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This next two are half way decent
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Fourth Fastpass down, I logged into the My Disney Experience app and found one for The Laugh Floor. Tip tap, snagged it! Yes, we were now criss crossing which is what I avoid when I plan trips. However, after those first three Fastpasses, we pretty much take what is still available even if it means going all the way across the park.

Laugh Floor is hilarious no matter how many times you experience it.
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The next two pictures in my camera roll is of this beauty. Ahhhh, the Orange Citrus Swirl from Sunshine Tree Terrace. I'm normally a dole ship kind of gal but I took a chance on the swirl and boy was I glad that I did. It was amazing! It was pretty strong orange-wise but I love anything orange or lemon so this was perfect for me. I don't have a picture of what John ordered but I do remember that it wasn't the same as mine.
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**Up next: Yippee Ki Ya! Hitting the Trails!
When I make Fastpasses, I try to keep them all in one area of the park so that we aren't zig zagging and criss crossing too much.

Me too! No sense on criss-crossing unless they are spread out time wise and you can work your way that way doing other attractions on the way.

(get a bear)

LOL! Got it!



That looks like a TON of food!

Haunted Mansion is another classic and I'm glad that John will tolerate it for me.

He only tolerates it?! LOL! Blasphemy!

Peter Pan's Flight was available so I snagged it and then we were on our way.

Nice! Those are hard to get!

My fear of heights kicks in as soon as I walk into a building and I can see down.

wow, that's some fear of heights!

We went with the traditional gingerbread.

Always a good choice!

Hi Happy!

That's super cute!

Not a bad shot! I have a super hard time getting anything quality in there. But have a new lens and did okay this time.

found one for The Laugh Floor. Tip tap, snagged it!

Look at you go!

I've never had one of those. Are they made with Fanta? It looks carbonated.
Yippee Ki Ya! Hitting the Trails!

Looking at my pictures did absolutely nothing to help me remember what we did after having a snack. There are none from the time we had our delicious treats until it was time to head to our dinner.

I have this one and it's of window decorations.
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This trip was all about doing new things. Things that may not be new to Walt Disney World but new to John and I. This evening, I booked an ADR at a new to us restaurant. In order to get there, we'd have to take a boat ride. I took this crappy picture from the boat.

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Our dinner reservation was at Trail's End. We were a few minutes early but were seated immediately. Our waiter came over and took our drink orders and then directed us to the buffet. I took very few pictures.

This is caesar salad, potato salad, boiled shrimp and cocktail sauce.

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Assorted meats, mashed potatoes, and a few veggies.

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And a variety of desserts.

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They had a notation on our reservation that we were celebrating our anniversary and they brought out this Mickey shaped cake. It was as hard as a rock and, basically, not edible.
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Every review that I had read of Trail's End was good and I'll add my thumbs up review as well. Everything but the anniversary cake was great. I'd definitely go back again.

**Up next: John, I and thousands of our closest friends!


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I've only ever eaten from there as take out chicken dinner a million years ago and it was very decent. It's a nice choice for campground stayers. (Like we were) Glad you could give it a thumbs up!
So glad to see you updating again! We understand why since life is so busy. Hope John is ok. Just have to add that we are going back to Disney in 3 weeks. I am having a crown fixed right before we go and will have a temporary one when we go. You can bet I will be bringing the super glue....all of your long time readers will understand this! :rolleyes1:D
Man...i'm all caught up. Just found your report and read it all in one sitting. Y'all are adorable!!!! I can't wait to read more.
BTW...don't feel bad about the gingerbread...I don't like it either, but I do love the smell of it.
So glad to see you back and reporting! I hope they figure out what is going on with John! Enjoying your trip report very much!
So it looks like I have gotten behind here since the summer. YIKES!

Hope that you are able to get some answers about John and his seizures.

A very belated Happy Anniversary to you. Thanks for sharing the details about your lake house/New Orleans trip. I've never been to New Orleans, so it was fun reading about your experiences.

