottleneck in a crowded attraction. Just walk away. At least it’s outside. I don’t judge anyone on their decision to do what’s right for themselves. I just saw on tv we may be wearing masks for years even with a vaccine hopefully by year end. It’s about adapting to the circumstances. Some are doing well with it and others are not. Cast previews are being done to be able to identify areas of concern that come up and rectifying them. Side note: cast members are being given the choice if they want a face shield even in areas where they’re not required. Disney takes the safety of cast and guests very seriously. This is sadly our new normal for the foreseeable future.
The privilege to have expert and first hand knowledge on a subject like something as trivial as Disney Park Ops has helped make it abundantly clear and depressing to me how hypocritical and judgemental the world is. I try to keep an open mind on everything and realize that ultimately I know nothing. But the court of public opinion is loud an vicious. I don’t necessarily care how wrong people outside of this message board are about their Disney opinions. But seeing people with no idea what they are talking about rip us to shreds makes me want to take a step back from my other opinions.
I’m sorry to see how much the negative press is getting to you. All I can say is it is a good window into how the world of social media can so easily distort. You were there and had a positive experience, right? Today it doesn’t really matter what the reality is. Everybody has access to a bully pulpit and can pretty much say whatever they want, almost unchecked. And then you have people who just lap up whatever they see and build on it. Like what I was saying yesterday regarding virus numbers, sometimes it feels like we all live in different realities. Scary.
but I do have to say as a media company Disney should be prepared for this with campaigns aimed at customer confidence and counter narrative. As I have also said before I am more than a little surprised how there comms have been handled all along.
haters gonna hate. Hang in there...
Give it time. WDW is a business and the Profit and Loss statement will dictate the necessity of having customers come to their parks and not just at 30, or 50, or 75% capacity. They need 80%+ capacity on a regular basis to exist and stay afloat. When 15-20% of the paying public at the parks decide that they are not going to wear a mask then the mask issue will go away. Along with that, if WDW does not bring back fireworks, parades, and if waits for rides exceed 2 hours on the majority of rides in all of their parks, and wait times for transportation is extended, then customers will find a different avenue for entertainment and WDW will be forced to adjust. People have "freaked" out due to the media without rationally thinking for themselves. Profits dictate companies and companies have to give the public what they want or the company will cease to exist. Free enterprise, supply and demand, and Show Me the Money, always wins.
As a Floridian I am extremely concerned about the virus whether it spikes or not. It’s invisible and it’s everywhere. I do feel that the theme parks are pretty safe compared to other businesses. It’s all about personal responsibility. Follow the CDC guidelines and make YOUR decision on what you feel comfortable doing. As others have stated it’s pretty easy to avoid a bottleneck in a crowded attraction. Just walk away. At least it’s outside. I don’t judge anyone on their decision to do what’s right for themselves. I just saw on tv we may be wearing masks for years even with a vaccine hopefully by year end. It’s about adapting to the circumstances. Some are doing well with it and others are not. Cast previews are being done to be able to identify areas of concern that come up and rectifying them. Side note: cast members are being given the choice if they want a face shield even in areas where they’re not required. Disney takes the safety of cast and guests very seriously. This is sadly our new normal for the foreseeable future.
As a fellow Floridian I agree 100%

I felt much safer at Disney hotels and DS 2 weeks ago then some of the places I go around here in Palm Beach.

Like D'Amaro said in the news article this morning we are going to have to learn to adapt to this.
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