Back to your Disney trip:

It has been ages since I have been on Kali. Personally, I don't mind being wet after the ride (at least in warm weather), but my family doesn't like it. Sometimes we bring a change of clothes. But it is not worth a fast pass for us or waiting in the standby line, so we usually skip it. You definitely have a great chance of getting wet, but it is nothing like the Popeye/Bluto ride at Universal's Islands of Adventure. There you get BEYOND soaked!

We have watched Flights of Wonder exactly once. Mark and I went during our 2016 anniversary trip. We loved the show, I'm bummed that a new show replaced it.

I loved your traditional (replacement) photos on the Asia trail, as well as the one of the beautiful tiger.

Rivers of Life was just ok for me. Part of it was that my group was standby, so we were there about an hour early- too much waiting time for the show to start.


You did a great job hitting the classic rides at Magic Kingdom that morning. Snagging that bonus Peter Pan FP is awesome!

That's nice that you took some time to visit GF and see the gingerbread house. Amazing!

I think you might enjoy breakfast at Trail's End better. Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day and we were not disappointed at Trail's End. Plus no one was there, probably because it is not easy to get to in the morning.
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Hey Howdy Hey!

I have absolutely no right to ask if you guys missed me 'cause I've been gone for freakin' evah. Every time I would think, "I've got a minute to spare. I'll go write on the Disboards" something would happen and I'd have to tend to it. John is still going to the doctor to figure out what's up with his facial twitches which led to stress which led to high blood pressure and the need to find a new general practitioner. Mama has been having some issues as well and, you guessed it, I'm the one handling everything. In the meantime, we have had tornados and severe thunderstorms and floods sweep through our area and the surrounding area. A huge tree fell in our yard....I'm talking like a humongously biggly big tree. We are still cleaning that mess up.

On the flip side, we are all doing fairly well. My business has been doing well and for that I am grateful. That bit of extra income sure does help when John is having to take off an average of four to five days a month with his medical issues. That may not sound like a lot but 9 hour days X his hourly pay rate, it does hit the pocketbook.

If any of you are still out there, thank you! I'm working on an update now and I hope to have it up very soon!
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John and I and thousands of our closest friends!

After dinner at Trail's End, we took the boat back over to the Magic Kingdom. We had a show to see...a "new to us" show. I don't know about you but when Disney announced that they would be replacing Wishes with a new nighttime spectacular, I was anything but pleased. I love(d) Wishes and I couldn't imagine any other show being done as well. Tonight, we would find out if Disney held up to their promise that this would blow our socks off. Okay, so maybe they didn't use those exact words but you know what I am getting at.

We walked down Main Street and decided that the best thing to do was just stop and wait because the crowds were already forming in the middle of Main Street. No need to try to swim upstream and find a different vantage spot.

The castle was GORGEOUS! Absolutely gorgeous!

The looks on the guests facing coming towards us weren't so gorgeous. They looked tired and over it.


Y'all, the castle was so pretty that I couldn't stop taking pictures of it.



The crowds continued to build while we waited. See how thick the crowds around us were.


I turned my camera around and took a shot of the people behind us.

I then held the camera up high so I could get a picture of those in front of us. Wowzers! John and I and thousands of our closest friends.

Soon, the castle show began!


Continued in next post
John and I and thousands of our closest friends continued

Let me go ahead and apologize now because I'm about to post a lot of pictures. Lots of them. Because, in the first time in foreverrrrrrrr (admit it you sang that part didn't you?) my pictures came out decent. Usually fireworks and nighttime pictures suck.

Continued in next post
John and I and thousands of our closest friends continued

This next set of pictures didn't turn out too well. I think that maybe I took them with my point and shoot and didn't have it on the right settings but they are kinda cool and finish up the story so I'm posting them anyway.

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As soon as the fireworks were over, we scooted over to the sidewalk and tried to stay out of the way while the hoards of other guests filed past us. Did we love the new show as well as Wishes? Absolutely! Disney did a great job.

We people watched until the crowds got thinner and then made our way to the front of the park.
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Uh, I should take out that last one because it's blurry. We made a pit stop before treking to the bus stops.

**Up next: Turn around tired eyes! Every now and then I fall apart!



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